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No AI or futa allowed, make a separate thread
Previous thread: >>10911133
Hyper muscle thread: >>10935858
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What's the sauce for this?
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Grow Fighter - ZZZ comics
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What musclegirl's body is best built for cuddling twinks
sorry for not having an imaged attached to this, but i'm here for a question.
muscle girls. do you prefer them being taller or shorter than you? and if so by how much? i personally see the most appeal in taller ones but i'm curious on y'alls opinions on this
Taller without a doubt. As tall as the imagination requires.
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I prefer them taller than me but I wouldn't mind a muscular girl who was fun sized
Amazons and swolestacks are hot in equal measure.
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Tall girls are my fetish as much or even more than muscle girls so both is best combination.
Shorter girl having bigger muscles than me also have some appeal (it triggers my another fetish) but still far less that girl bigger than me in both aspects
I definitely would prefer taller, but I wouldn't really turn down a shorter one. If I had to choose between a tall girl of average build or a short muscular girl, the deciding factor would be something else entirely.
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Taller. Much much taller.
Thread Question: What muscle do you like the most?
For me, seeing a woman with large triceps makes my caveman brain go crazy.
I have a particular fondness for how a properly huge set of pecs, delts, and traps frame the neck.
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for me it's the biceps, abs, thighs, and back. I would say pecs but honestly I prefer it when muscle girls have huge tits even if it's not realistic.
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The taller the better
I can narrow it down to 4 favs, glutes, back, thighs, and abs. Though really I love all muscles on a girl
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Love it when abs are showing through skintight suits
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We need more pics of muscle women dominating guys sexually.

Taller, by maybe a foot and a half.

Thighs and ass. Especially when they actually use them on the guy for headscissoring and facesitting.
>I have a particular fondness for how a properly huge set of pecs, delts, and traps frame the neck.

This guy hit the nail on the head. A true patrician
Very based taste.
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way taller from twice my height or holding me in the palm of their hand
maybe her sitting on the ground while im standing and only reach bottom of her breasts would be great while she hugs me from behind
>seeing a woman with large triceps makes my caveman brain go crazy
same just love seing them with thicc upper arms
thicc fit women with just enough muscle definition is what i like the most (pic related but wish arms bit more thicc) or like >>10985506
forgot to ask what would be best way to describe thicc fit women not showing too much muscle maybe buff or swole?
Maybe 'ripped'? or Athletic
Dominant femboy on Submissive muscle girl

subverting the subversion is my fetish
speedl00ver makes such great muscle girls
if her arms were thiccer she would be perfect has the right amount of muscle definition and body thiccness
(do love more muscle definition but no hyper)
tall enough to kiss me (6’2”) without her needing to be on her tiptoes
but not too tall for me to be unable to bury my face in her rack with both of us standing up
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Shoulders. Some wide beefy shoulders are what usually do it for me. They make muscle girls look all the more strong and frame the rest of the upper body nicely imo. Shame because there are many artists out there that'll neglect that part.
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I wish there existed more art of muscular women facesitting men.
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Shoulders and back are criminally neglected, lats too.

I developed a burgeoning muscle girl fetish around last year, and it made me want to work out, so I started doing calisthenics on my bedroom floor.
Every time I look at a muscle girl, it makes me want to work out, and working out makes me want to look at muscle girls and their muscles, so I just started working out constantly in my bedroom, then later started going to the gym in addition to what I was already doing at home.
This self-perpuating cycle has escalated to the point that last week I was (falsely) accused by my mother of steroid use, but I have been considering seriously pursuing bodybuilding lately.
Feels like I rolled a nat 20 in the fetish department.
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Good for you bro, u gonna make it.
Post body.
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why would you ask for that here on /d/? we don't want to see a shirtless guy, plus you're not even allowed to post that kind of stuff
post hand
Ah, to be young again
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unfathomably based, literally the only reason why I even started liking muscle girls in the first place was because I started lifting
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I wonder how many gym bros are in this thread, unironically the same reason why I started lifting 3 years ago, hell it's the reason I have a home gym.
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love this thiccness
agreed with other anon shes perfect
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the two GOATs
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huge muscle girls with cute faces are the best
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Nice fetish bro, the immediate examples that come to mind are ankomans doujins.

Pic related comes so close but doesn't go there.
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>find new great muscle girl artist
>they draw futa on a regular basis
my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined
just photoshop the penis away
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I wish I had two muscular women fighting over me for dibs on snu snu first.
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Men go to the twunk thread.
>he doesn't know
absolutely disgusting, woke western artists should stop sullying our fetish with trash like this
cool. who's the artist?
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wow, they finally changed the url from Twitter to X
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There are a few things that have inspired me to be consistent with lifting, but one big one is that I’ve thought about it as going through my own muscle growth transformation. I’ve gotten to the point where people can see the size and shape of my muscles through my clothing and people who haven’t seen me in a while are immediately commenting on it. I get a little turned on hearing people say “wow Anon got big!”
>I get a little turned on hearing people say “wow Anon got big!”
Same and it also makes me uncomfortable because it's only men who say it.
Same bro. Wish I started earlier. Spent most of my young adult life a 100 lb twig and missed out.
I’ve gotten a mix of my male and female friends telling me. Though weirdly a few of my female friends haven’t said it to me directly but instead told my other friends who then passed it on to me
I was so adverse to the idea of getting “big” especially when I was a teen but the moment I started to notice the gains I was kicking myself for not starting sooner. Especially since I found out my metabolism and genetics allow me to put on muscle pretty easy.
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Artist name?
I don't think he draws muscle girls very often though
All that us it makes it much easier for me to be open about liking muscular women if I'm muscular myself.
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goth muscle mommies are underrated
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I love when girls have actual thick biceps instead of overtly wide torsos and comparatively slender arms.
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I think it's far more common in art to see girls with big biceps but dainty hips (with abs) and tiny torsos/backs.
really? would you call what you posted "dainty hips"?
generally I see stuff like >>11017019
>would you call what you posted "dainty hips"?
Not at all.

More like this? Very pronounced hourglass shapes.
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>Very pronounced hourglass shapes.
and that's the way they should be, otherwise they start looking like men when they're built like a fridge
I'm of the opposite perspective, no woman will look like that ever, that's not what a human looks like, being "built like a fridge" is a bit more realistic.
3D women and realism do not belong on this board.
The impossible is where it's at
I can accept that perspective, but personally I'm attracted to humans.
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Any pics of female muscle growth? Nothing hyper muscle tier, but more like the woman gets turned into a big busty amazon with wide hips, while also getting stronger.
>no 10' tall fit thicc elf to tease me
i really hate this time line
also want 10' Lalatina wish she was taller in the novel
This what you want?
Yee, very nice.
>girl becoming permanently taller and beefier after bonding with a symbiote
god that's so fucking hot, and it would be even hotter if the girl also became a crazy fuck machine while bonded with the symbiote
Anyone have some muscle girl manga recs?
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>>girl becoming permanently taller and beefier after bonding with a symbiote
>god that's so fucking hot, and it would be even hotter if the girl also became a crazy fuck machine while bonded with the symbiote
I love these concepts too, but I hate writing fan-fiction. Trying to think up a way for an OC girl to undergo an unnatural and libido-altering growth spurt. One that happens without her approval.
I tried writing something. I don't write often so it might be rough, but I hope you like it.
Remember to add a dot and / in the right places.
rentry co gwenom_transformation
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Midas busts does a bit of this but symbiote is an underrated fetish
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I think you'll like this picture quite a bit
absolutely kino, ideal female body, thank you anon.
>You will never watch your gf slowly but steadily pack on pound after pound of pure muscle.
Why even live?
not that anon but shes great also cant stop laughing at the "donus" in the back
>the princess wants to save YOU from the dragon

do you accept?
yes. all my yes
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the idea of a sweet but strong girl spoiling and protecting you does sound nice.

just be mindful of those big hugs and being carryed in her arms is a bit embarrassing but totally worth it.
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This is out-there but is there any art of a muscle girl performing a 'back-job' on a guy?
I feel like I've seen it before.
The position is like, a muscle girl supine in like a push-up position, her spine arched and back muscles flexed to make a sort of shallow valley on her back, and letting a guy thrust in that muscled ridge.
I may have seen a pic like this. I don't know. I saw one for an ab-job. Same concept.
Tsuyomari Kishiou to Lovex Suru Hon might be what youre thinking of
Oh it was.
Great bod she has in that one. Sad tits though
I thought I was the only one. God bless you, anon.
I hope I can become a good enough artist to draw that stuff.
Hung femboy getting dommed by a tall muscle girl.
But it ends in mutual mindbreak, boy cumming his brains out and the muscle girl getting cumflated and impregnated thoroughly, neither can now live without one another.
I'll make this my next project. It's just too good a fetish, and not common enough.
Holy shit you guys are faggots. Shooting up the thread without even a relevant post.
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this, go take your femboy faggotry elsewhere, this is the MUSCLE GIRL thread
That's that muscle princess doujin?
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I think so? dunno.
Hell yeah.
it's a real problem. i love muscle growth stuff but hate hyper muscle.
There is almost no content for that

>>11020703 is perfection, but the artist never made anything similar again
Fuck why are scars so hot
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Man I Love Fauna
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AI dogshit
Keep us updated king.
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No AI shit allowed.
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Artist name?
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>ywn have a huge muscular woman take your face and rub it hard with her muscular pussy until your face has 3rd degree burn marks and you ejaculate like a geyser

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