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all rodents welcome

previous bread >>4691039
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are there places that are like petting zoos but instead of farm animals you can pet chinchillas and capybaras and degus and springhares and other uncommon mammals?
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Nagasaki Biopark
It's where all those pictures of capybaras in hot springs and guinea pig bridges are from, they have all kinds of uncommon animals many of which you can pet if they let you
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any gerbil-havers in the thread?
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skaven range refresh soon-soon
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based man-things
Post ratty-sounding music.
How much less likely are male rats to develop tumors than female rats? I hear all these terrible tales about girls, but I'm not sure how it works out in reality.
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Speaking of tumors.
The first pic is the 8th day after surgery and the bottom one is 21st. She removed all the stitches herself on the 9th day.
Today she started bullying younger girls again after a month of peaceful coexistence.
What is the best treat for Rats?, i legit had no idea what the fuck to give them
Fruits like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries. Small amounts of nuts e.g. cashews, pistachios etc.
Vegetables like carrots, peas, sugar snap or petit pois.
Avoid alfalfa seeds and apple seeds & core. Rats get diabetes easily, avoid too many shop bought treats.
I give mine raw pasta and sunflower seeds (not too many tho cause they're fattening).
What's the longest living species of small rodent I can have as a pet?
Probably those naked mole rats that stop aging
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This is where all that tax-funded NSF money is going (and that's a good thing)
I love their pendulous ball-butts
>two-handed rat tickling
Has science gone too far?
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What did you do?
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lol flat rat
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it's funny how stock rats live on forever in rat memes
Rats live forever in our hearts
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if you had an immortal rat, what plan would you have so that it will get taken care of after you die?
contact and keep in touch with some rat tuber like shadow the rat and prepare instructions with my family to send the fancy rattus norvegicus into their possession in the event of my sudden demise
Should I have more than one litter box? I managed to train them to poo in one place but their piss is all going to another place (the shelf).
I read in one of these threads that a rock or stone is good as, it can't soak in their smell they'll keep trying to scent it.
I have one in each cage and it does get more but they will pee a little everywhere to get their smell around.
Thoughts on squirrels? There's quite a few near where I live. They come into our garden all the time. And I see them climbing up trees when I walk around my local area.
They're nuts
I think they're cute
What an absolute unit
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Any thoughts on rodents that would work despite having a cat? Even hedgehogs seem like they might not work if they'd get scared by the cat. Obviously capybaras might be possible
i think cat scent would stress em out every day, even if invisibly and you can't see their fear
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They like bugs.
>noo my scent
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I'm going to be introducing 2 young mice later. I know to introduce them on clean, neutral, unmarked turf, include plenty of hiding places and observe closely in case I need to intervene, but is there anything else I should know? I've read horror stories on forums about mice mauling each other to death, sometimes days after a seemingly smooth introduction
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i hope it goes well, anon. wish i could give more advice in this thread
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Pupute and Atlas, aren’t they cute?
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>tfw you weren't born in a world where domesticated rats are immortal and passed down through families like treasured heirlooms
Imagine what ancient wisdom could lie behind those little eyes.
One of my pet mice got out and is hiding somewhere in my living room

Motherfucking Mighty Mouse, nobody told me they can jump high
yeah! i like their names
Why does it say "don't dox" on the bottom, it already doxxes him at the top?
i presume because it doesn't list his precise address
I do not have rats, nor do I really plan on it because my moron dog would scare the poor things half to death I'm sure. But I breed dubia roaches and am curious if rats would enjoy digging through their substrate to forage for them, or if they'd just really not care too much.
like >>4758982 said they love bugs, it'd probably be a great time for them
pupute’s fat ass
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I’m sorry, it’s just, he’s my peeg.
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Cute wheekwheek!
Pui pui ancestor molcar
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I often drop walnuts near this tree.
Holy shito a red
Do you make him say the line?
nigga that’s… thats… i can’t find the word…
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sorry for shitty quality I didn't want to frighten him by getting too close
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ready for a sip
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Males have much less mammary tissue so have less area to develop tumours in. Males still get them but it's less common.
Just trying to figure out if I should get males or females. Males supposedly smell worse, piss more and will teabag you IRL with their giant balls, so I'm more inclined to get girls. However, the prospect of having to constantly pay for tumor removal surgery that may itself kill the rat seems like a huge issue, but I wonder if it's more of a near-inevitability for your girl rats to end up like that or if there's a fair chance many of your girls will be fine.
I think normal ears are cute too and dumbos have weird teardrop heads.
i’m a normal ear appreciator too
dumbos are still beautyful
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how are tree rats as pets compared to rat rats? their significantly longer lifespan has me considering it.
What have you done if your rats get agressive with each other? Mine have been agressivly grooming and fighting over food a lot. Could it be something related what they eat or more like territorial issue?
it's always hormones
castrate them and they should mellow down
Resuscitation. Kiss 'em anon.
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When you give out food or treats make it so they cant carry away half of it to their nest. If you give carrot, dont give them whole or few bits to fight over, but grate it. It also helps to have plenty of basic food pellets available in general.

Grooming and such is just hierarchy being established and once its done it'll cool down.

I'd never castrate my rats, but if you have mixed brood (both lads and ladies) then its necessary.
No domesticated breeds as far as I know but you can tame them.
Start a squirrel domestication program.
Would rats be troubled by the scent of a cat passing by on the other side of a mesh door like 7 meters (23 ft) away even if they can't see them? I live in a small apartment at ground level and there's often cats passing by.
Never had an issue when I kept a pair of hooded rats alongside a pair of cats and a dog.
We had to be careful that the cats/dog didn't get so close to the chicken mesh that a rat could bite their schnozz.
for a moment maybe until they get used to the new scent
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Successful pig friendship
do they get territorial or something? why wouldn't it be successful
I'm so fucking impatient bros I've got my DCN set up and pimped out, foods and toys made up, everything ready for some rats but I have to wait at least a few weeks for my rat breeder to have babies available.
Yea territorial and hierarchal social structure
Males form groups with a clear pecking order. There are leaders who boss around by chasing, mounting, and being loud, and then there are followers who just go along with it. It keeps things in check and prevents too many fights, but there can still be issues, especially when new guys join or one of them passes away
atleast you’re buying from a breeder and not a crap pet store. based anon
Any improvement with the feeding advice from >>4767511?
If not, how frequent is it?
Is it always one starting?
Is it affecting anyone's ability to eat enough?
there was a gif of sped up rat tickling but I can't find it in my folder
anyone have it?
I don't get people who buy their pets and afterwards go "duhhh what do I do now?" like come on, put an iota of effort into the damn things' wellbeing. Part of that includes making sure their temperament and health is optimum. I'm lucky as hell to have an ethical breeder in my state. The business is a reptarium as well so they're a high cull rattery.
I've only fostered squirrels, and even if you tame them they're still a wild animal and way more messy and demanding and destructive. Even my juvenile boy climbed to the top of the rat cage to stick his dick through the bars and piss as far as possible to spread his scent.

I've also heard they're aggressive and territorial post puberty, like will literally dive-bomb and attack any guest and say goodbye to any curtains. If you're looking for a pet, don't get one. If you really want a squirrel and can deal with an undomesticated animal, make sure you do the research to give it a good home.
Guinea Pigs live 8 years, I think chinchillas are up there too.
nigga that's nuts
Wasnt the lifespan estimation for Chinchillas around 15-20 years?
His name is winston, what do you have to say to him?
Boars in particular are retardedly territorial. The documented formal term for the beta male is "underpig"...ours is named Everly
Yo my pigga
Has he pissed on you yet? Mine loved to do that once in a while.
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Meet Runoa and Lunafreya
Fucking autocorrect lol
what would happen if we all met up and dumped our guinea pigs in a single pen?
Do pet shops do delivery for actual animals? There's only one that sells appliances where I live.
How difficult are pet rats? How expensive?
I've currently got older dogs and I'm just thinking for the future, I've always liked the idea of pet rats
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Depends on what you call easy, less maintenance than a dog and depending where you live can be a touch cheaper with the vet.
The life span may not be something you find easy.
Pic unrelated, just Burroughs chillin.
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I am dumb I had it after all
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lean and strong looking fellow
He shouldn't be lean with all the walnuts I've been feeding him.
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being a capybara isn't all pets and farts huh.
Sorry but this is a sad post.
Anyone here have experience euthanizing your pet with dry ice? I'm looking for advice about it.
I own mice. I've done it 4 or 5 times now. I have a few reasons for doing it this way. Pain free euthanasia is very expensive. There is a place a half hour from my house that will do it for $15 but without anesthesia. Doing it at home saves the mouse from being stressed or scared from the trip and from being taken to a scary place. It hurts to do but I think it's what's best for them.
The first few times I did it I used a medium sized tupperware container. It was very quick, only a few seconds. It's a little hectic for me to do it with a small container. I'd prefer to do it in a 10 gallon tank so it's less stressful for the mouse. I cover the top with tin foil with a large hole in it for the CO2 to sink into. Since CO2 is heavier than air, it will stay in the container as long as it's protected from excess airflow. Ideally I'd put them in there and while they're distracted checking things out, I'd start the dry ice.
I tried this approach last time and it took a lot longer for the mouse to fall asleep, about 30 seconds. That's not ideal at all. CO2 asphyxia can be distressing. If it only lasts a few seconds I'm fine with that compared to the alternatives, but 30 seconds is way too long.
My theory as to what happened is that the CO2 flowing into the container mixed with the air rather than displacing it from the bottom up like I had hoped.
I've thought about maybe increasing the amount of dry ice significantly to displace the air as quickly as possible to prevent mixing. But I'm not sure about it.

Does anyone here have any experience with this that could offer some advice?
Doesn't CO2 immediately turn into carbonic acid in their lungs and cause burning pain in the seconds before they go into shock and die of oxygen deprivation
Buy a tank of nitrogen and fashion a murine exit bag
Oh wait no please forget I said that, common sense didn't hold up to google

I have decided that the most humane euthanasia method for rodents is .45 ACP at point blank range.
Nitrogen euthanasia is painless, that guy was purposely trying to fight it. In regards to CO2, it's not completely painless. It's preferable compared to a giant needle to the heart. Carbon dioxide is why it hurts when you hold your breath for too long. When I've euthanized my mice before it takes literally 3 seconds. If it's a little painful for a brief moment it is what it is.
Man can you imagine three seconds of agony? Just imagine a giant mouse counting over you while the chamber fills with gas
>here we goooo! t minus... *click* *psssssssssssssssssssss*
>one and a
>two and a
>three and a
>ding! aight now imma get some cheese
How macabre.

I'd rather be vaporized.
I'm sure someone who's not an autistic retard will reply to my post.
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Never forget, one day, you'll be eating their cheese.
Feed them sleeping pills
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Post rodents sleeping in comfy areas.
I did a CO2 chamber like this, it worked
gassed two of my rats
So do they brux every day, or only if they're happy? I've read that bruxxing is a natural habit of keeping their teeth short. Do depressed rats brux?
Hedgehogs aren't Rodents.
sleep potato
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Also see, why are bunnies the best (my little lady penut pictured)
But they're not rodents, they are lagomorphs...
>here is a place a half hour from my house that will do it for $15 but without anesthesia
lol does he just bring a hammer with him?
What do you think they're doing when they euthanize your rodent? Injecting poison into its heart. If they don't put it to sleep ahead of time they're going to feel it. If you've ever paid for cheap euthanasia that's what happened.
Do you have more images like these? I need them.
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smug mother fucker
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Anyone have experience adopting excess lab rats? How's their health in the long term? Getting rats from a local university is the most accessible way for me to get them, but I'm kinda concerned about how shit their genetics probably are.
They have superior genetics
Really? What are breeders doing that an inbred population not selected for long-term health is better off?
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Today I learned these exists.
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That’s fucking nuts
Way better than rats
Cool little critter
are guinea pigs dumb enough to starve themselves to death?
I made the mistake of buying a huge bag of baby carrots and feeding them to my pigs every day and I noticed they stopped even touching their hay, gave them a fresh bale and all they did was spread it as bedding and wont eat it and just wheek for more carrots. I'm considering just cutting them off of carrots and pellets cold turkey until they eat the hay but I'm also worried they'll just die from their digestive trats not working due to not eating for 24 hours rather than eat hay
>are guinea pigs dumb
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I have five Sprague Dawley lab rats from my own lab. They are superior as they're all born without mycoplasma and are resistant to respiratory infections. If you introduce them to regular fancy rats though, they'll get the mycoplasma from them and lose that immunity. They're also negative for literally every pathogen (e.g., rat bite fever bacteria). My lab rats have been living for 2 years and still act super healthy and young. One of my four girls did have three mammary tumors already (none of them were spayed), but otherwise, she's been fine. Those are an almost 60% occurrence in all intact female rats though, so only having 1/4 rats with them is kinda miracle. My male is neutered, and he's pretty fat (my fault) but healthy otherwise.

The nice thing with universities is they'll usually spay and neuter them for free, which further reduces tumor risk.

The biggest issue with lab rats is their temperament. I've tried to work with them endlessly, but they never really warmed up the way traditional rats would. Mine are still extremely skittish and used to bite me (not anymore). They are really friendly with rats, though, but they never fully learn to trust people. They're not very affectionate, and If I try to handle them, they start squeaking at me in terror. They don't let me pet them if I don't have food. It was so bad that the vet even had to anesthetize them just to weigh them. It's weird because they didn't act like this at all in the lab (learned helplessness), but once they got freedom, they learned that they could run away, so they got kinda defensive for a bit.

I give them their privacy and love them regardless. These lab rats deserve good loving homes too. They'll be killed otherwise (I know firsthand). Mine may not let me cuddle them, but we do play a lot and they come beg me for treats and cat toys haha. I love watching them happy and cuddling up in a pile, knowing what was supposed to happen to them in the lab.
it's not really about breeding. It's that the lab rats and mothers are pre-treated medically for a host of pathogens that tend to cause recurrent issues in pretty much all fancy rat varieties. This is why lab rats are $200-$1000 (also extortionate lab pricing though). It's important since you wouldn't want your animal model to be affected by some other disease that you're not trying to study.

For example: https://insights.inotivco.com/hubfs/resources/health-monitoring-reports/202a-rat.pdf
This is the health monitoring report from the supplier from which we bought the rats before I rescued them from the lab.
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Majestic creature
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>red squirrel
I'm guessing you're in Europe then. I'm in England and unfortunately red squirrels are very rare around my area. I never see them. But I see grey squirrels all the time. Because they've taken over from the red squirrels.

I made this post: >>4758735

I probably see grey squirrels every day around my area.
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where can I get a dog sized rat?
imagine the poops and pee
average rat in the 1300s
so you're the big cheese
What a special rat. I assume larger ones also live longer?
One of my rats died, pretty tragically from a stroke/brain tumor, and I think it traumatized my other 2 rats really really bad. It’s been a month and they’re still depressed and skittish around me, when they weren’t before. I think that they think I killed her. One of them is losing weight really fast from stress no matter how much I feed her chocolatw granola and cheese and meat. I try foraging toys and bobbing for peas (their previously favorite games) and they are just not interested. I make them elaborate feasts because maybe they’re too depressed to work for their food and just need it served on a platter, but they still let it rot for most of the day and don’t come out of their hides. I’ve cleaned the cage thoroughly to get rid of the late rat’s scent, and I would bring them out if they wanted, but one of them literally pees herself every time I pick her up now.
I genuinely think this is the worst thing to ever happen to me. I’m not owning any more rats after this. Every day I am crying because I miss my rat so much and she died so suddenly. She had a seizure/stroke and then couldn’t walk or even feed herself so I had to syringe feed her baby food, nutrical, and ibuprofen around the clock until I could get her to the vet, where they put her out of her misery. My other rats had to see her seizure, and then see me try my best to nurse her back to health, and her eventual disappearance, which I think they think I killed her. I feel so awful. I’m at my wits end. I feel like giving up
I love you forever Atman
Did you let the remaining rats see the dead? It's an important part of accepting she's gone.
No and I think that’s where I fucked up. I was so distraught I buried her right away when I got home from the vet. I feel awful
They don't know where she went and they miss her.
Why Atman?
Keep to your routines, keep being friendly with them and you all will move on.
If they were all the same age the others may just be getting on a bit. I've noticed they go elderly like clockwork at 2 years old.
The 2 year life span is a bitch and takes some time to get over. I've found seizures/aneurysm etc the hardest to deal with because it's so sudden but something will take them eventually.
It looks as if a normal squirrel got a bunch of tats and did meth
such a cute lil rat, rest in peace
It really is so disheartening, she’s the third I’ve lost and I just don’t know if I can keep grieving like that. The one that’s taking it hardest is 2 and a half, she’s lost a lot of weight and developed a tumor on one of her mammary glands but I can’t afford to remove it currently so I’m not sure what to do. Euthanasia is also expensive but I’ve never had a rat die naturally, only ever put them down before it gets miserable for them. The other just turned one, and she has always been extra shy, I got her from a weird accidental litter and I think her genetics just give her a real skittish temperament, she’s always just been especially difficult. But I don’t mind because I can still handle her without issues and can still provide a good life without being able to cuddle her, I try to respect my rat’s boundaries.

I’m gonna keep routine but I am going to start trying harder to get them to come out of the cage more even though they reject me. I don’t want to stress them but they need to be moving more and they stopped after Atman died. The younger one used to be the most playful and I feel like it’s harder for her to play now that her only cagemate is getting on too, if I have to I will probably give her to a new mischief once the older one passes. I’ve never had a lone rat and I currently don’t intend on keeping more for the time being. I love them so much but I’m pursuing an education soon and I worry I just won’t have time on top of being unable to handle the emotional rollercoaster that is the 2 year cycle of bonding so closely with a mischief and then slowly having to watch them die. I just wish they lived longer :(
It just felt fitting for her in the moment which is sort of like, I don’t believe in anything spiritual but I did have the strongest bond with her out of any rat I’ve ever had. I feel like she had a very fitting name
2.5 is a hell of an age to go under the knife. Consider if they will survive it, how's their weight etc. you need to be pragmatic about what's best for the rat. There are a few posters here and people on YT who have had rats survive surgery at that age and older, it's all about their health and stamina.
It's rare a rat is OK being alone with just you for company and you're right to think about giving them up for adoption. However after thinking I couldn't deal with the loss anymore, I found it harder without rats than deal with their short life span and got another mischief. Nursing an elderly rat until they're ready to pass is a yearly event for us but we've learned to accept their short spectacular lives.
Keep trying to keep them active and out for free roam etc. and you'll rebuild their confidence.
Do you prefer red squirrels or grey squirrels?
I heard you shouldn't do that because you'll leave the room and come back to them eating their previous cagemate. Rats don't grieve like people do. They experience stress when their routine and the social order is changed by another rat's sudden absence, but whether they're gone to the vet or gone in death, the remaining rats just perceive it as "this rat is now absent." There's evidence they can extend compassion to each other in life, but to grieve the absence of every rat when (normally) they'd be in a family of hundreds doesn't make sense evolutionarily.
red=brown=shitskin squirrel
grey=white=aryan squirrel
>leave the room and come back to them eating their previous cagemate
I wouldn't leave the room, just let them out to have a sniff and poke. They will walk off when done. They seem to need to associate the smell to no longer having a heart beat. It reminds me of how Klingons handle death.
Given the below leaving then with the corpse could be a singal they need to deal with it.
Eating them is an evolutionary thing to get rid of the corpse and keep resources. Other death fact, in the wild they will often kick the sick out of the nest so they don't die in there, blocking it until they're ate.
Get nitrogen gas somehow, or helium (if you can find it pure). Carbon dioxide is painful, as the other anon noted, its why we feel the painful urge to breathe and an intense workout makes your lungs feel how they do. Carbon dioxide is still the standard for lab rat euthanasia, but it's really not in line with the science on mammal physiology. And of course, as exemplified by (>>4777183), there is a bit of callousness at play in that decision, since researchers go "it's only a few seconds of horrid agony, its a rat". Which maybe makes sense when your career is based on genetically fucking up rats then killing them.
How do you buy rats from the university?
Clearly you're North American then
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Haha look at this guy

They're funny
Feeling awful rn. My house pretty much officially has a mouse infestation, I just chased one around the house with a broom because it dared to come out in broad daylight. None of the traps have worked, at all, and so we are having to resort to glue traps. Snap traps, cage traps, bucket traps, have only caught like 2 mice out of what seems like a pretty large infestation. I hear them tussling and squeaking in the walls any time of day. I told my parents we should borrow my Aunt’s cat for a week, and then the mice will go, but my dog would absolutely murder the cat. Any time he sees a cat he goes crazy. So it’s totally out of the window. Glue traps are our last resort.
Yeah that’s my thoughts exactly on the matter. The oldest rat I’ve given surgery was about 2 years old. It’s scary to risk it.
And yes, due to her skittish nature and only really having strong bonds with other rats and not being so open towards humans (she will tolerate at most) I don’t think she coulds survive without a mischief. I have had a rat where I could keep her going for a few months while I looked for other rats in my area, but this one just does not have the personality for it.
And on that, I had success yesterday with the youngest one free roaming finally. She came out for a few hours. The oldest one still won’t come out but will stand by the door and let me pet her. So that is a little victory for her. Thanks for the advice :)
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My first mouse. I've had him for two weeks now. His fur used to be short and smooth, now he is a bit shaggy and has those... longer guard hairs like a fuzzy halo around him. Is he shedding for the spring, is it a disease, or is he a secret angora growing longer fur now that his balls dropped and he's eating like a king?

His name is Hakon btw.
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Second pic
nigga that's...
I like grey squirrels. Reds just look silly with their ears, and I've always liked an agouti coating. Plus I think they're native to my area, idk.
I imagine it depends where you grew up, which squirrel you'd prefer.
handsome stinky peepee boi
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australian rodent
why are humans nice to squirrels but not to rats? why do they hate us so?
Anyone able to recommend some literature on keeping rats? I'd like to read up on the topic before getting myself into it.
Someone tricked everyone to think that rats caused the plague
>noooo it was actually the fleas
rodent claws typed this post
hello rabbi
Do you have a lawn? Put them in an enclosed run on the lawn, let them just munch on fresh Grass for a bit. Once they're used to munching fresh Grass, hopefully dried grass will seem a bit more like food.
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His siblings kept his fur short before you got him.
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aww frens
that’s crazy
one might even say… nuts…
I saw three squirrels at the same time this morning

That's pretty nuts
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>page 8
I will bump the thread with another squirrel
I thought they put a fucking gimp mask on it before I realized it's just it's head.
what if they fug'd
hiya papaya
they’ll create a new rodent.. the ruirrel
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the fastest and least painful to die way for every vertebrate is instant destruction of the brain. So the most humane way to euthanize anything is crushing the head. It's brutal but painless and free. I started doing it for my fish and never looked back. And I've done it to a few that were dear to me.
Reminder that some crazy lady sued twice over this character.
Oh shit she might sue >>4800006 for thinking of the same concept!
ohh crap, she just contacted Hiro and is gonna try to shut down this whole site
There’s something so funny about this it’s hard to believe it’s real
that’s easier said than done, especially doing it to a fish vs a rat.
yeah imagine it with anything bigger
easy to see why people opt out and just go for suffocation and stuff
Rat owners. Are rats as dirty as guinea pigs?
Yes. Even worse arguably.
Haven't owned pigs, are rats worse or smell more unpleasant if, their cage isn't cleaned regularly enough? Is it the scent marking pee?
When I was looking into rodent pets, pigs seemed easier to keep the stank down but could still mark a bit.
How did you find their personality and playfulness compared to rats?
Other sources make out they're less playful.
I need to own a hamster again at some point in my life, they are so stupid and lovable.
>lifespan of one-two years
meme animal
He said hamster, not rat
>Needing love from an animal
Holy kek.
>Needing love from an animal
no one said that however
I saw chipmunks at the botanical garden
they are so small and precious I love them
I want to pop it in my mouth like a mochi. music for this feel?
And I'm gonna make those 2 years the best years of this little nigga's life.

Setting up my first rat cage. How thick should a rope be for male rats to able to traverse the cage using it?
I want to own both male and female rats, but I only have space for a DCN and I want to house them all together and not worry about having babies. If I neuter all the males (or spay the females), will the females be sexually frustrated at constantly being around the males and not getting any action, and vice versa?
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Try pic rel, my guys can get across the dowels but a wide surface like that mat will help with falls.
That seems pretty narrow, but it's hard to judge how narrow. I'm asking since I'd like to just buy cheap hemp/jute/sissal rope and use that to make the cage traversable instead of spending a fortune on pet-brand ropes. So I need to decide what diameter rope I should buy; is braiding two 10mm/0.4" ropes together sufficient or do I need something thicker?
But yeah, I'm definitely going to hang up nets all over the place to act as fall breakers.
The dowel in that pic is 19mm (just over a half inch). I think 3x braided and would do it but thicker would be good. Maybe learn to net tie?
Traditional net (sheet bend etc.) https://netting.nightshaderose.com/the-basic-netting-knot
Chain sinnet (might be thicker than a braid but just using 1 strand) https://www.animatedknots.com/chain-sinnet-knot
They're fuckers for chewing through things that are intended to hold them up so be prepared with spare to tie up.
Post pics with results, please.
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I don't want my bro to die...
now show the monkey pleaseeeee
They live short spectacular lives anon, give that lil nigger the best days. You will always remember them.
What age are they?
get him the most artisanal cheeses you can afford
Kinda hot actually, imagine if it were a giant girl rat who was killing you
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Thanks, I ordered a bunch of hemp rope from China. If I still remember when it arrives three weeks from now, I'll post a pic of my attempt to braid it into something useful.
handsome lad
give him some cheese
a curious being
My li'l guy is not eating his dried food (Science Selective stuff), he keeps using it to shore up his nest.
Assuming you've guessed they don't really view it as food, what's stopping you changing to another?
Are you giving them a mix in their regular feed? I.e. Muesli (for rats) and a all-in-one food.
Are you giving them adequate nesting supplies? E.g. Bits of fleece and cardboard
nummy some in front of him, lead the mischief by example
what is he up to
i love rats

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