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Huge squids and octos. whether busty, chubby, muscley, futanari… ext.
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My kind of thread.
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That's a lot of ink.
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Marina is super hung!
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how about some muscle stuff
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Damn straight.
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>Splatoon thread on /d/
>it's just big boobs

m8 if that's all you wanted you could've made this on /h/ or the one that currently exists on /aco/. This is /d/, get freaky.
specifically big splatoon girls. as stated. chubby, muscular, and futa, al long as they’re huge and off model. it’s good. a hung normal inkling is not what the thread us for
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Imagine getting spitroasted by them
Im an artist, would it be okay if i offered to take requests for this thread? I love splatoon and am just happy to see it on this board. I also have some experience drawing fat art and am open to most scenarios (i think) i would post example work but i dont want to post anything irrelevant. Ive drawn both of these things just never together. if this isnt allowed then i apologize
well until someone says anything, could I request a busty marie in office clothes with exposed sideboob, like Brid or Ako
Requesting fat Callie with a massive gut. Tired of Marie getting all the fat art.
Requesting Inkling girl suddenly gaining weight.
An adult inkling absorbing ink and ending up with both massive size and hourglass growth would be hot. The concept of using the inkling's curves as "ink storage" isn't that common.
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im just gonna premptively say i wont focus too much on backgound elements unless theyre particularly relevant. i just like women. but this was fun! ill work on some of the other ones now
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I agree! callie always deserves more love than she gets
wow, that’s really good art. thank you
A giant milf version of the generic orange haired inkling who’s clothes dont do anything to cover her giant curves. but doesn’t realize.
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Requesting captain 3 struggling to fit in her vest
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How would this thread be interested in a Marie expansion comic with some HUGE proportions? I'm currently working on it and I think it might fit the thread once it's done.
definitely, the bigger the better
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tried my best to get the point across, ink recovery up = better liquid absorption, so on and so forth...
i think that would be a super fitting and welcome addition imo. i say go for it when its ready!
>that belly
>that panicked expression
>adding a game mechanic into it
Absolutely deluxe, thanks a million.
Holy shit incredible. Can we make it an exposed belly?
Hope it’s huge belly proportions
Funny you mention it, it does have some belly expansion in it ^^
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And the comic is finally here, enjoy!
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Love the concept, faces could use some work. but great art overall. 8/10
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Shes cute even with the five head
yeah the five head is most notable part about that pic.
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How big are we talking?
Surprise me
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Well since someone in the thread was complaining about the lack of /d/, how about some Hyper-MILF Tentacle Yuri?

Also, while I'm not personally into Penis stuff, I find it odd there is only Hyper Penis/Futa considering the possibilities of the Hectocotylus...
>tfw you got the "Swole" splashtag title like a month after Splatoon 3 came out and still haven't gotten "Marina Fan"
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>"This is a public tram why the fuck are you two naked"
*Pubic train
I'm told public transportation in the city is fucked. Well... fucked in one definition, anyway.
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I wish there was more splatoon breast expansion focused art
This is an unfair advantage as far as Turf War goes, she should be banned
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Ink is stored in the boobs.
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big dress squid? why not!
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very nice
no reason a girl can't be classy while still being sexy.

plus it's cute
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Thicc Choco Octo
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hot. more like this please
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Keep AI slop in its containment thread please.
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I'll post a bit of OC to bump the thread.
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I'm glad her new outfit is already getting tons of art.
I'm the artist for that pic, I'm taking credit for drawing the first big titty art of Callie in her suit.
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Anyone else got squids?
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hell yeah
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Could I put in a request for my inksona I made on here? I'd be more than happy to provide a picture to do something with, I'm really happy to see a Splatoon thread as well (assuming this one is still up)
Oh that's funny, I think this is a warfare vtuber a friend of a friend follows
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now why would a squid have hair? did callie touch fuzzy ooze…?
I hope so.
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Fresh OC
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I love the mint choctopus.
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Would be a wonderful picture if it wasn't for the gay futa crap people keep trying to push.
also it’s ai slop in a thread that does not allow it
Why do people feel the need to blast AI when it has its own thread, several even
You said it yourself, it has its own threads, so it doesn’t congest all the other threads
>gay futa crap people keep trying to push

You're on /d/ you fucking retard. If your sensibilities are so delicate then maybe the /aco/ thread is more your speed.
>gay futa crap
>trying to push

my brother in christ this is legitimately BY FAR one of if not THEE most popular fetish out there, and need I remind you you're on /d/ for gods sake, the literal fetish board, what the fuck are you expecting?

not to mention the thread itself clearly says it's okay to post, it's fine if you don't like it, but insisting it's some sort of problem that "people are trying to push" is just retarded, especially in a thread that was, again, stated that it was allowed to be posted here

go back to /h/ if it bothers you so much
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Please keep AI slop in the containment thread.
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