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Miquella’s DLC finally got a trailer and release date.
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Messmer looks cool. Looking forward to seeing some art of him.
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cute miquey
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he can impale me any day
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How hard will he be?
he better be rock fucking solid
serious answer, probably somewhere in between gael and the orphan of kos
>turns into a cute twink
>immediately dies
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I’ve always felt bad for Morgott and even Mohg. If only Godfrey or Godwyn were around maybe they could have had a better upbringing.
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buy the deluxe edition of the dlc and get 46 centimeters of messmer
It's a shame there is literally 0 good fanart of Miquealla.
Everyone just does the basic draw a girl call it a boy trope
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(the original post on Pixiv was removed)
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I don't blame Mogh
Who are these?
The blond boy is Godrick, I'm not sure who the other one is
Wait, the other boy is a grafted scion. Both boys certainly were cuter without all the extra limbs
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Grafted Scion has a very cute face. What a shame.
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that's literally how he looks retard
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Not at all... The game's art portrays Miquella as tiny and long haired, yet boyish kid
I can't explain why, maybe the chubby, boyish arms as opposed to some skinny w*man sticks, he reminds me of Young Link in that regard. Tiny and adorable, and CLEARLY a boy
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Meanwhile in reality
recomend me a name for my new run in elden rin
miquellas simp or similar
Both can pass as boys... Problem is the gross ass girly face dumb artists give him.
Actual in-game art >>3869840 shows a much more boyish face than retarded artists draw for him
I will save him
I really hope we'll get to save him... And not fight him... I don't wanna kill the cute shota femboi ToT
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The cute boys of FromSoftware don’t have a good track record when it comes to surviving their games.

And the men people like from ER like Morgott and Blaidd ended up getting put down by the player.

In the true ending of Sekiro, Kuro does die but his soul lives on inside of the Divine Child. This is probably the most optimistic ending in a Soulsborne game so it’s possible a similarly bittersweet end could be given to Miquella (though you may need to do a specific list of esoteric tasks to get it).
Miquella is also saint Trina, who's description literally says people were confused weather they were male or female, something tells me he's pretty feminine if people can't tell by looking at him.

"St. Trina is described as a young individual of ambiguous gender, described variously as a young girl, or a young boy." sorry shotafag, he's a pretty femboy 100%
"sorry shotafag" - Anon says in denial as he confirms a boy is a boy
Stop fighting. Miquella will be cute regardless of how feminine they make him.
i love cute boys so much its unreal
im 160cm but im so fucking hairy its unreal laser removal its expensive af i want to be railed so hard and eat cock every single day and night so bad anons ahjahahahaha
miquella is an empyrean, like marika/radagon. so technically he is both genders at the same time (and he is also the product of selfcest between his parents).
Marika/Radagon is literally the only instance in the game where an empyrean has done that genderbender crap, the claim that it is a normal thing is unfounded
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Only way I'm killing him is with headpats and hugs. He's suffered enough
would rape his bussy
I could never. His softness inspires me to be more gentle with him.

[spoiler]Though, if he wants it rough, I can't decline him.[/spoiler]
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I wonder if Messmer will be the true challenge of the DLC, or if there’s someone else we haven’t seen yet who will be the Orphan of ER.
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They didn't show Orphan or Gael/Midir in their DLC trailers, so there's a pattern of the superboss being the guy they don't tell you about. He'll probably be the Maria (very strong but not the strongest, and the cause of an unquenchable thirst in the playerbase).
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Same. Glad I'm not the only one.
What do the snakes mean?
that they can jerk off more people at once, obviously
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Mohg did nothing wrong.

Do you guys have a character ready to go for the dlc? Feel free to post a catbox link if you do. Here’s mine:



INT build with curved swords.
why level 131
There is absolutely no difference between the image you posted and a female child except a penis that supposedly is there.
>the chubby, boyish arms as opposed to some skinny w*man sticks
most healthy kids that size regardless of sex have chubby arms
the pic you posted looks like a realistic rendition of a chubby little girl. you're so retarded and delusional. there's nothing 'clearly a boy' about him and you're not a gay man for liking little boys with long hair just because you call him masculine out of insecurity
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he may be the head of the magic gestapo or something, but he can still get it

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