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anything goes
that's an ape you monkey
Apes are monkeys.
Is it racist to point out that this gorilla looks like Don Cheadle?
Yes. Very much so.
No, anon, there is nothing racist about comparing animals to people
physiognomy is funny
apes both of you
t. diaper dude
>Pongos use medicinal herbs to treat wounds
Why are they not considered better than chimps and bonobos at this point? They even show empathy to non-pongos, trying to help humans out of the water.
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The field is still a work in progress.
Consider the fact that up until the late 80s we had a completely filpped image of chimps and gorillas to reality.
A case od a gorilla saving a kid who fell down an enclosure helped put us on the right path.
Damn bro, I hate these little guys but I think you are off the deep end.
Did you take your medication today?
also accurate
They are. Everyone knows chimps behave like a parody of what apes are. Pongos are the improved version in nearly ever feasible way.
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The truth is racist so you could argue that, sure.
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oh good
>Did you take your medication today?
Stolen. By macaques.
I think it's safe to assume that all monkey threads are stealth pity threads
how do we keep them pity free?
Don't make monkey threads.
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Well if we are allowing apes then
Or maybe call It ape thread or "monkey thread, no longtail Macaqueshits/pityfags"
This video was like a classic cartoon gag
>You think it was going to be a giant gorilla, but it was a little gibbon.
>You relax
>The little gibbon still punches you
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blud is up to no good frfr
middle row just looks like monkey putin
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I love them, they're little gremlins
Khabib Nurmagomedov looking ass nigga
>african hominid looks like an african hominid
Who could have ever imagined such a thing.
Just imagined him making the Zoidberg whooping sound while running away.
beat up macaques, strangle macaques, throw macaques in the garbage can, tease macaques, bully macaques, drown macaques, starve macaques, lock macaques in small spaces, remove macaque's surrogate mother every second to make them spaz, lock macaques in a Cage, comfort macaques in said Cage and then removing your comforting hand to make them spaz and panic, Lynch macaques, trash up macaques, hang macaques with their pacifier, squeeze macaque tummies so that they gasp for air, remove macaques from their Natural habitat, make macaques do unnatural things, force macaques to stand on their legs damaging their spine, wrap macaques hands and feet so that they cant self comfort with thumb sucking, make macaques act likes humans and do human chores, slave macaques into coconut harvesting, use macaques as source of entertainment in morocco, Pakistan and Thailand, use macaques as literal toys, abuse macaques, pity macaques, torture macaques, make macaques terrified of you, mentally destroy macaques until they are left a broken, unrecognizable mess
Total any-other-primate love, Total macaqueshit death (black crested macaques are excluded tho)

Could it be? have pongos been witnessed doing the same?
but I like macaques

why are so many of them women and dysgenic?
What genetic disease does she have? Obesity doesn't count.
yes it does. she's also a psychopath, that's pretty dysgenic. did you see that southern woman they arrested in the BBC documentary? she looks like a crackhead too.
>why are so many of them women and dysgenic?

Cute aggression.
Spiteful bags
Physiognomy at work
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thread is BORING! have a little bastard monkey
Why are they like this
This monkey is a follower of Diogenes
isolation and boredom I guess

he's literally me
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Is pic related getting pitied or not?
>monkey thread
>posts a gorilla
>"We're not that different"
Captivity. They don't do it nearly as often in the wild. Human males have a similar issue.
lul i got it anon
primates also have a reputation for throwing shit but it also doesn't happen that often in the wild. i think wild chimps even freak out when they accidentally step in shit.
Captive primates seem to exhibit a lot of fucked up neurotic behavior in general. Plucking out their hair, poop throwing, etc.
kind of just like humans
Anyone got the monkey dabbing on the tiger?
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For me, it's the baby longtail macaque
I got you brosephine

I love gibbons
I love it when they mix animal species into the same exhibit. It feels like such a drunk asshole move
>Man, that monkey is looking all smug in that tree.
>Fuck it. Let's throw a couple porcupines in there.
I'm sure you're fishing for pity posting but I find them cute. If they didn't become scary adults then I'd love to have a baby monkey bro.
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No, i just think they are cute
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i'll take a well trained karate monkey that keeps his space and place in check. well done sensei
If I’m not mistaken that’s a zoo in Indonesia. I don’t think most zoos do that or at even allowed to
He’s literally me
imagine playing a game while a baby macaque clings to your leg. sounds comfy.
More monkeys should wear clothes.
I like how he puts his hands behind his back all innocently after kicking the guy KEK
Look at the power they can be taught to wield… they only need a little push…
you misspelled "cringe"
imagine playing a game while a baby macaque clings to your leg...
fart on a baby macaque's balls
is macaque pronounced "my cock" or am i tweaking
It’s only pronounced like that with a strong Bostonian accent
Joe Rogan should be a MMA coach for a chimpanzee for a few months and then release him back into the wild
>Joe Rogan
I can think of at least a dozen people more qualified for the job including my bed ridden geriatric amnesiac grandfather
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>scroll youtube
>see picture of orangutan
>"wounded wild orangutan seen using plant as medicine"
>put cursor over video
>gorilla starts talking

That is not what I wanted to watch

That's a guy who's prepping a turd torpedo
im black and this is my phenotype
This guy should star in movies.
Does he know?
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I've seen two of these in a zoo once, raping a baby against the fence facing the visitors. I looked the little rapee dead in the eye as it was getting bumfucked. It kept screaming.
hello? uberbased pity enjoyer?
retard doesnt know the dominance rituals of the monkey /ape world.
btw fucktards keep posting apes in a monkey thread....
Apes are monkeys.
well yeah that would make sense
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I'm not saying what you saw didn't happen, but there's a big chance it wasn't proper sodomy but it was just a more dominant macaque marking a submissive one with their genitals smell. Males and females do it with pretty much everyone they meet and who needs a reminder they belong to them.
yeah it's just like how dogs hump each other but don't actually fuck
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lol so why did that one sperg out? accidentally went in the hole?
It was startled because there was a larger animal on top of it. Use your brain
probably replying to a pityfag
>wtf why do monkeys scream when you flay them???
They start screaming the moment you take the blanket away doe
They are hard wired to think they are going to die if they aren't clinging to something (prefferably their mother)
It didn’t react for several seconds you retard stop being a prick
arousal? is that the right answer here?
I just woke up. Use your brain
*It just woke up
Fuck me
this. they have a bunch of natural predators on the ground.
>yellow pepper
Too spicy
>Tie heavy rock to blanket
>Let monkey cling to blanket
>Drop blanket and monkey into a fish tank full of water
Would it cling until it drowned?
you typed that with one hand
Now that would be pity. My ideal vide would be grafting sharp metal hooks on the fingers and toes of two baby longtail macaques and have them cling to eachother
fuck you
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Here's your (You), you naughty little monkey
Haven't seen the full vid and if I'm lucky I never will, but judging from the green security blanket I'm guessing that's a macaque that was raised by humans for a while and has recently been abandoned in the jungle. So it's not a big fan of been embraced by wild animals, even if they are it's own kind.
Probably. Pic related.
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Forgot pic.
man i fucking love gorillas
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Decent explanation. Thanks
I did as I do now. What are you going to do about it?
Monkeys are worse, but I'm still coping with why we evolve from apes. Are they the best? God couldn't make us dogs or dolphins, or octopi or crows? Every time I look at a fucking monkey I want to kill it.
>Every time I look at a fucking monkey I want to kill it.
I just want do give it milk and then pull the bottle away again.
pitytroons begone
Slappings and tossings are the happy middle ground.
Do black people find white people as visually offensive as white people find black people?
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I think you’d be hard pressed to argue that
>Get two monkeys to cling to each other
>Drop in water tank
>Each time one tries to let go to swim to the surface the other panics and clings harder, dragging both of them down
Primates are pretty stupid, they do not ask questions....
check this out, my lad: https://youtu.be/1FoM678sgKM
Yeah. Not exactly published in popular science but anthropologists have made note that calling whites ugly is common.
I like one who notes that as he was taken back to the village all the children started crying in horror.
seems unlikely
There might be rules about WHAT you can mix together, but Western zoos definitely keep several species in one habitat too.
Off to top of my head I can remember different types of ape and monkey together and giraffes mixed with zebras and I think also ostriches in Dublin zoo.
shit won‘t happen, nigger
I respect your opinion, but srsly, check out this sauce: https://youtu.be/G9J5DAM2d0s
One of them had a disabled tard son at home do the monkey stuff was probably an outlet for her desire to kill her defect offspring as nature intended.
They realy are cute and thanks to zoosadists I can never look at them with any joy again.
as someone with access to telegram groups, I can confidently say that barely if any new custom commissioned content is being produced, they just repost old videos
The arrests of both producers and consumers must have scared them hard, it seems a new pityfag gets arrested in the US every week nowadays

do your fucking job

they are still cute

zoosadists are just that deranged that they can see something that beautiful and only think to destroy it, they are rapists and pedos and demonic repressed people that have nothing better to do with their time but get aroused by torturing an animal that possess more beauty purity than they do

its jealousy and psychosis, its not the macaques fault
>>4800399 >>4800380 >>4800359
You seem to be a bit down. Maybe this vid will cheer you up a bit: https://youtu.be/nAutLcJ2UW8
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Yeah, that makes sense, that video shows why it’s not a good idea to pair up something like a monkey with a porcupine lol
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pityniggers really monitor these threads so they can post youtube links I won't click

get a life, nigger.
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I agree, if the mods would their job, they would‘ve banned >>4800268 a long time ago because of announcing a report.
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monkeys and apes are extremely unsettling to me
I'm not really 100% why, maybe it's the almost but not quite human physiology
I'm lead to believe this isn't a common take..?
>"Noooo, how can you give milk to my little sister when I'm not done yet, never mind that I'm clearly well fed and not starving at all!"
>"Feeding small macaques before big ones is against monkey law!"
>Grabs head with both hands: "How can this be happening to me?!"
>Monkeys are saved!
>"They are just like us".
I thought only trolls asked for tolls but it counts for goblins as well.
pityfags literally can't imagine a baby not understanding everything about its situation lmao

they're the kind of people that end up shaking their babies
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maybe the 'uncanny' reaction was selected because of the other homos
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Did they put an antelope with the gorillas on a zoo? is it safe for the lope?
A pityfag's hate for monkeys is only eclipsed by their stupidity
Probably not. Likely a third world zoo
I like when their hair is long like this. Looks like they’re wearing a robe
Yeah, i know gorillas are usually docile but they are freakishly strong. All that antelope has to do is bite the baby in order for it to be ripped in half
These creatures deserve to have their skulls caved in. Every other monkey and ape is cool though.
Fucking demon spawn.
looks evil. he’s plotting something.
Why do macaque mothers treat their own babies as bad as some gook with a camera then.
>inb4 "muh hierarchy"
These animals are supposed to be intelligent. That makes the treatment they give their babies that much worse.
No no, you are doing it wrong. They deserve to be mentally tormented until they are left a non-functioning mess
Would you enjoy a giant monster holding your hand?
1: We've been over this hundreds of times, this type of behavior is seen in troops that depend on and are abused by humans regularly, wild jungle macaques are way less aggressive to eachother.
2: They are smart for animal standards, you can't judge them with human standards.
Use your brain
>i-it's humans fault!!!
>they aren't that smart even though everyone says they are!!!
Pathetic answers.
Nigger they climb on humans. Macaque's are just hateful and spiteful little monsters.
Way to miss the point
this. let their limbs float.
Low empathy, low intellect
Low empathy, high intellect
I’m not a giant monster. I’m a person. I would keep holding regardless
I mean to the monkey you would look like a giant monster. Would you not be startled if a 20 foot primate was suddendly holding your hand?
>bothering to argue with pityfags
I guess but I’d show it I’m no threat regardless
Not a pittoid but I admit that particular situation would annoy me quite a bit
these two pitylings are indeed very cute
dear fucking god what the fuck
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I didn't need to see that
What's your favorite primate? mine is the sasquatch
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I like these two fellas, especially the tantrum prince on the right: https://youtu.be/d3hkqyU3XAA
Do pityfags think they are badass or something posting their shitty videos?
I'm circumcised, and I seem to be in the minority of users here not a lonely virgin obsessed with violence and hatred. So I guess circumcision is the way to go.
Reminder that macaques are the scum of monkeys and apes. Advocate for total macaque extinction, and torment them mentally. Steal them from their mothers for highest emotional distress. The mothers do not love their babies and actively treat them as horrid as some gook in their bathroom.
The only macaques that should be spared are the Snow Macaques (aka Japanese Macaques). Only the Cambodian faggots should be targeted for extinction.
But if they went extinct then you wouldn't have any pity
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Well I’m not and also don’t like them so what now?
Looks familiar...
Yeah jesus a gibbon will still rip your nuts off. The weakness of our flesh disgusts me
cheers https://youtu.be/IpDUnAD_ykc
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good times…
The person who drew this clearly had only seen a baby chimp and a baby orangutan
I'm not certain he ever saw a gorilla either. The negro is spot on though.
It’s likely they were just going off word of mouth descriptions.
Traumatize Macaques. Make Macaques panic. Cause disorder among Macaque troops. Abuse Macaques. Deprive Macaques of any comfort and joy.
Feed a lower ranking macaque in front of a higher ranking troop member.
Seems like asians go there, hoping to film someone hit by something
Macaques can't enjoy things. They can express anger and fear but not happiness because they can't feel it.
Macaques can't have Joy, except for this one:
BIDING his time
I'm pretty sure their IQ is in the 80s range at least. They just don't have the same language center in their brains to communicate with us.
that might be the dumbest thing ive read all day. your iq is probably 80 or less since you typed that. here is a real study on orang species intellect
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His hand feet are making me uncomfortable but ZZZAAAMMNNN
>woot woot
>wooot wooot
You know the drill.
Speaking of drills, i recently watched that video and it was dissapointing as shit. I thought he would keep drilling until he reached the brain, but he stops at the eyes. Very dissapointing
in tribalistic isolated villages.
compare to established societies and the opposite is true
What makes Bornean orangs so retarded?
I mean apes are not monkeys
Racism would unironically not exist if black people really did look like apes. Imagine having gorilla bros and seeing jazz musicians with flanges. It would be too based. We could have half monke offspring with super strength and sick beards instead of… gay canadian rappers.

Almost as depressing as white people not actually being albino aliens (they’re actually twink neanderthals) and japanese not being elves (they’re actually bald gnomes)

t. default human (hispanic)
>t. default American (mutt goblino)
Go fuck yourself
pretending to be retarded is still being retarded
la luz extinguido…
“You” look like a “mohammad” yourself jackass lmao
that vid and others like it i never got the point of the torture other than to shock the viewer. sadistic's vid chopping up the baby was just useless unless to prove how much hacking and wacking could be done on baby tree rat and still not die until he cut its throat. i watched that one and thought, wtf was that about and why. what waste of baby monkey torture after his sort of a masterpiece with the ants in a jar to dead impaled on a stick vid. even then i wondered why the hell he gouged its eyes out before he impaled it instead of gouging out one eye and tossing it back into the ant jar for more torture before the impale. the lighter on its balls while impelled did show some anatomy pain sensory was still active elsewhere even with stick up its ass poking up thru its neck. crazy shit. thats some serious karma there. sure wouldnt want that shit following me around even if it was entertaining as hell
that's a linguistic grouping you retard
holy based i love kots
real africans? no.
I've met some in the wartorn parts.
And some in the not so wartorn. The latter was much more friendly. While primitive, lacking education they have good culture of sharing.
Why did I laugh at this?
lack of brain cells
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I would like to remind the board that pityniggers will never be white and thus their opinions don't count or matter
A sincere apology to all macaquebros, I am no longer a pitycunt. Something happened recently, I was watching typical rekt videos here and someone posted a video of a cat getting drilled in his mouth, the thing is that cat looked exactly like one of my cats and I couldn't help but cry a little, that shook me a lot and I think my brain factory reset itself back into normalcy, I actually felt so disgusted then that I ended deleting all gore videos I had stored, I even ended up donating to lady freethinker. I no longer enjoy this, not even as a shitpost. Sorry but total monkey love, total pitytard death.
Fact check: True!
I can watch all day mexican narcos getting skinned alive and their pumping hearts get stolen from their chests. But I can't stand a single chinese video of dogs getting boiled, even if already dead. Same for cats,
I wonder if pitifags get triggered not by chimpanzees or gorillas but by macaques precisely because they are closer to humans in face and attitude, only without soul and with the body of a rat Rats are more intelligent though.
idk. even the babies look more retarded compared to sumatran babies. since they all look like downs syndrome freaks thats saying alot. guess they are the niggers of the orangutan world
btw this idiot monkey is a bornean orang
Jealous over the Bornean Pongo's bigger flanges, I see?
I worked at a jewelry store and this is what people looked like when they would lean on the glass

Golden ratio and objective measures of beauty aren't dependent on the IQ of the observer. It's mostly seethe and cope, I think. Oh, if you ask for examples, you 9 out of 10 times are shown a jew, which I find hilarious. They get REAL mad when you point out jews aren't white.
go back to gif and your bbc fetish this is monkey thread
I dont think that any of those videos even exist. I have never ever even seen an animal snuff video like you’re describing. I highly doubt anybody even does that.
jak 'em
I don't find Black people visually offensive. I find ugly people visually offensive, regardless of their race or ethnicity. There are beautiful Black, White, Desi, East Asian, Middle Eastern, Hispanic, First Nations and every other race people just as there are ugly ones. And have you seen Somali women? Holy fucking fuck, they're hot and are proof that either there is no god or, if he exists, he's an enormous fucking prick because they're all hot but all Somali men look like that "I am the captain now" guy. Shriveled up dogshit-lookin' motherfuckers, all of them.
I have never seen an ugly Somali woman or a beautiful Somali man.
Nefarious looking ass nigga
gigareddit post
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He grabbed his nipple (if he has any). kek
>"First Nations"
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I like the social commentary at play, of how there are haves and denies in the baby monkey world. It reflects how we have denies the baby poor and we should million pity them. All for their own good, you see, the baby poor have to learn to be independent and pull themselves up by their baby bootstraps.

I think the best baby monkey video we could ever have made is about six or seven baby monkeys in Harlow Despair Pits, but they're shaped like cars and beep randomly and smell bad, shows how we too endure no contact comfort in pits of despair for the profit of others, upholding kafkaesque monetary systems that bind us to psychologically damaging hours day in and day out.
"I dont think that any of those videos even exist. I have never ever even seen an animal snuff video like you’re describing. I highly doubt anybody even does that."

child, you need to get the fuck off 4chan before your mama catches you. no 10 yr olds allowed here not even on an/
>reddit spacing
This preddit faggot cant even greentext holy shit. If they’re so real then prove it nigger. They’re fuckin fake and gay
>you wanna see a monkey get fucked up?
weird nothing post but a lot african men do in fact look like somalian men, namely east africans in general (yes they look dumb)
I love to watch dogs and monkeys play with each other.
You're adorable

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