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ITT: We post X-cuties. All versions welcome.

No AI.
>No AI.
but why though
Because sinister technology like that will be the death of all mutantkind. And also it's garbage, absolute slop for flatscan hogs.
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that's just your opinion thoughbeit
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I love how happy she looks here
Why no A.I? They compile the best ones.
You have three or so threads for that trash.
My opinion's right
maybe it is, maybe it isn't
No, it is.
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Such a perfect pair
I appreciate all the classics.
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is this from the new series?
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No, this art/artist is really old
Is that kid the OC whose superpower is 'rape'?

Mark Millar is kicking himself he never thought of that one
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Very hot
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Gwen is a mutant now!
Since when?
I wish he'd finish this...
That's dumb
That's hot
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Yeah, she's got the mutant canceling collar on so Gambit can fuck her, and her adopted mother is watching. :D
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I've ALWAYS said that as soon as they learned about the Genoshan Power Dampening Collars, that should have been Rogue's 'cure'.

There seemed to be no long term side effects from wearing it for years, as the Genoshan mutants instantly got their powers back full strength once they were taken off.
Apparently those collars give Rogue a bad headache
You're dumb
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Witty comeback. Feel free to post some X-MEN in this X-men thread
is this what perfection looks like?
I fucked your mother
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>Gwen is a mutant
She's not one of the X-Men or affiliated with them though, so please stop spamming the thread with her.
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Cool tattoo
RIP that one guy
You know what bothers me? I haven't been able to find Rogue in rubber plugsuit - at all.
I mean with her powers rubber/latex/pvc sex-suit would be appropriate.
But what a way to go
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It's the typical curse. The characters with the most kink potential never get their abilities used to their fullest in porn. Rogue should be the poster child for bodysuit, voyeurism and mutual masturbation, but look how many pics are just her getting railed in the nude. It's a damn shame.
Have you tried the body_condom tag?
All that stuff would be a hassle to deal with. Kills the mood.
No such thing
>That face
>Rogue is best girl
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She's the one character who warrants the extra effort.
True, most still prefer her with her powers under control.
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they're just pussies, unstable girls are the best
I don't know about that...
"I know what you're thinkin'."
What am I thinking?
Good ol' Bruce Timm
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Does anyone even care about this thread anymore?
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>gloves are the last thing to go even when Rogue no longer needs them
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Old habits die hard, I guess
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Is that a retcon?
Not as far as I know
objectively correct
it seems like one anyway
What IS a retcon is Rogue needing one at all, since she had finally learned to control her powers about 10-15 years ago until suddenly she couldn't again. I don't even remember how that happened.
I never get tired of watching this
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Remember reading that somewhere myself, but I had LONG since stopped reading comics at all (mostly, anyway).

For this image: I think it was lightly implied that Jubilee and Roberto might have had sex in her 'Birthday' episode.

After escaping Mojo's 'virtual reality' game, she kisses Roberto, and they fall out of screen (down....to her BED), while the screen goes black.

A certain Captain of the Enterprise often had sex implied between the 'Screen Goes To Black' scenes ^_^
and for those handfull who don't know: This dance was 'rotoscoped' from an episode of 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' where Faith and Buffy were dancing at a club (the animators did this several times, once copying a scene from "The Craft" as well):
Nice! I posted the gif, didn't even know that. Now I'm smarter.
I'm pretty sure they just made out, but this is a porn thread, so far be it from me to ruin anyone's fantasy here.
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Not bad, old Jubilee. Not bad at all.
Oh good, the uncensored version
I wonder if they did this for other scenes.
That strange episode where there was a 'music video' featuring the girls had a couple of 'scenes' copied from "The Craft":
Yeah, I remember that one. I wonder if there were any other examples.
Looks like someone misunderstood "shirts vs. skins"
If there were then I don't recall them.
It wouldn't shock me if there were others.
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What about her?
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Yes what?

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