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Previous thread: >>10954361
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Even though I don't care for his art anymore I still got a soft spot for Ember. Anyways, this is a great drawing and it's always nice to see more fat preds too.
Thank you! That’s basically the same for me. I enjoy drawing vore art of her
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Anyone got the new bigbig comic?
Feel free to post more of her if you've got anything else. I'll never say no to more Ember.
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He's retired isn't he?
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I like this one
God it's depressing how badly his art stagnated.
They were never masterpieces or anything but I liked them, and Ember was a fun character.

Seems like he got really complacent doing character poll sketches, and it really reflects in his art and captions (if I have to see "*deep drawn out belch*" one more time I will lose my shit.)
Metalforever? No, he's still quite active to this day.
That's a good one too. This is another piece I'm fond of.
I can't blame Metal for doing that since I'm sure it makes him a good amount of money. But man did his art end up suffering because of it.
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Literally the equivalent of cuckoldry in a same size thread.
The reason Metal stagnated is because of patreon gibs and having to meet deadlines to keep subscribers. Also he doesn't have to appeal solely to vorefags anymore, as he also does preg and stuffing.
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Toxic Yuri vore bayybeeeee
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I'unno man, I feel like a portion of us are into cuck adjacent stuff, see >>10980285

Oh shit did someone say toxic yuri vore?
Who is the artist?
>graphic descriptions of a brutal digestion
This needs to be done more.
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Artist is @Mmouse_25432

Here's a recent image they made
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I don't have any more text like this, but you can have a little cruelty, as a treat
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>a literal yuricuck
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I hate how I can recognize someone's art style but can't remember the name
Can't remember
I believe that's Zaou
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You're right. I thought it was Rasha
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How's life with a monster wife treating (you) Anon?
Are you doing fine, giving her post-meal massages or did your own sorry ass end up inside her already?
Does she at least keep control of herself or did you have to make her snap out of her instinct to digest you before?
it's a personal favourite if post-vore results in "asset growth"
She... does not eat anyone actually. The other preds laugh of her, which afects her self esteen. She has not eaten anyone in a few months, which seens to change her humour.
Kinda disapointed. But hey at least she helps me cook.
Cruel observer and their pred lapdog they sic on people has got to be one of the most kino vore dynamics, hands down.
It's a lot of fuckin work I tell you hwat. I thought I would be able to delete Hinge and maybe stop trying so hard ince I got hitched but noooooo. I gotta wax my eyebrows, wax my chest, post gym selfies to the gram, lest I get hit with "the look". At least she's a great gym buddy, very strong!
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I bitch but, really I'm happy and proud to help her hunt. I just post the thirst trap pictures, she does the flirting posing as me. She's better at it, and I think me doing it would kinda count as cheating.
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I also assist her in her many crimes. Usually I head over to the mark/meals house. I "distract" them and then send a signal, usually a text, telling her to join us.

She *usually* goes for smaller prey, so it's pretty easy for me to overpower them and hold em still. If they go feet first I got this dentist thing that prevents biting so I can face fuck the mark as she goes down. Still prefer headfirst tho.
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Usually I don't finish inside the mark, it's just for foreplay. Felling the screaming and thrashing turn her pussy into a vibrating milking machine makes all the crunches worth it.
Afterwards I read the mark's socials (a promise of release has yet to fail to get a password ). If they seem cool they get to feel a slow gentle creampie. If they are cringe a prone bone doggy-style power fuck, pausing to walk to the other song to add spunk to the broth she is now stewing in. My wife says this is not cheating.
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That new Zawa doujin was out on sadpanda so I decided to TL only the juicy bit. I'm ShittyTL, but I tried to my best. Enjoy.
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And that's it. Wanted to try to figure out what the Lamia was saying too, but I dunno if it's just straight gibberish. Couldn't match the runes to any known or fictional set but if anyone wants to take a crack at it, I'd love to know what she says.
>decide to try making AI-slop sequences again
>generate good candidates for the pre-vore and mawshot
>skip the belly pics for now because they are a PITA
>start working on post-vore, one pic immediate (slight) weight gain and one long term (more extreme gain) with the implication she's started eating people more often
>suddenly really turned on by each new generation because I now have the scenario in my head that this once-petite girl gave into her urges and became a gluttonous predator with a figure to match her appetite
>bust a nut effortlessly
why is my brain like this
Nice work. I can't seem to access exhentai at all right now, even logged in. is this posted anywhere else?
because you are mentally ill
Everyone on this god forsaken website has some form of mental illness, dumbass.

You are no exception.
I can access it, I think the problem is on your end. Try clearing cookies, reloading, and re-logging in.
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A muse has visited you. Attach speech bubbles to it and try to convey what is compelling about it.
That's a given, but mental illness takes many forms and very few can claim to have the affliction that I (and others ITT) have. Why is it that adding the mental context of "this lady eats people" makes random pinups of stacked, borderline fat women 10x more arousing to me? I hadn't even finished the vore part of the sequence yet, there was no big belly or captions or dialogue or anything. I was mildly titillated once I started getting the mawshot dialed in but it was nothing compared to how diamonds post vore weight gain makes me.
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You're doing God's work anon, thankee kindly. If you're still up for translating can ya do this one?


I can typeset if you do the translation.
It's English put through a cipher into runes and characters from various languages.

15-4 Kitsune?
17-1 Strange smell
17-4 Ho ho (Ko ko?) mana (first two words seem to just be laughing)
17-5 Scrape out
18-3 Nmm still left (first bit seems to be a moan and still is missing an L)
20-1 Mon'trunapa! (Itadakimasu equivalent?)
21-3 Almost there

These may be wrong. Had to guess a few times. If anyone can do better, please correct any mistakes. Hope this helps.
Absolutely based, thanks anon.

I'll think about it. No promises though.
Maybe on planet retard
With such insightful wit, I bet you get invited to a lot of parties lol
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I gotta ask, how tf did you figure this out Jimmy Neutron?
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Thanks for considering, if not no worries. If you do this one for me, I'll typeset one of your choosing.
I immediately recognized some of the runes as elder futhark tilted 90 degrees to the right. I rotated the images in paint. Page 21 is what really helped me to start cracking it, as it was the most similar in appearance to its original English spelling. I manually wrote out the cipher as I worked out which rune/character corresponded to each latin character. Thankfully, many are reused a few times even in her short lines. I filled in the letters and guessed at the most likely words based on the context they were written in.

I also recently realised that 20-1 is more likely to be Don'trunapaj.
Oh great this loser again
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Look, I feel a bit bad for you. No one who hovers at the edge of a conversation and occasionally interjects "t-that's stupid!" is doing hot in life. It reeks of someone who wants to socialize but is too insecure to be genuine. Genuine enthusiasm requires a degree of balls, as you are opening yourself up to being mocked. But the reward is maybe finding people you authentically vibe with. Never gonna find that with whines!

Keep mental illness posting, and I will keep offering free life advice on how to get better. No worries sport, I'll be the father that's missing in your life!
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Haha that's an unbelievably rad
Try not to shit the thread up with another autistic freakout this time, okay buddy?
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>He said as he whined for the 900th time without posting a single image

This may sound basic sport, but remember to shower, go to bed, and brush your teeth on a regular cadence. If your hygiene is bad you feel gross, which makes it easier to project that grossness outward. Get stinky act cranky!
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Oh no im catching it too!
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I blame the elite for making things cost money. imagine if money wasn’t an issue and he could draw what he wanted, all the goods we could see
I'm not really interested in the lessons your tard wrangler gave you about engaging in basic hygeine. I'm just asking you not to have an autistic meltdown for once. Can you do that for me?
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Your lack of interest in basic hygiene is probably a contributing factor to why you're such a miserable sourpuss!

Also sport, and this is important, ya gotta wash your ass. Like really get in there and scrub. A disappointing number of men would rather try for a mail order bride than put a half hour a day into being clean. Ya gotta be the kinda guy she wants to put in her mouth!
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Universal Basic Income would allow vore artists to just sit around and make art. Karbo straight up said he stopped doing long form comic because of they just don't pay :/
Extremely based language understander, thank you for your efforts.
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Jill's Mom 2 was the best
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What happen to the artist
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In their last post they were accepting commissions 4 years ago and I dunno if they ever delivered them before vanishing
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Can't be bothered to post all of it.
And yet other artists like modeseven ruin their output for their endless sperg comic no one cares for.
Life is a fuck.
Some people just have bad taste and it can't be helped
Imagine if hobbyist vore artists with good taste like Lampton, LTAF or Ezkerbkun didn't have to work day jobs and could spend as much time as they wanted drawing
This is truly disturbing. A "grown man" (physically at least even if not mentally) believes his best bet to own the trolls is to go on a diatribe about washing your ass. Let's see the next response from the carnival sideshow.
Sir this is the female vore thread
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This is really good, thanks for sharing!
Shit, u right
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> And yet you seem ass mad.

> Likely because you didn't clean it well enough!

Alrighty sport, now that you know about basic hygiene, the next step to not being miserable is exercise. You do NOT need to lift weights. I do, because I like it, but that's the important thing, ya gotta exercise in a way that ya enjoy. Not to impress women or other men, but because YOU feel stronger both physically and mentally after you exercise.

Posting images counts as exercise, try it now!
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I think >>10988546 has the right idea. Yeah there would be some full time artists that have shit tastes, but you could just ignore them. I think it would be outweighed by a tidal wave of good content
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Nice. Thanks for the share
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Ah shit

Here we go again...
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This guy keeps doing M/F for some reason though
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did a quick color edit of this
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Yeah it sucks, great artist love to see all their other work f/f wise. Appreciate the color
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Nice job, I like this better than the original, saved!

Who's the artist?
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Filename ;)
Ilias getting eaten by Alice - or another monster girl - is so delicious.

The arrogant Goddess being defeated, eaten, and digested by one of her enemies, who she looked down on so much.

Imagine the cheers and celebrations among the monmusu when they learn that one of their own made a meal of Ilias. Or how the angels and humans will react when they learn what became of their Goddess.

Ah, thank you, I was on mobile. Where did you find this though?
Guys, I got nabbed by that blonde from the other class. Stop her before she gets home!
I saw it recently on their Patreon. I think it is a stream doodle that got colored.
>Waaahhh I hate it when my masturbation is interrupted by stuff I have to read
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I think you're mistaken, GreenTeaNeko is not a vore artist, they make off the wall comics, this one just happened to have a vore gag
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Drao did another pretty good unbirth set, sadly it's untranslated
no one wants to RP on here
fuck off
You are right! Upon further inspection I was referencing the wrong picture and am in fact retarded.

Sorry about that!
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It's just some dumb fluff writing most threads have, you need to chill out a bit.
Personally I prefer Illias as pred, but for the same reason. The monsters are much more fleshed out than the humans/angels. There used to be a set from the same artist of Illias eating each of the monster generals and gaining their powers, but I lost it in a transfer and haven't been able to find it since.
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This may actually be his best work yet. HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS OTHER ARTISTS STEP UP
>This may actually be his best work yet.
Maybe on Planet Retard.
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That's like the third time you've rolled out that exact phrase.
>AND boring

Okay Sport, so let's assume you took my previous advice about hygiene and exercise to heart. The next step to not being ...well the way you are is socializing! Go to social events and talk to people. Try talking about things you like or are interested in instead of just playing the recording again.

It's okay to go slow, practice here. Post an image and say something you like about it!

I like this image because of the loving shared smile juxtaposed against thrashing panicking. And the big monster girl boobies.

Now you sport, you can do it, I believe in you!
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Crazy how the anonymous weren't lying about just commissioning what you want to see. Probably could've gone more niche, but I wasn't sure how the artist would handle my ideas, so I played it safer.
>but I wasn't sure how the artist would handle my ideas
What kind of ideas if you don't mind me asking.
Always liked the idea of a pred facesitting prey, but they've already got another prey in there. So the outer prey has the full weight of two people on them, and their head is already partially inside, allow them to see the other prey slowly disappear.
Facesitting and vore are an underrated combo. Good taste anon.
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Patrolling in the Mohave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
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It's like you keep trying to hurt my feelings but are too low iq to understand what words mean. It's ok sport, you'll show me what's up one of these days.

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Something like this?
Yeah, exactly, actually! I remember seeing that one and thinking "man, we are so close!"
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It was nice to see the bug angel girl fighting while digesting someone. It does seem her belly was getting slimmer (her blood is literally acid). She was about to eat the MC too but asspull powers saved her.
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>>10995125 Sauce?
Demon Possession
It was incredibly hard to find a website with the complete raws after the old English website with the raws was taken down.

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I hate this fetish so much for not being real.
I'd give everything to cuddle with a full pred.
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Hell yeah dude! I'm with you on the facesitting aspect, I guess it is just a hair's breath from AV. I haven't seen anything like what you're describing, but since you are already a CommissionChad I encourage you to commission someone to make your vision. Maybe show the artist what I posted and you posted as reference? A good artist will send you rough drafts and work with you to deliver exactly what you want.
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This hits way harder than it has any right to. The Angel getting the tattoo seems to imply it's absorbing lunch-kun's powers.

It's like Cell if it was good. I s'pose it's too much to ask that there are other vore themes in the rest of the manga, because I've only ever seen this set posted.
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vore is 1000% more powerful when it's permanent and happens to side characters in an actual narrative. It sucks how vore artists are so cowardly about it. Random shit drawn by people outside the fetish shouldn't be so much hotter than what the community itself comes up with.
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Apologies if I am preaching to the choir, do you know if there happen to be English translations anywhere?
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kill yourself
sadly no, the translations were only up to chapter 2 and then it was dropped. . It wont be needing much since the vore scene and the fight afterwards doesn't have much talking.

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The reason obvious bait will always be posted
>>10995780 Is because someone will always take it
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Yeah but for that to work an actual plot with major and minor characters is needed. We get sequences, not stories. The closest we can get is non-cannon power dynamics flipping with established characters eating each other.

Vore is generally too out there and cruel for most audiences. When it does happen it's there to horrify, not titillate (Cell). Which is what makes odd actual media with vore a rare treat.
I think the one you posted has a partial English translation, right?
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>sadly no
God damn it. Well, thanks anyway
In the spirit of "good but too long to post" this comic slaps
Man, Melascula’s an underrated pred.
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I'm not really beefing with the fact most vore artists can't or don't do long form stuff, that makes sense, fetish stuff has a tiny audience. But I'll stand by my opinion that the people who DO do it are a bunch of cowards. Modeseven seemed like he was going to break the mold, with his super spooky intro to Concession, but then oops, surprise, it's all nonfatal autistic bullshit. Malezor, paogordo, almost every ekas writer - none of them build up side characters a little and then delete them. It's either nameless fodder or OCs with regenerating plot armor.

Like how great would it be to get an office drama where the harem of coworkers gets whittled down over time. Or some vorish fantasy setting where maybe the main group has plot armor but recurring parties of side characters don't. This is basically just vampire erotica, it's been done a million times, but we're saturated with hacks and killing off characters hurts their feefees. I don't know what we've done to deserve so many bleeding hearts and not even one George RR Martin or Fujimoto.
Does anyone have a specific Modeseven/Nitroritan drawing of a witch swallowing whole a shota and she puts on his clothes afterwards?
>vore is 1000% more powerful when it's permanent and happens to side characters in an actual narrative.
Maybe on planet retard.
She's got a decent amount of vore-art for a SDS character, but more would always be welcome
what did she swallow here? I only remember her swallowing souls in the game
Truthfully. She and Diane are the only characters from that series I have any interest in seeing more art of. Maybe Guila too.
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Diane and Melascula are the main ones for me, but I wouldn't mind more Elizabeth vore.
Do you think Alice forced Luka to do some "cave exploring" trips after their canon ending?
Patrolling in the Mohave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
man this one is so good. send more
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I suspect you are just as smart as you are charming and popular, so I'm gonna explain what
>>10996363 means.

In the popular video game Fallout New Vegas, one of the NPC factions commonly says that line. This is because they are not a real person and not much thought or originality was put into their limited dialogue options. Kinda like you!
Acerok has made some great stuff, it's a shame he quit because the Hohol-Vatnik smackdown didn't let him get anymore patreon bux.
he stopped making vore stuff?
what's she saying at the end
Regrettably so
Artist is CaptureTheFlag on Furaffinity
Protip: click on the little triangle next to any posts' number to utilize the insta-Saucenao tool. Just be careful, the google image reverse search function seems to be broken on 4chan, and if you want to use that you'll likely have to use it manually.
Anyone else know what happened to shadowfaps? i swear in my book they were the king of vore. i miss them so much :(
Damn just because he's russian? Fuck this shit man
Cool, snakefag shit sucks
He just does it as a hobby. he made a comic like 6 months ago.
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I will forever be disappointed by the wasted potential of this manga.
The actual colors and shading is standard AI, which is admittedly pretty.


That's all it has. The characters don't interact with each other. It is very clearly three separate pics instead of three parts of a sequence. Also the belly sucks. Also all of the hands are fucked up.

Give me amateur lighting and shading that was drawn by someone with a story to tell over soulless machine slop any day of the week.
i mean monster/f fans were eating, it just left us F/F guys in the cold. Can't expect much more from the japanese
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Saw this spammed in /vp/, no clue on sauce or if there's more, but I figured I'd repost it where it belongs and see if anyone recognizes it.
it's lampton. It's a little tricky, but you can tell by it being named lampton.png, and also being the single most favorited piece of vore art of all time, by the most popular vore artist of all time.
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Thing is no one was doing any eating for most of its run. Had there been at least one vore scene every couple of chapters like in volume 1 then it would've been fine, even if only half of it were female pred. The mangaka should've known that people weren't reading for the generic plot or backstories.
Still, I dream of a spin-off with an all-female cast.
i will say though I just went over there to see what you're talking about and damn, that's hilarious. here I thought our schizos were bad
I dream of the day the koreans get hooked on this properly and one of them makes a harem webtoon about it
Kinda wish there was more art of literal who’s casually eating super important/strong people like this.
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If Bridget popped a boner it might have accidentally slipped inside ABA in that position.

If Bridget was pent up and ABA squeezed hard at the sudden intrusion, it might have been an Instant Kill.

If ABA did get pregnant it would probably be hard to notice right away under the post digestion pudge.

If this was the case, did Bridget lose.... or win?
The entire PS5 catalogue.
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personally i love the bridget gender stuff because it implies that he can just waltz into any women's-only space and eat or impregnate them all and now nobody can even call him out on it.
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It's the ultimate defeat. "She" dressed like a girl, spoke like a girl. Finally got accepted as a girl...

Only to get engulfed by the naturally wider hips of a real girl. "She" met a painful and humiliating end, enhancing femininity that she coveted, while being forced to do the quintessentially male act on the way out.

Fuckin brutal
Kino take
Boring fox news grandpa take
meh. Fem bridget is too soft, probably wouldn't wanna hurt anybody, just fitting in and being validated or whatever. Male bridget gleefully leaping at any opportunity increased access to rape and cannibalism is much hotter.
Based and josou-semepilled
Complete opposite opinion here
>FemBridget relentlessly voring other girls out of envy for their bodies, slowly stealing their essence and mass to build up her own body until she's a busty 7ft amazon (actually turning into a female or becoming a futa optional), probably following up by raping their boyfriends until they're dry
>Male Bridget remains friendly, confident and unbothered by body shape due to femboy confidence and instead becomes prey to some furiously jealous girl who seethes that a boy has a nicer ass and self-esteem than her, and only accidentally angers and stokes her insecurities (and hunger) further as he tries to convince her she doesn't need the padding from his protein to be attractive
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Summer Castoria request I finished recently
Total femboy death via vore? Erm, hello based department?
Dang that's good. Still taking more requests? If so I would like to request Celica from Fire Emblem Echoes eating Sonya and getting embarrassed about how fat and curvy she makes her in front of Alm(who loves it).
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This guy gets it.
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Rasha is ticking many of my boxes.
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Hope they'll finish a few of these one day
Not really a fan of how he drew Miriam here. Same size vore is a lot more appealing to me when the belly is on a smaller/more conventional frame. When the person is fatter, the belly isn't emphasized well enough.
Fighting game girls always have the best designs
Took anon's advice and went forward with another commission. Here's the early draft of one of my ideas. We're doing a follow up to the other one too, but I'll probably post it when it's done. But I really liked how this one is coming out so far.
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Took anon's advice and went forward with another commission. Here's the early draft of one of my ideas. We're doing a follow up to the other one too, but I'll probably post it when it's done. But I really liked how this one is coming out so far. (Sorry for the dupe, forgot to attach the file)
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That looks soooo good, who'd you commission??
They're a new(er) artist called OrangeFoxxy! They're still trying to figure out their commission pricing, but this month it's $28 for a full color illustration, with a decent flexibility on the number of characters! I'm not sure if they still have slots open this month, but I definitely recommend them. They'll fill in a lot of gaps for the idea, but their pipeline doesn't allow for many changes, so just make sure you're on the same page. They're on eka's if you want to check them out.
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problem is that coming out with a long form plot for a vore centric story is hard as fuck man, i can make a nice 10/15 pages story with a nice start and ending, but if it starts to become something longer like the sfw shit im writing it all goes down the shitter.
Like last time i tried writing the plot for a longer vore story it was some "meal of the week" sort of thing, which was fun on paper but it got stale pretty quickly, and im quite into the whole "make cool intresting oc's just to kill them off"

then again im a unimaginative hack that can only draw small sequences with bad art, if you have some cool plots in mind feel free to share more, because doing a vore focused comic as a side thing is my holy grail
>mage unwittingly got cursed by a defeated lamia warlock to propagate misfortune, so no matter how many parties they join, everyone gets eaten except them.
>portal is made between modern japan and the Mini Giantess Elf dimension, who now come to work in the office. Things are mostly fine due to the inter-world accord but the elves have a strong eating-each-other based matriarchy and accidents happen.
>Zappina Brannigana takes her crew of redshirts around the galaxy meeting strange alien species. There's a lot of casualties but it's easy to hire from the colonies
>Indie music lead singer constantly enters her group in battle of the bands competitions. Bummer they suck at music and the losers always have to give up a member. Maybe they'll win this time and she'll get a cup size instead of having to find a new bass player again.
>portal is made between modern japan and the Mini Giantess Elf dimension, who now come to work in the office. Things are mostly fine due to the inter-world accord but the elves have a strong eating-each-other based matriarchy and accidents happen.
maaaan if only frakass did that with his interdimensional elves
hear me out: Battle royale/tournament arc but with vore. Easiest plot ever
Wouldn't it be two massive fatasses in the end trying to eat each other?
Or one super skinny vs one massive boulder of bulk hunting the skinny down vice/versa?
You should absolutely work on polishing your art skills


a strong vision and a hot scenario beat perfect chatGPT line art 8 days a week. Also don't feel bad about being a hack. All art is derivative. Find something you like, and make that, but put enough of a twist on it to make it original. Looking forward to what you make!
I feel it would work best if only one or two characters had eating others whole as their shtick. Rather than everyone being able to do it.
Looking for a specific pic I can't find

It's of 3 women eating people at a orphanage when a candle runs out
fuck, now I have to make that.
That was another thing i tried to write, but also suffered on becoming stale after a while so i dropped it. Long story short was that in a fantasy setting's ancient times they were attacked by extra dimensional invaders (something ala invasion of the body snatchers) taking over people's bodies etc, which led to the local deities into breeding their own brands of preds to eat them all, which worked and saved the world, fast forward a few millennias and the preds are outbreeding and devouring most of the world's population so the same deities just decide to have them fight each other to cull themselves until only one species its left and it will fill the pred niche
>fucking your gf while she breaks down some poor soul
>that wild, predatory glint in her eyes
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i have a mighty need for more wives eating other wives, it is appallingly rare
There's a vore story I'm trying to remember, it's about a woman who describes eating a jogger, then she eats a cleaning lady in the office after comparing their breasts, then she gets caught by another pred and they both eat a couple of secretaries? It's very old but I remember it pretty vividly, just can't seem to find it. I think it was on Deviantart first.
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Draft so far, didn't know what specific pose you wanted. Will make changes of course
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>Wouldn't it be two massive fatasses in the end trying to eat each other?
That'd be the best part.
That's why it's easiest to take a neutral but participating stance on the AI slop. I can have ideas I like, but can't be asked to learn how to draw. So I'll be content trying to shape the AI slop to depict my ideas. Works great for that, and its only been getting better for it.
Fuck yeah. Wish it was more common.
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Looking good! Definitely give the post digestion ass and belly focus, and have her pouting about it. Maybe have a chibi Sonya face pointing to her fattened cheeks so you can tell who the prey was.
"Strange smell" is what she said.
what kind of characters and premise you would like for something like this?
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VL is goated for this one. What other artists do mid digestion vore guts well?
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I need art of her digesting Adaman or Rei so bad.
This is the only one in existence apparently
Damn shame they didn't eat women.
Fuck off incel
Calm down, sis. No one's out to get you.
This has actually been an incel free thread and one of the nicest ones we've had un a while, don't be prickly
Found the incel
Incel website
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I'll actually post stuff, if you don't mind
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Thoughts on this animation?
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I'm not an incel and I use this website, there is no reason a person can't have this fetish and be a normal and successful person.
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I like the non-con stuffing, and the fucking. I WISH the smaller girl plugged the hole after her, like >>11004869
I also need cuddles in the afterglow while the victim continues to have a bad time, followed by a night shot of the dom sleeping on the now softer tum.

Not sure if the water sports are pissing or squirting, should be more clear, regardless not a fan, but im sure some are here for it
As much as the fast cuts are clearly intentional and part of the style, they make it hard to jerk off to. Also the smaller dom goes from looking timid to smashing the blonde fatso like the fist of an angry god, weird transition.
Also this is a personal pref, but I don't like cartoonishly buxom chicks. At least until AFTER digestion.

I think this artist is not quite there yet, but I see a LOT of potential.
It's alright. Not a fan of the futa stuff.
Lingering on shoving her up there was good.
The 2nd part ends on the perfect opportunity for the one on top to slip and get some nesting doll stuff
You will never be a woman.
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Nobody mentioned trans anything.

The venn diagram of schizos who think about trannys 24/7 and losers who get no bitches is a circle.
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Y'all like Miku?
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Comically enough, I think a good amount of your issues would've been resolved if I had posted the full thing. Alas, it's blocked behind a paywall...

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