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Huge breasts / Slim ribcage back POV

Ideally iviudal tits are 1x to 2x the size of the ribcage. Can hang to belly button or waist. Nothing hyper that drags to the floor or fills the room or is just a big circle mass with no weight (looks like a balloon).

Wide hips / ass a plus
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Huge titty backboob is my favorite poorly-tagged kink. I will dump what I have.
some of these may not hit the size requirements or may stretch the definition of "back POV" but I'm going to post them anyway.
that's all. some of the best were lost to the filesize limit. oh well.
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>Huge titty backboob is my favorite poorly-tagged kink. I will dump what I have.


another one I like are hot girls with big or hooked noses. Plenty of japanese artists like it and do it and then they never tag it.
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new favorite thread
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a classic
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Love sidewinders
>there is no specific tag for this fetish
You'd think some Tanaka would come up with such tag ages ago, but no.
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sauce on these? nao and yandex not giving anything useful
ocean floor

its hot but kind of dark towards the end
Rui-sensei the nursery is another good one if you like large alien pregnancy
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Anyone knows how to say this in a single tag?
best thing to use is the "backboob" tag

I also sometimes like to combine it with other tags such as "huge_breasts" or "gigantic_breasts"
i swear i should know the TL but I don't.
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we should make a small back big ass thread
shame that this is actually pretty uncommon in real life
What were the name of these specific hucow short stacks?
idk, goat succubi, did they have names?
Goat-Chan and Goat A

Goat-Chan is the redheaded one

Goat Alter is the dark skinned one
Accidentally cut the text off at the top, but you get the idea

Again, they're Goat-Chan and Goat Alter
Danchou is bragging about her muscles.
The classic
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is this even possible in real life? I feel like every woman with giant tits has a wider back to match it, or the tits will extend outwards a lot but not sidewards as much
Every time I read this type of thing on big boobs threads, I'm always so surprised, am I the only one that also follows irl models in here? Of course, it's possible dude, it's full of slim girls with huge breasts out there
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Yes it's very possible irl and it's my favorite fetish.

Fuck you.
nta but I'd appreciate to know the name of those models you follow
this isn't a fetish, it's just sexy women being sexy
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I miss when this artist put real effort into his work. Most of his recent Skeb stuff is so sloppily done.
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Not the main focus but still counts
either post something relevant or let it die
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>is this even possible in real life? I feel like every woman with giant tits has a wider back to match it, or the tits will extend outwards a lot but not sidewards as much

to some degree. Yulia Novas stick out 2 inches or so on each side. It is admittedly uncommon though
>You will never help bathe a chounyuu oppai loli
Why even live???
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I once had a video of a stripper showing off her back-boob while dancing to Kasabian's "Club Foot". Her tits were magnificent. I was instantly a back-boob man.
If anyone knows the video, please post a link.
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god that’s so hot! need more girls built like this
ai… but still hot
Also a lotta people bumping recently but not actually contributing beyond that

I don't think it's THAT hard to dig out a new image to find and post here
post an image you lazy fucks
"Breasts from behind allows one man to rest his mind"
-René Descartes

I was hoping after my previous comment in regards to this (being here >>10993027 ) that people would actually start contributing to the thread more outside of the constant "bump" spam that's been happening recently, guess not.

honest to god it's not that hard to find a relevant pic, just use the "backboob" tag + the "huge/gigantic" breasts tag and do a bit of digging
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Bigger alt
End of image dump

Now was that so hard?

I found most of these on Gelbooru just with simple tag combinations (huge/gigantic breasts + backboob), most of which were located within around 10 minutes or so

(I'm the same guy from here just to clarify >>11018021 , again, not that hard to find a relevant pic)
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Just noticed the mods deleted the bump spam post + my original post calling em out, originally this would've been nice but I really wish they could've done it sooner, cause it's the end of the thread, so it's pretty fucking pointless to delete it now as it's accomplished nothing as a result of being too late

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