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Creatures/Monsters/Beasts etc, you know the drill.
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I noticed the blog of D-gate (camel) has been set to private. Anyone know what's happened?
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Finished this recently. Hope you enjoy.

Been put on more official setting stuff for a bit though.
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Good shit dude
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I wonder what happened to lin_art.
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FC2 made linking to DLSITE bannable without any warning. Camel moved his daily updates to Ci-en.
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>read .jpg as "SonicDesign"
>thought it was a smearframe from Sonic SatAM
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God damn it FC2, fucking scabs for the credit cards that tried to take down DLSite itself I bet! But blanket banning links without giving bloggers a chance to comply first is utterly scummy even by those standards! And of course in the process Camel's forced to move their updates to a less suitable platform. The enshittification advances.

Shame. At least sadpanda has archives of the art up to 2022, but all the accompanying text is lost. I enjoyed reading through old posts with MTL to learn about that prolific artist's musings, and gain tidbits of lore, including about that canceled "Fromage" project. Now it's lost to history.
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I might have missed the final day. Expect some duplicates and out-of-place files. Organizing 15k+ images is hard.
https://pixeldrain com/u/sthh2t61
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Is Umbrage still alive? I never got my goth girl snek pic
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Hello, just passing by to warn you.
We are currently under attack, the sharty is trying to steak the get, don't let them, let's ruin their day
jesse what the fuck are you on about? this is a vore thread
Is she caught in a slime which then gets eaten by a worm?
I think it's a proboscis the worm spit out to eat her.
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Hoping someone has the high res of this.
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A girl being covered in ink/latex/slime or whatever first before being swallowed whole by a snake or worm might be a fetish of its own.
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voraxartifex on DA
i like her style & stories but posts so rarely
what a tease
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Here ya go.
Does anyone have any of the more fucked up images. Girls getting dissolved by stomach acids, torn apart, that sort of stuff?

Also looking for a specific image of a woman getting swallowed by a snake and it breaks her spine as it ingests her. Anyone have that?
Wow, you've been archiving religiously! Glad the art was saved at least, though I will still very much miss the text giving it context an lore.
I am not even looking for anything like that.
I'm not into it. But I will at least say I think the picture you are talking about snake and spine breaking was made by Snifer25 on DA.
Hey there, Umbrage here !
Became a first class lurker and I dunno why, but I can't bring myself to draw anymore... and my free time is rare...Your sketch is still saved in my WIP pile on my computer.
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My man. Giga chad. I wonder why Rupie doesn’t have this posted anywhere. I think it’s a great piece.
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Understandable. If you ever finish it I'll be lurking here too. Probably going to buy a tablet soon. Your work, Sniffer25 and the creature vore by ArtSavageAnimation are some of the best semi recent material
Thank you for your understanding :) You picking up a tablet for drawing ?
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yeah. I'm the person who wrote the og post that inspired this greentext. Gonna get an iPad Pro even though I don't want to. I wanted to get into this over a year ago and wasted a lot of effort when I didn't even have a desk. Now I actually have money and furniture but I don't have time or space. I know people like to warn against gear lust and embracing "working with what you have" but in my case that involved trying to get a 2010's tablet to work with Krita and shoving a used GPU in a liquidated office tower. It wasn't going to happen. Working with what I have means embracing that my workflow constraints are highly idiosyncratic and I need to compensate for them.
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I feel like the thread needs more feeding content (assisted).
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Very nice greentext ! When I started out, I often drew by hand and later scanned it for reference in the final drawing. Wacom tablets are top notch, but not on the cheap end of things...
Somebody have the Harry Potter vore comics of Ginny getting eaten by the Basilisk?
This one?
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You WILL let the 'sharty steal a GET (even tho they're a dead website and don't do raids anymore)
You WILL post creature vore
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These are actually kind of interesting. Like medieval times more paintings.
do you have the entire comic?
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i tried to commission some artist drawing a nepenthes thing eating ryza [spoiler]but it didn't come out very voreish [/spoiler]
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this artist is so frustrating, all these detailed inside shots and not digestion/bad ending.
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what do you guys think of feeding people to creatures/monsters/plants
why is monster vore so appealing?
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That last look they give right before being swallowed, ooof
I guess Ghrolath would be the patron saint of that very specific fetish then.
higher res
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Not my main, but it is pretty hot.
There's a lot more, the whole story is like 20+ comic pages. I would post more, but I don't think people here would appreciate me flooding the thread.
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Content is content, post it! In any case, we can always make a new thread when the old one fills up.
First seven pages don't feature vore, but they explain the story, so I hope that's okay
And that's it. There's tons of other stuff just like this on Ghrolath's deviantart/subscribestar/whatever, but that's all I'm going to post here.
Damn, what a lame fakeout. I thought the evil doctor bitch would end up getting eaten along with her trying to get her in the 'right way'. Would have been way hotter.
thanks anon
I always return to this one, love it. Thanks for sharing.
Just for the record I just did the prompt/outline". I didn't write the greentext another anon did.
Not only a fakeout, but a missed opportunity to have them both go in opposite ways, pleasing both camps.
Still a really good comic, though. I love how they leave the reporter's eyes uncovered so she can watch her friend get eaten first. Cruel vore is best vore.
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a crappy sketch i made, will improve it later
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Pretty self explanatory at this point
Anyone have all of Umbradiadem stuff?

found a story, whatcha guys think? kinda hot
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Yooo thats awesome! Whos the artist?
Appreciate the full tour, wish more artists did it
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Any follow up? Sauce?
>Every male on the planet develops a vore fetish watching this giant gutslut get swallowed and digested
World peace.
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Anybody got the Lucoa animation from BucketheadAnims?
Just wonderin haha

Why name the monsters as Rex, same name as an older cousin who was also a child molester. Thanks for killing the boner.
It seems like there's two other pages to this so why only post the middle one.
I only saw this one where I found it.
>captcha: SYA 404
>vore with pokégirls
>pred is just a regular snake

No Ekans/Arbok, no Seviper, not even a Serperior.

5/10 it gets points only because multi-vore and Pokegirls, AT LEAST MAKE THE VORE UNIVERSE CONSISTENT
always thought that Charizard make a good predator
Might be Rokka, I think.
Source of this image?
Got the first 7 images of this? Surprisingly good barnacle. This whole thread's way better than usual.
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I can count on one hand how much dalek vore exists, such an underutilised pred. Really inspired to try a sketch of my own
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Is that Rukia?
That looks really good! Damn!
Have a belly fuck edit
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I wish LinArt would finish Ghrolath’s commission for the Adventures of Musco- it was getting really good
Rokka isn't an artist, it's a commissioner who puts his signature over the works of artists he commissions
Right. My bad.
She's probably gone for good. It's been almost 11 months without anything really
she stopped drawing? did she say why?

182@お仕事募集中 on Pixiv, but unfortunately for unknown reasons he got many of his works deleted.
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Isn't LinArt from Russia (not completely sure, desu)?

It's almost impossible to get paid as a Russian artist these days, with Paypal shutting down in Russia, and so on.

Can't work as an artist if you can't get paid. Simple as that, unfortunately.
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Kikimora was asking for it with that ass.
I really wish the Kaga and Akagi comics ended in digestion but I can understand the commissioner has their tastes
Love how it took the time to undress her before eating her headfirst.
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sauce is in file name, you can find it in e-hentai
The yakuza is not going to like this...
there needs to be more, umamusume has a lot of good preys
maybe if they were cows instead of horses.

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