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males with naked feet
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feet not necessarily the focus
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Yesterday fucked a twink whilst he shoved his feet into my face. I'm one of you guys now, it's over, I can't leave. The initiation is complete.
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How was it anon? Was he cute and nice?
Hate to admit I liked the foot thing way too much, it's like a whole 'nother act on top of the fuuking. Nice n slim yea, much like myself. We aren't models but we make due with what we have, right.
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Based twink. Is he your boyfriend or someone you met up with? Did you do anything with his feet?
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Legs > feet
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they're both beautiful. but legs are incomplete without feet
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Shocked it took this long.
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el classico
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The best feet art is the one where feet isn't the focus.
Capitano is so lucky.
what did he mean by this
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I disagree
post some pics you like with feet focus then anon... I am OP so I will tell you if it is too eviL for my thread!
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I like this one
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bitches me like "man up"
no thank you!
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Nice pics anon
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sauce? all leads are dead
There is something different in this picture, I wanna lick and suck this guy so bad, I jerked off to this picture constantly
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Invading from the SP thread

did you tell him to do that? or did he just stick his feet int your face.

I have to say from experience being a twink attracted to twink feet is a strange feeling. I've legit gotten aroused by seeing my own feet.
This thread is so based
many good pics but these are particular favorites
The pixiv ID is 113925516
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What kind of feet do you like /cm/? I like boys with graceful curving arches and kind of round plumpish toes.
I can't really describe it other than I prefer shorter, rounder toes, and a shorter structure overall. Great if it's your thing but I see a lot of guys with elongated feet and long slender toes and it's not for me.
I’m the same way. I’m not very much into narrow feet and long skinny toes. My feet are kinda like that but I much prefer the rounder toes type
Long, arched and meaty
narrow was one of the words I was looking for but couldn't find
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scara feet drives me insane dawg
I have always hated this style of drawing feet, honestly. It just looks boring and weird.
I think I'm gay...
I agree. Weird finger toes
i don’t see what’s wrong with this image
maybe i’m not a footfag, but i think it’s cute
The image is nice it’s just the toes look a bit weird (at least to me) which can be a bit off-putting to someone who is interested in the feet looking nice. I wonder if it’s the same thing when I look at pictures of cute boys showing off their armpits. I’m not an armpit fag so I don’t really discriminate between them. Whereas the pitfag might get bothered by the underarms looking strange or unattractive to him in some way. I also don’t care or feel anything when I see ‘unattractive’ breasts whereas heterosexual men seem to be viscerally repulsed
I'm a footfag and i don't see anything wrong with the toes.
Me neither
Have you ever seen toes like that irl
Uh yeah,
mine do.
Literally yes
im a footfag and i think this picture is utterly erotic and i have seen toes like that irl, so imo its just preference
Post pics then boys… :^)
woah, not here
could draw it though
Would you? Do it anon
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no hate if you find it appealing but yeah these feet look very unrealistic to me personally. can't really put my finger on why though. the underside of the toe is maybe drawn too convex instead of concave, or all the toes aside from the big toe are too similar in size, or that the pads of the non-big-toe-toes feel very elongated. Cool if you like it though.

picrel feels more realistically drawn to me personally
maybe you're just weird anon
that's what toes look like, they're convex, there's fat there

those ones look weird and curvy
shading's all unnatural and they blend into one sharp carved shape, and the feet are blushing and shiny instead of matte somehow
it looks odd idk what to tell you

god i feel weird even talking about this
I want you to post a real world example of feet that look like
I genuinely don't know how you think that's normal.
Why are boy feet so cute
Because boys are cute and so are their feet
I like >>3877269 but these are better.
Anyone else think slightly hairy feet are cute?
yeah whatever i guess i do
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sock partway off cute.....
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I liked how the SV DLC 1 trailer had Florian with his feets out for almost the entire trailer
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That Mika has cute feet. Duh!
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What do his used socks smell like?
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Hmm, I wouldn't know... maybe something awful, considering all the walking around he does! Or maybe not much of a smell at all, because he's so quick to take his socks off...
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poor sickboy feets
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yebby feets...........
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lick sniff kiss
how new is this? where to find?
>not sniff kiss lick
@xi0966398925661 on twitter. Posted on the 12th
it's so embarrassing how into feet I am
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forgot pic
Why is it embarrassing?
I would go through hundreds of hours of ancient Chinese torture to have someone like this
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Shota feet are the best
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idk it feels like I like them so much, it's most of my desire. feels like a big ask sometimes to basically say this is gonna be 95% of my sexuality to someone, you know?
Some people are really into that honestly.
But regardless I used to think the same as you, then I actually met up with a few guys who were down with me just worshipping their feet, and then I just found myself also sucking them off, frotting with them, etc. The usual gay shit. Now I know I'm into more than just feet, you may be the same, just takes some experience to realize you're more flexible.
You should try to find someone to do that with, see where you truly stand sexually. You may surprise yourself.
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Should have posted an image with that.
Oh my God.. <3
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A long time ago, the world was a very different place.
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Anon, come on.
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Thanks for the advice, but I'm not a virgin or anything. This is kind of my sexuality in practice ;__;

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