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-No furry
-No extreme gore
Previous thread: >>10820256
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I suddenly have a thing for Irish girls.
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What prompt did you use?
Not mine. Found them on Twitter.
In that case, sauce?
came from the account jamieagatharose
is this Vanilla Klein's art?
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gonna need some sauce on these
The first one is headless_lover on pixiv and twitter
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Anyone got any male themed ones?
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Are there any VR games with headless/detachable/dullahan girls? Maybe mods for these games? Anything?
Blade & Sorcery with the survivable dismemberment and ripper mods
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Sauce and/or prompt?
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looks like this doujin got another installment
it's already on sad panda, also what you're looking at is the only headless moment.
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I've noticed that many artists with this fetish also have a foot fetish.
Why is there such an overlap between feet and headless/detachment?
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Detachment and partialism go hand in hand.
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I don't think anyone has posted this, so
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there's a comic called God's Gift about a world where people's bodies have suddenly become detachable. There's 2 parts so far on this artist's fanbox.
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Literally my type of fantasy, where my girlfriend (if I ever had one) would play with my detachable head. Or better yet, maybe we could take turns taking each other's head for kinky things
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Funny you say that
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This guy made a whole collection of headless girls playing sports with their heads. Does anyone have that?
I think it's all on his fanbox
If anyone's feeling generous
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Anyone got any Nessa? Nessa nbm?
Why no guro
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Giant Ojou-sama Ch. 44
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Source pls
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Please someone say the name of the artist
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Source? Google gives no results
Does anyone know how to edit 3d models to make them headless? If so can you please explain or link a tutorial please? I want to make stuff like what you can find on the DeviantArt pages of dangerengineer and actuallyfuckingsatan, maybe even 3d animations in sfm.
Thanks in advance.
Here's a more specific example of what I want to make, I really like neckless girls
(I can't upload because some subhuman got my IP range imagebanned, hence the link)
Since they used the XNA plugin for Blender, I'm guessing people will just simply use Blender to edit the character. They would delete the head of the 3D mesh and then close up the neck stump(or just leave a gapping open hole).

Tutorials on Blender's box modelling should cover most of the necessary steps
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I hope it's not considered "extreme gore" here.
I do like the fact that she looks happy!
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Then she shoots them out like Whammu
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Are there any good nbm blogs worth following on tumblr or did everyone jump ship from there during the great purge of 2018?
(idgaf if it's only worksafe nbm art, anything's good)
Been trying to find a manga from a long while back. It's about this school where everyone has superpowers and the lead girl of the story boasts about how she's the strongest. Then she challenges this supposedly shy girl to a battle, only to realize her power is to alter reality; which allows her to take the lead's head off her shoulders and give her a blowjob.

Anyone know the name of that manga?
[Calpis Koubou (7ten Paoki)] Tokushu Nouryoku no SEX ni okeru Shiyourei
That's it. Thanks a bunch
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You go into a head/body part shop and find a really cute head. After chatting her up you decide you want to buy her. You lift her up off the shelf and carry her to checkout.

Do you...?
a) buy her outright as your new pet head
b) save some cash and trade in your head for hers
c) buy her and give her your body, becoming her pet head
d) other, go wild
I'd buy her for DIY experiments with different bodies with different functions. For science of course. That said I wonder what happened to her original body.
Pet head, no contest. Maybe buy an arm or two for her so she's not completely helpless.
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Deffinatly help a girl out. Maybe see if I can get her a body she'd like.
>Recently discover that the homonculi body part shop is going out of business.
>I buy unused homonculi body parts as a hobby to collect them.
>The shop is run by an alchemist named Sylvia.
>She may have been petite but she was tall and beautiful.
>Today I found the shop completely empty except for one piece.
>Sylvia's head is for sale.
>This was a shock.
>I never knew Sylvia was a homonculus herself.
>I can see her body length platinum hair waving like a curtain under the stand.
>Sylvia looks at me with her sapphire eyes as if she's begging for me to buy her.
>How can I not?
>Her head may have costed me my entire wallet but I'm satisfied.
>I never had the heart to buy homonculi heads.
>Reminds me too much of buying slaves.
>But if I didn't buy Sylvia now then someone else will.
>And who knows what they would do to her.
>I'll have to find a torso with lungs.
>Maybe Sylvia can tell me what happened to her shop and the rest of her body.
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>I manage to find Sylvia a lovely endowed chocolate chest with huge boobs with enormous areolas.
>So far I only have a spare right arm of a bodybuilder that matches the chest.
>Don't have a spare pelvis at the moment.
>So Sylvia sits mostly immobile.
>Sylvia begins using the bodybuilder's arm to push herself around the table.
>Her chocolate boobs drag on the table.
>"We'll have to find a bra," she says.
>She gives her new boobs a quick rub.
>"If you're wondering what happened to my body I pawned it off."
>Sylvia looks at me.
>"I got cheated on a bad investment. And I didn't have the money to keep my lab and shop opened."
>"So I sold everything for cash."
>What will we do about your body?
>"With the right equipment and components I can transmutate a new homonculus body."
>Sylvia moves herself onto my lap.
>"I'm happy you bought me.
>"You always take good care of the unwanted body parts in my shop in your collections.
>"My head is legally your property now."
>"You can do whatever you want to me. I can't say no."
>Give Sylvia's chest a rub.
>There has to be more than that to the story.
>"I refused to sell my head to anyone but you."
>"I even refused to sell my head to the man who wanted to pay ten times what you paid for just for my head."
>Sylvia begins to moan.
>"Tomorrow let's look at your collection."
>"I'll tell you exactly how to properly assemble homonculus bodies."
>Sylvia sucks one of the chest's breasts.
>"I want to spend more time with this chest."
>Move Sylvia to my bed.
>She clings onto my arm like a monkey as we move to bed.
>"Can you lay down with me for the moment."
>Sylvia pulls herself towards me.
>Then we kiss.
>"Thank you for taking care of me."
anyone? pls help
Trade, as long as I'm still conscious in my body, I don't mind helping her by being her new body
Does anyone have any of this artist's work saved? They went by "あ" on pixiv (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/46542959) but their page is now deleted. I only managed to have saved one of their works and I would love to see more of their art.
Source, pleace? I forgor the author's name

the artist goes by AZZ and you can find them on pixiv and twitter/x/whatever
I have some
It's a shame that they dissapeared
The majority of their art were more headswap stuff, but their modular content were top-tier
While we are at it, does anyone have more of 艾德柯Edke stuff from their Fanbox?
Big thanks!
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PSA time friends!

If the filename looks something like "111358946_p0.jpg", that means it's from Pixiv and you can find the direct source by yourself!

Simply take an existing Pixiv URL, such as:

TRIM off the numbers:

Then ADD the numbers with the first part of that initial filename:

And there you have it! As long as the original Pixiv image has not been deleted, it will be there.
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Emergency post to keep the thread from hitting the 404. Grabbed whatever was the first image in my folder.
this thread should be generalized into "detachables" for obvious reasons
Is there a sauce or is this AI?
Pretty much. The thread title only made it sound its specifically about head and neck separation rather than general detachment. My personal favorite being lower body detachment or pussy detachment that gets put into an onahole that's still linked to the woman.
make your own thread. i only want heads
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Pretty obviously AI, the neck shading is a big tell
Alternatively you can eat shit
Content here sucks anyways
then go be a faggot on reddit instead
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