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Bucket of raccs
Trash polar bear spotted.
Is that an albino one in the left
these are just handsy foxes
yeah they're not cute at all
They do kinda look like giant lab mice.
dont trust em
that's raccoon dogs.
Racc bucket mentality
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Even got an MLB minor league club named after them
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better watch out, they're armed
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aw heck yea!
I see your bucket of raccs and raise you a pile of bandits!
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yes they look like wierd mouse foxes but I still like them. Arctic ops bandit.
Maine > rac
these 100% would be the third most popular pet in america if they werent so destructive
tfw long raccoon
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we should hear the coons out they know secrets
no can stretch and bend like that
I can.
plastic man?
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Bag o' bandits
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Actually, this country will be raccoon by 2050.
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took them thousands of years waiting for humans to evolve enough to create the perfect raccoon home.
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mmmmmm.... gape
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That racc still hasn't finished his gapes from the last thread? Wtf
Those grapes are fucking huge
he's savoring them
they're watermelons
Polar WashBear
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Coatibros... our cousins do not want to share the buckets
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long raccs require long buckets
update: he has finished his grapes (for now)
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>mfw no more gape
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mmm.... more grapes
fr tho who is this bandit and where is he getting these baseball sized goobers
i love raccoons so much
i just wish they weren't vicious little bastards
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The vicious little bastard in question:
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they aren't vicious! just look at these ones right- AAARG MY FINGERS
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this is an accurate representation of my face when I tell a terrible joke
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God I wish raccoons were real
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look outside your window anon
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blond bandit
can these guys be domesticated or what
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No, too intelligent.
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shiny racc!
We domesticated pigs tho
pigs don't have fingers
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the little masked bandits!
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consoom gape
get excited for next gape
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disgruntled critter stuck in sleeve
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>despite my growl I am still just a racc in a towel
you're missing a syllable
it should be
>despite all my growl
>despite my loud growl
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Evading the law
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No, raccs
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precious bandits
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If you want a picture of the future, imagine a raccoon touching a human face – for ever.
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>"don't project human emotions onto animals" mfers when the racc smiles like this
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they are very expressive
Based Hyde quote
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PoV: you in the year 2050
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made a dwelling, for oons.
got a camera inside, will share if any move in, fingers crossed for smol bandits!
Nice rac castle!
i might be going insane but does anyone else notice that the pic looks like the happy merchant in a certain angle???
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pretty sure that's the joke my guy
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What is that reflective thing in the entrance?
Really nice bandit house anyway
flexible vinyl stuff
yes, meant to let coons in but keep cold winds out.
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*smiles nervously*
uhh I'm supposed to be here
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What kind of secrets do they know?
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hard to say, but they definitely know... something.
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lil goober
Coon brain
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cooner mindset
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Their secrets of mischief and banditry might be forever out of our reach
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the racc tree fortress has a mouse problem... they keep going in and eating the kibble I left to attract the bandits, I didn't think mice would eat chicken and fish lol. what do raccs like that mice don't? don't want to set snap traps bc with my luck a raccoon will get a paw pinched. the only reason I really care is I don't want them pissing and shitting all over the raccoon bedding. I lost all patience with mice when they randomly decided to eat my cars electric system for no reason.
>decided to eat my cars electric system for no reason
s o y bean based insulation, chipmunks shorted out my cars high beams a few months ago
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>newer cars
>onions insulation

we are in the end times.

pretty sure the mice that ate mine were on crack it was a 2003 subaru

picrel is how I felt
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look at these bandits
how they skitter up the wall
such wondrous critters
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They will come once you leave a more adequate offering

In all seriousness tho, both raccs and mice fall into the "eat everything" category so i don't think there is a specific food you could use.
Perhaps just leave food outside until raccoons start showing up? I doubt mice will go to a place with potential predators
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There is a certain humanity in the way raccoons stand and act. Just look at this fella
Mfw they freed the most prolific serial thieves of the urban jungle
his face makes me want to give him all manner of food and shelter
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who says raccs can't smile?
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Scrubbing of Raccs
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Can you spot the racc in this photo?
I saw a couple ringtails in person recently
why are racc family members all so fun to look at?
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understanding of aesthetics
look at this goober, I think he bit a bee or smth
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wondrous critters
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the whole picture is generated
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racc about to prepare a delicious meal yim yum
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The irresistible urge to make raccoons wear funny hats
I love this picture
The snout fur on the right racc is shaped like a heart :3
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wonderful critters
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Literally me fr fr
Hello I need the video of the raccoon hiding among puppies drinking milk from their mother
thank you :)
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is this the same Grape grabber?
this must feel Incredible
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as long as they're white 'coons. inshallah
Coati aka Raccoon: The Extended Cut
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Bloodthirsty beasts
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Why'd he do it?
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Would you accept his offer?
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critter advice for 5c? sign me up!
it looks like an overgrown labrat

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>me doing my taxes
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Want some beer?
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eepy bandits always look so comfy
No, he just hasen't stolen any trash today
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This racc has given up on banditry
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watermelon for nosebear!
I'll fucking behead you with my wicked scimitar
Maybe they aren't big grapes, he is just a little guy
Those grapes are the size of the guys's palm
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More eeping
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*fan boat sounds*
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I wanna rub a fat raccoon's belly!
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Racc kits love straws.
Can they suck or are they just gnawing on the straw?
Why do they hate turtles?
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weeb racc
Dear God...
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raccoons store pee in the balls
food in their bellies
but where do they store their love?
This picture has strong crying cat energy.
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In their hands.
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Raccs are the kings of /an/
critters rise up!
racc supremacy NOW!
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raccy! undoubtedly the critter of all time. look at his hat!
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what has bro been eating?
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He looks depressed.
would Raccoons use soap if they had access to it?
probably, the Whitehouse raccoon would play with soap
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racc snacc
Oh boy the last raccoon!
what do the washbear do when they do not have water?
how many coon pics you own
rookie numbers
Catbox it
Why is that raccoon speaking russian what the fuck
>want to like raccys
>they're the number 1 animal that contracts rabies
I just can't risk that.
the vast majority do not have the disease. just use common sense and caution
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mf when best critter thread is still going
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despite being destructive, disease ridden little assholes i cant help but love the washing bear
I love how raccoons open their mouth when they're excited. It's so cute.
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White raccoons are such a damn STUNNINGLY beautiful animal. Maybe the best albino animal, if that is indeed albinism being why they look like that.
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This is you btw
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Hell no, without the iconic mask they cannot be considered raccs
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whiskers :D
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Well, I recall there are albino racoons, AND leucistics raccoons, which are different.
Basically if your white racoon doesn't have bloodred eyes and completely white body/fur, it's not albino.
Picrel, an albino raccoon.
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still a wonderful critter
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basket of raccs
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i am genuinely surprised this thread is still going, good job guys!
now this is a dubious little creature
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Look at how much this racc loves corn.
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Damn, lost again
he looks hiw I feel every morning
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just like in my animes
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snacc for racc
Sasuga oc anon
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Poor racc.
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little known fact - Cool Ranch knock out raccs
I love how he drops the chip and starts backing away in horror
What was it? Rabies or simply getting dorito powder in his nose?
Looks like the "flehmen response" seen in many mammals. If it is then he's sucking up as much air as possible to fully smell and understand the chip. I'm having trouble looking up whether raccoons have a Jacobson's organ but they probably do.
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lazy racc vs curious and active long racc
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Raccoon: why the long face?
*falls over laughing, coati walks away*
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He watches
Stalker racc
Why does he look AI generated. Like he has no body just a head and neck that arms and legs connect to
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I think they're just like tha
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The world's strongest raccoon.
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Racc incursion in the field
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wonderful little critters
Royal Raccoonant
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a racc's first day of school
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what will he learn today?
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washbear turned nosebear
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must boop snoot
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babby racc
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won't you let him in?
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The racc council will decide his fate.
I like it and want it to live a long and happy life
are you new?
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You not built for these streets, son
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You've got some balls, bringing something like that into this thread
Now that Indigo Park is a thing, do you think lewding raccoons becomes acceptable now?

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