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interspecies / futa edition
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BBC coming thru
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big blue cock is so hot
Nothin beats it
>be alliance newbie
>first time out in the galaxy can't wait to see the citadel and some aliens
>drinking at some bar gawking at everything
>this hulk stomps over to you, starts groping your ass while complaining she needs to drain her balls into a warm hole after being away for too long
>looks at you meaningfully while grinding her bulge against your ass
Fold instantly because i've been jerking off to hung asari porn since before bootcamp
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any kasumi?

specifically, good kasumi?
>No Quarian GF that gives you full control over her nerve stim program, before locking herself out of the system.
I need an Asari to mindfuck me, and biotics sculpt my body into a living fleshlight for her and her friends.
Why is life so difficult?
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>biotics sculpt my body into a living fleshlight for her and her friends.
How would that work?
No clue. All I remember is that one line from Illium, so I figure it's just a more sci-fi version of plastic surgery done with Biotics.
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>yes hello i want the asari fucktoy upgrade package
>right this way miss
it would sell like hot cakes
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it would feel so good to worship that massive cock and heavy nuts
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How badly do you want it?
>Mass Effect thread
>Full of default femshep and futa
We deserved both the endings and Andromeda.
This franchise needs to die, if this is its future.
Can you generate more, with a pose like the one on the right?
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that's really impressive actually, can it do other asari like Samara or even humans? i'd love to see an AI try to do Jack with all her tattoos
The pose with her smile is perfect!
Anon. This one is getting the honor of being saved.
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Yes but the quality varies, some loras are very half-assed like this one unfortunately. There is no Jack model at the moment but full body tattoos would be inconsistent.
some do a good enough job.
Most manual artists can't even get her tattoos right.
Whether 3D or AI, it only really needs one good model. Like, you only need to make it once, and then that's it. So there's that. 2D, though, Jack is a fucking pain, due to the amount of detail and precision required.
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Oops there is one but it behaves as expected.
i'm fine with 3D Jack my only problem is that she's canonically very flat and most artists go with that when it's the thing i dislike the most about her
>cool tattoos
>alt haircut that isn't completely stupid
>bad girl but secretly good girl inside
>powerful biotic
give me Venus shaped Jack or give me death
I'm the opposite. I like a flat chest for variety, and seeing her drawn off model most of the time is sad.
You will like DH's works with her, then.
Can't wait for him to drop "The Convict" eventually.

I'm with you. I'm not against a little variety, though. So long as off model isn't the norm.
My main complaint with Jack stuff is that most are boring and tame.
It's sad that, after all those years, Blue Star E2, while not the best animated by a long shot, is still the most reliant video under her belt.
ZMSFM's short of hers with the Brute is a close second, and FatCat17's recent one is a third, for me.
>You will like DH's works with her, then.
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Can't wait for Rigid's Futashep x Edi animation
I don't get the fascination with either character.
personally, the problem with bimbo jack is the lack of anything in the middle
she needs either some meat or a pregnant belly there
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femshep goes full slut-mode for Jack's fat nuts and bull cock

his interspecies stuff is so good
We need a asari supremacy server
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>femshep goes full slut-mode for Jack's fat nuts and bull cock
Surely you mean the reverse?
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>We need a asari supremacy server
PP or PP-less?
Who would fuck Femshep?
Even he dumped her.
And Thane committed sudoku.
Femshep is worst character in the franchise.
big pps for sure
if your interested in one add me on disc throwaway_555
>Who would fuck Femshep?
Liara and Garrus, who just so happen to be among the top 5 best companions in the franchise.

>add me on disc
Sorry anon, I'm too old, paranoid and autistic to use Discord. I'll keep singing my praises for Asari PPs here tho.
>>Liara and Garrus, who just so happen to be among the top 5 best companions in the franchise.
Not to me.
Just post the damn link.
Get slopfag, soon as you can.
Build it; they will cum.
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>Not to me
Too bad the general consensus doesn't depend on one contrarian on 4chin. Still, I'll humor you: who are the top 5 companions in the game according to you?
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"Don't judge. Cum has a lot of calories and I gotta clean up somehow.
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Krogan daddy
This thread is really fucking gay.
There's more dick and balls, than actual characters involved.
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Who's stopping you from correcting that trend?
What am I supposed to do? Like, say I post 20 pics without dicks, just to get swarmed by another 150, what's that supposed to do? I'd be better off making another Mass Effect thread, but it'd just get nuked. So, really, there is no alternative.
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make a thread and write no futa in the op
wow so hard
I don't think the jannies will allow 2 Mass Effect threads up. Usually, they just lock the other.
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My waifu, and Big Blue Cock.
Shame I'll never be beside her.
with enough money anything is possible
Is that suppose to be an asshole, or a second pussy?
i dont mind futa but why is every mass effect character given an absolutely enormous horsecock? wheres the average 6 inch penor on my asari
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Donut asshole
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would milk
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>wheres the average 6 inch penor on my asari
Because as an owner of an average-sized penor, it's not really fun to look at in action. Foot long dicks, belly bulges, cum inflation - all that silly stuff - is fun to look at.
But I get where you're coming from, so how about two average 6 inch penors as a compromise?
NTA but I want to frot with both of them at the same time.
My waifu
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God that's what I dream about, I wanna stretch their holes until they blast ropes all over the floor
thanks bro, i appreciate it
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Wallpaper worthy
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Love this one, pumping Liara's massive dick while pounding her hole, peak
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>dick bigger than the futa's
Absolutely unacceptable!
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oh fuck hairy Tali, that's so hot
My waifu~
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Love the pubic hair
Saving the thread, with my waifu
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