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A thread for huge nipples,hyper nipples, long nipples, nipple expansion, puffy nipples and puffy areola.
Previous thread: >>10934076
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Hey, thanks for keeping the thread alive. Last time I checked it was on page 9 after my intial posts.
This sequence is pretty good. I love the detail.
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Top shelf thread topic anon

What's everyone's favorite style of hyper nips? There's so many ways to draw them.
foot long with big enough holes to penetrate. bonus if they actually get pregnant too
Inverted when not horny, but extend past her arms reach when erect.
>What's everyone's favorite style of hyper nips?
Long and relatively skinny, about the size of monster cocks. Wide and stubby ones just don't activate the right almonds for me.
And relatively smooth. Texture is good, but I'm just not a fan of bulging veins.
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nipple penetration stuff acceptable in this thread?
>What's everyone's favorite style of hyper nips?
Long enough to nipple-fuck another girl with
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I like big fat ones
They get kind of weird when they're long but I'll draw 'em anyway cuz sometimes it hits the mood just right.
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Like this is such a perfect nipple to breast ratio and size
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Are you actually Sponson? If so, love your work!
hey this is a good fucking thread
God if you drew Rias, Akeno, or Asia, holy fuck.
>verification not required
relatively uniform and really thick and long, big to be jerked off
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i drew picrel for a series I'm working on.
Figured since there's plenty of regular hyper nipples out there, I'd do something more interesting.
Can link sauce if any anons actually wanna read my weird amateur fetish comic.
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Thing I am working on atm.
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here we see two hyper girls in their reproduction cycle.
i think this thread need bumpang
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^ anon who drew this here again
Thread's slow, anyone have unique ideas to draw? may have time to do a request or two.
picrel is not my work
How about a milfy Miku performing with giant nipples out. or a tired teacher with short white hair casually giving a lesson while her hyper body tears through her uniform.
Maybe long saggy nipples, like socks
Miku with long saggy sock nipples could work, will attempt to draw before the thread dies.
awesome. really appreciate you taking our request
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how's this looking so far anons?
will try to get some color on this before the weekend is over
was thinking thicc like the example before, but looks nice.
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Damn, I thought about making her thicc too.
Anyway here's a colored one.
Also drawfag reporting back. If anyone has some truly degenerate hyper nipple ideas bouncing around I can probably do another req or two.
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how about a MUCH larger thicc girl enveloping the head of a smaller guy inside her nipple. maybe that same cowgirl from the original post
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The cowgirl isn't mine fyi, it's toothbrushking iirc, just don't like bumping threads too much without contributing.
I'll keep it in mind, but mostly fishing for ideas nobody's drawn before. Gotta compensate for mediocre artistic skill by treading new ground :^)
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oh, gotcha, you know i’ve always wanted to see a girl with a black ponytail in a black bikini with two sets of nipples side by side. one covered, one sticking out. semi erect like curving down penises
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I fuckin' love long, thick nips on a pair of otherwise-normal tits, bonus points of the base almost overtakes the tit itself. Expansion sequences are the shit too.
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Generated pics okay? the Alternative diffusion threads have been turning out the rare content every now and then.
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Now we're getting closer. I could roll with that, but definitely down for even more weird or extreme concepts.
Will be a couple days so this can simmer for a bit if any anons want to develop that idea further or suggest other stuff.
NTA but I've got a specific request, embarrassed Asian girl in a schoolgirl outfit with thick hard nipples sticking out under her clothes. Breasts about the size of your image. Asian girls are never really drawn in BE or big nipple content so I'm shooting my shot.
you want weirder? a thicc futanari teacher with multi nipple breasts for balls. angry at her students for taking pictures while she leaks mild and cum down her legs
There is one scene of nipples being grown like this thanks to nanotech and used for sexual purposes in the scifi novel "stone". It's not a great scene, but if you want to read a decently-reviewed novel that happens to have long-nipple fucking in it, go ahead.
A fairly pedestrian concept but if I have time before the thread dies I'll try to draw it
Now that's some /d/egeneracy. Not sure if it would be on topic enough for this thread but will definitely consider.
>>11007104 this is still a solid idea, I'll probably go ahead and do this one. If the anon who suggested it is around, any preference on how hyper sized her nipples should be? Or any other details you wanna specify?
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like this size, but curving down instead of up, but smooth and round at the end like a torpedo
kinda shaped like the image below it, also preferable a very light shade, like only a slightly darker pink than the breasts
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Very thick and veiny, like your arm after a workout. Thicker than any normal cock, maybe like a coke can or more. And super long, like a foot or so. Ultra hard and perky. I wanna suck em off so hard my lips and tongue get sore for hours. I'm also a HUGE lactation fan. Always have been. I want big, perky nips.
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Made a sketch, this about what you're lookin' for? If so, will clean it up and throw some color on.
looks good, how about some bangs, bimbo lips, and sunglasses
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Puberty's a bitch
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Artist Source please!!

ai, ya dingus
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Isn't it obvious with the garbled ai spaghetti in the corners?

I've seen like, 10 foot long nipples at most before, but I don't think anyone has ever really gone beyond that. Extreme hyper long nipples just don't exist for some reason, so my request is Eunie from Xenoblade Chronicles 3 with tits the size of yoga balls, and nipples at least as long as a city block or two. Longer would be better, that's just a minimum I'd like to see
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who is the artist of these?
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