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Hololive Production (Japanese: ホロライブプロダクション) (stylized in lowercase) is a virtual YouTuber agency owned by Japanese tech entertainment company Cover Corporation. In addition to acting as a multi-channel network, Hololive Production also handles licensing, merchandising, music production and concert organization. As of January 2024, the agency manages 78 VTubers in three target languages (Japanese, Indonesian and English), totalling over 50 million subscribers, including several of the most subscribed VTubers on YouTube and some of the most watched female streamers in the world.

Upon passing auditions, Hololive members agree to be in an exclusive life-long polyamorous relationship with the rest of Hololive's talents. To facilitate this before their debut stream, the talent must pass an initiation test consisting of being gangbanged by the entirety of the previous talents before her, one generation at a time. She must succesfully make all of them cum before her scheduled debut stream. Each generation has one pure girl as the generation's designated hole with no futanari features whose job is to sexually satsify her generation members as a form of stress relief. All hololive talents are free to have sex with each other and frequently do so across generations during collabs.
I mean this in the nicest possible way.

You should seek serious psychological therapy.
we need some futa on futa SPH
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Post 6 OP
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You're right, but also this is what I come to the board for.

The idea of an futa talent agency hiring a cumdumpster, but keeping it a secret is just so delicious and rich with potential.

The idea of an agency turning it's talent into perpetually horny futas is hot too. Imagine being a cute girl auditioning, and meeting your idol who's inspired you, only for them to lift their skirt to reveal a throbbing cock while telling you that you can only join the company if you get one too.
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Dont mind if I do although I only have so much
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I miss Mel even if I didnt watch her as much as others
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Pretty sure this counts despite my labeling
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Me too.
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Never really got into vtubers because I don't want to watch corpo streamers, but the indie vtubers are all drama magnets or never do anything interesting. Are there any that are actually good? And good as in entertaining, all of them are hot anyways.
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There are good independent and corporate vtubers. For example, Kson, who was a member of Hololive, was independent and is now back in another company.
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Marine would either have no vagina and be a slut for futanari cock, or have a 30+ inch cock herself, no inbetween
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Vshojo is terrible though. Exactly the kind of group I want to avoid. I don't know why vtubers all feel the need to join an agency, especially when so many of them demand the rights to your persona. It's a losing move.
Being a corporate Vtuber has benefits, they provide you with the model, it is easier to reach a large audience if you want to be a singer and it is easier to give a concert, for example, if you have a company that helps you with logistics.
The deal doesn't seem worth it, but I suppose it is the right move if you want to do music and events. Those aren't things I want out of a vtuber though. Mostly I just want them to play video games and maintain kayfabe. It's frustrating to tune into a channel and be met with singing or reactions or fucking pokemon card opening.
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Dropped image. I want you to know who I was throwing shade at.
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If it is just a hobby, it is not the best option to join a vtuber company, but if you want to progress in an artistic career it is more advisable, and many vtubers within a company are friends, which makes for a more interesting work environment.
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I strongly disagree. You should only join a company if you want the glamor and the fame. You don't need to be part of a company to have friends or collaborate. You need to be independent if you want artistic control. The company doesn't provide a service to it's talent unless the talent are majority shareholders. It exists to sand off their edges for mass market appeal.
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Futa Gura

Futa Ina

Futa Bae

Futa Calli
I want to gag on Sana's 24 inch BBC
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Fun fact: At Sana's full size her penis is around 1 AU (the distance between Earth and yhe sun).
I can take her
>especially when so many of them demand the rights to your persona.
You're confused. Most vtuber corpos supply you with a new persona. That's why they own it, it was never yours to begin with. If you leave the company you leave that persona behind, but you can still use the one you were using before you joined.
Vshojo in particular has people using their pre-Vshojo personas, but Vshojo doesn't take ownership of them.
Off the top of my head, I think there's only been one minor corpo, who i forget the name of, that demanded the rights to their employees' pre-existing personas, and when that info got leaked everyone went "wtf"
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I don't give a hoot about vtubers but this is good stuff OP. I really like scenarios where ordinary girls are suddenly given a dick and have to adjust to their new anatomy, with some of them being ashamed and secretive about it while others turn into masturbation addicts desperate to fuck anything that moves.
That doesn't make it much better. They're still using it as leverage over talent. If someone leaves a company, the persona rights are worthless to the company. It's not like the company can have another person take up the persona. The only reason to have them is to hurt talent that tries to leave or make the threat of firing them more intimidating. It's scummy behavior.

Vshojo is in the better position on this, but they have other problems, primarily that I just hate all their talent, nyanners especially.
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Yeah, the writing side of this is fun. How about a prompt?

>Pick a vtuber to grow a dick
>Describe how each one reacts initially
>Do they publicly mention that they're now a futa? If so, how? A dedicated stream? a tweet? A long series of innuendos until they let it slip?
>How do their streams change? Are they more easily flustered now? Do they start acting odd during collabs?
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Nyanners and several others left Vshojo to be indie again.
Also they had one of the few cases where a talent came to the company, got a model, then graduated and kept the model (Nazuna, formerly Rushia).
So who enjoys sucking her own cock the most?
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Sucking a your own dick feels more like sucking a dick than getting your dick sucked. That said, mori does love both. It'd be nicer if hers had a flare though.
Kanata saw an art of her... with a big cock.

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Which of them would be cut/uncut? Excluding the JP girls.
Always fun to see vtubers talking about futa.
I'm positive animal penises don't need circumcision.
The Americans would mostly be cut because jewish influence
Idk, some obvious ones:
Kiara - uncut
Ina, Kronii - cut (koreans)
Shiori is cut, but not very well.
Whoever did do it struggled around her phimosis, so she still has something of hood on her cock.
Most of the ID girls would probably be cut both ways, dick and pussy.
Not Ollie though.
Ollie's penis is straight up detatchable... imagine the seggs
She still feels it even when it's off, there's all sorts of things she could do

>Using her own penis like a dildo...
>Disguising her penis as a dildo trick other mems into riding it...
>Getting caught and being forced to cum almost constantly for days until she finally apologizes for trying to trick the other mems...

>Doing it again...
A futanari ollie would give you the wildest sex
Nice anon, wish that was true. I really don't care about vtubers but i like this idea.

Also i think i heard of 1 or 2 futanari vtubers but i only ever saw them post on twitter but never doing any videos or anything.
I like IRyS having a futanari dick because of her devil (incubus) side. I think she's part devil.
girls comparing wieners is what i like to see
Sana has an absurd amount of smegma trapped under her thick foreskin
I feel bad for whoever's on dick cleaning duty when Sana's around...
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The idea of a reall vtuber actually playing into a futa avatar is so fun, I wish one of them actually do it. Most western vtubers don't care about kayfabe anyways though, and even if they did, an actually girl would say something that doesn't line up eventually. Fun to dream though.
Absolutely, that would be the best, some actually do play into the kayfabe so it's not impossible.
You have vtubers that are into pegging irl, like cottontail, and I don't think it would be impossible for her to act as a futa.
But I guess what it comes down to is that they want actual careers around them and their personality that doesn't just revolve around a fetish even if carried by it. I mean Noel got her huge tits as a trademark but her regular viewers aren't there for that anymore, but her herself.
I think it would be possible, but I also think it would quickly become a regular vtuber like any other. Like what would you even do with that in the longterm? It's NSFW so if you want to stream on YT or Twitch it would all have to be very implicated and only hinted at. She could have like a fat bulge on her model, but vtubers generally just stream with the upper body so you can see their faces better, so just full body all the time? Maybe, idk
Would just be unclear how exactly to work
There's one that I know of. Reiyu GuiGui. She has a futa model that she stream with on fansly.

Onigiri also has a grab buldge animation in one of her models.
I mean, there are already some hypnokink vtubers like secret subject and Saa. (Pic related is close to her actual model's proportions. It's very suprising because again, primarily only see her upper body) Vtubers, especially indie vtubers, are going after smaller and smaller niches.

You are right that there isn't much sfw that a futa vtuber can do though. They could talk about it, but coming back from every bathroom break saying "Well that was a great piss, with my penis, because I have one of those." is going to get more awkward than hot very quickly. Best they could do is express their difference from normal women and play into the "Futa are debilitatingly horny" side of it and gripe about that. As incredible as it would be to see a futa streamer get more and more hot and bothered until she explicitly puts up a brb to go fap, that would break TOS everywhere. Going the melody route and streaming both sfw and nsfw would probably be best for a futa streamer, but if you go nsfw, selling the dick with a female actor gets near impossible.
Do you have any clips or videos? i need proof anon.
If you go nsfw, the bigger problem is that the sites for it are just smaller. Unless you really do something incredible you're not going to gain any viewers. And a small niche indie streamer is going to have a hard time coming up with the money for a high quality model and all the new pioneerish things that would need to be done like a throbbing cock and cumming. It's just that if they have the money, they probably aren't the type of degenerates to do this, or don't have the time for it.
Again, all not impossible, just so many hurdles to overcome.
I wonder how much you could do with a bulge on YT or twitch though. I expect if it gets too intense they'll block it but what if during a game you just see the outline slowly bulging up towards her chest under her shirt, I wonder if that would be allowed. I mean it's so ridiculous and would never happen with a normal penis anyway right?
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On Twitch it depends entirely on if the mods like you or not, and they seem to have a thing against vtubers. If the vtuber in question gets on the Mod's good side somehow, they could get away with anything, perhaps even showing their cock off on stream as long as they have an excuse like it being an accident.

YouTube it's all up to the bots. Probably could pull it off. Defiantly can pull it off if you aren't aiming to be monitized.

A futa streamer is a pipe dream, but it's fun to fantasize. Maybe one day on a more free internet with more accessible fluid simulations.
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Yeah a man can dream...
A streamer would just have to try once, maybe just showing it off as a gimmick at the end of an outfit reveal, first showing the legs, then going from the top and surprising everyone with a massive bulge lmao. Though you'd constantly have to explain what a futanari is, a woman and not a shemale, just with a cock, which because it doesn't exist irl would confuse normies and a lot may not want to deal with explaining that constantly.
>the top of the lists caps at 1 foot (+)
That's so lame. It should START at 1 foot...
Based Size King
isnt most of EN from the US and Canada? assuming they're all cut makes the remaining list relatively short.
Bijou has a small dick with phimosis
Fuwamoco are uncut and dock together
Calliope is cut but has girth, she is proud of it
Ina has an uncut small dick, but tends to get stuck pubes from her/other's bushes. she becomes ashamed every time her sex partner pulls a stuck pube off
Goth Fauna has a thin but long weiner with an almost pinhole phimosis, she never attempted to touch nor retract her foreskin before because it was immoral, hence ended up like this. Mumei loves to go down on her and to delicately pluck the stray pubes away and clean the dick cheese with the tip of her tongue to the best of her abilities..
Gura has an uncut small peepee and she sometimes fingers her foreskin and sniffs it on stream.
Nerissa is cut and above average
Goth Mumei is uncut and her cock's thick, but her short foreskin almost looks cut when hard
Kiara only got her tip cut off
Amelia is not only uncut but has a very long foreskin. The skin is very active as is, but her constant 12 hour gaming sessions, daily masturbation sessions, and weekly baths compounded make her smegma situation intolerable to anyone but the most deviant. She loves the noises of the smegma under the foreskin makes as she masturbates
Baelz is uncut and mating presses her custom onahole as means of cleaning her dick and shooting her cum at the same time
I was thinking Gura has two of them but they're small shark dicks. Coco would have twin dragon cocks.
I don't get it, you said those from US and Canada are all cut but then you list most of the Americans as uncut.
Besides, Kiara is from Europe, she would NEVER be cut, no way.
Gura isn't cut because she has twin shark dicks.
Ame is cut.
Calli is cut.
Kiara is uncut.
Ina is uncut, though she also has tentacles.
Sana is uncut but she grows so huge her penis tip is exposed.
Bae is uncut.
Kronii is uncut unless Koreans circumsize.
Mumei might be either way.
Fauna is uncut, but she has a horse/deer penis due to being Kirin.
What's their foreskin status like? Which ones have anteaters? Which ones have short foreskins, or even wear it retracted? Which ones are circumcised? Which ones have a bush?
>4-5 inches

not judging or anything, just sorta surprised you chose this as your head cannon given most "fanart" of futa Ina generally depicts her as 12+ inches

I'm gonna assume it's the "small yet hung" appeal of it, as people generally tend to do the same with futa Gura as well
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She often posts on twitter stuff like this.
love futa Kronii
futa Kronii getting mogged by someone even bigger is also good too
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>futa Kronii masturbating in her room
>every time she blows her load, she rewinds time in her balls and starts stroking again
12 hour stream of her cumming all over the place and fucking other holo members, rewinding time to keep restoring her vigor
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>Foreskin Detected
Part of the Foreskin Gang boyos.
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In hololive koyori mentioned futanari, no idea if shes actually into that tho. Any other? Dick jokes "ahaha suck my dick" doesn't count, except if they go further
Any niji or other big corpo or other big indie? I dont really care about 2view avtubers.
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Maybe not quite what you're looking for, but Kanata mentioned futa art
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Do you think Pippa would be shameless as a futa, or paranoid about anyone finding out?

Going with the initial prompt, it's fun to imagine people assuming Pippa is the real girl in gen 1 phase connect, when she actually has a modestly sized unwashed sweaty dick that she's just better at hiding than the other girls.

The experience to anyone outside of Kronii's powers, would just be basically watching her cum endlessly for 12 hours. No stopping, no breaks, just twelve entire hours, of watching senpais, kohais, and cheap sex toys alike, just get hosed with semen and fucked completely stupid.
And then Kronii is still composed enough to end the stream professionally by the end of it all too.
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The term is natural/intact.
Please cease being dumb anon.
As a (hypothetically) straight male, I've never had a stronger urge to suck a cock to completion than I did just now staring at the slabs of meat that shark and rat are flaunting. If the anon that posted these generated them, please do more. Kiara, Sana or Shiori would be lovely.
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As an equally (hypothetically) straight male, I agree that shark's penis gives her the right to make me her wife whenever she wants.

Please no more ai art though.
Congratulations, you now discovered the best tag there is, Futa
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>that shark's penis gives her the right to make me her wife

shrimps want it more than Ame; more than oxygen itself. but could you ACTUALLY handle her endless rutting? imagine she's just like a dolphin and suddenly wont let up until one of your holes has been bred and Gura herself is satisfied. will you still take responsibility?
What about nijisanji?
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Any of them play Skullgirls?
They keep all their talents in chastity cages, because the only ones fucking them are their higher ups
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I don't think anyone could keep up with her sex drive. Those balls are just too strong, they'd flood my body if I tried to take all their production, and I'd never have time to do her housework! No, it's natural that she gets multiple wives and still masturbates. I don't need to worry about her loyalty because there will always be more left for me.
Man I love Futanari dick comparison
she has mold everywhere in her room, her cock would be ridden with cock cheese and mold
Not any discoloration (hopefully)
But the contrast of her trying to act like she doesn't have one while almost constantly smelling like filthy dick is nice
i can tell you she'd get hard just to peel her prepuce back in order to smell her filthy dick and get that rush
The rabbit is truly one with the mold.
She'd definitely have a thing for sharing her smegma with the other girls
The real question is who has the biggest balls?
Sana by sheer size

Risu by scale to her cock
An argument can be made for Ina over Sana if you include ball volume displaced in the 4th and 5th dimension.
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An argument can be made for Ina over Sana if you include ball volume displaced in the 4th and 5th dimension.
Ina is more basically eldritch than really higher dimensional, and even if she did I feel like those are by definition AO-chan's balls more than her own.

Though additionally, a similar argument could be made for Kronii's testicles (And Ame, technically), specifically given her abilities to travel through time, it's not entirely unreasonable to multiply their volume by time in the universe.
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Sana the realistic yet somewhat boring answer. I like the idea of Risu having a tiny dick but huge nuts, edging year round in a chastity cage only clamped around her balls until Nonstop Nut November comes around. Chronic gooner squirrel.

Not based on OP's size chart, I'm going with Fauna. Massive equine dick with huge round testicles that sag low, can't imagine Calli & Kronii would be the only two eager to give those heavy musky orbs the spit shine they deserve.

Uno reserving the question as well, just interested in potential thoughts.. smallest balls to dick ratio? I think it's harder to decipher. Basing my opinion on personality, Ame or Pekora feel right. Not based on personality and just my intuition, Mumei, Bijou and Matsuri seem like they'd have average to large dicks but tiny little sacks. Mumei's berries, Bijou's jewels.. can't think of one for Matsuri.
I do like the idea of Risu saving all her nut up for Non-stop, the idea of her getting off as much to the feeling of them swelling as much as actively draining them is hot.

But Peko I feel would have pretty hefty nads for her size, even if it's not the perfect fit for her personality, she is a rabbit, so they're either naturally large like her mom's, or they've gotten large from years of (protected) incest.

Moom, is an owl, and from what I'm reading they only have cloacas, all the necessary organs to reproduce for either sex of course, but they don't have outstanding sexual features like the ever iconic corkscrew duck penis.
As such, I could see her ad either having a very small pair of balls or lacking them entirely, probably favoring riding Kronii's dick than actually using her own either way.

The idea of biboo having small balls tracks well with the rest of her generally small package, though it does open to the idea of them not being fully dropped.
Restricting her from being able to even fully orgasm in the first place and probably practicing with Kaela whenever she can.

With all that Matsuri is into it wouldn't surprise if she had incidentally shrunken her balls while trying to do something else, her sack is probably pretty long though, so she would probably fill that with saline just to fake having larger balls.

>what can be given can also be taken away

>the girls' dick sizes are only slightly genetic, mainly determined by drug dosage
>for the most part, the agency picks and chooses who gets a big or small one

>top earners can get away with stealing drugs to make themselves bigger, or even low earning girls they don't like smaller
>this is tolerated because the company likes money - the fans love when their favorite girl surprise drops extra inches

>girls that piss the agency off can be put on a dick reduction regimen
>if it's especially severe, they have to show off their decreasing measurements on stream every day

>especially severe problem idols may be hidden away from the public and used for experimentation / breeding
>lab rat girls get grotesque and sometimes malformed, painful monster dicks so active idols can have pristine dog, horse, and dragon dicks with no side effects
>lab rat girls get grotesque and sometimes malformed, painful monster dicks so active idols can have pristine dog, horse, and dragon dicks with no side effects
This implies a collection of non-idols that will never see the light of day exclusively for the purpose of testing freaky hybrid penises...
What kind of girls get these roles?
Failed auditions?
Terminated idols?
Otherwise employees?
>during / after audition something goes wrong with the normal dick growth injection
>to avoid legal / PR nightmare the company disappears the girl
>will try to cure whatever's wrong for a success and put her out there to stream
>will keep a failure in the lab as company property

>Graduate on good terms
>Offered a late-experimental or stable drug as a bonus
>Gets access to company cumdumps

>Terminated, Graduate on bad terms with the company
>Employees, interns who know the wrong secrets and try to leave on bad terms or get fired
>Used for experiments, talent stress relief, and/or pregnancy
>Sometimes lab employees will mess with the girls for fun


>Experimental drugs for new and improved hybrid dicks are given at high doses, tending to result in huge dicks (it's easier to study imperfections and side effects)
>The combination of size and shape means they can hurt to take
>The current cast of girls being used to test them have gradually gotten rougher and more sadistic when it's "their turn"
>After all, it hurt when the girl they're currently stomach-bulging finished inside them them last week; it's just a little revenge
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>the captcha malfunctioned
>there's no art of futa Risu with huge balls even though she had a segment dedicated to NNN
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This is just a sketch, imagine a full illustration of what ollie could do with a dick and some friends
Ollie with a futa cock and increased libido would be a menace
I like Coco and her two dragon dicks.
I want more of the green haired girl
Unkempt pubes would be - Laplus, Kobo, Kiara, Haachama, Bae, Polka, Korone, Coco, Gura, Roboco

Bushy but taken care of - Calli, Fauna, Moona, Shiori, Mumei, Suisei, Reine, Risu, Matsuri, Subaru, Shion

Trimmed - Ina, Ollie, Marine, Okayu, Nerissa, Pekora, Noel, Mio, Watame, Lamy, Fuwawa, Mococo, Choco, Mel

Clean - Kronii, Ame, Miko, Vestia, Fubuki, Kanata, Bijou, Irys, Azki, Nene, Flare
Nah, Ollie renting out her massive undead slab as a detachable dildo for the desperate loner girls in hololive that aren't confident enough to set up off collab hookups. Caveat is that it can't cum while detached and Ollie can't feel any of the pleasure it receives, so she uses it as a sampler and side hustle to lure in clients, forcing them to pay more for the full experience with her dick attached once hooked.

>Mio in trimmed.
That wolf has a forest down there, cock or not.
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Kiara admitted to shaving on stream.
I don't watch Kiara enough to know that. So she's down in clean shaven then.

I did almost put her in unkempt so she can take that crown.
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I just realized I posted the wrong image, fuck me
Which girls have fuckable urethras?
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Since it seems to be agreed Bae is uncut, good chance that rat has a substantial amount of dickcheese she's hoarding beneath her hood.
Not a good chance, very much a garunteed.
And more importantly, she shares it with Irys
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IRyS was left out of all the foreskin discussion but strikes me as cut and pretty hygienic to boot, poor Bae doesn't get to enjoy the same satisfying flavors when their roles are reversed.
Of course Irys doesn't grow her own cheese, she's too clean for that, but she would definitely let Bae rub off some of her smegma on her dick so long as she sucks it off right after.
She's tried to just let her own grow and not cleaning off Bae's before, but she can't handle having the smell on her 24/7, it makes Yabairys too powerful.
Kronii's embarrassingly gigantic cock would be the best onahole. Her urethra can be spread wide from the torrent of cum shes been ejaculating, and its girth makes it easy to use it like a tight fitting breeding mount that's constantly wet with precum and leftover semen waiting to be scraped by your cock.
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>cheesed to meet you
She'd act like she hates it or she doesn't want to do it, but she's really a total slut for having her cock fucked, just as much as she loves being pulled around on a leash.
Quoting whomst?
What makes their dick bigger, donations or subscribers count?
subscriber count
donos just contribute to the size of their next nut and makes their balls bigger
But just how much cheese does she have under there at any given moment? I have my own method.
>Rolls dice
90% of the IRyS on Bae content suggests this is inaccurate.
I just found a canon futa vtuber.... it's a fucking dude that didn't even bother using a voice changer or any program like the Japanese Yukiris.
Dudes who stream with chick models are plenty common. My first experience of vtubing was actually thanks to one.
Bae will turn the tables one day
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BaeRyS is over. All hair FlaRyS.
Should've been Fla'nis...
Her majesty, Princess Luna, does not have a very big penis. Her penis is only about four and a half inches long. However her semen is sweet and thick like pudding. Her majesty's semen becomes the perfect royal pudding when she stimulates her pussy and simutaneously orgasms with her penis. Her majesty is also hopelessly addicted addicted to tasting her own cum pudding.
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Look up Futatama Tsukasa
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She hoards all of the dickcheese behind the glans and lets it pile up to the point her foreskin around the head has become baggy and loose to store as much smegma as possible, but the last centimeter is still tight and snug to keep the fromunda cheese from coming out.
She might ask Calli to let her smell her feet but IRyS is the one asking Bae to let her smell her foreskin and eat the cheese
>Gura not bigger
What if cock size is inversely proportional to sub count? That way popular vtubers can mog other vtubers by flashing their small peepees, and niche vtubers can get flustered over their massive dongs that are impossible to hide?
This is how Pekomama has to apologize for having a more successful debut than Pekora
Huge Gura cock in my ass every morning.
is that dark skinned one?
I remember him but not his name
No, can't remember their name but it's a rather shor white haired girl with small breasts and a monocle but really massive dick. It's supposed to be some sort of futanari sex goddess.
honestly, Inuyama Tamaki scratches the itch for me
i ain't big on femboys but its crazy that there's a girl doing the whole "I look like a girl but I've got a dick, and its visible on my 3d model, and also I'm horny for ladies" shtick, and is actually popular
and that chinese dress is plain hot
at least she's got the bigger balls
Not Jewish, it's even weirder, it's because of Kellogg (yes, that Kellogg), he thought it would stop people masthrbating
I wish there was art of Mori with a monster cock that she's proud of on a surface level, but is actually quite awkward and embarrassed about it's overbearing size and her uncontrollable libido in her daily life.
>horsecock Mori
>surrounded by total teases in Gura, Kiara, and Amelia
>has to try not to goon all stream
yeah, I think it works really well
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Need more Korone knotting her kitty gf
Attempted to search for some, but damn, yeah, it's pretty much non-existent
Horny arrogant futas are top tier
But in the absence of that have okayu getting dicked by matsuri
I just wanna hear her panic as her dick pulses and brushes against her desk, trying desperately to avoid drenching it with cum (again
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God I need more small, cute-dicked holos, especially Gura
Here ya go
Kronii and kanata should be swapped.
I always saw kronii as a bottom. Now I know she's a big dick bottom
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girl losing to cock < girl losing to her own cock
Futa hatesex with vtubers I don't like.

Mori Calliope I fucking hate you, please destroy my ass and make me your bitch.
That can be arranged.
I hate her
But she's so fucking hot
I want her to fuck me up and then breed my oshi
I don't hate her, but I can understand the people who do. What I want of her, though is for someone to dickgirlize the art from her Bully MV. That outfit and the whole aesthetic is hot as fuck. I can't even imagine how much better it could be if she had a huge cock straining her leotard or if she lets it sneak its way out of one of the leg holes, her tight fishnet pantyhose digging into it alluringly.
>or if she lets it sneak its way out of one of the leg holes
I would cum in my underwear from the sight of it.
Fuck I want to submit to her so bad. I want her to fuck me until I love her.
The image that does it for me is that of her fishnets digging into her veiny shaft.

By the way... do you mind if I suck on her girthy monster a while before she fuck you?
...that's kinda my thing. Always wanting a throatful of girlcock, I mean.
To be honest, though, higher up on my list of holococks I want to taste is Kiara's. She's got that sort of tight yet curvy feminine body that drives men wild. To juxtapose that with ten or more inches of rigid thickness would be heavenly. On top of that I've got to wonder whether swallowing a phoenix's semen would be anything like drinking lava. Or for that matter if it would taste like chicken.
not a hater myself either,
but I do love the thought of loud and abrasive girls being so unbearable smug about their size
>but I do love the thought of loud and abrasive girls being so unbearable smug about their size
I bet you'd lose your shit if Bae were well hung.
Not him but Bae being a smug hung bratty shortstack who constantly teases me with her bulge and flashes her dick at me sounds fucking amazing.
I want her to be my annoying hot roommate, always walking around half-naked with her cock hanging out, jerking off and leaving cumstains and tissues everywhere, bringing other vtubers home and fucking them so loudly that I can't sleep at night. I want to come back home after a long day of work to find Bae having a threesome stream collab with two other girls, making a huge dirty mess and stinking up the apartment with the unbearable smell of sex.
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>and fucking them so loudly that I can't sleep at night.
Bae being loud and obnoxious? No way! I used to be alright with her, but she seriously heeds to cap her volume at 3. I'm a deaf bastard and she drowns out all the other girls I do want to hear.

OK, rant over. The description of your theoretical living condition sounds utterly amazing, if I could just replace the rat. Knowing my roommate's cock probably leaks a quart of semen on the daily I'd be raiding the hamper whenever she wasn't there so I could have a taste. I wonder how she'd react if she ever found me doing so.
>The description of your theoretical living condition sounds utterly amazing, if I could just replace the rat.
Who would you like to have as your obnoxious horny futa roommate?
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My oshi, if possible.
This perpetually horny hag who'd probably wind up committing involuntary manslaughter on me with her penis.
if not*
Roomie Marine sounds amazing.

She would be a total slob. Messy, never showering, spending the whole day drinking booze, gooning or having sex with pretty girls addicted to her cock. If there's no pussy available she will come onto you instead, flirting with you, getting touchy, throwing herself at you on the couch and rubbing her obscene bulge all over you through her unwashed panties.
>heeeeyyyy anooooonnn~ *hic*
>i'm hornyyyy <3
>my balls are soooo full~
>mmmfff.... watcha got theeere~ *hic* in your pantsss~?
>you wanna do iiiiiit?~ with meee? c'mooon <3
I'm glad you understand so perfectly why Marine is my second choice after the oshi. I think I'd play coy with her, pretending to be revolted by the way she rubs her package against me as it strains her panties. Of course I'd be 100% in favor, the deception merely a ruse designed to goad her into doing it more often and more insistently.
Why isn't there more Polka out there? Seems to be like a ringleader should have lots of circus freak content such as a cock bigger than her forearm.
>and for my next trick, lamy will help me make my cock disappear!
Big laugh, but you seem to have misidentified her assistant.
AYE AYE Senchou!
Idea for short comic!

In panel one dickgirl Polka challenges random male to a who's bigger contest. In panel two she shows off her queen size, laughing at male's single.
Small holos with big cocks!
Biboo's kinda scares me.
Hope you guys enjoyed my little flood.
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Actual sharkcock Gura best Gura
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Skipped on account of I prefer human cocks.
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But here's the doggo cocks for those who do knot.
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And back again.
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>Rushia at 1-3
>not 4-6
Nice bias there, anti
As nice as it would look I can understand not giving lolis overly potent weapons.
well why do you think she's so fucking nuts?
Oh... so many reasons.
It's entirely jewish. It's part of their ritual for the god Yahve which is who we call Satan. They also suck the blood of the infant's dick to obtain youth.
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>Be hired as a Talent Assistant in Hololive
>They never explained to you exactly what you were suppossed to do but you didn't give it too much attention
>You meet with Ookami Mio, one of the oldest talent both in age and time spent in the group.
>You ask what should you help then with
>She tell you that you should only focus in calming the talents when they need to
>You do a little bit of small talk, you can feel her predator eyes looking at your entire body
>she spins you against the wall and you can feel something hard touching your leg
>That's when you realize you have to calm the talents, their boners to be precise.
Where do I send my resume?
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Which Chuuba would demand for daily blowjobs?
Posting my Botan collection btw
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Which chuubas have two penises?
The perfect job, wouldn't want it any other way
Best candidate is probably Gura, not many other members come to mind that could potentially have a double penis other than her, maybe Iofi?
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