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Guys pleasuring girls with their tongue. Been a week since the last thread, what is this board good for anymore.
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What's this from?
@brothatslewd on xitter
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>tfw gf is super submissive
>she'll never headlock you into cunnilingus with her thigh
>even if she did, it would feel wrong

We moderns face untold suffering.
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We finally get a good thread and it struggles to scrape by. Agony.
we truly are on the worst timeline
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It's so over.
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We're so back.
I like this artist's stuff, it's cute and lewd
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The hand on the head takes this from a 10/10 to an 11/10 in my book
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Deku does seem like the type to eagerly give head
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Totally. And if you see Jiro gripping Deku like that, shows she really wanted him badly.
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theese are really cute
Poast moar, you apes!
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Love that Jiro is the dominate one.
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>Me and gf making out
>She takes her underwear off
>Think its just so I can finger/fuck her
>pushes me on my back and straddles me head in one motion
>"I think I'll stay up here for a while"
>Grabs my dick

I'm sorry my friend, but I can't relate
Brothatslewd is so top tier
Why dont more artists emulate his work?
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More lesbians please
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be the change
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Why is cunnilingus so hot
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My personal take:
The positioning of someone eating pussy is really close to the action, and there's usually a lot of reciprocity between the two parties. Whether its the person eating using hands, kissing, closing their eyes, etc or the woman receiving grabbing hair, face, or holding hands, there's a lot of tenderness and intimacy involved.
Art depicting it (drawings, film, writing, etc) usually convey how pleasurable it is for the woman, but also show a sense of enjoyment for the one going down. Plus, it's really fun to watch the expressions change when they start to go over the edge a little and start succumbing to the enjoyment.
A lot of stuff can go on. Use of hands, lots of kissing on and around the area, legs doing a lot of different things, etc. It doesn't really have to be boring or vanilla, even if people consider oral sex to be kinda basic.

I'm sure I could think of more, but I'm sure others could probably give their reasons which are probably better.
me in the middle
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Is it better to have eyes closed or puppy eyes?
Bloodshot crackhead eyes
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i love it when a guy fingers a girl while licking her clit
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are povs okay?
I'll allow it.
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