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The character is Sagiri Yamada from Hell's Paradise.
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bitch just tracing Chivo's work lol
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It's not traced. It's a commission, so the commissioner probably asked the artist to reference that pic.
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Look who’s back
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It's cute when their bodies do the "longcat" thing
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People do say cats are liquid, so it's only fitting.
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I legitimately love this stuff, but I can never find a good source for it.
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There's a bunch of creators who specialize in elastic content. A trick I use is to go to the "Favorites" tab of one artist who draws this type of stuff and find more artists from there.
I like Comical’s stuff a lot. I just wish they did more with stretching compared to the amount of fat and inflation content they put out.
Good idea.

I completely agree.
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Trust me they never ask for permission.

Way too many newer stretchy artists out her "referencing" the OGs instead of coming up with something new or inspired. It's not even fun anymore.
What does elastic flesh feel like?
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Like dough, I imagine.
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Simple answer would be like rubber, latex or clay. I'd like to think it'd feel doughy, like an old person's skin.

Though if someone's skin could stretch infinitely, there'd never be a point where it would get tighter. It might feel like jello, or like water suspended in midair. It would just give way from the slightest touch. Just a corner of someone's skin, deceptively dense so that if you poked it with a finger, it would just get enveloped all around. You could take their arm, stretch it fifty feet long, pinch the middle of the arm skin and stretch that bit of skin perpendicularly out from that, and it'd still be just as soft and rubbery.

Of course logic doesn't have to follow, since it's an impossibility anyways. Maybe there's a way for their skin to feel normal, yet tight when you stretched it, and yet you still feel like you can stretch it more no matter what. Or perhaps it turns rubbery only when you pull it hard enough. Either way, I bet it'd fun to knead one's fingers through.
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would anyone happen to have a scan of the manga "fukushui baron"? I have been trying to find a scan and have come up with nothing outside of a few pages and some copies for sale online
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Any info for this would be great. I tried looking it up and either I have bad luck or I'm retarded. Maybe even both. But stretchy girl that uses her body to go all the way through another body is something I was unaware that I liked until now.
It's by @kiyoshi0981
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Anybody have any stretchy girl x stretchy guy stuff?
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I personally can't get enough of Plastic-Man versions of characters. It's the cutest thing ever seeing them turn their hands into mallets, and doing loop-de-loops with their arms, and being all goofy and wacky in their own way. Maybe I just haven't seen enough to become tired of it lol.
Also even though I tend to dislike other cliches, for some reason I don't mind them being superheroes as long as it feels original. I like that it gives the characters an excuse to show off their stretchiness and personalities to their full potential, and don neat little costumes to show how proud they are of their powers.
I think a big part of my liking of elastic characters is how confident and proud they are of their weirdness, now that I think about it.
call be a dick but i just find this stuff boring honestly, both if its plastic man based and if its just them being a superhero

i agree a bunch with anon above about how my appeal to this is the act of embracing the weirdness and the confidence that comes with it and stuff, but i guess id rather that theyd be embracing it in their own complete unique way rather than just as another pre-existing hero or doing what everybody else does

also probably factors in im way more partial to oc elastic stuff than pre-existing character elastic unless its really fun
also uhm hi
i have my own elastic girl character here she is
oversaturation has made it really boring. so many of the same or similar designs showing no creativity. I instantly think less if any artist who goes the plasticman suit/superhero rout with any characters.
also stupid how rare this stuff is. chance is like the only ones who attempted it.
It might be the superheroine fetish entirely separate from my elasticity fetish talking, but this is the shit. It's neat to see the designs artists come up with, entirely original or not, and turning established characters into superheroes is a simple but fun way of adding both more character and context to stretchy art of them.
I have complicated feelings on the idea so I would say each of you have said things that I agree with entirely. I like what Plastic Man represents and seeing it applied to women who are originally not stretchy. Though I also think that if you're going to give a random character stretchy powers it should make sense somehow in their universe. That said I'm getting a little bored of all the dime a dozen stretchy superhero girl OCs. There needs to be a little more variety or uniqueness when it comes to making these characters so that they stand out more.
But also, what's not to love about Plastic Man's one piece deep cleavage suit?
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so true on being bored of the samey stretchy superheroine ocs, just once i think id like a not generic ditzy elastic heroine that loses 99% of the time
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I hate most superhero OCs because they’re usually coy prudes or thinly veiled vehicles for somebody’s very clear defeat and/or bondage fetish. I do like Longella because she blatantly loves to fuck. design isn’t that unique but at least it’s not a plastic man ripoff.
Do you folks prefer rubber like stretchy girls or more clay like girls? I prefer the claygirls.
I'm on the same boat as you. I think that some anons earlier put it best by saying how it shows off the creativity and personality of the character.
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stretchy. clay is fine, clay is hot, but rubber being more “solid” is just such a huge thing for me, and having limits to your shape I think allows for a better dynamic. I like the shapeshifting stuff but just not as much.
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damn it i was just about to ask this question myself on which stretchy anatomy is preferred

and i think i myself prefer elastic girls that are rubber goop all the way down with no real anatomy in them
just sillier that way i guess
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I like the tightness of rubber girls better. The stuff that clay girls can do like melting, coming apart and rearranging themselves is great, but it's something that I have to be in the mood for.
I like the malleability aspect of claygirls and the idea of complex shapeshifting but generally I lean more towards traditional rubber girls.
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kinda wish this game didnt die to be honest
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holy shit she can actually do something nice
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I thought it was really neat yeah, the caption under it said something like
>It's good to have an attack method unique to elastic characters, like a hip hammer instead of a hip drop.

With elastic bodies, people could get flattened, pulled and humiliated, but at the same time they can turn themselves into weapons and grappling hooks and stuff. They become more vulnerable, but more self-expressive and capable all at once.

Actually, I guess that's true with expressing yourself in general, there's always a bit of vulnerability in doing so. Maybe this is like the fetish version of that.
i mean i guess

its just characters in this fetish are like 90% humiliation and degradation bait that get killed so often its just kinda sad, so neat to see this character that gets killed alot can atleast do something
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I’m just not interested in an elastic character at this point unless they are established, happy, and at least exhibit an openness to incorporating the powers into sex. leaves me a little high and dry at times but I hate the humiliation/bad end/full on death that seems to be visited upon every girl that comes along.
Does anyone have that pic of Chel from the Road to El Dorado stretching around with another girl while nude? I forgot who drew it, but I remember it was posted on Furaffinity or something.
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Nvm, I was able to find it
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this threads slow and really sorry to use it like this, but could you guys shit on my oc or just say whats wrong with it?

its been nagging on my brain for a while that their design could be better but just need some sort of second opinions on it
Hard to tell with just this image, is her personality supposed to be dry? Is she comical? Is she rude, lewd, sarcastic? Is she some kind of clown or does she have some job related to her look? Probably need more info or visuals.
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i posted her earlier with this >>10938854 and mainly want design/face shape critiques above anything else

but yeah shes a pretty dry asshole-type of person, prefers solitude and no hijinx yet still gets them every so often to some degree
Sources on any of these?
I couldn't find 10929982, unfortunately.
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Thanks a ton
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Oh I've never seen. This one, is this from Yooi?
Sauce? Couldn't find anything on Yandex
Yup. Here's a link to an old collection of his: http://www.mediafire.com/file/n7n8fb6w0vehmzm/%E3%82%88%E3%81%A3%E3%81%99%E3%83%BC+%28301210%29.zip
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his account was nuked right?
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i always loved to atempt to unravel elastic poses and images but i never understood what was happening on the second image to the left
is that another person?
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mostly i think having the plastic man/mr fantastic suit ripoff its one of the most basic forms of suits beside the 2 toned leotard, un imaginative but still easy to link to the power, except for the part that i find most of the mainstream depictions of elastic powers on males leaning into the gross factor ratter than apealing

as for the comical mallets and spikeballs gags are cute and ingenious and depending the character can lean more into"its imagination" and be something from cartoons that actual logical power usage
thats my idea
Yeah I think it was nuked before, and he recently put it back on a new account
I think she's entering and exiting another person's body, at least I assume based on the two pairs of legs
Mass shifting is underrated
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i see
also thanks for the clarification man! ;D
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Thank you so much. I saved some of it before it went down. It looks like I didn't miss much that I cared about, but it's still nice to have the full collection.

Eh, my tastes seem to vary from day to day, but I'm usually on the more rubber side. I like some malleability in there, but no complex shapeshifting. Something in the neighborhood of Elastigirl(Incredibles) - no matter how much she bends and stretches, there's an underlying default shape there. And her flesh is actually stretching. Maybe toss in some mass shifting to make hammer hands work. ;)
It is a bit lazy, but not always in a bad way. It's a visual shorthand that most people understand, like how a generic male superhero is a palette-swapped Superman. Or that a generic magic girl would wear a stylized seifuku like Sailor Moon. It can be used to quickly convey meaning, like "I meant to draw the girls like this" in >>10947405

I can also accept it as a tribute, or that some people really like girls in leotards. Or that drawing a character in their default costume would be difficult or nonsensical. I mean, IIRC, Pantsu drew the meme we're discussing, and he's drawn Princess Peach in a pink bodysuit instead of a dress. So there are shades of grey.

Now, that almost every random stretchy girl out there is a superhero? That's a different conversation. It's kinda the same problem that creates the generic fantasy setting, aka D&D. Fantasy means that you can do anything want. But that ends up being a lot of work, having to make up everything in the world and how it interacts with everything else. It's so much easier just to work with something where someone else has done all the hard work. Bringing it back to stretchy powers, that's a proper superpower. And, at least in Western culture, that means that it only occurs in the context of superhero comics/movies. So most people are primed to think inside that box. It's unfortunate, but that's human nature.

Also, I feel it needs to be explicitly stated, but many of those random superheroines were created with no knowledge of our community. Yes, there are people who have never heard of Melodia or Donna Limber. It's only us weirdos who are aware that there are so many.

Also, Sturgeon's Law. 90% of everything is crap.
This pic is AI generated.

I've been playing with Ideogram.ai a bit. As you can see, the results leave something to be desired. OTOH, it's not doing that bad a job for something as strange as a superhero stretching her arms.

I mean no disrespect to the artists out there. I was just hoping to enlighten people where things are today. Also, if more people bug AI for stretchy girls, it should in theory get better at it. ;)
Post the prompt
Oh, yeah. I suppose I should include the prompt. Something new to get used to.

Ideogram has 2 prompts - the one you type in, and the "magic prompt" which should reproduce the exact image.


A picture of Ino Yamanaka from the show Naruto in a superhero alternate universe. Ino, with her long blond hair in a ponytail and pale green eyes, is known as the Purple Mochi. She wears a purple and white costume. Her stretchy, malleable body is twisted into an intricate pose, while her limbs stretch to incredible lengths.

Magic Prompt

A stunning digital illustration of Ino Yamanaka, transported into a superhero-inspired alternate universe of the Naruto series. With her iconic long, blond hair tied into a ponytail, and her distinctive pale green eyes, she is known as the Purple Mochi. Clad in a vibrant purple and white costume, she embodies power and confidence. Her stretchy, malleable body is depicted in a complex, striking pose, with her limbs elongated to unimaginable lengths, showcasing her unique abilities. The background suggests an urban setting, with tall buildings and a dramatic sky, perfect for a superhero showdown.
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weird question but whats your favorite stretchy pic to fap to?
post yours and I’ll post mine
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aight heres one of mine
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OG one from renos rubber room >>10929988
This >>10960480
Or anything from SM's Fantasy
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Any more of this character?
That's StretchyGalFan's oc "Kana Naheka", here's some stuff from their FA
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If you woke up one day stretchy, what would be on your to-do list?
The first week would be all power testing to find out what kind of stretching powers I got. Next would be identity crafting. Using said identity to go clubbing and getting laid for about a week straight. Then we move on to the planning. Plans to go full Thief and steal from banks using my powers to by pass the vaults and replace rich people to drain their bank accounts. Having fun seeing how baffled the police are and enjoying vacations. After that? Well that's when we start using the wealth to get close to who ever is president, then pull a switcheroo.
After days of testing out my abilities and playing with myself I would probably abandon my civilian identity and go public as a super human, performing modest feats of heroics. If I have total shapeshifitng powers I would disguise myself as a different human whenever I'm not on the job and just generally have fun with having a fluid form.
Kill myself because I’m not a woman and I think stretchy men are disgusting
You can shapeshift into a big tittied woman you dummy.
stretchy does not mean malleable dipshit.
didn’t mean to call you a dipshit. that was rude of me.
Duuuude. Would totally love a girlfriend/boyfriend like that, nice idea BTW
Let's say we're talking about becoming totally malleable. Then what?
Assuming I’d have full control over my appearance including coloring and whatnot, I’d fuck myself silly for weeks, only leaving the house for sustenance when necessary (if necessary), spending most of my time in front of the mirror while I get myself off in the most desirable stretchy forms I could come up with. Then I’d start to make money as a streamer, becoming easily the most attractive FromSoft streamer of all time until I had enough to retire on (with my abilities it wouldn’t take long), and then begin working to help people in the world somehow. Whether that’s through corporate espionage/whistleblowing, using my money to solve problems for others that their government/city won’t, or having my wildly famous public streamer persona that I use to bring attention to issues needing it. I would become altruistic pretty quickly but never stop being a pervert for myself.
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Big fan of her
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Wish StretchM3 would come back and draw her, would be an awesome crossover.
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Surprised this thread lasted this long
It's practically unheard of when it comes to stretchy threads. Usually elastic threads don't last this long and with actually good content. Not complaining mind you.
Okay so bringing back the idea, what would you do if you gained stretchy powers like plastic man?
First thing I’d do is make weird faces in front of the mirror. Then I’d practice turning into cubes and spheres, then move on to furniture, then different people, and so on.
I could turn into a hang glider and fly around town. Heights aren’t an issue if I’ve got no bones to break if I crashed.
I’d switch careers to some kind of blue-collar job, since I could now do physical work quicker. Turning my hands into power tools, multitasking, lengthening my body to reach higher places, etc. Or maybe some kind of street performer or magician.
I would study old comics to learn more shapes and forms to shapeshift into.
There’s too many things to list, those powers just sound too fun.
First I would practice shifting into human forms in the mirror. Start with minor alterations to my body like making myself more muscular or handsome. Then try shapeshifting into other people. I would create an alter ego I would shapeshift into in order to use my powers publicly without people easily tracing my identity (either as a sort of uncanny gigachad version of myself like Eel/Plas or shapeshift into a female in order to throw off the resemblance entirely). Then practice more complicated shape changing and partial transformations. Once I have those down (and hopefully have some kind of clothing that could stretch along with me), I would Kick-Ass style go into Downtown and pick fights with criminals and shady people. Failing that, just try to go around town and do good deeds with my abilities. Or generally just use my shapeshifting powers to turn myself into the hottest version of myself (male or female) and flaunt myself around town.
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I love stretchy girls so fucking much anons. Really hoping Chivo manages to finish his Bubblegum Jane comic in spite of all the delays
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always put a thought on a stretchy but instead of being a hero or a villain something more creepy, like in a thriller being either psychopath or stalker like for real, imagine a girl/man with plastic-man powers, you cant literally hide away from them, a stretchy yandere its a hella nice concept to being honest
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Thats pretty hot. I wouldn’t mind being a victim and becoming some rubber girls plaything
The best part about this concept is that it easily opens avenues to other fetishes like bondage or vore. And what makes it appealing is that you have no power to stop them and their advances
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TuttyTheFruity has a series about this concept on his Patreon, first part is free to read

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one of NotaChance’s unused OC concepts. not a lot of info on it, you’d have to ask them.
And just keep going with questions because bored as hell, if you wake up one day and notice you got powers style plastic man/impossible jones where you can almost be everything/everyone what would you do?
I might find a way to fake my death so that I can adopt my new shapeshifting persona entirely. I feel like I would have a sense of shame if my friends and family knew I became a shapeshifter and was aware of what I was doing with those abilities so I'd rather just start anew without any judgement.
Rob banks like a Spider-Man villain
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same answer as here
Elsie is so fucking hot holy shit. Y'all got any more of her?
I got a shrunken Elsie
More of a fan of her wearing V-Necks with exposed cleavage but naked Elsie is pretty hot too so thanks
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Fuck yeah brother
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lots of newly colored Elsie coming out but none with v necks just yet. hope more comes soon, love the contrast on those pasty freckled titties
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Beautiful to hear and couldn't agree more
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I think they heard you guys>>11027799
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I dunno if it’s just me, but Genshin girls wearing Plastic Man outfits are kinda hot
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I wish Kecomaster would stop shoehorning his shitty cat sona into every single pic he makes, way to ruin any sexiness
I totally agree, the guy should be pushing his 40s by now. Imo I need more of his OCs Sandra and Tanya, hell if he's gonna use a self insert use Kellsy atleast, haven't seen that character in a while outside of some fanart.
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artists famously love reading criticism in this voice and hearing it absolutely makes them sympathetic to your opinion and more likely to make the art you want.
Imagine being 40 years old and writing nyun nyun nya meow in your smut fetish drawings
I totally agree it's very, off putting

I also concur, let's bring some positivity back here.

I reall enjoyed reading the what if stuff from earlier in this thread. How about another discussion like that? How about this time, what's something you don't see stretchy/malleable artist draw enough of? What would be cool to see outside of the usual noodle stretching and mallet hand tf's?
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