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Second numbered thread. Waist length or longer.
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Reposts from previous threads are a good start.
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"our" discord doesn't let it burner accounts, lol
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I would say that reposting images from a thread that died not even a month ago is a bad way to start a thread. Each thread should provide something new and interesting to draw people in, it shouldn't be a thread just for the sake of having a thread.
Why repost images from a thread that is still recent in people's memory? It would be different if it happened months ago.
Outside of the people in that discord, who cares? This is /c/, no one cares about a secret server.
Talking about a discord server is a great way to make sure new people don't want to contribute as it makes it feel that the thread is just for a circlejerk.
Just my two cents.
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That's why I expect anons to post new pictures. No hopes for a manga/anime anyway.
I also love Victorique.
File deleted.
I just had a cute pic with long hair.

Pic rel should have been canon design.
Lol, file deleted.

Pic rel also should have been canon
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Do you believe in long-haired Rei supremacy?
I prefer the classic original style.
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You don't belong in this thread then.
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This should have been canon design.
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I wish women with long hair were real
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Based and same
how to impact media and influence women to grow hair more
This isn't google
i tried google and it just spat out beauty standard blogs and haircare routines
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I love my waifu's long hair
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While there's no denying that Rei's short hair will forever be iconic, yes. Always been a sucker for long hair and always will be.
Try some AI language model, if you really want to.
Quality was lost somewhere, original file is 19MB

Have another, copyright: original
i wonder if inputting that and some variations of it into a few chatbots over and over would eventually have a knock on effect irl
just trying to make the world a better place
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Hair belongs to the floor, wholesome edition
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I don't know why it's Blue Archive that has girls with super long hair, but I'm not going to complain.
someone at nexon must be one of us
idk if ill ever play it but im grateful for the amount of art being produced for it
hopefully that gets into some AI feeds, then somewhere along the line super long hair is normalised
Here's hoping this game starts a revolution and we get more games that have girls with super long hair. And hopefully all those games start giving us anime or other shows that have girls with super long hair. And hopefully that inspires women to grow their hair out as a result.
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I started playing the game exactly for that reason, I have no regrets
"blue_archive" delievers without additional tags.
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If this happened to me I'd be in heaven.
We need TND copypasta about long hair.
This would be perfect, if the boy also had long hair.
using pockets/bags/coats/sweaters/hoods to hold very long hair is extremely niche and neuron activating, especially when you can kinda see how long her hair is
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Do we make our own discord or nah?
I'd rather not. Hate Discord with a burning passion. I only use it because there's sometimes where I feel like I have to.
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This thread reminded me that Severing Crime Edge existed.
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Discord in place of forums divide and fragment communities, they lack discoverability and have access issues. Discords should be friend groups or specific intentionally exclusive subcommunities, like twitch subscribers.
No Discords!
I hate cutshit so much
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Her hair regrows to 2m at midnight every night.
god i wish my hair was like that
then a metre every day after that
come on we have the be realistic
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I came here looking for this and ended up finding this thread the coolest I've seen today.
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Almost there
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Naomi (GuP) long hair version.
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q7k9gorx vel pentagon (ぺんたごん) quite literally delievers quality so high, that I had to compress these
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I almost wish I could grab that bun and see how it feels.
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An illustration for long hair Girls und Panzer fanfic.
Still my favorite fanart of Yukari.
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My dream.
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I don't know who posted this one in the previous thread but actually yes, it is from 泡's fanbox
Here's also a rough translation of the text, adding lore behind these long haired OCs adds so much more charm imo
>- State when Tsumugi's hair is all messed up due to bedhead or hair play etc. The volume of hair is insane!!
>- It's a very cumbersome state to move around in.
>- This is also what happens after undoing braids, etc. It's just insane.
>- From the back, only the hair is visible, so she's mistaken for a new species of creature.
>- The volume increases as you go down. Is it defying the laws of nature?
>- It often gets tangled in her legs.
>- Just a little movement can hide her face and body. You can't fight against the laws of physics.
>- Because it's embarrassing, she won't go out in this state.
>- If something unpleasant or embarrassing happens, she retreats into her hair.
>- She has played hide-and-seek, hiding within her own hair.
>- It spreads to about a radius of 1 meter on the floor. To avoid stepping on it, there's a 1-meter radius of inviolable territory.
Thanks for the translation
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