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I want more! edition
Massive pregnant bellies. Towering mounds of fertility.
previous thread >>10897627
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I write a little in my free time and lately I’ve been thinking about dipping into hyperpreg. Anyone have any good prompts?
Fucked up, meant to link to >>10967278, apologies
I have a concept for a story/ comic that involves a hyper pregnancy cycle. It gets a bit weird.
anyone willing to share Brocobich archive's password?
Elaborate, my man
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Three teens: a goth, cheerleader and Asian gamer girl/ e-thot are heavily pregnant at an odd maternity home. Unknown to the girls, their pregnancies are part of a repeating cycle: they eventually give birth to themselves, bursting in the process. Story would be about the characters figuring out what’s happening to them, why it's happening and trying (failing?) to break the cycle.

How cycle/ loop works:

The new versions share the personalities and memories of the original, except for the (re) birth.

The sole difference in each iteration is that the reborn versions are slightly fatter than the previous one (s).

The time it takes for each cycle to reach completion is shorter than the previous. The first cycle took nine months, but the current(?) cycle takes three months or less.
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If any of you fine fellas could provide sauce, it'd be much appreciated
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>they eventually give birth to themselves,
So, teen goth gives birth to teen goth? Or to baby goth, who then grows up into teen goth?
>bursting in the process.
I feel like it doesn't count as "giving birth" if the "mom" explodes in the process.
>The sole difference in each iteration is that the reborn versions are slightly fatter than the previous one (s).
fucking ruined... really tragic taste you've got there
>The first cycle took nine months, but the current(?) cycle takes three months or less.
Is there a minimum? Or, if the loop continues, would the time decrease to minutes? Seconds? Fractions of a second?
just a slightly more fucked up version of rising like a phoenix
I was thinking of timey wimey nonsense induced hyper preg and the two ideas I had were
>Character is stuck in a time loop where the only way she can tell time has progressed is cause her belly keeps growing and has grown to hyper sizes
>Character is unknowingly pregnant and uses a time machine which causes her to rapidly advance through the stages and end up hyper
Sauce on these? Google ain't helping.
Teen goth gives birth to teen goth.

There were two pitches: one where the original immediately dies after giving birth to their new incarnation or burst. People took issue with the give birth and die part, so I switched it to bursting. That being said, for the purpose of this discussion, we can stick to give birth and die, since you make an excellent point.

If the loop continues the cycle would probably decrease to 9 seconds.

The idea I had in mind was that the story/ comic would be nonlinear, so the 'first loop' shown wouldn't necessarily be the first one to happen. The setup was like this:

1. Introduce characters and setting, ending with the cast giving birth
2. Cheerleader focused
3. Goth focused
4. Asian gamer/ e thot focus
5. Everyone's aware of the cycle and trying to end it.
I had an idea about a fighter having to assist a hyperpregnant preggomancer
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Ditzy bimbo trophy wife of a pharma executive takes an experimental fertility drug thinking it's a form of birth control and has unprotected sex with him. She ends up massive after only a few months, dealing with hunger cravings, ordering specialty made pregnancy clothes (from high end clothing retailers, of course), dealing with her lactation, and trying to move through the house after a growth spurt without knocking too many expensive things over.

Bear with me, this is the only pregnant bimbo I have, hyper or otherwise.
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Different writer here, might take a shot at this one since pregnant bimbos are pretty rare. No guarantees about length but I'll try to cover those points. Any other preferences (like size/number of babies) or stuff you'd like to see?
>Character is stuck in a time loop where the only way she can tell time has progressed is cause her belly keeps growing and has grown to hyper sizes
I once had an idea for a story based around this picture in which every the three day cycle looped another baby would be added until Cremia and Anju were hyper-pregnant.
I think a fun detail to add would be since time is looping, their bodies aren’t getting any older, thus technically making them immortal. It could lead to them potentially becoming gigantic if Link doesn’t stop resetting time
Don't exactly remember the name but the guy deleted all his shit and only does weird bimbo stuff now
>Any other preferences (like size/number of babies) or stuff you'd like to see?
I’m not that good at guessing the size and weight of potential babies and how much it would weigh a woman down, but maybe somewhere around thirty to fifty infants. Other things could be an extended gestation period and the kids being technically clones of the bimbo.
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Very similar to an idea I had a while back. I think I’ll try fleshing it out.
Not anon, but a fancy dinner party where the executive shows off his wife, both as a means of flaunting his wealth and "virility", and how effective the fertility drug is would be good. Extra points for her dressing in an expensive cocktail dress altered for her current size.
Do they remember every loop or do they start every loop with the realization that they're pregnant
At some point in the loop they're going to be big enough to actually stop the moon themselves
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drunk idiot got pregnant
They start every loop pregnant but aren't aware of the cycle until later loops.
I'll write this, for a price.
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I'm interested in further discussion. Do you post your writings on other sites?
Yes, but most of them aren't about humans. Still, here's a story I've written about a woman carrying eight children, and you should be able to enjoy it without knowing the characters:

Here's my commission information, which also lists my email address:

I'd post an image, but the mods would delete it and ban me like last time. Anyway, I'd love to work out the details with you, if you're still interested. This seems like it may be a long story, but we could always try to split it up into more approachable segments, or scale the idea down to something smaller, whatever you feel like.
Sure, I'll be in touch
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Got around to writing it, it ended up being fairly brief since I didn't have a ton of time to write. I think it turned out okay as something written quickly, but if you guys have any feedback I'll be happy to hear it.
Pastebin didn't like it so I had to use an alternative.
I wanted to include this but didn't have time, I might write it later if I have time and you guys think what I wrote so far is good enough to bother continuing. currently it's about 2400 words which is a decent length.
Requester here, I'm liking what you've wrote. Jenny's more of a prima donna than I first imagined, but still cute enough to not be grating. I'd love to see a continuation like what >>10981976 had suggested, or perhaps a shopping trip with her friends. Thanks again for taking it up!
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A crossover between Street Fighter, Tekken and Dead Or Alive about Chin Li, Xiaoyu and Leifang's being hyper pregnant.
>Thanks again for taking it up!
No problem, I enjoyed writing it.
>Jenny's more of a prima donna than I first imagined, but still cute enough to not be grating.
Yeah, I figured that since you wanted a trophy wife she'd be the spoiled type who is used to getting her way with her looks. If I have the time or energy I'll see if I can get that party scene in, although I'm a little short on idea for it besides showing off her in her dress and her accompanying her husband and he brags about his product and own fertility. Maybe have a scene where one of the other trophy wives (or some rich female CEO) does an extremely poor job of not making it obvious that she's jealous of her huge pregnancy and wants to
acquire the new drug and replicate her. If it's a CEO it could be a bit where she's torn between her desire to get hugely pregnant and become a stay-at-home mom vs her career ambitions.

I didn't mention it before since I didn't want to interrupt the other guy and didn't have a good hyper-pregnancy sample, but I'm also interested in taking commissions since I don't get to write hyper-preg that often, if anybody is interested. If so, reply to this post and I'll give you an email address to contact me with.
Well, if you're open for suggestions, I'd definitely go for the CEO, although maybe have two or three pregnancy curious socialites with her as cover before she gets a bit too into it. Also, intense fetal movement as a reaction to Jenny's stomach being touched by the CEO and her husband John.

Also also, while Jenny probably isn't the type to have one, if you write more pregnant bimbo stuff, it might be cute to have one of those stereotypical bimbo purse dogs take a nap on top of their stomach when she's trying to walk someplace.
Just had another idea: Jenny using her baby bump to "accidentally" smack a socialite who was flirting with her husband when she's reapplying her lipstick, leaving a lipstick streak on the socialite's face.
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Just noticed that she's wearing two bikinis in case one snaps
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there’s supposedly one more
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Oh, I just assumed, because I saw a sketch WIP, and it only had those four. If there's another, all the better.
the promo said 5 page, but idk
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Thats including the complete progression page
damn, the 4th pic was pretty mid. was hoping hit a zoom out
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i checked it out, NTa, but it's simply just combination of the other 4 into 1
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That's more like 30. Yes I know it's completely autistic but when artists throw out numbers like that which are comically inaccurate it kind of takes me out of it.
i get what you mean but you're still completely off yourself. given how the volume of a sphere works that pic is gonna be way more, easily 60+. newborns are actually really damn small.
>hot as fuck pic
>ruined by autistic word salad
why do these retarded faggots not post a textless alt when they do this shit
Looks like it's supposed to be inflation

Someone updates the dropbox
for some reason I find myself really attracted to those pink pajamas
she looks so comfy and soft
She probably is very comfy
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>Messing around with your new reality altering app's pregnancy function when you accidentally fire it off at the woman standing near you on the train
>Watch in a mixture of arousal and horror as she grows big enough to occupy a good chunk of the car with no one including her the wiser
got sauce on that?
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PurpleGuyRi on Twitter
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What does the French text say
“can you make me even heavier?”
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Where did you find the alts?
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beat me to it. that’s one big squid
I've never seen a 2nd batch of pregnancy
giant squid girl spends 1 day on land.
gets impregnated by everything that lays eyes on her.
Seeks out more people to get even more pregnant.
peak fiction
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PGR kinda a freak like that, wrote the squid girl that even when pregnant, she can still ovulate
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How she looks after all that
Unbelievably hot. that absurd fetish brainrot. I hope she’s twice as big next time.
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artist source?
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Always love seeing my comms getting spread around. All 3 comms I've got from Narodii are just so, so good. Here's the newest one in case anyone's interested. There's an alt with more strain and some heavy movement.
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bless whoever keeps commissioning these huge wakamos
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Sad his kemono page hasn't updated in a long ass time.
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Hoping someone does update it. Miss collecting the alts
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