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Adult women of short stature. Large assets on a tiny body. No oppai loli.
previous thread >>10882249
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>Thick, chubby, and exceedingly SMUG shortstack falls in love with you
>You kind of brush her off, but quickly discover the pudge is hiding dense muscle.
>The constant provocation and SMUG comments cause you to slip up as she reveals a much more physical side to herself.
>She's pinning your legs against walls, bringing you to the ground-
>In the end, you were bullied into dinner.
>After dinner, she squeezes you like a tube of toothpaste in bed.
>Wake up the next morning sore, with a text displaying the next date.
>Well at least you have a girlfriend now.

Seriously though-smug, dominant shortstacks that are above average in strength with pudge is PEAK.
I've got a question for everyone, do you prefer your shortstacks be face level with your dick, or tit level with your dick?

Personally, I've got a preference for blowjobs so face to dick height is more my thing. Getting a blowjob while we're both standing up straight is nice. Plus it opens a lot of room for teasing by just pressing it into her face whenever.
I would love to see this woman before she got shortstacked and pregnant. Get the full transformation there :)
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middle ground, able to suck while also titfucking
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Let's get some short stack transformations done!
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do anons want to fuck the shortstacks or be them?
Fuck, especially standing up
I want to pick them up.
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Be one. Being short yet big seems so fun and interesting.
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Loving the shortstack, but also exploiting their short height and huge tiddies
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I wanna be a paizuri slut and being a shortstack seems ideal
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I think it'd be funny to be one for a while. Maybe cursed to turn into one whenever I get horny about it.
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These shortstack transformations are great
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Anyone know the artist for this?
i think -60% height would be quite a bit more than people expect.
according to google, a draph woman's height usually ranges from 3'3" to 4'7".
the average human woman's height is around 5'4"; losing 60% of that drops her to 3'2".
40% of 5'4" is 2'1"
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>Wakamo is 161cm
You could have at least posted Kotori. Still really hot picture anon
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The Image I'm posting has got to be my favorite "Shupogakis with big tits image" on the internet so far
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Standing paizuri height is the best.
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Be one and get turned into a personal fleshlight for someone with huge knotted barbed horse cock
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draph sexo
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finally, not a fucking goblin post
you seem to be confused. shortstack means goblinposting
No, it means goblin AND draph postin
of course, how could I forget.
Be the shortstack. Disregard high shelves, embrace thiccness
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Need to fill a draph til she’s immobile
stop posting western art
which one? the beach one? that’s not western
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I want to fuck a shortstack and watch her get hugely pregnant.
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Face, but less for the standing blowjobs, more because I just prefer that little bit smaller

Fucking one sounds magnificent. Soft, squishy, cuddly body, with dawn near every surface being erogenous, or near enough to it to count. Just small enough to be able to pick up and do wild stuff with, but still back enough to have bulk and smoosh in all the best ways.
Of course, the receiving end of that sounds good too.

Gun to my head, I'd rather have a shortstack than be one, but it would hardly be a poor fate.
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general buta makes some of the absolute best shortstacks I've ever seen. I wish those models would get used in some kind of huge dick excessive creampie in some kind of standing or carried position animation.
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>Thick, chubby, and exceedingly SMUG shortstack falls in love with you
no need for more anon, I'd be all hers
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Be one for sure.
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belgium is western
western is a style, not based on the artists location lmao. otherwise half these would be out
this is from mexico, is it western?
Damn, who's the artist?
FlanC40 on Twitter
You are the wind beneath my wings
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I’m down with both
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That's easy. I want to fuck one AND then be able to possess her body whenever I want.
Be, easily. It's been my goal since I started dieting to stop being short and skinny
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Here's one i have made.
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Be sat on by them. Shortstacks are literally made to have their ass worshiped
Grab her by the waist
Fuck her like an onahole
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i'm 5'0" with natural H cups since i was 20; i AM the shortstack! unironically threads like this make me feel a lot better about my body.
please be real
i'm being genuine, but i'm not here to try and convince anyone of that. i mostly just wanted to express how nice this kink makes me feel as a shorter lady. <:) i don't see what i'd get outta lying about something so inconsequential.
Attention, obviously
Built like my gf (5'2) (I Cup)
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Tits or gtfo
Jokes aside good for you, if you actually enjoy having this type of body. There would be many partners who would gladly have you as their gf/wife
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Sorry for bothering, but I am writing a comedic story, and in one chapter a yandere is writing a diary about another girl, so she is writing a lot of unnecessary information all chapter.

So I was thinking about writing about her writing the sizes of her victim.

So I was wondering what would be the normal or average sizes of a girl like in this image.

I am asking because I am really stupid to understand the numbers, so I better ask to the experts
I don’t like yanderes. how could a chapter talking about murder victims be comedic?

The girl is a good person, she had even save the MC and his family several times, is just she a heavy stalker that doesn't miss any tiny detail about the person she love, like count how many time the MC bite his breakfast, or how many milliliters of water drink.

The story not is anything sex related, although the Stalker girl said the body sizes of another character that is a short stack, that is why I need a average size or something like that
oh, shortstack is like 5’0-4’0. any lower is like baby sized

That is good, thanks.

Although I was referring to bust, waist and hips because that is more difficult to know
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don't fuck with the science team!
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do not the puppet
Does Goblin men ganging up on their own goblin women count as /h/, or /d/? It feels vanilla enough to be /d/, especially if the goblin women are consenting, but shortstacks goblin girls seem to be a /d/ thing.

Someone help me out here.
they’re goblins, monsters girls are always welcome here. regardless of sex positions
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