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>builds whole country out of asbestos
it was asbestos times, it was asworstos times
Based fireproof country...
call me Ishmael
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>builds whole country out of asbestos
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>builds whole country out of formaldehyde, wood chips and microplastics
>whole country is fireproof and insulated
>gen X shits their diapers and decides asbestos is worse than radioactive plutonium and demands it ripped out of every building
>removing asbestos leads to cancers, which gen X then claims was proof that asbestos = bad
>now millennials and brain dead zoomers think if they even look at an asbestos panel they will die, while sucking down chinese vapes until they cough up blood
that is a picture of someone from the late 70's. a boomer would have been from the 60's.
i am trapped. on one hand, i know for a fact many outlawed and banned chemical wonders from the 50s and before were banned specifically because their patents were expired and thus forign producers started out competing american chemical corporations. on the other hand, a lot of these chemicals are health hazards in the right context. and on another hand, the same shit theytold my generation was safe has turned out to be not ssafe as well.

i dont know what to believe anymore.
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fuck, sometimes there's genius posts hidden in random threads and most anons will never read them
don't forget theyre drinking out of asbestos pipes kek
I can't find any laws against it but you can't find any absestos materials anywhere to purchase . It's a magic material with nothing that comes close to replacing it.
Start an asbestos abatement company, and then people will literally pay you stupid amounts of money for you to take home free asbestos.
It's nuts how overblown the panic is. I have a rock quarry near where I live that was shut down and filled in with sand because they hit a vein of asbestos.
>>How does aging work?
He can't cremate.
Cant do the same with some sort of ceramic or rock wool material?
You may die at any moment for any reason regardless. Live in such a way that you can be at peace with this fact.
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he's not a boomer. A boomer would be before him.
They told you asbestos was a health hazard and then promptly stuffed houses to the brim with batts of microscopic glass...
Wish I had a dollar for every house I gutted that rained down vermiculite on your body as you ripped out lath and plaster ceilings. Nobody wore a mask. Pussies all of you
Boomers : 1940-1960.
Boomers start in 1946, so oldest boomer would be between 14 and 24 in 60's.
They were not the ones calling the shots in the 60's, they were flipping burgers and nailing down asbestos panels.
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>Boomers start in 1946
The baby boom started with WWII. Soldiers got married and laid before they shipped out. There was a 2nd boom when they got home. But "Boomer", as a generational marker, covers the years 1940-1960.

And yes, I tend to agree that it wasn't Boomers that built the world out of asbestos. The average Boomer where in their 20s in the 70s, when asbestos started being phased out, not an age in which you can influence have design and building practices.
Why would I don't give a fuck what a marketing firm thinks?
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the people responsible for asbestos being used everywhere were long dead by the time that guy was having his picture taken, and people in the 70's were phasing it out. he's not a boomer, but boomers were the ones that started phasing it out.
generations are kind of dumb when you think about

a millennial born in 96 is going to have a lot more in common with a 97 zoomer than an 81 millennial
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What's the matter anon afraid of a little lung cancer. Lol can't imagine being such a pufta.
The people who got asbestosis worked their whole life in Soviet asbestos factories in the town of Asbest, Sverdlovsk Oblast. They were people cutting asbestos plates for 40 years with no mask on. And so on. If you have an asbestos containing plate or floor or roof tiles that just sit there, nothing will happen to you. Also one single asbestos fibre lodged in your lung can cause cancer. One fibre. The EU legal limit is 500 fibres per cubic meter air. You decide.
Turns out the younger boomers are broke too. Only the only older boomers gobbled up the world.
>generations are kind of dumb when you think about
>a millennial born in 96 is going to have a lot more in common with a 97 zoomer than an 81 millennial

This. I was born in 85 and share basically no similarities with millenials.
Tetarded new graph.
Gens were always measured in 20 year cycles.
40-60 boomer
60 to 80 genx
80 to 00 millennial
00 to 20 gen whatever the fuck...
No, the STUPID boomers are broke. (Boomerhood birth years end at 1965.)

Boomer here who hates the "everybody is broke" meme. Shit, I'm poor (crippled retiree netting mid-60K/year) yet about half that's discretionary and I lack nothing and am debt-free with homes and acreage. I'm not special and I know many more with far more money since I wrench vintage motorcycles.

Even my utterly poorbros crippled worse than I aren't broke because they DIY (though slowly due to damage, you can be all kinds of busted up and still swap drivetrains or renovate your house.

The baby boom began in 1945 at the end of WWII hence the start date of 1945.
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Born too late to be millennial
born too early to be zoomer
>tfw born in 00
got to know the feel of growing up without phone, and enjoin music and VHS cassettes and wholesome 90s cartoons that still played on tv.

nowadays i can claim i am a zoomer to keep up with my illusions of not turning 30 in just 6 years.
(6 years ago i left school and it feels like its 3 years ago)
literally me
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Not bad, kid.

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