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Previous: >>4729588
why are foxes so photogenic
Fox rapists made this post
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may fnox
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Not so fond of the kind of lot she attracts tho.
i have an autistic dislike of distinct hair on anthro characters, but pretty cute design otherwise.
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I have an autistic dislike of kemono.
It's the same cookie cutter animu flat face just with a dot in the middle as nose and maybe some dash next to the dot with the same cat ears on top for every species.
What's the fucking point. Even horses are just dumb animu girls with cat ears. Actual muzzle and ears or get the fuck out.
yeah, i get it. depending on the design i don't mind too much as long as it's not flatface catgirl with body paint level, but i do like fictional animal characters actually looking like animals no matter how many legs they walk on.
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Don't start no shit it won't be no shit
we keep up the based
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hop in, bro
Why are fox maws so alluring bros?
you have foxoplasmosis
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this forced meme will never be anything more
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oh no
Man. Someone here *really* doesn’t like the cartoon meme fox jej
I like foxes but I think furries should be shot on sight what do
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The foxes natural instinct to wavedash
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… is that normal behavior? what purpose does it serve?
Confuses the other animal, maybe? I have no idea what it's even called
is he ded?
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Dokn't think so, there are videos from just a few months ago.
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What a fine lookin' woman.

Hmm, what's it like bein' the main fox poster on the thread? Foxes rock I just don't know where to find pictures of 'em
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it's too hot and I'm sweating but I still want to cuddle this fox
you can try this thing called Google
works like a charm
Don't work
Why do furries love foxes so much?
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Dani is back :O
A cute pun is not a forced meme, silly.
It doesn't seem to be a specific behavior, just zoomies which is good healthy exercise. Anything to get the heart pumping and the muscles working is beneficial for survival, plus it's just fun to jump around. I would say it looks like some kind of juking but foxes don't generally hunt like that (correct me if I'm wrong).
broken links to pinterest and misleading links where the image isn't in the linked page. Thanks Google, yummy yummy.
Why do YOU love getting shut up? (picrel sorry it's not a fox)
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> sorry it's not a fox
I've got you a fox.
Huh fair, never throught of it just being that. Certainly funny anyways, lol
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Flickr(.com) is one of the top sites fur Fox pics. Also, I've stumbled upon many a good Fox pic by just reverse searching an image in one of these threads and looking under 'related'. Yandex is prolly the best one fur that, Bing is OK too.

Even normies love Foxes. Think about it: one half of the pawpulation loves Cats, the other half loves Dogs; everyone loves the Cat-Dog, aka Fox.
man that's one really rough looking fox. must have seen quite some shit in its day
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Probably because they look cool. The vulpes vulpes is naturally very aesthetically pleasing and highlights the inherent appeal of the canid. They are also wild, common, and non-threatening to us homo sapiens, which gives them their own personality. I just think they're neat.
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How would you feed a hungry fox?
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foxes with white sclera instead of black look FREAKY
Pretty sure all of them have white scleras but you rarely see em
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Least deranged /fox/ user
I think your Google is broken
Anyway it wanted :)
5 seconds later:
>24h coverage of news about foxes
are there even enough news for filling all that space every day
I give the fuck up
there will be
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The patchy coat could just be moult.
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Put it on
Imagine the smell
if you're using photoshop make all the frames in the timeline 0.0 seconds then convert the frames to video timeline and use legacy export as a gif. the gif will be faster
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gimp and then shotcut.
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Looked it up and it only goes over your nose and looks pretty stupid.
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If you're trying a 0-second delay, it doeskn't work on all browsers. Here's 0.02 seconds between frames and it runs fast on Firefox at least. Tried 0.01 too and that'll just run like it was 0.1 instead.
>Dani is back
>implying he ever left
Anon, have you been here around 2009?
Because that's how long this freak have lusted for phox booty.
[spoiler]Cougars are fine too
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Who is this Dani fellow anyways, I'm new here
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Why foxes should be bigger:
If foxes were bigger, they could hunt bigger prey like deer, and work synergistically with humans to catch them. Foxes and humans could become friends and we could be their pets.
epilepsy warning
>Because that's how long this freak have lusted for phox booty.
Jesus Christ
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total fox love
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If she never looks at you like this, she's not The One.
Oh he was just strangely absent in the last thread, is all I was saying.
>Anon, have you been here around 2009? Because that's how long this freak have lusted for phox booty.
And we wouldn't have it any other way. <3 I'm pretty sure /an/ doesn't have spoiler tags but I'm not 100% on that, I don't frequent here often. If spoiler tags did work they'd be perfect for things like:
[spoiler]Foxers are very attractive and cute and I would smooch them a lot, cougs too. Strangely I don't have *those* fantasies, but I can absolutely understand those who lust for phox booty. Just look at picrel and say with a straight face that you wouldn't kiss & snug that.[/spoiler]
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>>4791852 >>4791078
ugh picrel didn't take. Here's the actual picrel.
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But which one of them is the she?
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this is what they want to take from you
Left has more feminine vibes
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Case in point.

The one on the right.
>videos you can hear
Such pretty eyes
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Dumping baby foxes on the school campus I work at.
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All I ask in return for sharing these precious babies with you freaks is a single (you). I will protect them with my life.
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I thought you were implying you were going to dump them on your school campus for a moment.
I'm dumping them directly into my bag so I can dote on them at home.
have these little faggots been domesticated yet i assume a lot of people are working on it cause theyre popular and would make money
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They can be tamed, but pet foxes aren't viable commercially. There was the Russian experiment attempt to domesticate foxes, but while it made them friendly towards humans, it did not make them convenient to keep as pets.
They're incredibly high maintenance, destructively curious, and have a habit of pissing everywhere that's nearly impossible to train them out of.
Not good traits if someone intended to make money selling them as pets. Especially not when dogs are right there and don't have those problems.
People have made it work in the small scale, but there's not a lot of buyers once they realize exactly how much work they'd need to put in.
Yeah, foxes can't be domesticated and in their current form, are not pets and never should be.
Thanks pretty informative
I saw a dox that looked very foxlike (while still of course clearly being a dog - mainly the tail) which is why it got me thinking
I guess we're more likely to see designer foxlike dogs than designer doglike foxes
>I saw a dox
I saw a dog* heh
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How do you do fellow foxes?
>I saw a dox
I thought you meant doxx for a minute kek
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Ever seen the mum?

>cue italian disco music
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I saw the mom a little over the month ago before ever seeing or knowing about the babies. Have not seen her since, but I do find rodent corpses left for the little ones every now and then.
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Felix passed on last New Year's Eve.
Was he your fox?
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In spirit. Felix was the tree Fox over at Save a Fox.
Ah, I'm sorry to hear
Mikayla (the SaF lady) took it really hard, she didkn't mention Felix's death until just a few days ago.
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I wouldn't mind a leggy boi pissing everywhere if I could get high off the smell that's allegedly identical to smoked Marijuana
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This one has a long nose
imagine the tongue
Do I want to imagine?
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Don't ask us, listen to your feelings.
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Hey guys, did you know…
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I just know
I feel a fox-shaped hole in my heart
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SaF might be a sucky shady org, but my condolences to her nonetheless. Always sad to lose a fox.
cheap chinese vinyl
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We all do.
Remember: finding a fox-shaped hole in your heart means that somewhere in this world a lost lonely fox can't find their home.
(Foxes want to be our pets.)
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SaF loses foxes due to her own stupidity neglect and abuse. >>4796118 don't feel bad for her, she killed that fox herself because she's stupid as fuck.
Doesn’t she end up killing a bunch of animals she takes in to her ‘care’?
>(Foxes want to be our pets.)
this is cope (at least for the time being)
Foxes are self domesticating in the UK as we speak.
It really does seem that they want to be pets, however that doesn't mean you should let them in your home. Wanting something and being a good fit for it aren't the same thing.
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Yes. Multiple animals, including foxes, have died or been injured due to fixable issues she simply refuses to fix. The most egregious one being issues with her fencing taking MORE THAN ONE foxes' limb. This, while she rakes in thousands upon thousands in donations (her only income) while buying several exotic 'pets' and fancy cars for her boyfriend. She is an evil person.
>>4796433 >>4796891
I'm aware, I was just hoping we wouldn't delve into the topic.
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Give up prejudices and let foxes come into your house.

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Felids should not fight against each other.
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my husband alf
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But when is the wedding?
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>already husband
You missed it.
Would you marry a fox?
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You'd have to teach 'em to stand on it's hind legs, otherwise you'd have to get down low for the kiss. Either that or a tall stool
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No borblem with dat.
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...or just sit down?
Woah, they're evolving

Well sorry for addin' some flair. Aw that's a nice picture I like that
good. look at what humans did to dogs that domesticated.
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I'm all ears.
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Tbh even if they were standing you'd still have to bend down to meet them halfway. Not sure if you're realising just how tiny Foxes are.
Foxes should be bigger...
True, even if I'm suspicious of your motives.
Hmm, well have 'em stand on a chair
The fox in your image is clearly a juvenile.
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