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All RODIN needs is a brief description, a 2D image and within seconds it will generate a 3D mesh asset with the desired amount of polygons that can be exported in formats compatible with Maya/3DSMAX/Blender/etc.
It's currently in a semi-public beta where people can apply, releasing next month.
This is just generation 1 but it's already this good.

How will this affect the 3D artists?
Mass layoffs in the 3D industry expected?
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It can do more than objects, japanese on twitter have been testing it and it seems it can do anime characters fairly well and pokemon/palworld type monsters quite well too.
You end with a full mesh with clean topology of said character.
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The less people know about this, the better for people in the 3d business.
This can generate amazing results way faster than people, and the topology quality is near perfect too.
Procedural generation/scanning has been a thing since 3DCG was invented. Surprised it took AI this long when half the work is math and software already.
imagine the porn
Until we can run these AI models locally this shit will always be censored.
No those were character creator, AI is a fake idea and steals 3D models. If you try to say Mikey Mouse (A public domain character) you get nothing because no one has made him in 3D.
>it's already this good.
does it pass the "3d turing test"? (aka a blender doughnut)
Whenever people talk about a new generative AI that will cause massive layouts, a bunch of legal barriers appear on the way once it gets popular enough. Either that or it's not as good as people claim it to be. Being only used to recreate models that have already been done to death and not much else.
AI is fake and gay. Do you know about the thing where a monkey with an typewriter would write every book in the world? The same thing also works with indians and is actually real. Every piece of AI work is in reality made by one of the billion indians pressing random buttons on an computer and the best result is presented to you.
We both know thats a cope, and a bad one at that, start adapting to the changes or you'll be left behind.
>start adapting
But I don't wanna make badly textured low detail messy models that have weird baked in lighting artifacts, poorly defined edges and topology :(
> AI is fake and gay. Do you know about the thing where a monkey with an typewriter would write every book in the world?
Sounds like you're confused about AI. It's not randomly generating shit. There's nothing random in how it works.
NTA, but randomness is in fact essential to how it works, doubly so in diffusion-based models
That anon doesn't seem to realize that this property of machine learning was copied from human neurology, where randomness is likewise essential
its gonna need to shit out fully rigged and deformable meshes with minimal cleanup
>the topology quality is near perfect too.
No. Months and months ago they showed off these 3D generators and everyone laughed at the topology, and a couple of weeks later "wow the topology is fixed", and it looks exactly like these examples.
You know what these examples look like? They look like someone ran a quad remesher over a shitty model. That's not good topology, that's not clean topology, and I highly doubt that this isn't some kind of off the shelf quad remesher that gets added on after the model gets generated.
It can fool retards who don't know what they're looking at (you) but just looking like a bunch of squares isn't good topology.

That's actually not true, randomness is added later. image generators without added randomness are deterministic. Making it random tricks retards into think there's something extra special about it. Probably also hits the same dopamine pathways as gambling.
You've been saying that for over a year now and the most popular creations are still made by people actively participating in the creation process, and even using software that hasn't had any major automation for a while now.
People who know what they're doing don't need to "adapt", they just do keep doing they're doing.
>They look like someone ran a quad remesher over a shitty model
Exactly this lmao
I was reading an article on Adobe's AI 3d generator, and they mentioned that it was too difficult to get satisfying results simply because there isn't enough high quality 3d models to train the ai on, unlike 2d art.
>there isn't enough high quality 3d models
I'm glad they are pussying out of training on ripped models from games, at least for now
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That red creature is from palworld.
Well duh, Maya, 3DMAX, CAD files are protected property and Autodesk can sue Adobe for damages. The ones in Turbosquid are junk blender users with zero CGI understandings.
If you enjoy educated people working in 3D shitting on AI slop this guy has you covered

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