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It's new thread time, thanks to everyone for keeping it going as always.
This is the thread for curvy mommy bodies. Post images of thick, full-figured women ripe with the hallmarks of sexual maturity and fertility.

Common themes include combinations of:
>Thick/plump, especially in thighs, hips and butt
>Large tits, sometimes sagging or low-hanging
>Pubic hair and/or underarm hair
>Sometimes a soft, paunchy belly
>Occasionally muscle

For the previous thread: >>10950464
For Venus Futa, check out our sister thread: >>10987932
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If you're an artist working in the fetish, we'd love to see any pieces you're comfortable enough to share! Please feel free to post it up if you're so inclined, we're always happy to welcome new artists here.
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As a general reminder, please remember to ignore all obvious troll posts and to report pedospam.
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Starting us off with the latest round of stuff from pixiv.
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I wanted to draw a venus lady, but I'm at a crossroads as to who exactly I should make it. This is what I've got so far and I can't decide between
>Princess Peach and Mario
>Scarlett and Alain (From the TRPG Unicorn Overlord)
>Yu-gi-oh's Amazoness Augusta and faceless stud
Or some 4th person. I want a vanilla couple, and something a little popular. Thoughts? I'd prefer picking from the listed but if you've got a solid rec, that's fine too.
How about Emilia and Subaru from Re:Zero? If you had to pick from those examples I'd choose Scarlett personally.
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>20 thousand years later and we're still into venus bodies
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God had a type and he made damn sure his little monkeys would inherit some of his godly tastes
Ms Millions from Megaman Battle Network, for the guy no idea but i guess you can give him Lan's Bandana and make him faceless
>vanilla couple
>something a little popular
Link and Zelda?
What is this hentai?
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Hey everybody.
I once mentioned in these threads that there is a neighbour that lives in front of me that she has a nice venus body type, but didn't do anything because I thought she was married and had kids.
Well, since my dad sells propane and she needed that, I took care of it, and while I was dealing with her I decided to gossip a bit and asked her how her life was and about her kids and marriage, she told me she is not married and she does not have children.
Which just seems strange to me, but nonetheless, should I try to get something from it? On one hand I like her shape, and she seems nice, but on the other one I don't feel as attracted to venus body types as I used to. I even forgot she existed up until now.
Or maybe it's my head fucking with me, sorry for this rant.
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>That armpit/pubic hair.
>Those tips.
>That ass.
>That belly.
This is going to make me go APE.
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Did someone's oc

the fact that I know exactly what reference image they used because I've used the same one like 5 times XD
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It's surprisingly tough to find someone to commission this stuff.
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Elf dickgirl the best
What you mean? Unless you asking for something really large most people draw just fine.

Just matter of artstyle, don't go picking anyone you see.
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as with pretty much all dating advice, just go for it. even if it's nothing serious you might at least have one fun night. if it goes wrong, she's your neighbour, you can pretty easily avoid her.
going for a woman purely based on lust is not a good idea but you said "she's nice" so presumably you are interested in her on more than a sexual level.
Very nice model, but the soft body physics could be toned down a bit.
your shit's getting real stale, it's all the same body and character turned to their right
not poster, but that’s a terrible take. I garuntee you can’t do better
Go ahead and build an acquitance with her, get to know how she behaves whats her motives & feelings, then go up from there if she is comfortable to be around you, make a move
be warned, if making a move doesn’t work, the relationship is tarnished
If you’re going to get involved with her just approach it like a normal dating thing, don’t become close as friends or whatever, be a pleasant acquaintance and ask her on a date if the opportunity arises, that way you can stay on normal terms or have something more serious rather than a weird place which could get awkward
May I ask what the reference image is?
For research, of course.
If Watamote protagonists and wa-peach fusion
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That's Hex Maniac
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I wonder what it is about the Venus thread that has produced the most normal and levelheaded romantic advice I have ever seen on these brainwormed boards
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Because this fetish isn't even /d/, and I am not afraid to say that. Liking a well built woman is a healthy thing.
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>That character design
Whew, saved.
king shit. my wife grew into this exact body type because she's a gym rat who nevertheless doesn't turn down a cookie or a beer. i am an exceedingly happy man every day.
Still falls on /d/ because is BBW.

It's somewhat accepted by most people but too big and it attract actual fatfags.
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How big is too big? From what I've seen there's two options: muscle chunk like kunaboto, or a big belly like pic related.
That really depends of artist, but belly fat have some negatives.

Personally I don't like muscular either even if I enjoy kunaboto art. A stout build is ideal.
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It's a sliding scale. There is a point where the belly is too big, but a lot of it also has to do with the proportions of the body and the way the fat is carried. Generally as long as she's still shapely and feminine, and the body silhouette hasn't broken up into formlessness by her size, it's fine.
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Pretty good stuff man! Wider in the abdomen than your usual fare, I dig it. Don't let hate from dumb trolls get you down, keep up the good work.

Have to respectfully disagree about belly fat, a nice bit of pudge is the absolute gold standard for me. But it's all subjective at the end of the day.

Rather be here than on /h/ - strongly prefer some of our neighbors on /d/ to the cesspool of cheating and cuckoldry going on there.
thanks for the lols, I genuinely needed that today

no ref used my man, standing with arm up is about as basic as it gets
What tags would I be inputting if I wanted more venus body type? And is it just a mobile thing to wait a minute for a post?
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This by kunaboto, fair to say that artist is "influenced" by him
>This is the same artist that did the art for manyuu hikenchou and other hentai.
No wonder, he knows what people like.
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My bad i thought you meant the ref for mine. yeah it was >>10998630 which I've also used
>standing with arm up is about as basic as it gets
can you catbox some pics of yourself no reason thought it might be funny haha
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Mother's day.
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Happy Mother’s Day!
>off model but really love her
I know.
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the more off model the better
God dammit. Why does Neromashin have to be such a fucking edgelord.

Nothing makes me more frustrated than seeing an artist with a great style who draws nothing but fucked shit.
Better art equals worse fetishes.
>hurrr why don't everyone draw what i like
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Sometimes I worry how messed up my fetishes are, but I calm down and remember I'm not here for the messed up stuff, just the big meaty women, the fact this is my favorite work of his really says it all.
>THICC Taimanin
This is my highly specific fetish of "Venus wearing a latex bodysuit", and I love it.
Listen, all my bitching won't amount to shit anyway. I can lament the fact that he couldn't draw consensual sex to save his life and he'll drop another "Quantum Sow Rape 4: Assault and Impregnate my Nice Next Door Neighbor!" Like nothing happened.
I've long since blacklisted him but I do vaguely remember this single chapter of his elf brothel series was probably the most tame. And even then it wasn't that palettable.
Eh, the elves and most of the other characters in that manga are past thicc at this point. They're chubby, but with a curvy figure, a fat ass, and big tits. Thicc originally described women that have more ass and thighs than the average women, but these women weren't overweight. They might have a bit of a belly that's it.
Elfuda is an actual glutton, rest of characters mostly look like that due artstyle, at best they have some gut, barring characters like pork.

Even then everyone was quite thin on earlier chapters.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
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Uts also one of the best ways to learn. Once you finally crawl out of the LOOMIS mines, I found that tracing by creating shapes helped me a ton.
>find reference art you like
>create new layer over it
>break down the reference into simple shapes, Loomis style
>sketch and create drawing from there
>repeat until you know how to tweak and modify your shapes to get variations and new poses
I found this far more helpful for me, and I had a lot more fun doing it than fat cartoon men.
Some gut is still past thicc. Not saying the stomach needs to be completely flat because that's slim thicc, but most women with some gut are closer to the chubby range. Then again, some women carry their weight differently and don't have much of a gut despite being overweight.
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>complaining about large chicks on large chicks thread

A bit dumb. Specially when porkchop is poster girl of those threads.
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Lana's mom has got it going on.
I'm not complaining I'm just saying that there is a difference.
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Anyone have a character concept that they'd like sketched out? (Or an existing character I guess)
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Just started drawing figures and attempted a venus body, I think i gotta work on proportions. Feedback or requests appreciated :3
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I'm going to say, as I always do, pls gib more Taokaka and/or Raven Team Leader.
Yes do it you idiot. Take a few gas station dick pills and fuck that bitch. If she’s single and older than you she’s probably dropping hints that she wants the d.
Maybe a cop woman?

But now being a bit serious, that kind of stuff require quite good anatomy and dynamic poses to not look off. Amateurish stick blocks don't exactly work here.

But practice makes perfect, there is lot of artists to look after. I really recommend start with basics before going into that tho.
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Made for Yuri play thing
>Shoulders are too short, does not look comfortable if she put her arms to her sides
>Tummy paunch should be rounder, or if it does seem to have sharper edges, make it more like a cleft from other plus sized women
>Skinny legs aren't symmetrical, but fatter ones are
>Arms are too stiff when not bent, consider the bones and joints even with a static pose

Quick fap/10
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It's an ongoing thing that the artist is posting a few pages at a time to their pixiv. There's been a couple parts already. I would assume it'll be collected into a full volume once they finish. Here's all the parts so far: https://www.pixiv.net/user/1619152/series/208420

Whether or not you're into the fetishized version of the body type anymore, if you are attracted to her personally and feel like you'd like to pursue something, then give it a shot. Interact with her a few times on neutral terms and see if there is mutual attraction, and go from there.

The pose is the same but the art itself isn't really that similar, the lines are quite different. They probably used the same reference that >>10996876 mentioned and just went from there on their own.

It's a good start, but I would concur with your own assessment that you need to spend some more time on bodily proportions. Keep working on it, I think you have potential and would love to see your improvement as you continue.
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>>11002989 - I worked more on her body a bit but decided to just try another shot at the body type i was aiming for.

Thanks for the encouragement, this was my 2nd time drawing figures ever so I'll try to keep it up :3.
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>non existent hips and shoulders on top of stiff pose.

You really should learn the basics, then come back later.
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Honestly I'd like at least a variant where it's just colored in as-is. Bald Venus has it's own appeal to me and there's like 2 or 3 drawings of that I've been able to find at best.
Dang it, Bobby.
Are you talking as an artist, a buyer or a whiny 3rd party spectator?
Impotently lamenting personal frustrations is not a direct demand from any body.
Any in a skirt or dress.
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I don't know your stance on AI, but you should check out Bonno on pixiv
top tier shit
It’s a special craft. Shame. But being mainstream destroys things. The minute “Venus” gains traction is the minute it is devalued. Much like how “bbw” was. Which originally was more like how Venus is now. Where it is Instead now the domain of the masses of tuberous Amerilard females.
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Not at PC so have a bit of sketch
We need another venusification thread.
God this is GOOD.
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Whew nice, reminds me of Drasna from Pokemon. Do you have an account somewhere?
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backstreetcrab but there's not much new - a bit busy still
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Up for doing any Galko or Nikuko?
Who's Nikuko?
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oh hai, it's you!
can draw the OL from before sucking and titty-fucking a cute hung guy?
character from galko
She looks like she cooks a mean meat
i like her. simple as.
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Not the OR, but this is extremely high quality.
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That looks amazing. Holy crap.
that’s really good art and there’s no issue with it. but the face looks a bit like chud-jak and I can’t unsee it.
Feed loli Nami, Bonney and Otama
Damn, your stuff is deluxe. If you're still taking suggestions - a venus bride wearing a lewd wedding dress.
Oooh! Very nice!
Awesome thx. Goes in my drawfriend delivery folder.

>2 items

Yes. Very appreciated.
I miss seeing more of Konoshige's older style of work like this, he still does it but not as much as before
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I’m not really sure what you mean, even his most recent stuff is almost identical in quality to very old stuff
Anyone know what the dialogue is saying?
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Yeah not all of his work has changed, but he's doing a lot more young/short girl stuff than thicc milfs than before
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I feel it was a bit lopsided (and wideheaded)
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She ended up more of a short fat so I did an extension thing. I'll stop spamming now
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>the ass cheeks rounding out in the back
>the shade of freckles on top
I JUST got done jerking off earlier.
Sauce on this?
It's ai. Her flesh is melting into sweat drops
Yeah, I got a closer look after the horny goggles came off in searching for sauce.
Man this kind of sucks.
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Where pencil undo button
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Pretty cartoonish
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Genuinely amazing delivery, thank you
and pretty good!
thank you so much, King Krab!
Up for sketching two Venus-mamas making out and getting hot and steamy?
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If you're still hearing requests, could I request a full body shot of a nude woman doing an "open towel" pose?
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We're out of time no feet
bro its AI, just claim it as your own OC lmao
She looks great. Thank you very much, backstreetcrab. Sorry, it's my fault for not specifying but, if you'll have some free time later and it's not too much trouble, could I request a shaved pussy alt of this?
Your shading is remarkable. Reminds me of an artist from a LONG time ago that went by Cloudman. Miss that dude's stuff.
You've posted some great sketches!
One lying back, breasts spread apart would be great if you're still around please!
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She looks amazing, basically perfect to me. Not to imply that her bush was a flaw, I just tend to prefer shaved women. Thank you very much, backstreetcrab. I especially appreciate that you detailed her feet in this version.
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whose are these
Based, thanks
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Miyamoto Musashi from FGO
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Can you share with the aspiring wrtists hete what you did to get to this skill level?

Areas of focus, study methods, tips things like that? Your art looks fantastic
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I miss when maf did ton of animations, hasshaku set was nice but after that output slowed to a crawl.
I imagine capcom seething over their stacked fanimations didn't sit well with him.
That and/or his newer stuff is getting better, hence longer times.
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I don't know, just draw a lot and experiment and draw new things you can't draw yet. Looking at what thing you liked about someone else's picture and try and incorporate that. Don't get stuck too long trying to polish or fix something and just do more stuff. And don't press so hard.
Based deliverer! Love it!
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Thank you. I love her so much and her saggy tetas
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Thank you!
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If you're still doing them, this may seem like an odd suggestion but can you draw Sonic from One punch man as a chubby Venus with a hairy pussy?
Any good, eldritch venus monster girl drawings that are more on the eldritch side but not grotesque?
Sucks that most monster girl fetish is just still mostly human with antennas or tails or whatever. That or it's the most disgusting unrecognizable thing you can think of.
You're looking for Double Deck, friend. Weird, inhuman and monstrous, but still primal and sexual is pretty much his wheelhouse. And his stuff is very Venus.

Like a bit of tentacle and slime type of thing? What kind of features exactly?
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Here's some Tao.
Tao sex! Tao cute!!
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Ogawa makes me bust whenever I see art of her, Wish I can fuck her
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28 year old virgin apartment wife sexo
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Imagine the smell of the apartment you share with her as she drinks alcohol waiting for you to come home
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I've seen odd-er
Thank you very much, Anon.
Can you do me a solid and get me a source on this? Searching for "maf" isn't showing me anything useful.
artist is cham22.

Who also did >>11019303
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No, he's looking for a source on the post he replied to. That's why he linked it.

The artist on the animation is mafavam, who also goes by MaF8R after he had to make a new twitter.
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still taking requests?

As this is /d/, would you do a Clown-type Venus girl?
On a scale of clown how clown should that be?
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Qhey if i'm not too late to the party can you also do Nzambi here?
A little different kinda venus, firm breasts and some chub, but long as fuck legs for days and very bottom heavy and juicy ass
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wip'n some looshee
very clowny. very exaggerated. like, her nose should be actually bulbous, her lips should actually be fat. Heck, give her four fingers and big poofy hair.

Or failing that, whatever you think is sexy.

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