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previous thread >>10948212
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reposting WIP
Glad to see we've got confirmation she's got an in-universe micropenis.
I'm probably the minority viewpoint but I wish tansho wasn't a micro penis, rather it was just small but not like basically a clit.

And I think he partially regrets making it that small, as I'm not sure how an actual sex scene can even work with how small it is.
>kissing in the penis church
>tansho is now an even quicker shot to push the gallons of cum narrative

Just like with Mara and Funou being too big to fit into a person, all these choices were made when he didn't think it would have sex. Tansho's joke was just to be the opposite of Mara, being too small for her erection to be seen under her skirt.
I don't know why but the building being so clean, with a little dick vitral, compared to everything looking like it was made in MSPaint has sent me into a laughing fit.
>mutiple cumshots in a chapter
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Shes even more micro than before. This is literally pinch play.
>tansho getting cucked by umanami and funou in the last few pages
>she cums 5 times and inflates Yuri's womb

Really?? Holy based if true
>23 pages for Tansho x Yuri
>I'm not sure how an actual sex scene can even work with how small it is.
Considering Kawakami asked for some suggestions on twitter, even he wasn't sure.
>stick it in
>Yuri's womb is still far away
>cum immediately and fill every unoccupied crevice
>cum two more times after that
Yea its looking like if she can't fill up Yuri with her junk, shes gonna fill her up with her fluids.
If anything the pressure from the massive amounts of fluids should stimulate Yuri.

Also who was that fapping to them? I saw a buttplug so I was thinking it was Funou, but the sketch and shape made me think Umanami.
Funou, Umanami wouldn't be hanging down to her knees like that
It looks like the womb tat is making her pussy shrink? Is that accurate? I can't read Jap.
so basically her cum is acting like a dildo while her micro penis keeps ejaculating and pushing in more and more cum
Ejaculation stats when? Kawakami even listed the angle of their erections, so I'm surprised that he hasn't done it yet.
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He started but never finished
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barely resisting the urge to make Funou #1 in every category
Funou and AV mogging everyone as usual.
I love when futa dick charts do condom filling
I can't fap without numbers.
I don't know why he didn't make Funou #1 across the board. Shes really the only adult there, the others are still teenagers. Shes also a freak of nature and a trained professional.
She should be the one with a torso sized dong and shooting a literal bucket everytime.
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Confess your sins to Nun Tansho.
25 pages now and she cums 7 times. 2 times in Yuri's mouth, 5 times in her pussy.
Why is he making Tansho cum so much now? Now all the instances where she cummed only once will read as if she left unsatisfied and wanted to cum more.
>Tiny cock visible through big cock window
Peak design
that makes it even better though and highlights her being tsun
Is there a full, detailed summary about the chapter yet? I have only seen the short one so far...
I'll try and get one posted sometime tomorrow if someone doesn't get to it before me. I'm not mega anon so expect a catbox link with a txt file.
Thank you very much!
Tansho is not really my favourite elf, but I am still curius how much stuff will happen in these 25 pages (which could considered 3 or 4 months in real life, based on kawakami's work ethics)...
Because now it's sex, she's in the girl that she likes and has wanted for some time now.
Masturbation and handjobs are not at the same level of nut busting.
Chapter 38 Summary

This chapter is a doozy and Tansho gets the respect she deserves.
last page has a play on words.
Yuri questions Tansho whether it'll feel hollow having sex with her just because she did it with Mara, then Tansho says that she'll always be full if she's with Yuri.
at the same time, it's like Yuri is asking if Tansho will run out of cum from doing it so much, and Tansho explains that she can always produce more when she's with Yuri.
His MTL will probably miss that
Thanks again for the summary!
I am so ready for Funou, that chapter will be legendary. : )
Anon thanks for the heads up. I am running on four hours of sleep so I missed that.
>(Teasing) She knows Tansho's tiny cock can get really hard, but tells her it won't get any bigger despite it
I'm probably in even a smaller minority in that I love Tansho as she is because I think she's the perfect one for actually getting dicked vs her using hers. I'd love to see her spraying all over herself while someone ploughs her.

No one care about tansho really.. stop crying now.

At the very least we'll get rid of that boring part and only peak will remain ahead after this chapter.
Tanshobros, our cum redeemed us.
Gotta say, Tansho shooting mega loads to inflate Yuri was not the approach I was expecting Kawakami to take, but I'm happy with it.
>I'm not mega anon
I'm pretty sure Mega anon is gone now, unless that was someone larping as him the last couple of threads.
>tanshos an orphan
>probably abandoned cause her small dick
>she gets so emotional because she had no one ever show her love growing up
>insecure because of her size which may effect her chances to find love
Bros, why does Tansho have to suffer so much?
Well you gotta keep her appeal of having the smallest junk on the planet, where small dick porn is even considered big to her.
So really just shooting gallons is a good alternative without cheaping out and have a pseudo magic dick or something.
I have seen predictions that Tansho was going to make up being a dicklet by having massive loads of cum to compensate for it.
Don't worry, not only will she have large loads, but also be the most fertile. She can give a girl triplets.
>tansho was raised by the church
>didnt even have parents
>smaller peepee than the pornstars in her small peepee magazines
>constantly telling yuri she loves her
>keeps asking for affirmation if yuri loves her back
Bro. This is susposed to be a happy moment, why is Kawakami setting up this suffering backstory for Tansho.
Honestly it's pretty damn intimate. Kinda emotionally overshadows the first time with Mara, depending on how it's pulled off.
Tansho must suffer, as her reward will be the greatest.
She will impregnate the human girl, using her massive loads, while the others get her quite literal sloppy seconds.

Also, because Kawa thrives on the suffering of Tansho fans.
It is his ambrosia, his heroin, and the lifeblood he must suck from the necks of the virtuous, all at once.
>Also, because Kawa thrives on the suffering of Tansho fans.
What about us Funou fans? Every elf girl has gotten BJ's but Funou. Like did he forget about Funou? Now were on to sex and while I hope that its Funou in the end of the chapter. It kinda makes me worry that she might get screwed over somehow.
While I'm glad Tansho stripped. At the same time I was really digging the Nun outfit, its a shame it only lasts for like 2 pages.
that was 100% Funou at the end.
he seems to be going in order of introduction so she's next for sure.
And though she didn't get a blowjob Yuri did cure her ED so you know she's going to pump Yuri full multiple times, though I pray it's not anal, not to hate on anal enjoyers but I very much prefer vaginal sex over anal sex
Is she actually confirmed orphan? Her parents could just own the church
the moonrunes say its where she was raised/lives shits weird with moonrunes since one word can mean like 4 different things
but so far its assumed that she lives at the church, and usually children or teenagers that live at a church typically dont have parents
and with how slutty their society is, its probably not a surprise that a child would be abandoned
I wonder about that. Funou seems to be a super obvious bottom who loves it in her ass. So much so that even Unanami offered her mom's ass to Yuri, not that she could really do much with it. I wonder is Kawakami would have the balls to do an oyakodon threesome where Funou fucks Yuri but Unanami helps her mom out anally.
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This outfit is pretty top tier on Tansho.
Wait i just thought of something. Would Tansho even be able to do it with another elf because of her size? Another elf package would probably get in the way of penetration, or their fat asses would.
First we get individual 1 on 1 sex, next is gonna be threesome and then we start with orgies I'm gonna assume
Elfs might start fucking each others even without Yuri's presence in the act, she might just watch with a naughty face 2 of her elf fuckbuddies fuck each other
Are the dicklet elves small enough for you? Feels like this was the Kasei was going to be.
This is what non main cast elves should have been instead of everyone being Mara tier.
Mara's whole big cock shtick definitely loses its luster when not only are half the main cast roughly her size, but seemingly many normal futa are as well. I know Kawakami's not exactly known for his anatomic consistency though, so he really might not have meant for it to come across as it does.
Just pull a page from Messy and fuck their balls.
We all know incest is gonna happen and umanami is gonna bang her mom first. But I'm hoping for tansho on funou and vise versa for the lulz and size comparisons.
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After Tansho gets her turn, these two need to fuck too.
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>Funou is after this
I'm surprised Funou is next, I imagined she would be last by virtue of being the biggest. He is really going to have get creative for AV and lean into animal shit for Uma
>she's a devout member of the "Church of Dick"
She'll be a bottom yet.
With how casual elves apparently are with sex, and especially how those two act you have to wonder if Funou has Uma rail her ass occasionally. They already gave each other titfucks while Yuri rimmed them after all.
She was skipped over like twice now. Gotta give Funou some love considering how popular she is because everyone loves an Ara Ara Milf.
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>this is considered small in elf land
I relate to Tansho's insecurities more and more every day.
I mean, have you seen the average elf cock? They have easy-to-learn magic spells at the ready to fit those things. On the bright side though, seems like it works to make their pussy tighter too.
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Tansho took couldn't find any penis enlargement pills, so she tried to make her own and it backfired.
When? Also is that a joke or a canon explanation for why she cums an insane amount?
I mean those are just human normal-sized cocks, if you compare to >>10990672 yeah they are on the small scale in futa society.
Who knows? I don't know if his little doodles have any meaning or not. Only the author knows.
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This black haired elf is easily the hottest side character.
>yuri's excuse early on for not messing around with the elves is she wouldnt be able to stay in elf land if she messaed around cause people would find out
>now yuris gone full succubus
Are her actions going to have consequences?
Oh my bad, I thought you were quoting something he said on stream.
yes, namely she's going to have 5 elf babies in her at once and give birth to Quintuplets
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Don't forget that sweet kiss in the beach chapter. Not to mention that in her introduction, Funou is seen standing naked, looking at her mom jerk off thinking about Yuri; in the onsen chapter she groped her mom everywhere and even offered her ass.

>you have to wonder if Funou has Uma rail her ass occasionally.
In my headcanon she let Uma fuck her when she was a kid, her way of teaching her the birds and bees.
I hope Kawa delivers a chapter of those two soon.
Oh I remember. It just seems like there's much more than a platonic relationship going on between those two. I'd love to know Kawakami's thoughts on it.
Dudes i fucking love tansho. She deserves only the best [spoiler]with a little loving sph here and there[/spoiler]
>We don't care bruh... aside from being "cute", which they all are anyway, she has nothing for her, really lame ngl
for a second i thought they were going to fuck during that but then they didnt and i was disappointed, still the hottest chapter to me though.
Bruh fr fr no cap on god
So if hes completing about a page a week, see you guys in 6 months again I guess?
Ditto, I thought they were go at it but I guess Kawa will work on those two later on.
Since he specifically went out of his way that they were titfucking each other and not just jamming it between their own tits like would be easier, I really expected them to go farther.
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Nude beach!
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What did anon mean by this?
The elves are all luckily clean shaven, anon. What are you trying to say?
Its t he same mentally retarded anon who posts the same off topic shit for no reason every thread. There are several futa threads where those posts belong, this is not the thread for that.
Nta but some anon once say Kawa was planning to make one big nudist festival which was going to end up in an orgy (?). It was like a year ago so no idea if he's still planning, nor if that anon was actually telling the truth.
He's had that idea for years when he doodled about the elven penis festival. It just isnt time for something like that yet I guess.
yeah, first the main cast need to get their turn before yuri gets stuffed with multiple dicks and eventually gets the entire town run a train on her.
I miss this artist
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What was Yuri going to an Elven church and into a confession booth for?
This is raising a lot of questions.
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Now this is peak art.
Paipan or shaved?
damn yuri's really going all out, huh
half step away from just being a nudist
She's just wearing elf-society clothes, remember they don't wear panties and shit.
What if Tansho learned in the other world she's popular with human men?
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I wish Funou was my mama...
According to Kawa, she sleeps naked like most elves. Honestly at this point I think she wouldn't mind going all fully nude.
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Angry Tansho is pouting.
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i wish Uma was my sister.
Tansho deserves Yuri.
One of Jun's best works from back when he was doing non-monster/animal stuff.
It's also nothing to do with Futanari no Elf, but I suppose ti has a futanari elf and a human female, at least.

From Jun, I prefer:
Specifically for chapter 1. Something about the tentacle dick does it for me.

Is still my absolute favorite Jun work, and it's criminal he moved on from stuff like the aforementioned three.
His new stuff is great, but it's not absolutely amazing like his stuff from 9 years ago.
Look at this pious small dicked creature
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When non-h anime?
Another one
When is Tansho gonna realize that hiding behind her pigtails is her key to getting whatever she wants?
>tansho's a holy woman
>yuri's a succubus
tansho's purity is in danger
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Confess your sins to Nun Tansho.
the sex arc bores me
>tansho became a nun because she hoped praying to God would make her dick bigger
>they have a massive orgy and they all fertilize an egg at once, making fraternal multiples
Its probably gonna happen that way too. If Tansho is demanding sex everytime Mara and Yuri have ssx, then its always gonna be a three way. And knowing Umanami, she's gonna barge in on that out of jealousy and bring Funou with her.
Everything's gonna turn into an orgy.
Personally I can't wait for the group chapter.
I want more Zombie-chan experiments.
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He's only just on page 5? He was on page 5 the other day, is redoing the page again?
This is the other day's page 5 and right now he is doing another pose instead. Oh boy another long wait is coming if he keeps this up.
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And here is his current page 5.
He didn't redo he, he added a bit of her pushing the nun clothes thing between her boobs in the upper corner of the page. The first pose is just on another layer so he can draw

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