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Previous Thread: >>10932276
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Good golly I sure love milf/mom body swap scenarios. Not enough good ones. I keep wanting to write one but then I nut and the post nut clarity makes the desire go away completely.
do what i would do:
- write a very brief outline of what you want from the scenario from start to finish. serves as a reminder.
- begin the story in the form of bullet points, with sub-points as necessary, to explain what basically happens step by step. the point is to add more detail later when you think of it, and re-reading helps ideas flow.
- enjoy writing it until you don't. think about it and come back later to add to those bullet points.
- try edging while you write.
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Member of the Human Village accidently switches bodies with Mamizou Futatsuiwa.
Body Swap was the first fetish I ever gained, feels good to finally make something for it.
This is basically already my process, the problem is I just lose all desire to write fetish fiction when I'm not horny anymore. Maybe I could try edging, idk. I might try and write it just so I have one fetish thing out of my system

I've got a few scenarios in mind.

-High school boy and his aunt swap bodies and he learns what it's like to be equals with his pampering mother while his aunt enjoys (and perhaps even begins to resent) his lifestyle.

-High school boy swaps bodies with his ex-girlfriends mom (either by accident or by force, haven't chosen yet) and learns to let go of her while mom accidentally makes the girls INCLUDING her daughter fall in love with her while she's in the boy's body.

-High school boy swaps bodies with the milf-ish neighbor and becomes a niche internet celebrity with the persona of an older woman who's really youthful in attitude and in to video games.

All three of these I think would have a more wholesome vibe to them. What do you guys think?
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can anyone source this?
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one thing that helps me stay interested in writing my stuff is the creation and fleshing out of characters.
i really enjoy the part where i get to design personalities and histories, and figure out their emotions and motivations reactions to things that happen and stuff, and then figuring out how to fit everything together.

eg. if the main character meets another person, i like to have every single detail about them roughly laid out- including their entire backstory- just in case i need to explain why they said things a certain way or wore certain clothes etc.
even if i don't have a spot in my story for all the stuff i make (or haven't found a spot yet), it's nice to have all that stuff about a character fleshed out for later so i have some ammo for later when i run out.

try doing something in a similar vein for your stories instead of only relying on hornymode.
TG/AP needs more content. I have ideas, but I have been so busy as of late. I also am working on a TSF Yuri thing because someone suggested I do it and tag it "girl love" to piss off fags.

I don't know how y'all feel about DA, but I love that every March on DA niggas come out in full force to write MILF TG. I just wish that the age difference was higher.
Any other JJK readers waiting for the doujins now?
what happened?
It was reveled that the final showdown cast trained while swapping bodies. Lots of cute possibilities.
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Yep. Takes Ui Ui a while to recharge it too, so any swaps will last a while.
is that hitler?
I think the sweet spot is like a high school/college age person. Just the right age for suddenly having a mom bod to hit hard.
Hello /d/eviants I have some questions
1) How did you get into this fetish if you can remember?
2) What is it about this fetish that you enjoy? Do you like observing people who have swapped bodies? Are you someone who self inserts? Other reasons?
3) A lot of body swapping stories involve a loss or gain in social status, if you enjoy this why do you find this appealing?
4) If you enjoy the above and you self insert, do you prefer to be on the short end of the stick or the opposite?
5) How does having this fetish make you feel? Are you ashamed of it? Would you tell anyone?
6) If you have a partner, are you open about your fetish with them?
7) What's your favorite type of body swap and why? What about tropes that you enjoy?
This is going to devolve into shitflinging
>1) How did you get into this fetish if you can remember?
Ranma and DB.
>2) What is it about this fetish that you enjoy? Do you like observing people who have swapped bodies? Are you someone who self inserts? Other reasons?
Honstely not sure. I guess I do self insert and don't care when insert isn't involved.
>3) A lot of body swapping stories involve a loss or gain in social status, if you enjoy this why do you find this appealing?
Don't care.
>4) If you enjoy the above and you self insert, do you prefer to be on the short end of the stick or the opposite?
>5) How does having this fetish make you feel? Are you ashamed of it? Would you tell anyone?
I'll take it the grave. I feel like this fetish something that you can never say to anybody because they'd give you a weird look.
>6) If you have a partner, are you open about your fetish with them?
No, just fantasize about it during sex and then be disappointed when it doesn't happen.
>7) What's your favorite type of body swap and why? What about tropes that you enjoy?
Unsuspecting ones, but not exclusively that. I've come loads to Shoujo Stay Night and Oneesama wa Otokonoko.
Would be hotter if they actually switched bodies instead of shapeshifting into each other.
your examples are enough to inspire me to think about the characters.
i'm terrible at actually putting a story together, but i can easily enjoy getting down some plot points for any of those scenarios.

>-High school boy and his aunt swap bodies and he learns what it's like to be equals with his pampering mother while his aunt enjoys (and perhaps even begins to resent) his lifestyle.

so first i think about the boy's relationship with his mother. he gets pampered, and he feels smothered. as a close onlooker, his (teasing?) aunt finds it amusing.
his mother is the traditional お母さん (okāsan) type- gentle, loving, caring, happy, etc.
his aunt is an unmarried and childless 30ish year old woman who likes to flaunt her attractive body to men she inevitably rejects, because of her ego. she does this because she's hedonistic, hence her teasing. she always bickers with her younger sister (who is always calm/cheerful, never stressed by her sister) for choosing to settle down and have a kid early in life instead of following the same path as her (party girl), whilst secretly lamenting she can't find a man to have a child with. her sister is a solid wall, and thus she takes out her frustrations on her nephew by teasing him- he's an easy target to make squirm.
his relationship with his aunt is that he is very nervous and somewhat standoffish with her. she only teases him, but he doesn't like it and doesn't trust her to be sincere about anything she does or says- there's always an angle that blows up in his face.
how they swap is a mystery. maybe they have a heated argument or disagreement, and some external force swaps their bodies to teach them a lesson about being the other guy? maybe a god of mischief?
>>10983391 (cont.)

anyway, after the swap they do the obligatory role reversal thing while keeping their swap a secret from everyone. then the obligatory explore the other's body while no one's looking.
being an adult, the aunt wants to solve the problem and work out how to undo the swap to get her life back, whilst staying somewhat responsible about her nephew's body.
suddenly having an entirely new set of rules to live by, the boy wants to take the opportunity to run amok with his aunt's life/body to play harmless pranks on the people in her life (such as one of her fuckbuddies, which is unknown to him*) and cause problems for her, perhaps to teach her a lesson, and make her squirm a bit since she clearly has more to lose now that the tables have turned.

setting the stage for some sort of battle of wits (to see how far the other will go before someone backs down), the aunt decides to do the same as her nephew. suddenly no job to worry about, she tries out life as a teenage boy instead, and uses his body to enjoy life the same way she always does, but this time as a younger, stronger, taller boy. she teases him by openly considering what it'd be like to hit on a girl he has a crush on, but is too much of a pussy to act on it. kinda like NTR, she dangles the possibility of ruining his hopes by fucking her in his place.

it'd be a nice story for these two to grow as people- he has to learn what it's like to be an adult and how frustrating life can be as an attractive woman, and to respect what he has as a boy (a loving mother), while she gets to live as youth for a bit and ultimately come to terms with the fact that she's no longer as young as she tries to be, which causes her to question her lifestyle choice as an aging woman. this could be elaborated more.
>>10983414 (cont.)

the fuckbuddy bit*: the boy calls up one of his aunt's fuckbuddies (in front of her) and casually invites him over to hang out, not realising what that means to the other guy (he's naive). he just wants to pressure his aunt to get her to stop teasing him, but when she realises who he called she let's things play out because she believes he'll regret what follows (obviously sexual tension between them, and some awkwardness while the fuckbuddy tries to initiate the fucking) and start behaving so they can figure out how to swap back, instead of messing around to take shots at each other.

maybe, just maybe, if this ends up being a multiple paths/endings adventure story, they don't swap back because of some permanent consequences. either way, the two of them end up becoming much closer, which the boy's oblivious mother thinks is nice.
>Hello /d/eviants
Hello /reddit/

These are some pretty good ideas. Admittedly I am better with coming up with premises and structuring a story than comic up with specific ideas, it's very tough for me to think of a lot of things to happen. I grew the most attached to the gamer milf idea, but I like these. Maybe we could work together.

I wouldn't do multiple paths or endings though, I'm too lazy.
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>1) How did you get into this fetish if you can remember?
Scooby Doo Movie. Although I am more into possession than body swap.
>2) What is it about this fetish that you enjoy? Do you like observing people who have swapped bodies? Are you someone who self inserts? Other reasons?
Personality swap & life situation reversal. I am not really into body swap reversal.
>3) A lot of body swapping stories involve a loss or gain in social status, if you enjoy this why do you find this appealing?
Yes, along with them trying to figure out, the pros and cons of being other person.
>4) If you enjoy the above and you self insert, do you prefer to be on the short end of the stick or the opposite?
Short, I think.
>5) How does having this fetish make you feel? Are you ashamed of it? Would you tell anyone?
Meh, it just means that I am more kinkier than others.
>6) If you have a partner, are you open about your fetish with them?
I probably fake it by saying I have Roleplay fetish.
>7) What's your favorite type of body swap and why? What about tropes that you enjoy?
Realizing the pros and cons of being other person.
That's a good one
I always get strong "pick me" vibes from the people that seriously answer these.
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does someone have the TL of this comic. I remember being posted before.
It's about a kid who was reading porn until his mother discovers him, after that he wishes to be an adult or mature and the next day he wakes up in the body of his mother
tapnovel from previous thread?
have you check out this?
>the doting tradwife mom with no agency is happy and the independent wine aunt is secretly jealous of her and she always rejects men because of her own ego
am i crazy or is there something kinda sexist about this
Nah it's just stupid and doesn't make sense when you think about it for more than 5 seconds.
I love any kind of body swap that involves pregnancy but its always like 1 panel at the end in anything.
how about:
> A father swaps bodies with his son's girlfriend, with the twist that the father had walked away from his family several years ago already, so he has to navigate the way more akward encounter while the girlfriend on his body is in a far away location
> A son swapping bodies with his mother, but it's with his mother when she was his age, and he has to use the stories from said mother's youth to try and keep things on script while both versions of the mother end up interacting as the older one helps her younger self get used to a male body. While this one opens the possibility of the swap having been permanent all along it reversing eventually can be fun as well.
>Persons A and B swap bodies due to a bump in the head, and it's clear that person A has the better life, but person B insists on returning it, sadly person A in person B's body has come to the conclusion that they realy are person B and they became delusional due to brain damage caused by the bump so they willingly intern themselves in a mental institution of any sort.
Master the art of edging. You'll be able to write a full length novel with the right training
A plot is pretty hot.

B plot is also a really cool idea.

C Plot is retarded.
Does anybody remember that body swap manga about the middle aged guy swapping bodies with a younger woman and then being kidnapped and getting one leg cut off?
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Translations of a certain serie i found on twitter: Father swap Daughter
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Know the author's name?
This is their twitter https://x.com/aoui_n_o
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Writer Swap Kinoko have teased another banger.


The artist he hired this time is @Amemachi2A16

Huh, I've only known now they're a writer with different artists even though I've seen almost all of their works, never thought they had something in common
I really like most of their works because they write an actual story unlike most works which is just "swap then instant sex/masturbation" then ends.
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This is why bodyswap porn is a thing.
Nah thats the reason why trannies and the TG fetish are a thing.
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This counts as BS... right?
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Sauce? Not body swap but still hot AF
Does anyone have the next part in Hando's gf mom swap?
Nice. I really like family stuff
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Press and switch v 06b is out
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Best ending is bronze trio, (date with mika -> any hair style that is not pigtails or regular pony-> all wait outside), the mika, jenna and calvin swap with gayrus, who all turn out to be academically gifted, what's great is that the 3 end up with the full Spectron of reactions with their new lives.
jenna is happy and keeps a great relationship with the original owner.
mika is now atractive but now in a abusive family. She doesn't undestand why she is unhappy evan with all the male attention, so she turns into a slut because sex is what makes attractive people happy right?
and calvin now is a tough girl with a mean reputation. He tries to be nice to people but they all treat him like he was still the bitch, except for girls he has crushes on, but because they are straight he ends up in the same friendzone form before the swap.

This all in a 5 min ending,
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Trying to go back to my old Ciel route saves from two years ago is like trying to get back into a game or show you put on hold years ago

Using the skip to new content button just makes me feel even more lost
Following up from this
i decided to just start from the skip to new content
This new route is insane
Where is BS9?
>if you take any of the other girls' bodies in the Olivian mansion turn 1, Ciel ends up in the body of William and completely destroys his career and reputation
>force her into Christine's body, she can't possibly fuck that life up any harder

>she fucking kills herself, resulting in an entirely new set of endings
what the fuck
I wish Press Switch and Student Transfer focused more on endings like this instead of branching everything out into 30 different dead end paths.

You get a reality bending device and half the time you use it once or twice then put it away until the path end (if the writer even got that far). Let me use it more, let me fuck up doing catastrophically stupid shit, let me have something more than 2 hours of family/friend drama punctuated by "PATH UNDER CONSTRUCTION".
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you put ciel in the maids body, she actualy ends up happy and accepts "fate".
You can stop the suicide if you put calvin in the maids body, results in a exclusive scene where ciel is trying to stab herself, but the endings are the default ones.

Any one had any luck findding the easter egg route? supposedly you click on something during a time of great peril, i tried the car crash in one of the mika dating endings, and the scene were the family fuse but can't find it.

Pro tip: if you go to the Templates file in the game directory you have the list of your family movements during the stealing the olivians minigame
Honestly the idea of a remote that can change anything with no restrictions has the be the most retarded idea ever for a game.

Its as you said, how is anyone supposed to care about all the other characters and their yapping when I can just brainwash any of them whenever I want.
I like a buch more than a series of trees (there is a reason why must writting .com stories are a series of transformations with 0 plot), but only after the flow chart comes out.
its realy easy to miss content
I went through all the olivians minigame outcomes last night to see what changed for each route. I kept assuming the hidden easter egg ending was somewhere there but I couldn't find it, I didn't consider that it could be on one of the older routes in the ciel swap
I might try to find it tonight
did you find the outcome where ciel kills herself in chris's body? it leads to special endings. not the easter egg i presome doe.

the family swap route has made me hate jeena and ciel so much. on the other hand calvin's mom is a go getter even the maid ending can't keep her down.
People are superficially nicer but guys get more credibility in anything serious.

You get free drinks from guys but it’s more awkward than anything. Guys will buy dinner but you’re expected to dress and wear enough makeup you wish you only had to feed one extra person.

Getting hit on is more scary than flattering cause back of your head it’s always is he one of *those* guys. So you can’t even enjoy the nice guy shooting his shot. As a guy you’re just left feeling like a chad.

Being a guy if you groom yourself and dress okay your automatically a 7 to most girls. Then it’s about not being cringe or scary.

2hours of prep and grooming a day maybe adds 2 or3 points to you if your a girl. But you can be super cringe and it’s “cute”. (I’d say I spend 2 hours a day on just maintenance if I’m lucky, which is avg for more girly girls)

As a guy I got off to stealing a girls body who was smug and bitchy. Now I just get off to the power dynamic now of a guy stealing my body and ruining it cause he can’t maintain it. Ofc being extremely smug before he turns my body into an ugly mess. Idk a punishment for now being smug and bitchy

>xxy tranny that’s lived as both man and passing as a woman
Yeah I saw those endings, I even saw that Mika can get involved if you picked certain options.

For my thoughts on it, Jenna I didn't really have too much of a problem with, she's a bitch but you can still feel sympathy for her. with Ciel she's a fuckup in almost every outcome. I liked that she's actually happy in the outcome where she ends up as a maid again, it's the one thing she's good at and she realizes it.
EASTER EGG - When Ciel is in Christine body and suicide they try to use CPR just click on text CPR and that's all
>****unless you are ugly
Okay that was pretty good
I can't believe I didn't think to check that scene to see if it was where the easter egg would be.
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Got deleted by accident and too lazy to remake it(it was just the text and the business card showing their jobs).
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Yea then it is a shittier version of both. Being an ugly girl makes you have none of the above being ugly guy makes it so you can’t date but effects your work life less.
Like I am a dork that would love to not care about my appearance that much but I still do the girly girl prep routine because it’s 10x more practical since it actually makes working with others easier… especially women the more fashionable/pretty you are the cooler you are. Guys care about like your body more but if you are super fashionable and good at make up your a cool girl regardless of size to other women

Also depends on what type of pretty you are as a woman. Studies show if you have a baby face your treated more innocent and naive, vs fox pretty like Megan fox you seem more determined and in control. A study in Silicon Valley showed mostly tall women made up the management position that women filled. No similar studies where done on men besides if your hot people trust you more.

Idk being a tranny makes it so I’m like autisticly focused on the social differences like that and try to measure them. So naturally body swaps, gender benders etc all are super hot cause it’s both sides getting and losing power.
you were such a failed men that you deluded yourself and tried to be a women.
I don't believe you to have any actual experience in any capacity
I believe they google searched "why are some people prettier than others" but other than that yeah I don't believe they have any real world experience on this subject.
Fair I do know I’m on 4chan. Just saying as an intersex male I had bit of gyno and wide hips, so I always gave off twink/basedboy. So no I didn’t get too much of the masculine male experience mostly was treated like a child/faggot. But I am the lucky few trannys to technically pass as both male and female.

Sorry I just really like talking about the social differences of both experiences (cause it’s hot) and I can’t do that irl. Regardless I’m not going to derail this thread anymore!!
Trigger shits on the entire ST writing team so hard its not even funny anymore. Im so glad he didnt break when people were pressuring him to let volunteers work on PS years ago. The difference in quality is insane
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Fine I’ll bite the bate, here’s proof, let’s not derail though!! Image as tax at least.

unsee cc/album#RnxOsexgPidU
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>good at and she realizes it.
I think it's more that she breaks because Heather forces her to realize the reality, If you put Calvin in JIllian's body there's a short scene where Heather will make you swap to a different maid outfit, implying that's the final straw that broke Ciel if she landed in that body. Ciel also doesn't suicide as Cathrine if you put Calvin in either Jillians body or the blonde MILF.
One high IQ exceptional man > a team of 80 IQ ESL speakers
link instantly fagged by sentinelone anti-virus

lol. lmao even.
inb4 you clicked, s1av let's you scan links
>random gibberish link
Nice try FBI
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>throws out all the pre-0.4 content to set up his own bloated ST-like school cast
>proceeds to do fucking nothing with it for half a decade to focus on the family stuff instead
I can't complain since I don't really care for the expanded school cast but still
I wonder if they’ll adapt this chapter for Season 2
It’s an old fag way of sharing images without them being shareable kek. It’s what others on here have asked for my pics on. Weird thing to be smug about not clicking. I love that for you though

Either way it kills the image after 6 hours and it watermarks with the viewers ip to prevent sharing it. Catbox/litterbox doesn’t watermark, so I’m not bothering with that. Flexing is taking too much effort posting. So I guess your right I’m ugly man lol
nobody asked for your pics, here nor elsewhere, or your autistic ass reliance on making people use you're incredibly specific websites.

You're acting smug as if you did something useful.
you've never been useful, and never will at the rate you're going.

all you are is a lifelong coomer and nothing more. you've made your fetish your personality.
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>nobody asked for your pics, here nor elsewhere, or your autistic ass reliance on making people use you're incredibly specific websites.
lmao its been a normal site attention whore on for years. if anything roast me for being old/an attention whore

I just wanted to flex, say w/e you want i deserve it for stooping to showing pics on 4chan
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Be a functional autistic retard for once and paste the sauce at least
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Could someone please translate the writing on her body?
her right tit: good sensitivity
her left tit: want to suck
under navel: something like 'use for waterfalls'
her right thigh: reserved (booked)
her left thigh: want to enter
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Make your insults sound less like projection. Though it's a kinda hot to not be called a variation of whore/bitch when you're this upset with me, lol

nhentai net/g/145734
>dur actually your insults turn me on!
This is supposed to be peak millennial humor btw
lol just trying to stay on topic of porn still very true though. genz are prudish comparatively to millennials. I read an article a while ago saying it could be the oversaturation of porn/lewd stuff with growing up with unmonitored internet access. Ironic since people always spoke about it turning them into pervs. Either way I'm all about it, I like my porn in my porn and not so much in daytime browsing
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also I started with saying I'm into being the victim of a loser/creep taking my body then cucking me. ofc I'm going to enjoy bickering like this
>I read an article a while ago saying it could be the oversaturation of porn/lewd stuff with growing up with unmonitored internet access.
Eh, it certainly played a part but the entire culture millennials grow up in was a overly liberal to the point that it bordered on burlesque. Regardless of if you had or didn't have access to the internet you were going to grow up as some type of degenerate.

>Either way I'm all about it, I like my porn in my porn and not so much in daytime browsing
There's a difference between liking this sort of stuff and making it into your entire personality which again is strictly a millennial trait. I can't imagine being insulted and then rebutting with "well actually that turned me on! Keep going!" Just ew.
This may sound crazy but my personality being my fetish may correlate with being anonymous on an extreme porn forum in a section with other people likely to share this fetish.

> I can't imagine being insulted and then rebutting with "well actually that turned me on! Keep going!" Just ew.

Lmao, those insults are pretty normal for femboy/tranny x conservative guy dirty talk. Well for those extreme enough to hook up with their actual political opposition.

Also it’s an extreme porn forum, I think it’s a pretty normal and expected space to say what someone else is saying/posting is “hot”. No worries you don’t consent I won’t say anything about it
>This may sound crazy but my personality being my fetish may correlate with being anonymous on an extreme porn forum in a section with other people likely to share this fetish.
Nah thats just from being a millennial. Everyone is online now and only millennials seem to have these strange personalities and quirks. Boomers had lead paint and lead pipes growing up so that accounts for why they're so weird. No idea what happened to you guys to cause this. Maybe you guys didn't adapt to the fluoride in the water fast enough? Who knows.

>Also it’s an extreme porn forum, I think it’s a pretty normal and expected space to say what someone else is saying/posting is “hot”.
I don't know man this isn't 2008 anymore. Depending on the thread you're going to find some pretty tame and vanilla stuff just because anything beyond that is considered weird these days.
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I’m a just an old zoomer ‘98 man idk what to say. I like older guys so I spent my time around them, trying to get their attention, so I’ve got terminal millennial brained. As flattering as it is you seeing my life as a larp/delusion, it’s not fun bickering if you’re not having fun with it.

nhentai net/g/316505/
> find a May swap caption on DeviantArt
> the reason for the swap is that she dislikes that boys can enter more battle tournaments than girls (not cannon)
> in the show she goes on the pokemon journey for the badges at the start because her father is a gym leader, but turns out to dislike gym battles and likes contests more.
> the writer is not using the characters personality at all in the story, this could have been any other npc trainer and would have made more sense.
> checks rest of the portfolio, exclusively pokemon, sonic, mlp and heaven that blue dog's show swaps.

Why do autist use characters if they don't want to use the actual character?
Also have you guys notice a reduction in the number of stories involving media franchises, feels that recently is all "original" characters.
the consepte of bouth sides having problems that are not realy comparable or worse is part of what i like about this fetish, but
>Being a guy if you groom yourself and dress okay your automatically a 7 to most girls.

every study that has been done on this repentantly shows that men see the average woman as average, women see the average man as significantly bellow average, and 8/9 as average so no.
>every study that has been done on this repentantly shows that men see the average woman as average, women see the average man as significantly bellow average, and 8/9 as average so no.
This. Sorry but a fat brown 5'4 guy is not going to turn into a 7 just because he buys a better shampoo & conditioner combo and starts ironing his clothes.
Those studies are on physical stuff which fair yea people will be shallow. But female attraction in an partner isn’t purely physical, like it’s important but not like it is to guys.

There’s a reason why the three most popular types of guys rn are: depressed dad, line cook, and elf. Your vibes and self care set you apart, way more than it does for women.

Also like a lot of guys I’ve spoken with are surprised to find out a ton of women love jack black and find him hot.

Like a funny girl doesn’t have the same impact on their score as a funny guy does. (Pete Davidson)

Not being creepy, being able to communicate especially your feelings(like even just saying you can’t/don’t know how in the moment and coming back to it), smelling nice and dressing well will make a dramatic impact on your dating life.

It’s just dating culture rn is fucked cause no one wants to get approached in public and are starting to not even like it at clubs and bars. Then dating apps are like the hunger games for guys and overflowing inbox of “hey” for girls.

> Sorry but a fat brown 5'4 guy is not going to turn into a 7 just because he buys a better shampoo & conditioner combo and starts ironing his clothes.

I’m not joking about most guys just smell bad no one wants to be the one to say it. a lot of guys struggle with this stuff and you basically have to be hot and rich from women to ignore it. I’m talking being like look like you understand fashion, smell good and not be creepy sets you so far apart.
Basics that help a embarrassing amount
>budget/savings with stable job
>fresh smell and/or good cologne (most men smell bad from something they think no one can notice no one want to tell them)
>clean clothes
>clothes that fit that aren’t from over 5 years ago
>self care like washing face/moisturizing so you don’t look 50 at 35
>Sorry but a fat brown 5'4 guy is not going to turn into a 7 just because he buys a better shampoo & conditioner combo and starts ironing his clothes.

i am the guy you are responding to and yes this is true but don't let extreme cases prevent you from self-care the one gym bro in this tread is right, used this fetish as fuel to go to the gym and improve.

the good thing about male dating advice is that even when you don't get the girl you are still healfier and more confident, important stuff for the job market.


>As a guy I got off to stealing a girls body who was smug and bitchy.

i think this is a pretty big difference between me and you, i like differences in general, the more the better but in general getting down graded, ceo to cashier fat lady, level 100 paladin to grunt goblin, hard working nerd to soon to dropout school slut.
The up direction can work but it needs something bad to go along, you are a printy princess but your meek arms and constritive clothing makes you feel powerless in any situation, you a spoiled rich girl but now you also have her attitude and treat every one around you like shit no mather what you try ( check out Cramps, Cruelty, and Julia Elmwood).

>People are superficially nicer but guys get more credibility in anything serious.
When you entered the work force had you transed iet?
Because my perspective is that everyone only interacts with others if they get attention, not necessarily monetary could just be being there and listening.
You know how woman pretend to find guys they like funny, those guys are pretending to listen because you are perceived as being able to provide "girlfriend", while when you were a man you were perceived as not being able to provide anything =="ignored" !="taken seriously".
the only people who are taken seriously are those that prove it worth while.
also you said 2 hours main routine, could you discribe it so i can fap to it while pretending i am being forced to do it?
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>Because my perspective is that everyone only interacts with others if they get attention,
>attention >if they get something out off it.

> When you entered the work force had you transed iet?

I got some work exp in uni pre transition but I’ve been in stealth since starting real work.

Idk I work in tech and Im more for the girlies so if i was more visibly Silicon Valley culture this could be way different. Example is if I explain something and skip a step out of simplification, before people assumed I skipped it for a reason, now they don’t and think I forgot something or don’t know something.

Idk if I leave room to let people think I’m dumb now they will assume it, but at the same time they assume I’m good at sales/project management now. So I’ve had to learn to speak differently in small meta ways to avoid that type of stuff.

But people are happy to see me, and smile more genuine than before when I smile at them.

> you said 2 hours main routine, could you discribe it so i can fap to it while pretending i am being forced to do it

I started to have fun with it so here what I would tell someone in full if they took my body in full here:
pastebin com/CSqUVzB7

Morning: stretch and oatmeal, get a ice coffee as a reward for as your doing your hair

Full shower:
> wash scalp
> little conditioner
> wash face
> more conditioner or a mask as you comb it in
> wash body with exfoliating soap
> shave body
>use floral soap
>rinse out conditioner after 5-10 mask after 10-15
>drip dry in Shower for 5 minutes then moisturize body
>face use the 2 face treatments, then moisturizer with messaging that in with a guasha
> comb in these in order check cream, leave in conditioner, hair oil, mousse
>hand coil each curl section you want, hold for a bit then let it drop
> dry hair (it’s 21+ inches it will be 45 minutes atleast
> at 95% dryness then do makeup

>pilates with a snack usually almonds
> giant salad for dinner
>wash face
>use the two treatments with retinol then message in the moisturizer with a guasha
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> you are a printy princess but your meek arms and constritive clothing makes you feel powerless in any situation,

that’s why I dress more coquette, it is much more fun to girly when it fits right

> I you a spoiled rich girl but now you also have her attitude and treat every one around you like shit no mather what you try ( check out Cramps, Cruelty, and Julia Elmwood).

I love being forced to pick up the personality too! Like having to now figure out my feeling about being a top and like a masculine guy. As I see the body I crafted lightly playing with and exploring herself looking at me with disgust.

I forgot to say perfume! Use the little white teady bear perfume (cocknutty) bottle for serious the pink one (bubblegum) for fun. (Pink one especially for that goth girl situationship)
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Coconutty*** T,T fuck my dyslexia (also could be why people treat me stupider now atleast I gave rainman vibe before
>I’m not joking about most guys just smell bad no one wants to be the one to say it. a lot of guys struggle with this stuff and you basically have to be hot and rich from women to ignore it. I’m talking being like look like you understand fashion, smell good and not be creepy sets you so far apart. Basics that help a embarrassing amount
This really only applies to severally autistic people and foreigners who haven't adapted to western social norms. Most guys have a stable job, most guys wear cologne, most guys wash their face and brush their teeth. It's not a hygiene issue. It's a issue with girls having unrealistic expectations for guys and studies/polls show this.
>the good thing about male dating advice is that even when you don't get the girl you are still healfier and more confident, important stuff for the job market.
Completely agree. Everyone should be striving to be the best version of themselves.
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>tranny starts posting
>instantly derails the thread and makes it about himself
like pottery
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>complains about one of the few people contributing images
>posts aco

nhentai net/g/264747/5/
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If anyone did actually like my pastebin about my routine, I can put more effort in so it doesn’t read as rushed!! And or add more details where you want them, like maybe add more implications of my personality or w/e you’d like. I enjoyed writing it, a lot actually, can’t stop thinking about it. It was weirdly vulnerable/embarrassing to give that detail in this context.

e-hentai org/s/7119038cfb/2896779-2
I love topical swaps.
>If anyone did actually like m-

I found it entertaining. Especially phrased as being a guide to having your body.

Knowing the how's and why's does add that bit of intimacy. And what's more intimate than being in someone's body?
I always thought dopamine addiction was a meme. This is just sad.
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Thanks you made it worth the effort! Def gave me the confidence to try writing some AO3 stuff then, with a plot and effort lol

Like you are right lmao. But is there somewhere else this stuff is talked about annon? Irl? Am I supposed to text my situationship “hey girly next time you peg me can we rp me getting cucked by someone that stole my body??” Much rather follow the rules here and just have 90% of you not like me, for like a few days to get it out of my system.

Dw I’m bored before you know it, you will be back to the usual. Judging the one game that never released new content and the other one that is releasing mediocre plots.

e-hentai org/s/437bedd800/2853746-5
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the separation of \h\ and \aco\ hurt small fetishs like ours. \d\ should have remained united.
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i am the requester, thanks for the info.
Fair point, there’s a ton that is just on the edge too between the genres
Enjoy being me <3
>But is there somewhere else this stuff is talked about annon?
Thats the thing. You don't have to talk about this stuff at all.

If you've gotten to the point where you feel the need to actively blurt this stuff out you should seriously seek help.
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Circling back, have other anons found their taste in swaps changing as their life situation changes?

For myself, when I was younger I enjoyed the forced/theft type with one side unwanting of the swap.

But now I'm far more into consensual or completely accidental swaps where both parties are on the same footing.
did you get a girlfriend? what changed? are you just older?

for myself at 26 still the same unwanted powerless fantasy as when i first started.
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I'm nearing 40 and have had the kink since puberty. I'd say the shift is mostly just from maturing over time and learning to accept myself.

For me, wanting to be forced into a swap came from a place of fearing judgement. But now I would prefer to share the experience with openness and honesty.

We all approach the kink from our unique perspectives and even those perspectives change. And I like the meta of exploring that.
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>98 zoomer
Odds are good the same shows gave us this fetish
>I like older guys so I spent my time around them, trying to get their attention,
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Surprisingly my taste haven't changed at all over the years. So many things have happened from the time I was a teenager until now and its funny to realize that the only thing thats remained the same is my preference for older women swapping with teenage boys.
When you start off with great taste, why change?
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>An older brother who gets body-swapped with his mentally unstable sister who loves her older brother
And this is a good reminder that Ani-imo got translated and sold in bookstores in the West. All because of a survey suggestion.

>Circling back, have other anons found their taste in swaps changing as their life situation changes?
I still prefer dark swaps, the more humiliating on the guy the better, like him getting a pregnant end haha. This is all the while I self insert as him when reading. I guess one way my tastes has change is that I enjoy swaps with older women way more now. Like the type here >>11017894
Easily genz pre 2000 are just baby millennials. That Kim possible episode!!!

So many nights wasted trying to impress my brothers friends playing support in league. All for those crumbs of attention

God losing the plush/pet you cuddle cause where it just looks weird for a guy to do it, hot af. Or if they don’t want you to cuddle them anymore 10/10.
that's one of the few m2f swap stories intended for a female audience, did it ever finish?
So true, anon.
>born in the 1900s
Damn, unc. Thats crazy.
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>Giving away your body so you don't have anxiety anymore.
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There is definitely something hot about having someone take over your social life and seeing your family/friends treating them like normal. While you're now a stranger to them.
For me the biggest change was probably that I never used to enjoy the girl being the one enjoying themselves after a swap- now I almost prefer it that way
>side character is generic
she has no agency because she's not the focus.
>wine aunt
she's far more complex than just a stereotype.

regardless of it being a very simplified character creation, what makes you think their traits are sexist? please elaborate.
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This isn't even my fetish, but this image was hot enough to get le juices flowing, so here's your unsolicited translation.

Also, lol @ everyone who seriously believes that a 1/10million occurrence is actually ITT as opposed to yet another delusional, mentally-ill man who thinks he's a woman.
Tell me if this sounds good to you:

>A chaste, rather tall man making his way home from work one night when he’s stopped by someone on the street.
>He’s stopped by a shortstack punk rock woman smoking a cigarette, who invites the man to have a good time with her.
>Put off by her promiscuity and smoking, he’s refuses her advances, only for her to get upset and switch their bodies.
>The man is mortified by what’s happening, much to the woman’s delight, who says she’ll only switch them back if he sleeps with her. Despite everything that’s happened, the man refuses, hoping she’ll give up and switch them back soon.
>As days pass, the man finds being in her body to be an immense burden, feeling uncomfortable in her provocative clothing, constantly being judged or leered at, barely able to fend off advances from some of the more determined guys with his small and weak body.
>Worse however, the man soon found this body to be deeply addicted to cigarettes, something he hates, and even worse than that, he found his new body to be almost constantly horny.
>After a few days, he gives into the need to smoke, with his brief ecstasy soon being overcome with deep shame. A similar situation happened not long after as he pleasures himself in private for the first time.
>Almost constantly feeling the need to smoke or relieve himself, the man finally gives in and agrees to sleep with the woman, much to her satisfaction.
>After finally doing it, the man asks for her to switch them back, only for her to laugh and say she’s decided to keep his much nicer body for herself, much to the man’s horror.

Pick your own ending:

Bad Ending:
>As the man’s cravings get worse and worse, he finds that he begins caring less and less about doing these things he hates. Eventually, the man finds himself unable to be satisfied with simply pleasuring himself, and begins hanging around clubs and bars in the hopes that someone will hit on him. When he finds that this isn’t getting him enough action, he begins reluctantly being the one to seek out others, eventually becoming more accustomed to it.
>One night, the man, smoking a cigarette, sees a potential target, and tries to hit on him.
>When he gets a better look at the man, he finds that it’s the woman in his original body
>Much to his horror and the woman’s delight, the situation is now a complete reverse of the time they first met. The woman decides to make the most of this and takes him somewhere more private. The man, despite the shame he felt, doesn’t resist.

Good ending:
>Shortly after, the man ends up running into another punk rock woman, this one being much taller. She introduces herself as a friend of the woman who stole his body, and decides to help him get accustomed to his new life. She’s very kind, yet still has a rebellious side to her that makes each moment they’re together exciting, often teasing him about how cute he looks in this body, much to his embarrassment. After some time, even helping the man finally quit smoking, he finds he feels a real connection to the woman, one that she reciprocates. He may be stuck in this unfavorable body, but he knows that alongside this woman, everything will be alright.
>Also, lol @ everyone who seriously believes that a 1/10million occurrence is actually ITT as opposed to yet another delusional, mentally-ill man who thinks he's a woman.
Based translator
We're all mentally ill here, anon. No need for judgement.

Also, thanks for the clean translation.
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Childhood is wanting to be involved in a body swap. Adulthood is wanting to be the person causing the swap interacting with the parties and having most of the fun with virtually 0 stakes.
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Nice TL - I think the lady is just an Onee-san and not necessarily his mom (ママぐらいの大人のお姉さん = "A big lady old enough to be my mommy"), + the last quote might be more "continue staying switched like this?~" Super hot scenario with scrambled instincts.
Thanks <3 ngl tho, all the doubt is really flattering, especially the way he phrased it.

Hot, and I like both endings! Having him slowly fall for her in his body SSS tier
Summer always brings out the weirdos but thanks for contributing to the thread with something meaningful.
its been a week, still no flowchart
Man Up Ending:

>Man considers options. This woman is a decade younger but she's barely scraping by on her finances if her apartment is any indication. Based on observable evidence she's deficient in morals, self-control, emotional control, education, and likely intelligence.
>In short, at 30 years old and still being as she is, she's trash.
>He's an underwriter and it's certain she won't be able to do his job. Auto-finance, and finance in general, is beyond this woman. His career is likely tanked even if she does swap them back.
>The safe bet is to get away. Leave town so he doesn't come across her. Deal with going cold turkey on whatever junk she's been putting in her body. Difficult but doable.
>But first, some exit capital.
>During the night he uses the hidden spare key on his car to get his work laptop from under the back seat where he likes to hide it.
>He makes his way to an IHOP by his dealership that he knows his work wifi reaches.
>It won't be much, but with his education and knowledge of the business itself, nobody is going to notice the missing 18k. He can only pull out $500 a week if he wants this to be untraceable, but that's more than enough to start a new life on.
>He never quite had the gumption to quit his job and start his own dealership, but at this point in life he knows every aspect of the business from top to bottom.
>It'll be rough starting on the sales floor again but he did it once, he can do it again.

it's in the discord
Triumph of the Will ending. Nice.
even this draft version shows entries that i haven't found.

By the way the content from 0.4 is back to 0.6. just download the link posted yesterday or so.
its no longer canon doe :(
I know he sees P-S as a platform for creative writing and not as something to finish but is frustrating having the possibility of a future update be used to completely your favourite routes.
I did actually consider putting in what he does about his work life. Still, as >>11024942 said, this is quite nice, well done.
I couldn’t agree more with this. I’ve been waiting almost two years for the conclusion of the week-long family swap from last update, and the fact that it was so close to done already but still not finished in this update is extremely disheartening.
That’s not even mentioning the fact that I’ve been waiting much, much longer for the Ruby swap route to finally get started, which currently seems completely forgotten about despite the great potential.
This is why I don't even bother with Press-Switch anymore. Each update is the equivalent of a new 0.1 release that'll never get finished. Student Transfer is shit, but at least it occasionally finishes shit.
>Student Transfer is shit, but at least it occasionally finishes shit.
Occasionally is overselling it. A multi team project should be years ahead of PS not just slightly ahead of it.
They *are* years ahead of it in terms of actually finished content though. Like I said, PS is just a constant restart every update. It's a waste of time.
That might’ve been true before, but they haven’t released anything aside from crappy April Fools updates in awhile, and considering how terrible the latest actual content they’ve been adding is, it’s probably for the best if it stays dead.
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Not TL translation
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I think they are very close to another update desu. All their notes on their git is just stuff like "final pass", "polishing", etc
IDK how long they'll keep the project going though this stuff is well past its best-by date at this point
IIRC It’s been like that for a long time, and even if it did update, it wouldn’t be any good since the devs seem to have completely forgotten what kind of game they’re making and every single update has been absolute garbage for years.
That pose does things to me
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I lost my Pokemon swap folder, so anyone here have that Cowgirl x Protagonist swap? I tried looking in pixiv but no luck.
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I feel like the best aspect of the mom/son bodyswap is the perspective of the mom's mind.
>God, I'm getting so worked up just by looking at my body. Is this what boys feel like all the time?
Her conscious and subconscious minds locked in a battle. Her conscious very aware of the fact that she's in her underage son's body, trying to keep control of the situation, but her subconscious responding to the chemical and hormones cues of the body and wanting nothing more to stare at her tits and touch his penis.
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I'm obsessed with Girls Band Cry, so I got this new Skeb request made
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Sauce? Artist?
Elaborating a bit more on what I said here >>11024990, I didn’t originally write anything about his work because I felt it might detract a bit from the rest of it since this was merely something I posted without knowing if anyone would even think it was good, as well as not wanting to deal with the character limit of each post. Normally I would’ve addressed it, and you did a very good job at doing so.

Considering this and the good ending aren’t mutually exclusive, let’s just say these are both part of the good ending.
Anyone willing to do a TL of this if I upload it?
I bought a copy since I was curious.
try drop it here and let's see how fast anon will translate it
Kim possible
Ben 10
Scooby doo
Probably more
Alright here it is
I need more twink/femboy x regular guy bodyswaps
we love consensual swaps people
>we love consensual swaps people
She's gonna come to regret it
You are swapped into your ideal woman’s body. What would you do with the privileges of being a woman?
Find a boy and fix his life by being his manic pixie dream girl.
gave me this idea:

gold digger's efforts finally pay off. the old man she married left her everything and now she's a multi-millionaire at 30.

something happens and she swaps into some basement dwelling fatass.

she contacts him and works out a deal. she knows all the important information about her life and how to manage it. guy agrees and she moves out of his parents basement into her own mansion.

with her experience as a gold digging trophy wife, she's no stranger to going hungry and working out to keep in shape

she complains and ruminates on how unfair this bullshit is and how she has to hound the guy like a live-in personal trainer to not ruin her body.

but then she starts shaping up and it turns out the guy is pretty good looking after packing on some muscle and losing the pounds. two years into the swap and her mind is completely changed. being a rich man is the best thing in the world. fucking being a woman, he can keep the body.

she turns her expertise to her old body instead. seduces him and basically fucks him into submission. eventually gets married to her old self and considers this is the second time she married someone for the same money.
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Doesn't even have to be my ideal or anywhere close to it. Just enjoy her sweat and smells and masturbate until it gets boring or kills me.
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>You are swapped into your ideal woman’s body. What would you do with the privileges of being a woman?
Masturbation and cosplay
Play my regular video games and stream on twitch. Slowly become e whore as i rake in the money doing nothing. Look into which fetishes would be the easiest to pander to (ie casually show feet) to get niche groups to follow.
Buy a wedding dress. Go to locker rooms
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New Body swap manga to look forward to; called Cheers to the Fighting Wings. In it, a girl in an abusive relationship swap bodies with a professional wrestler.
That doesn't sound particularly erotic.
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Yeah, it isn't, but with how rare bodyswap manga are I thought it was a nice thing to share here. Also...
>The one where the erotic kid switches places with the prince-like high school girl and sexually harasses the girl in the locker room.
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"The one where a woman who stalks the victim for a few days switches places with the victim, a male college student"
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"The story about a housewife who can't get her body back from a woman."
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>Yeah, it isn't, but with how rare bodyswap manga are
Kinda sucks that the best ones were released decades ago or never finished. These new ones just don't do it for me.
those are the best kind, as long as
mf2 or f2f ofcorse

whats a kohai?
>whats a kohai?
It's the opposite of a senpai, so like a younger newbie or something.

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