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Modern inspired by Victorian but we make it spooky edition.

Last thread get archived: >>10851320

Thread before last for some mysterious reason did not and is still listed on active threads (WTF jannies?): >>10756184

Last two years these threads were barely active and and it took a year for each to reach image limit or get archived prematurely (WTF jannies?) but whatever.
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bempin' dat fred

People painting old solid wood furniture shall be publicly whipped with cat o nine-tails.
yes, more hot dudes carved into furniture. this is how life ought to be.
true, not only leaves, flowers or naked women. Males wanna be furniture too!
It seems that Australia/NZ region has tons of offers foe silverplated sets like picrel. In case anyone wonders - redoing silver electroplating can be done by jewelery workshops.
I forget to name it it's
>Rodd Silverware
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That's some chunky bicc fishes
From where is this picture from? Can you buy these anywhere right now?
Another video on "How to NOT restore wooden furniture". It was sanded, but badly, too aggressively due to power tool usage and rough surface was left. No filler was used to fill in scratches/bruises/holes which makes me question rationality of calling it "shabby" BEFORE "restoration" as "restoration" did not change a lot in that regard and potentially introduced a lot more of shabbiness. Heck, even primer would help. Black "stain" is in reality a paint. And it is doing a great job highlighting every uneven surface due to it's shiny aspect. If you can't leave without painting stuff black at least make a basic effort on keeping surface semi smooth and use matte paint, not the glossiest one you can come around as most of these videos is going for. It makes furniture look like it comes from some deep communist era from soviet bloc. They had excuse of materials shortages. You have no excuse, you are just too lazy to sand it PROPERLY and google basic wood restoration tips like using a wood filler. This is atrocity.

You can find one here


Other one I found was listed on site from India.

"Victorian Style Cherry Finish Bedroom Set" yields many similarly stained sets.
Iteresting Lincusta pattern
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Anaglypta was often put on ceiling in Victorian times.
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But it looks good on walls too and is cheaper than lincrusta
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should I paint or wallpaper my room? I have no experience doing either
Painting is easier to keep clean. If you want to have decorative walls you can also use stencils on painted walls.
Any recommendations for European brands and stores? Since a lot of lolita-inspired interior is based on European interior anyway, it wouldn't make sense to buy from Japan right?

I'm mainly looking for:
- jewellery box
- curtains
- a way to store my bigger accessories
- rugs
- bedding
- art (not digital)

And everything else because I recently moved and have nothing. I bought furniture in antique stores but have been unsuccessful finding other stuff with the right look. I got a frilly duvet cover on AliExpress and the quality is abysmal. :(

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