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she go to the store to buy bread and milk
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gets lost in the internet, posts less than 6 images on 4chan
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The bread isle is blocked by a lost lady knight looking for a squire
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draw her giving birth
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let me know what level of completion per drawing is good
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should we lead to it somehow?
this is fine desu if you've gotta churn them out
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Knight lady asks the heavily pregnant gal at the supermarket if she'd like to be her squire.
Indeed, she's on a quest of great import and urgency, there's no time to waste! She has seen the signs, the gods directed her to this place to find crucial help.
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Suddenly, a young teenaged high elf enters the scene exclaiming:

"Wait! Miss Knight! I- I heard you were looking for a Squire!!! Uhhmm I- it looks like you found this other lady as your squire but... Can I also accompany you in your journey? I have an assignment that requires me to work with a knight or on-duty patrol officers. Seeing you're the closest. I insist I accompany You, Miss Knight, and your squire as part of your retinue. I do know how to swing a sword but also posses spells in hand."

The young elven lad looks at the pregnant lady. "And it seems you might also need extra assistance as well." He says.
knight roundhouse kicks the baby out
She complete her shopping, and offer this nice but strange and obviously confused lady to drive her... wherever she need to be.
What's that on the road? A wild magical rift? Oh no!
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We will combine these two requests. Both are great.
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I should probably think of some clothes for her...
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I think this will do for clothes.
pleated knee-length skirt
sweater vest
knee socks
some of those easy to draw generic skateborder shoes, i think they call them vans in the states
>> 8168146

Keep her ditzy and nude
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I went with something much quicker to draw
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I love the idea... but maybe for a little bit realism, add skin tight clothes like this?
have the knight girl get some princessification. (meaning turn her into a super girly girl in a big fluffy dress with bows and lacey goodness)
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I'm not sure if this is a good idea, to break the cohesiveness of the story. Right now it is having a pretty good storytelling.
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She's working out at the gym when her new partner gives her a bad case of Breast Envy.
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word of advice, "now draw her giving birth" is a twitter meme made to mock how often artists get instantly pushed into hardcore fetish art and is usually never meant unironically

Person calling is Miss Knight's boyfriend, he is buff and handsome and tall. MC blushes when seeing him.
Thanks for that. I had a feeling it wasn't serious... especially considering the frog...
wait so who impregnated her?
Yo, put in DIO from jojo’s Bizarre Adventure in here.
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I'm really enjoying this. If you guys like it, let's keep at it. I'm drawing every day, so I can continue the story tomorrow.
May I make a suggestion? Rivals or antagonists to our trio of heroes?

>Our trip of heroes set out for their quest but bump into their rivals, a power couple. Both are vampires, a female vampire and her younger boyfriend recently turned fledgling vampire. (AI image generated image related for reference)
>The two of them mock and jeer at our heroes for they claim they'll be the ones to be more successful than our three heroes

Just wanted an excuse or any reason to have a Villain Lower Couple who despite being the foil to our heroes, love each other.
maybe make him a goblin instead of an elf?
also maybe find some way to magic the preg away since anon was memeing
>maybe make him a goblin instead of an elf?
Nah! Can't we stick with the male high elf instead? Attractive male for once and not some ugly and conventionally unattractive race for the sake of 'relatability.' I'm already a 4 out of 10 in real lif, I'd rather indulge in unrelatable and 'unrealistic' beauty and sexiness than indulge in a uggo orcs or gobbos who already look like me IRL at 03:00AM in the end of my graveyard shifts.

>*Just wanted an excuse or any reason to have a Villain Lower Couple
Stupid fucking touche screen keyboard! I meant to type:

Just wanted an excuse or any reason to have a Villain Power Couple who despite being the foil to our heroes, love each other.
You should probably establish rules of some sort, else it'll quickly devolve into a clusterfuck. Even simply just picking the offered -you- prefer to draw while keeping things vaguely cohesive and enjoyable. You can't please everyone, and sooner or later you'll get swamped with shitposts and troll awshers because someone bored was passing by and decided to derail the whole thing for the fun.
emergency thread bump
says he's been looking for adventurers worthy of his services. they ask why would they need him, especially for a supermarket quest, he displays his penis to convince them.
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Good point. I will just remove the pregnacy.
I agree. That's why I didn't want to go to: >>8168259
Honestly this is going much better than I expected. There is a really cool sense of story so far, and I would love it to stay cohesive.
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This is /aco/, you're inevitably going to get fetish shit. If you just keep it to a consistent storyline that lacks anything sexual, most people are going to lose interest.
it can be sexual without any deviant fetishes. yes you will find threads with idiot fetishes, but 90% of the audience here is still normal people and vanilla male-female sex will be most appreciated by everyone including the wierd fetishists.
The high elf then only now notices the other girl and for some reason he cannot explain to himself. He seems to be smitten or finds the regular girl... Attractive. He doesn't know why but he just finds the regular shopping girl cute.

As for the shopping girl, she is still processing the fact she has an otherworldly beautiful female knight and now a shockingly attractive high elf guy who looks like he's just straight out of graduating high school. Shopping girl is now trying to hatch a plan to get the lady knight and the elf boy into her house for some... "Adventure briefing" and some coffee.
I don't mind fetish shit, I'm very perverted myself. I just like the idea of making it a cohesive story so that it is more believable.
I like vanilla sex although I'd definitely add some twist to it to make it more interesting.
I really like the ideas, although I'm gonna squeeze one more sexy moment here before we change the location. I do have a little idea that will add to building the personalities of all the involved.

Also, everyone, let's start thinking of names for the heroes. I will make little panels with their traits, and a little background so we know who we deal with.
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Get naked
>Knight Veronica
maybe throw the facelessfags a bone and give the knight a helmet (bucket helms are easy to draw, and you can always do expressions with the eye holes, or make the helmet blush if necessary)
I do REALLY like the idea
It's a bummer your thread was deleted on /d/.
>Also, everyone, let's start thinking of names for the heroes.
Damn, I'm late.
>Elf's name is Timbo"
But I would highly suggest the high elf's name be "Teagan Raloyra." But I guess it could be simplified as Timbo coined in by Camry, the shopping gal. Plus the name "Teagan Raloyra" was a fancy schmancy fantasy name I used for a long-time-ago elf character many years ago. So elf's name is Teagan "Timbo" Raloyra, since that does sound like an elvish name, right?
It's a bummer but I think it might be because I'm not a Japanese artist. Someone told me at some point that /d/ is specifically designated for japanese hentai. I love aco though so it's not a big deal!
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I love the faceless idea.
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looking good!
The night may need a monster to slay... or maybe tame? Could give the night a "sword" to tame the beast.
She unscrews her sword pommel to reveal a miniature dildo. This will be plot-relevant in 100 posts.
>although I'm gonna squeeze one more sexy moment here before we change the location. I do have a little idea that will add to building the personalities of all the involved.
Bumping and eager to see what you cook up. Keep it up!
how relevant are we talking here?
>page 8

it begins here:
I'm thinking she will have him clean her boot, or take it off and massage her foot, or maybe something else? That situation will make Camry shocked a bit but also horny and embarrassed.
then in come 16 clowns helicoptering their dicks
Get on all 4s and be her horse. Use raw determination to carry her and her luggage
Or she becomes a centaur?
Interesting, maybe that is happening when they all get into Camry's place/home? You know? To set up sexy times in a comfier environment. And as suggested:

>As for the shopping girl, she is still processing the fact she has an otherworldly beautiful female knight and now a shockingly attractive high elf guy who looks like he's just straight out of graduating high school. Shopping girl is now trying to hatch a plan to get the lady knight and the elf boy into her house for some... "Adventure briefing" and some coffee.
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Nope. All 4s please
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Support bump. Have you, OP, thought up of a basic plot yourself yet?
Elves are pretty suspicious, make him strip completely, to make sure he isn’t hiding any weapons.
I have a little project going at the moment, I will start drawing in a couple hours.
Is there a reason or plot point yet as to why the high elf is shirtless? He looks and appears shirtless, though I guess that could be the ongoing sketching process since Camry did appear naked too until you drew her in a sweater vest type outfit.
Suddenly, llamas.
To be absolutely honest with you, I recently went to a hentai convention Tsumicon in Vegas. I saw a really cool elf cosplayer there, and he wasn't wearing any shirt, just pants and shoes. It looked really convincing. Just seemed like a creature that would live in a forest. So when Someone said an elf wants to joint the party, I instantly thought of that elf at Tsumicon.
Okay I gets ya. Though now it sounds like You're more describing a wood elf, the ones who actually live in forests, while the elf character in this ongoing story is described as a high elf, the elves who're more powerful at magic and live in cities. But I won't go too much into nerdy "world building and lore." I guess Teagan "Timbo" Raloyra (that is the name for the elf character, right?) was so caught up in chasing after the lady knight he ended up loosing his shirt from being tangled in some brush and shrubbery. And now the knight and Camry finally point out and ask why he's shirtless.

>"Sir Raloyra. Can you explain toe and my squire as to why you are shirtless?"
>"Ohh.... It's embarrassing. I was so busy pursuing miss Knight here out of concern when she entered that portal. My shirt got snagged on some vegetation and I did not notice until recently. I do apologize for such a vulgar display! I swear I shall dress accordingly once we are settled in miss Camry's abode!"
>Then out of impulse, Camry could not help but not just gaze upon the elf's exposed bare chest. But immediately graze her fingers upon his chest
>This results in a surprised gasp from the elf as Camry's soft feminine touch made him feel some arousal he tries to keep restraint
>Deep inside the knight's helmet, she also noticed the impulsive act done by Camry, not aware of a new found arousal brewing within her thanks to Camry's impulsive touch
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Support bump!
what happened to the groceries? there's no food or drink for our trio
now the elf will have to provide the sausage and the women the milk
I've been checking out past few threads :D you've made some folk there happier
Could I ask you make her simply sitting/kneeling/relaxing with her face on a (fat) cock? Like after exhaustion or just enjoying the scent.

Happy 1st of May btw!
Ok we really need to start having something sexy here because I'm starting to get bored of this >.>
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Accelerating the story some so we can get to some action
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Ok. They are all going to get transported to some place. I'm thinking somewhere hostile with raping creatures. Thoughts?
Give the rape monsters 2 tentacle dicks
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I like your thoughts, but are the really raping creatures if the main girl is throwing herself at them and wants to be facefucked by them
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Uhh, half-giant northern barbarians
timbo can get snu-snu'd while the ladies can get plowed
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The rapey monsters could be the easy and simple to draw rape goblins straight out of Goblin Slayer or just humanoid bandits. Or maybe a rape monster that shoots pheromones or aphrodisiac-rype substances as a form of catalyst or reason why sex times will commence. Main girl Camry could be shocked and worried at the thought of being violated, but long story short. Knight and elf manage to fight off the rape monster(s)/attacker(s)

BUT! During the fight some of whatever aphrodisiac or sex pheromones the attackers were carrying manage to rub off onto our trio of heroes. And lewd (CONSENSUAL) actions ensue amongst our trio.

Yes I said, I insist knight and the elf (mage?) successfully fend off the rapey attackers but some sex pheromones end up going to our trio of heroes to still initiate sexy times. Consensual sex for once and a while! Rape loss is overrated and dime a dozen.
How about something more abstract? Maybe they get send somewhere between dimensions? Or maybe they get sent to our world and they exist on our screens and they see and hear anons?
>I'm thinking somewhere hostile with raping creatures. Thoughts?
Consider >>8168665 for antagonists to the protagonists.

Maybe this time a bit of modification to these two. A higher vampire sibling duo. The older vampire sister has beef and bad history with the knight and her younger vamp lil' bro is tagging along to help his sister and defeat the knight. And maybe try claiming the knight as his pet.

Our heroes must work together to defeat and fend off these two.
>Meta commentary or satire towards the Meta

That could work too. Maybe the knight and elf be horrified at the suggestions of them being subjected to compromising situations and rape. Yet Camry has lustful thoughts and ideas just brewing and boiling inside her. She really can't help at the fact even with the knight's helmet on she can tell the knight's pretty. Even the elf is pretty arousing as no man Camry has ever met before could ever compete with elven handsomeness.
butter and cheese
An evil witch/sorceress/necromancer with a grudge against the knight hijacked the portal and teleported them to her lair! She summon horrors beyond their comprehension (tentacles) to break the knight resolve, the others are collateral damage.
She may want to get involved first hand or get some action, too, or she fuck up and get targeted by her summons too.
I like this idea! However I feel like it's still missing something hmmm...
The Villainess Sorceress also has a crush or the hota for Camry? I assume the elf and the knight woman do develop some feelings and lust for Camry. So might as well also have the Sorceress Villainess be like:

"MUAHAHAHA!!! I am going to break you and your elven companion miss Knight! And I will make that girl fall for me since you two seem to cherish her, don't you?"
Support bump
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Support bump
Draw her pregnant with a happy face at her wedding.
Seconding this: Good guys win against baddy and hopefully get consensual sex!
At some point, some doughy gray aliens should show up. They can be friendly "show butthol :^)" ayys or the bad probing kind
Support bump
what's the difference?
one is a group of friendly space duendes, think more along the lines of hippies and the free love movement
the others are your bog standard
>i will abduct you in the middle of the night and probe uranus with a cold metal instrument

maybe the friendly ones could be like 3 ft tall and pudgy and the hostile ones are 5 ft but lanky as hell
bump of "please respondness"
Support bump
I worry that liligoona has abandoned us
Sad, but expected. Unfortunable we didn't even get anything lewd, tho.
I'm so sorry guys. Work caught up with me and I simply don't have time at the moment for drawing. :(
Well please take care of yourself but also hoping you can still draw in the weekends.

Support bump
godspeed anon, sorry if we were a lil slow
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Didn't he die in a fire?
Support bump
Where do you post your finished artworks?
presumably a twitter
supporty bump
No sex yet?
we were too chaste for OP
FUCKING 4chan can't even drive a smut story correctly. We were on the verge of greatness and you fucked this up. I mean we should have this bitch fucked in all her holes at picture 3 MAXIMUM, and you introduced some cringy plot instead. I'm done.
I can't get off without a good narrative, anon.
Nah work it in. She's failed to realize that she went to the store naked until the armored lady points it out
Support bump
Support bump
He's dead, Jim.
I imagine we'll reach bump limit just to make sure
Support bump
who is this?
It's hard to say.
Support bump
well rip
found it in the OCs thread, one or two threads back

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