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Fuck faggot sheep farmers. Large predators in Britain now.
Good stuff. Fuck sheep farmers. Messed up australlia too.
Although, more important than bringing them back is to protext the ones that are already there.
The wolves in the states are being killed so fast that they are piping coyotes
Problem here
Sheep farmers are unironically far more important to society than american cattle ranchers

The cattle ranchers complaints boil down to entitlement - they want to maintain a dated profession just because they want to. What they do is not important to society. Cattle ranching was superseded by CAFOs ages ago and nearly 99% of our foodstock is now in CAFOs. Rather than ranching on pasture, the pasture is used to grow crops so some of that biomass (especially the inedible stalks and leaves) can be diverted to the CAFOs. Then manure from the CAFOs is distributed to the croplands. This is actually a tremendously useful arrangement because we can get more food for humans out of the arrangement than we could by ranching cattle on arable land, use just enough manure to fertilize that land, and non-arable land can be used to build CAFOs. Thank you based fossil fuels and electricity for making the logistics of it possible. There's some animal suffering complaints to be made but who fucking cares. Only humans have souls.

The british sheep farmers, on the other hand, produce a significant amount of wool. You can just not eat beef. It's shit meat, it either does nothing or makes you less healthy and raises your estrogen levels. If you switch to a beef free diet and just eat poultry and fish you will live longer and stay in peak athletic condition for an extra decade. Big deal. But what are you going to do without wool? Wear plastic? Yeah have fun with that. "I would rather wear plastic than wool" - nobody. And sheep do not adapt well to CAFOs specifically because they produce so much wool. They'd be too dirty 24/7 to manage and the death rate would be nigh unprofitable.
Can wolves and coyotes even have babies?
lol wool is incredibly unprofitable, nobody gets sheep to sell wool. there's no market for it.
vast majority of modern clothing isn't made out of wool nowadays, it only accounts for 1% of all clothing https://www.commonobjective.co/article/what-are-our-clothes-made-from#:~:text=The%20source%20of%20synthetic%20fibres,%2C%20acrylic%2C%20polypropylene%20and%20elastane.
ranchers should just stop being miser and fence their area
Dude are you retarded? Clothes are mostly made from synthetic polymers like polyester, or if they specifically need natural materials for those organic types then cotton always supersedes wool. Wool is a largely bygone product that acts more as a pseudoluxury item for people who can't afford silk.
Rewilding is a scheme to get rid of private land ownership.
got any resources on that, or is it speculation?
I think there are a lot more people eating pork, beef, chicken, and fish than sheep.
coywolves, look it up
maybe private landowners should stop being bitches and insisting nature needs to die to protect their shitty pets

do something productive. work in medicine or education. we literally have too much food and eat about 10x more meat than we should (unless we stop eating carbs as a civilization but that aint happenin)
Ok. And?
>Wear plastic? Yeah have fun with that.

This sentiment isn't based in any kind of reality.
British Wool hasn't been profitable since 2005; the fleece is typically thrown out these days and seen as a waste product. Most synthetic products are infinitely less expensive and more economical - despite the whole microplastics thing. Without wool sheep themselves aren't super profitable: Mutton is also the smallest consumed meat per capita in the UK with Beef, Poultry, Fish, and Pork, beating it out by a factor of almost *3-4. And in the case of poultry almost *10.

>The cattle ranchers complaints boil down to entitlement - they want to maintain a dated profession just because they want to. What they do is not important to society. Cattle ranching was superseded by CAFOs ages ago and nearly 99% of our foodstock is now in CAFOs.

This is 100% completely true though. This is absolutely true, but it's true for *every* meat (except Mutton for the reason you listed) industry: Beef, Poultry, and Pork, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations are just so overwhelmingly *insanely* efficient.

So these Anons are correct'ish: >>4795912 >>4796015
Ranching is blatantly an upper-class hereditary hobby and not a serious profession; at worst they're larpers. They're not protecting food supply lines they're protecting "a way of life". They run an inherently uneconomical business model that: costs them money, doesn't efficiently produce food, doesn't cloth you, doesn't even make fertilizer, extirpates wildlife, and would unironically be better spent rewilding unarable land (keep in mind nothing I've said however is true for crops) or otherwise turning it into parks.

With that said: >>4795989
Some of what this Anon is saying is true, especially in America. If you're going to be buying land from Ranchers it doesn't solve anything to give it to some fucking cunt like Blackrock or Chink company so they can pollute it or develop it and print out an "IOU one(1) Environment".
what sub species of wolfs are we talking about? i dint know that the British Isles even had wolfs
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I thought cats were all "african immigrants" though and "foreign to the Aryan spirit" or some shit?
>You can just not eat beef. It's shit meat, it either does nothing or makes you less healthy and raises your estrogen levels. If you switch to a beef free diet and just eat poultry and fish you will live longer and stay in peak athletic condition for an extra decade.

You are a fucking retard, or this is bait. This is retarded bait. Kys.
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Just use lynx wool
That’s only the domesticated cat? Meds
Uh, plant-based fibers? Hello? Fucking COTTON?
Housecats are africans

Lynx are trad aryans

That is all 100% correct. When you consume cattle you become cattle. I am an actual man so i prefer elk and wild boar.
the irony being maoists hated cats and slaughtered them en masse
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No no that was those four. The only one they really got wrong here were the sparrows. It's just so happens that killing those sparrows caused a famine because of booming locust populations, so yk.
Yep, they're fertile too. It's gotten to the point where "eastern coyotes" are just starting to fill the niche left by wolves, getting more social, hunting large prey (basically just white tailed deer at this point), etc.
>vegan commie wants you to stop eating meat
>regular commie omits that the profitability of wool collapsed because of cheap jeetchink imports
>openly wants to steal your peoples’ home
Correct. Once an animal gets onto your property, the state comes in and manages it.
Why are conservetards so retarded? You tell them blatant facts about how nobody uses their antiquated traditional crap and their only single response always is:

>c-comie! you're gonna take our lives and our wives! y-you just hate me because I pretend that I have a trad lifestyle while enjoying all the comforts of modern life!

Nobody here's even socialist, except for that meowist guy, although I'm pretty sure he's just trolling.
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
Just beef because its essentially a suicidal act. Like we want you to stop smoking tobacco (it causes infertility).

Western nations would produce synthetics on their own without those
No one is doing this. Maybe if your shitty subsidized (=literal socialism) ranching business collapses and you cant pay property tax, you should pull yourself up by your fucking bootstraps and get a real job you faggot hippy
>bbbbut i want to free range the heckin sheep and feel connected to the earth man -ranchers
Dont forget not to be a bitch - no unions no raises - or your jobs going to a chinaman who isnt a bitch
No, they killed cats (and other pets) too, in the cultural Revolution the Red Guard would chase them down and kill them because they were ‘symbols of bourgeois decadence’ and needed to be uprooted for the good of China, though it definitely wasn’t as thorough or disastrous as the four pests
This nigga thinks we haven't been making sheep obsolete for 800 years 90% of clothing comes from plant fibers you utter retard
That picture could very well be the live-action movie poster for Cat-Dog.
>Wear plastic? Yeah have fun with that. "I would rather wear plastic than wool" - nobody.
This is gonna shock you, but you already wear plastic and so does everybody you know
britain has stupid problems.
Wasn't there a politician that was pro wolf rewilding then a pack killed her pony so she became anti rewilding?
>nooo you can't enjoy free range beef or mutton or wear leather or wool you MUST eat ze bugs and wear shitty plastic clothes from China!!!!! We need to help da woofers and meowers!!!
What happened to survival of the fittest? Wolves got wrecked hard. They lost. Get over it.
>but what about the kids and the hecking doggerinoooos?
Let them get eaten. I don't want to live in this curled world.
>Large predators in Britain now

i thought they've been importing them for decades now
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Lynx couldn't compete with house cats and were in some cases even literally out fucked from their gene pool by Tom cats. Wolves were killed off by farmers with dogs that could outbreed and overwhelm them in numbers during wolf hunts because wolves were no longer an apex within their niche and died off accordingly.

The only people who care about bringing them back are megafauna retards who can't appreciate the natural wildlife they have now; husky/wolf fags that have a 2 terabyte hardrive of illegal pornagraphy they have saved off from telegram; turbo autist catfags who find a normal cat boring and want to have a domesticated "exotic" wild cat and instead.

The Wolf and Lynx can stay being a genetic dead end. Reintroduction will only lead to then being killed of again by scottish or welsh farmers who are some of the least law abiding citizens if they think their area's local culture or status quo is under threat. These guys get hostile when an English man moves into their village or town, imagine how much shit is going to hit the fan when a wolf is spotted off of a local field. Imagine how fucked a lynx would be when a bunch of big cheeked toms spot it alone in some nearby woods off a farmers cottage, you want a cat rendition of Deliverance? Because that is how you get a xat rendition of Deliverance.
Really? Guess I gotta revist contemporary Chinese history then.
>some retarded hobby farmer shot/trapped/poisoned a species into extinction so you need to be ok with that! who needs an ecosystem when i breed vermin housecats under my shed?
They will come back and the crown will enforce the law to remove and rehabilitate more violent and antisocial trogs. Deal w/ it.
Or in a perfect world the scots get their referendum passed and they finally officially split from us.
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>Lynx gets released into welsh countryside
>Gets confused by it's surroundings
>Follows feline instinct and seeks shady cover
>Sees a forest off a field clearing
>Ventures into there
>Sights and smells are unfamiliar to him, yet instinct tells him he is home
>*RING-A-DING DING DIng ding dinnnnnn*
>The Lynx looks up and sees a weird looking feline with the biggest cheeks he ever saw and a scarlet orange ginger coat
>"Where are youss a goin' there pretty lynx?"
>Suddenly the Lynx heres a malevolent meow from behind him as 2 more tim cats come out from behind an old oak
>"A-HICK! We got ourselves an outa towner boys. Lets give em' a welsh welcome A-HICK!"
Lol cats are dumber and weaker than real wild animals. They just get their asses kicked repeatedly until salty retards try and extirpate the real wild animals to protect their mass produced biotoys.
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>Lol cats are dumber and weaker than real wild animals
Which only makes the Lynx's downfall even more funny that their orignal stock was somehow bubba-up'd by domestic cats.
Just the one decade actually.
>shoot the lynx
>remainder are desperate to find mates
>”ha cats win”
Nah you’re an invasive species that murders real animals to protect mass produced biotoys
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>murders real animals to protect mass produced biotoys
Not even a catfag boyo. Keep seething that your favorite furbaby species is practically dead and unlikely to comeback to bongland.
why do wypipo import things that actively hurt them?
bringing in rapey, violent minorities wasn't enough, so now they import literal predators lmao
shieeeet nigga, you fucks are goofy a.f.
Okay, lmao, and I don't care about your LARP faggot animals. I'll just shoot the lynx and wolves on sight and sell the meat to my Chinese buddy, and the fur to my Russian buddy.
Predators dont hurt anyone worth caring about

Just shitty pet owners, aka lazy ranchers. The rest of us do crazy things like build fences and watch over our animals.
I want to support this but it’s been such a dramatic problem here in the states I can’t help but shake my head. I like wolves. I want them on the landscape. But they are such a toxic issue that it’s simply not worth it. Wolfaboo pseudo environmentalists are the absolute biggest hysterical liars and cunts in the entire conservation movement. The millions that have been pissed away to reintroduce and protect wolves in places where they were already coming back naturally for free is laughable, every pet or stock animal killed was denied and lied about for over a decade, when they finally hit their population goals millions more were pissed away in lawsuits that ignored the science and artificially raised those goals multiple times after the fact, every single negative impact they had on the land scape such as pushing elk out of the mountains and completely wiping out caribou was covered up and lied about, and here’s the thing bongs. You fucking know it will be worse for you. I sincerely believe that the asshurt, tea sipping, lip curling, dead empire you live in is run by such incompetent, spineless, cucks that even when a toddler gets snatched off a playground they will cover it up just like they do with Muslims. For fucks sake you can’t even delist badgers after they’ve eaten just about every hedgehog in Britain and spread TB to your cattle. And the most frustrating thing for me is that this shit really shouldn’t be so hard.
>Make a plan
>Identify where they can most easily reintegrate
>Identify where their numbers should be thinnest to protect other conservation interests and not stress even more endangered species
>Bring them back
>Protect them as they replenish
>Compensate the ranchers to shut them up because it’s really not that expensive
>When they hit their population objective open up hunting and trapping seasons to encourage habitat movement and reduce numbers
But they won’t. They just fuck it up. EVERY GOD DAMN TIME.
or, y'know, i could just shoot your faggot predators, and then shoot you when you come on my property threatening to yiff me, you humongous furfaggot LARPer lynxlover cuckbitch
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This is not in America bud. Take your own cultural assertions and pretenses of agriculture elsewhere, they need not apply here.

Personally I am looking forward to a new boom in the fur trade.
>Doesn’t know the wala meme
Cheers to that.
I want a lynx hat.
There will be no fur trade. You pussies can’t even delist badgers or Pakis.
What are you even talking about?
You just fucking shoot them. It's not rocket science.
Sheep ranching doesnt exist in the uk?

Sorry sounds like you’re going to lose the last of your guns and get trapping banned for good
I eas pointing out that you are clearly not a bong with the langauge you use to label sheep "farmers" ranchers retard. You have no skin in a game so why do you care.
Ah. Planning to follow the 3 S’s I see. We did the same around here. Best of luck to you then fren.
When I see this cat I know it’s about to be a good post. Good job
Brainwashing and subversive groups
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>the conservitards are politicising biodiversity
Why am I not surprised
It’s always been political.
Any animal that can eat a refugee is good for the country.
You have clearly never heard of the badger culling political shit flinging fights over the years.

The issues surrounding badger culls aren't the me vs imgrunts 'politics' that rightoids think politics is. It's just an environmentalist vs farmer issue.
I just remember seeing all of those "don't cull badgers, cull tories" signs activists would throw around everywhere over the years.

I think I reconise you from another previous britbong thread anon...
Cheers, mate.
>you’re meat eating is antoquated old man, we take estrogen and rat cockroaches now! Fucking BIGOT.
>muh FACTORY muh SYNTHETIC lets stop funding our agriculture and just import food from china instead!!!
These are kikes
Any cat thay comes onto my yard gets eaten by my dogs, including their young kittens. Do you know how loud newborn kittens can scream? You can here it a quarter mile down the ranch
No one said to stop eating meat. You have schizophrenia. All anon said was we eat 10x more meat than we should, which is true.
Overconsumption of meat is the issue, not the act of farming or meat-eating itself. The reality is we could eat meat 2 or so times a week and be healthier than we are now. But no, rightoids have to scream and bitch about muh rightsss.
You want to eat meat 7x a week? Farm it yourself. If you have any amount of outside space you can farm quail or rabbits. Literally no one is stopping you.
But you won't because you're a larping schizophrenic like every other incurious conservitard on this Namibian fish farming forum. Dipshit.
Ranchers dont produce shit for food compared to CAFOs.
Based individual proving the pussyism that is rightoid ideology.
> I sincerely believe that the asshurt, tea sipping, lip curling, dead empire you live in is run by such incompetent, spineless, cucks
This isn't even a belief anon it's just facts.
>even when a toddler gets snatched off a playground they will cover it up just like they do with Muslims.
Nah they'll blame it on a Muslim even when video footage shows a white man. That's just how spineless and sniveling and cowardly they are, they'd rather bow to the most low-iq racist Norf FC bloke than grow a fucking spine. That's literally why brexit even happened.
>"don't cull badgers, cull tories"
Haha based. I believe in badger culls but if I had 5 London bin knives and had to choose between 5 Tories and 5 badgers the Tories are all getting stabbed behind Tescos.

Anyway any rewilidning attempts in the UK will be moot. Pretty much all of our land is private and the stuff that isn't up in Scotland already has such a fragile ecosystem that adding anything big to it could fuck it all up. Farmers arent giving up their land further south just so you can throw some lynx in there.
Face it fellow bongs, our island is an ecological deadzone and always will be.
Ok tranny
something like 60% of all food is wasted and thrown into the trash. Especially in a commercial setting.
Yes it’s the resident delusional bongcuck that thinks his brown grooming gangs are oppressed and his island isn’t a leftist shithole you mustn’t pay any attention to people this disconnected from reality
reminder that the majority of microplastic pollution is in the form of synthetic fibers used in clothing.
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See >>4796647. I dont care about the fate of domestic cats just as I don't care about the Lynx. But you sure do care an awful alot anon.
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Blessed trips.
>Bong society is cucked by boomers and literal retards into third world tier impotence
And it’s scarily obvious right?
>Muh mooslimes
I cheer for every bomb dropped on Gaza
>Don’t cull badgers cull tories meme
And here’s the exact shit I’m talking about. The fat miserable unfucked for decades post menopausal sweater wearing summer toothed perpetually offended wine aunts and smooth brained EDM twerking dream catcher napping city park glamping pseudo progressive insta whores flip out when some fucking Winston zips a diseased badger with a .22 because that is clearly the first step towards legalizing fucking blood sports in their meat starved brains. Wolves would unironically be 1000000000x worse.
>Well why do we have to shoot the Baby Eater of Leeds?
>Why can’t we just capture it and rerelease it somewhere else?
>Damn the cost Tories! You caused this whole mess with Brexit reee!
>It’s not the wolves fault that the baby stole his territory in east Birmingham reeee!
>What? What do you mean the Purple Arsed Elm Shrews gone extinct exactly where we reintroduced wolves? That’s a conservative conspiracy theory reee!
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Man how in the everloving hell do you expect anyone here to take you at all seriously when you talk like an exact photocopy of this nigga right here but British instead of American?
Firstly because I am American and secondly because Uncle Ruckus was right about the darkies.
lol wool anon got absolutely btfo
Imagine shilling CAFO for "animal welfare". Spend a year living in Dalhart Tx and report back what a good idea it is to feed monocultured grain to cattle who live in an environment devoid of anything but other cattle and cow feces, instead of letting cows go fucking eat grass and forbs in land of marginal use to people growing food for people.

The best part is all your new neighbors will agree with you and die of respiratory ailments 10 years earlier than the national average.
You're gonna piss so many anons off but you're right
I never understood the "write up deranged fanfiction about your interlocutors" method of persuasion
Like who's gonna be swayed by "I'm gonna say you eat cockroaches even though you obviously don't" and change their mind because of that
That was just a lunch break
Conservatives. Conservatives are swayed by that. Ridiculous exaggerations and slippery mountain slopes are all they have.
Friendly reminder that sheep farmers purposefuly leave their animals unprotected so they can play victim once they get torn to shreds by wolves and then get a hefty compensation from the government. Should Britain introduce wolves they must first solve the greedy farmer problem.
We kill and eat the ranchers. Done deal get it to parliament.
>Should Britain introduce wolves they must first solve the greedy farmer problem.
We inarguably have a more greedy farmer problem than the US.
I'm all for supporting British farmers but they kind of showed their complete and utter stupidity when most of them voted for brexit out of spite after the whole madcow fiasco that happened years ago, despite everyone with half a brain telling them that brexit would be especially harmful for farmers, and guess what happened? Farmers are struggling extra hard and now need extra compensation from the government, which is the literal socialism these conservitards desperately don't want, because they refuse to just pick up a book or listen to the smarter people around them.
Fucking hell they're dumb. My sympathy is running thin.
so business as usual
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>literal socialism these conservitards desperately don't want, because they refuse to just pick up a book or listen to the smarter people around them.
>Fucking hell they're dumb. My sympathy is running thin.
You sound like the communists before the russian revolution who got frustrated at the peasant subsistence farmers not advocating for their cause despite grass root efforts to teach them to read and write kek
>>>4795907 (OP) #
>Friendly reminder that sheep farmers purposefuly leave their animals unprotected so they can play victim once they get torn to shreds by wolves
Sounds terrible...if there were wolves to begin with in the UK anon...
Whoops, phone posting butter fingers
I have np sympathy towards farmers whatsoever. They're greedy and aggressive, and despite being rich and handling millions worth of hardware they still parasite their governments asking for more gibs. Farmers would cut entire treelines boarding their crops just to get a few cents more of revenue out of their harvest, and leave poisonous bites for animals whenever a wolf attack a single sheep out of their 500k flock.
Poltards still worship them for some reason, maybe because they look like salt of the earth trad and based for them, ignoring the fact that farmers regilarly sell all their clay for land development and cheap housing whenever the market fluctuates, so that they can live their life downtown shopping with their ferraris.
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>once again another american using theirbown culture and stigmas as a ruler to judge against another country's agriculture that has a completely different culture and ecosystem to their own
British farmers are just as rarted, if not more so.
No he was describing british farmoids. Maybe the dutch too. All livestock farmers are like that since CAFOa took over 99% of the meat supply - no real contribution to society, plenty of destruction - they are rich people with hobbies. American farmers buy $500k trucks not ferraris (america has no roads lol) so those were clearly excludes, just similar
>dutch farmers be like: fugg da enbironment i sell toolip
i'm italian you worthless nigger, farmers are all the same no matter what country you pick.
crop farmers are invaluable
people with penned in livestock are invaluable
its herders/ranchers and other free range fucks that insist on destroying the world in the name of their low effort approach to a hobby
>i shouldnt need to have a 7ft climb proofed fence around my chickens, liberals! kill the animals and fuck up the world for everyone but me RIGHT NOW YOU COMMIE TORY MARXIST JEWS REEEE MUH LIVELIHOOD TRADITION REEEEE HITLER
why grow sheep on a dead wasteland lot when i can grow flax AND have wolves romping on the property?
Because you cant fantasize about being a neolithic herder after the world ends 2 weeks from now? (Never mind post-eotw people are worse than wolves at their best. Humans and wolves get along or dont because humans are wolves, and wolves are human)
Okay yes but after the Russian revolution and during the Civil War the white army was struggling hard to find manpower and basically their entire army was commanders and generals while the peasants and proletariat basically all sided with the reds.
Those “peasants and proletariats” were overwhelmingly criminals and other assorted low lives and not just normal people so that would make sense
Shut up
>if there were wolves to begin with in the UK anon
Reading comprehension. I was talking about countries where wolves still exist, like mine (Spain).
hey man just calling it like it is
>i'm italian
Close enough.
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>catch lynx
>domesticate lynx
>farmers' livestock saved
>goofy ass bigcat gained
I see no downside
Bell yeah make it happen!!!
i too enjoy making people up in my head to get mad at
I like sheep but the OP is hilarious. I'm rooting for lynx now.
bovine hooves clacked out this post

Only certain big cat species are a problem for humans (read: literally just tigers, leopards, and pumas). The rest only somewhat annoy total retards so they can hang out and eat deer and outdoor cats.
>t. big city bitch boy who is scared of threats
Hood rats and Gangsters flood the big cities. Are you saying you want to exterminate them too?
Or do you just want to pick on poor helpless animals that are naturally rare to encounter due to predators having low population density by nature
I will keep my sanity
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give me back my damn forests you hedge fund cuck
The mindset is Confucianism, not whatever you’re ranting about
Jaguars can be dangerous too.
No, it’s both. Also just natural East Asian conformity.
commies want the first part however
>Be Britistan
>Outlaw/ban any breed over 20lbs
>Release wolves and lynx

Jeebus gob, fogsuckers...
Britain genuinely, unironically, has way too much privately owned land.
hey whoa wow is this real friend??
Look at his big paws!
reintroduce them but also allow people to kill one if it's eating their sheep, simple.
Yes it is (no further inquiries at this time)
I think they should take a step further and introduce wild tigers to the British Isles to help keep the local populations in check. They're already perfectly adapted to the climate. They just need some deer and stray cattle
>let me post this exception to the rule and pretend like it's actually the norm in the industry!
Look, a farmoid destroying acres of land and not watching his livestock so he can have an excuse to destroy even more of the environment by shooting predators

They do this for culture war reasons. Feedlots are more profitable.
They do it because fences are expensive and people cut through them anyways.
britain isnt big enough for that
Tigers are already struggling to survive in south east asia
>colonise india
>kill tigers with indian guides as sport
>de-colonise india
>Import tigers and indians and re-enact big game hunts with apu from down the local highstreet
I approve of this course of action.
> keep the local populations in check.
This but not “local”
indians did that all on their own too they’re probably pros
>Feedlots are more profitable.
CAFOs are hell to live by. Cow pastures are not. Pastures are also better for the welfare of the cattle, and the food produced on pasture is better for people.
>food produced on pasture is better for people
Nice pseudoscience you got there
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Based and Tigerpilled
Institute a Royal Monopoly on tigers and their prey so that aristocrats can still hunt them with their trusty Hindoo manservants while maintaining population stability
super turbo based
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I'm going to drop a little red pill that will piss everyone off.

The whole reason for this "we have to introduce predators to populated areas" is chickens coming home to roost due to hunter propaganda. For centuries hunters have lobbied local leaders to shill their satanic propaganda that killing animals for fun is "good for Nature" because all the predators just happened to have disappeared somehow (don't ask who did it, please).

Well, eventually when you argue in bad faith and spread deceitful propaganda, some people will take you at your word. This is what has happened with megacarnivore reintroduction propaganda. People realized they could cut out the hunter middle man and just reintroduce the predators. Problem is, most predators were eliminated because they're a literal existential threat to human populations (not that I give a fuck). Humorously, ALL of this propaganda is a house of lies. Megacarnivores don't actually control megaherbivore populations. The largest megaherbivores are basically immune from predation. Megacarnivores don't actually serve a useful function to Nature anymore than botflies or leeches do. And no, parasites are not "necessary" in Nature either. Most modern human "understanding" (foolishness) regarding ecology is based on religious and propagandistic beliefs, not fact. Nature doesn't exist to be in harmony and not every species is good for the environment. Some are more useful than others and apex predators are down there with tape worms for how useful they are to the natural environment. When you remove them from the environment, megaherbivores slightly increase their numbers with minimal vegetation changes. When you remove megaherbivores from the environment, entire plant species and communities collapse because herbivores are vital seed dispersers.

All (((western))) "ecology" is lies meant to serve lobbying groups.
Hi Satan
Nigger what? Studies in Yellowstone pretty much prove everything you just said wrong. Reintroducing wolves fixed a lot of overgrazing problems.
>The elk and deer populations started responding immediately. Within about 10 years, willows rebounded. In 20, the aspen began flourishing. Riverbanks stabilized. Songbirds returned as did beavers, eagles, foxes and badgers. “And those are just the things we have the time and funding to study,” said Smith. “There are probably myriad other effects just waiting to be discovered.”
I love watching wolfaboos seethe at farmers (people with real jobs)
Studies in the failure of park management that is Yellowstone are widely disreported to spread even further propaganda. Yellowstone is an absolute fucking trainwreck and should be in the training manual for ecologists as a prime example of what NOT to do. Yes, we all saw your jewtube "wolves changed the rivers" propaganda. The part of the story all the propagandists left out is Yellowstone's elk population did NOT have a significant impact on plant populations (patches of small woody shrubs were missing and floral undergrowth in what passes for "forests" at Yellowstone were slightly different and lower). Not only that, but the wolves quickly fucked everything up. They caused the elk population to plunge, mostly by just scaring them off, then they got mange and started killing people's livestock and pets and now they're a perpetual threat to the local human population. They fixed nothing because there was no problem to fix.

See above. I'm a ecologist. You read jewspaper headlines. I win. If you want to read something that will teach you about ecology, read pic related (I doubt you're literate enough).
Also, keep in mind that ALL studies on ecology are american corporate propaganda. ALL environmental groups and ALL government agencies "meant" to protect the environment were taken over by lobbyists long before you were born.
Ah yes!
Bring back large predators in europe.

>Some horny zoophile Anons from le forechan can go to the forest and have new sexual experiences

>They will kill off lifestock like sheeps, cows and pigs, damaging the economy and forcing you to import those products.
>They will kill off the deers and boars that otherwise could be hunted to feed people.
>They will murder our innocent cats and dogs.
>They may kill some hikers.
>They will murder our children on their way to school.

Seems like a good deal to me.
This article seems kind of sensational. Here's some that are more critical or take a more balanced view, including a more recent one from the same publication:



I agree. It will keep those uppity europoors humble
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>Pros: it would be cool
>bring predators to bongs
God that will be funny.
>They will kill off lifestock like sheeps, cows and pigs, damaging the economy and forcing you to import those products.
Most economically important livestock are kept in feedlots, not roaming on pasture, so they are fenced in and protected. You consider yourselves a first world country. How about you just fence your hobby farm in better?
>They will kill off the deers and boars that otherwise could be hunted to feed people.
Hunting is unable to feed a significant amount of people. It is a hobby for rich people that want to kill stuff.
>They will murder our innocent cats and dogs.
Not if you keep them leashed and in your fucking yard, they won't.
>They may kill some hikers.
You are statistically safer in an area with 10,000 wolves than you are in an area with 1,000 dark skinned men. Humans are apex predators.
>They will murder our children on their way to school.
See above. If it's such a concern and safety is paramount in decision making, start a white supremacist regime. Crime rates will plummet. This is a fact that has never been disproven. An ethnically homogenous country, and a country free of africans, is always safer than a diverse country or any country with africans in it. ALWAYS. No amount of socio-economic status cope has ever been proven - the blacks get richer, and they just get better at not getting caught fighting pitbulls, trafficking underage thai prostitutes, and selling/doing drugs. Besides, we know that a grand total of 30 children in the UK walk to school through the wilderness and only because their parents are dumb micks who are too drunk to drive them.
>You are statistically safer in an area with 10,000 wolves than you are in an area with 1,000 dark skinned men. Humans are apex predators.
>See above. If it's such a concern and safety is paramount in decision making, start a white supremacist regime. Crime rates will plummet. This is a fact that has never been disproven. An ethnically homogenous country, and a country free of africans, is always safer than a diverse country or any country with africans in it. ALWAYS. No amount of socio-economic status cope has ever been proven - the blacks get richer, and they just get better at not getting caught fighting pitbulls, trafficking underage thai prostitutes, and selling/doing drugs. Besides, we know that a grand total of 30 children in the UK walk to school through the wilderness and only because their parents are dumb micks who are too drunk to drive them.
Holy shit, I thought I was on /an/, not /pol/.

Go back to ur board.
He’s right you know.
>more somalian terrorists fleeing prosecution pls. i am so progressive.
Those scots are just mad the wolves might eat their most fuckable sheep first
I’ve seen enough hentai to know where that’s going
Zoos don’t actually leave their homes to have any kind of experiences doebeit
He’s right about most of that keep crying
That ‘stereotype’ is for the welsh get your facts straight
and then you realize
>Predators were never meant to have large populations in the first place
the problem is that predators need a lot of space for one individual in order to be supported.
the average population desity of most mega carnivores is like 1 per 100k sq miles
So one mega predator needs 100k sq miles in order to survive.
Problem is humans also need land and predators keep losing habitation to the ever expanding human race
My suggestion is to give mega predators super intellect so that they can become like us and claim territory away from humans in a political fashion.
Furries will become real
nvm I its 100 sq km. So roughly 38 sq mi
So the theory is, in a few years time mega carnivores will be phased out in favor of medium sized carnivores than can survive off of anything.
Lynx that kill anything from Deer to small rodents will remain extant will mega predators will go extinct due to the pressure of modern humanity becoming like China, Europe and India an overpopulated bug man shit hole with nothing but densly packed cities and farms in sighf
>dont ask who did it
Sheep ranchers who cant afford fences


Unfortunately as far as the pre second industrial revolution earth goes that does not describe a single person outside of noble families and aristocracy. Humans are not an intelligent or deserving species unless trained like the worthless cattle they are.
The fate of all big cats and wolves is becoming extinct in the wild
Predators are REQUIRED for nature to function. Parasites my ass. They’re the immune system. Herbivores will gladly reduce the earth to a sterile rock given free reign. They evolved to do nothing but eat fuck and die. If you think you found a predator free area you missed the birds.

Oh and parasites are also essential. They’re the precursor stage of immune system function. They weaken the disease (herbivores) so the hunter killer cell (carnivore) can return it to basic soil components (feces) and then they terminate the predator after so many removals.

Plant eaters are a literal plague. Nature is begging for them to be killed off. The laws of probability and thermodynamic require that the majority of the planet has predators and parasites or it will become batten rock.
Fun fact: herbivory is what made humans an invasive species. Without domesticated crops they’re GREAT for the planet. WE are the natural predator of megaherbivores.
herbivores are fascinatingly stupid

if you shoot one single domestic dog the rest form a pack and flee or attack you
if you shoot a wild deer with minimal noise the rest will graze around you while you gut the kill
the problem is humanity moves on
and there will be many more extinct mega fauna. 2100 there will be 9 billion humans 2200 there will be 18 billion
in 2300 there will be 36 billion humans and it will keep expanding until there are no more forests to cut down, no more deserts to terraform
and most importantly no more fresh water.
each human and humanity as a whole consumes way more water than the average animal
the future is ecocide and mass starvation of humanity
the only "wild" areas left will be game preserves made for rich hunters
Very few elephants die to predators and most die from disease and starvation
The “humans” responsible for the population growth are a hominid, but certainly not human, and are limited to two continents as long as the activities of homo rattus are halted.
>elephants arent being predated
>save from poachers btw!
lol. predator apes were created to kill those nosey tree wrecking fucks.
humans dont count because they use weapons imo
they can literally extripate all mega fauna save for domesticated ones over the course of a few decades if they wanted too
Europe is not anywhere on the level of those other two lmao
>2100 there will be 9 billion humans 2200 there will be 18 billion in 2300 there will be 36 billion humans and it will keep expanding until there are no more forests to cut down, no more deserts to terraform.

Actually, due to plummeting birth rates across the world it’s unlikely the global population will surpass far beyond 9 billion and could well be in decline by the end of the century. Pic related, it’s not just Europe and East Asia with sub-replacement fertility as now Latin America, South-East Asia, even some Middle Eastern states like Iran & Turkey have fallen to below 2.1 TFR or nearly have over the last 20 years. Even fertility rates in most African states are starting to fall, it’s only Niger and Afghanistan that have actually had any consistent increase in their fertility rate this decade. There is basically no fix for this so far either, pretty much every policy attempt at increasing birth rates in countries with sub-replacement birth rates like tax-breaks, generous maternity policies, or welfare allowances has only at best slowed the decline. Unless we resort to something wacky like religious fundamentalism (which doesn’t always work - see Iran’s birth rate) or growing babies in vats the human population won’t be expanding significantly more this century.
>Unless we resort to something wacky like religious fundamentalism (which doesn’t always work - see Iran’s birth rate) or growing babies in vats the human population won’t be expanding significantly more this century.
Why would you suggest such a thing?
Let it shrink let it shrink let it shrink
>tax-breaks, generous maternity policies, or welfare allowances
the people who should be having kids don't get these things in an amount that makes any difference
I volunteer to have a lynx in my garden
on the surface this seems like a good thing but there’s probably a big downside I’m overlooking
>Why would you suggest such a thing?
>Let it shrink let it shrink let it shrink
Shrinking populations mean shrinking standards of living unless no one retires and productivity can increase endlessly. Which it won't.
WTF is this real???
What kike told you this bullshit? You've mistaken the GDP and fractional reserve banking scams for the standard of living.

A shrinking population means that technological progress gets centered on the military and a taxpayer funded medical sector, and consumer tech stalls hard. Repairability and heirloom status comes back. Consumerism dies. However, your standard of living would be quite good. Education and healthcare systems would be less burdened, and better supported.

New construction of homes would slow. There would not be enough for people to leave the nest immediately. Multi-generational living would come back. Food production would slow somewhat, requiring all people with land to pitch in and raise livestock and for waste to be reduced significantly. Life would change but would it get worse? Maybe if your happiness depends on replacing your car, home, phone, PC, camera, and shoes on a monthly basis and eating whatever you wanted rather than what would grow near you. That would become impossible. Veganism would be impossible except for equatorial fucks in the few fertile areas left by climate change.

There is one thing that would have go away to forestall a crisis, and that would be the idea that all people are equal and should be able to do whatever they want. To prevent societal collapse, you would be sorted by innate ability and your career would be pre-selected. You would not have the illusion of freedom or equality. Dumb people would be required to be laborers. Smart people would be forced into the state run healthcare and tech sectors. Smart sociopaths would be forced into the state itself. You would not be allowed to waste your potential or anyones time being bad at your career or not selecting the career society needed to fuck off and be an "artist" just because you wanted to, unless you could fit it in between required activities.
300m people is more than enough to support a modern economy.
This meme of perpetual growth has to end.
Even if it shrinks to 150m the USA was a post wwii power house with only 158m persons in 1950
I said you queers would get triggered. 4chan is nothing but women these days.

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