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Post princesses and princesses-related accessories.

3D is welcome. AI is not.
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there isn't any
Another panel is visible on the right.
why is 3D welcome but not AI
because N E W T H I N G B A D, obviously
If AI is banned 3D should be too because they're basically the same
No, AI is made by a machine, 3D is made by a human.
Downloading a model (machine) and taking 10 seconds to screenshot it (machine) is bacially the same as AI, maybe even lasier because prompt artist have to spend a lot of time getting the right prompt weights
>the sperg that keeps derailing the drawthread with shitfits about 3DCG turns out to be an AIfag that's mad because he can't post AI deliveries
At least he does more than just see which image he likes best, You need an AI to do all the work.
>becoming this defensive
So I was right. Which of your AI deliveries was it that got nuked from the drawthread?
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Damn, a hit dog really will holler.
You're a yappy little puppy, aintcha?
this thread needs more scorpia.
I remember that, I participated in that post.
This whole show's porn scene needs more Scorpia, someone needs to start commissioning stuff of our favorite herbo

not me, I'm from venezuela
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There are two things I hate about this show:
1-the first design of she-ra's transformation.
2-the design of She-Ra's sword.

Seriously, it's the ugliest sword I've ever seen.
What's so bad about it? Looks pretty normal as far as cartoon swords go
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Mrbooshmaster draws some of the hottest shit.
I don't know, I think it's the blade that I don't like, it's too wide and too short.
Nice lonney.
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mermista best girl
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a glimmer is fine too sometimes
chunky little bitch
What a glutton
Glimmer would totally be the kind of smothered and pampered rich girl who the moment she gains some distance from home goes absolutely fucking crazy. Just makes a total mess of herself and life before realizes that she has to get her shit together. But hey, she had allot of fun in the process, there are videos on the internet to prove it.

I'll call it the collage girls gone wild AU.

god glimmer in slutwear is so fucking sexy though
>Anon: hey girls, do you need a place to spend the night? My house is quite warm at night.
>Adora: we...
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Entrapta my beloved
Does anyone have the full Pic for this?
Very nice
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In progress
In every threesome she's ever been in, the other girl has always ended up pregnant. Shes like a slutty fertility goddess. Entrapta and Hordak, Seahawk and Mermista, and number of nameless other guys and gals. That how Finn was made, she got Catra, Adora, and some blonde-guy(Kyle maybe cause funny) and convinced catra to take the dick and that got her pregnant. And every girl said they'd do it again with how good Glimmer was in it.
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