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what are you going to be planting in your garden this year anon?
I want to plant some fruit trees and berry bushes, the nurseries are quite expensive so Im trying to source them cheaper
I'm too fucking exhausted to weed and water what I have let alone plant something. Rained like a motherfucker all winder and everything went nuts come spring.
I live in Phoenix. The summer hear is no joke and I'm not paying for that water bill.
Heirloom maters. Giving away some of the other plants to my neighbors too. I really wanna start an apple tree and im moving so this might just be the time.
I've got tomatoes, onions, peppers and cucumbers on the go in the polytunnel this year, nothing outside though except for a few potato plants that I'm not to bothered about. Might try some cabbage later.
Slugs are fucking up my cucumber plants so it's out every night with the flashlight to try and catch them in the act and thin their numbers
try craiglist, fb market
lay some diatomaceous earth around the stem, this will fuck up anything crawling up the stem
Look for rootstocks.
Tomatoes, peppers, okra, cucumbers, squash, beans. Wife got the okra and cucumbers planted a few days ago and the peppers and tomatoes transplanted today...
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Hey guys, here’s my corn plant that I’m growing. I’m a first time poster here, and a first time gardener. I’m having issues with it right now and I’m going through the process of testing my soil, but I think the soil PH needs to be lower and it needs nitrogen.

I need help lowering the soil PH. It says for potted plants, add 1tbsp of aluminum nitrate per each 4 inches of pot diameter, so that would be 3 tbsps added.
It doesn’t say how much that would lower the PH by. I really don’t want to kill this corn. Any suggestions?
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Sorry, not aluminum nitrate, it’s whatever this stuff is
Zucchini squash

That's probably all I can fit in my 2'x8' baby raised bed planter. Will also do some Grape 'maters in containers.
nothing, I don't have land
makes me want to kms
my parents had land and a house and squandered it all away, my dad died and now my mom will pay rent the rest of her life when she could be in a much nicer place for a lot less money per month
What issues are you having? Most things are light/water/pest related. I'm not convinced pH is as big a deal as people make it to be, especially when using commercial potting soil
Well you technically don't need land, although it'd certainly make things easier. You can always go with a garden that's exclusively in pots and planters.
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what kind of corn? if it's sweet corn then you need more plants for cross pollination, or you get pic related
Has anyone successfully overcome a ground elder infestation? I've got garden beds everywhere I can on my property at the moment and want to expand but I've come to the point where I'm up against huge patches of ground elder. I'm thinking of just picking a few patches and preventing them from seeding and just keep digging them up to keep them in check but over time I'd like them eradicated. Seems like a tall order though.
I don’t know yet but I could use some inspiration. Bought a house that came with 500m2 (5k sqft) of yard. It’s mostly empty with some fruit trees. I’m pretty new to outdoor farming but dit some pretty small scale hydroponics indoor.

Our climate is too cold for tomatoes I think, everyone grows them indoors, I’m in what the us would call hardiness zone 8. Lots of rain and sometimes wet soil.

My current small garden grows rosemary, cucumbers, raspberries and lettuce in summer. I’m looking for some stuff that is easy to grow and doesn’t require too much care (2-3 hours a week for the whole garden would be perfect). I can make raised beds and whatever if needed. Any tips on where to start or what to get? I can only start gardening mid July which is middle of summer for us.
Mid July is a bit too late to start most plants except for winter crops like cabbage, turnip, brussel sprouts etc.
Best bet is to to use the time to set up your garden for next spring, laying out, making raised beds, starting a compost pile.
Also invest in a cheap polytunnel if you can, will extend your growing season, keep the worst of the weather off your plants and makes things a but more manageable with regards weeding and tending the beds
Plant zone 7 or 7a or whatever. What are some fun fruits and veggies to plant that will attract hummingbirds when they flower? Also, is it easy to grow currants/gooseberries? I heard those were a good one but being in the US they're foreign to me.
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not fruit or veg, but pic related pulls in lots of humming birds and pollinators for me in 7b. Piss easy too, just spead the seeds over dirt and water them in. You can get a carpet of flowers in about 2 months. If you pull the hummingbirds in with that, then they might go for any other flowers available as well from your fruits and veg. Also hummingbird feeders with sugar water work very well too
Any good books or resources to learn gardening?
Check out a local thrift store and flip through the random gardening books there. Often they'll be decent - especially if they look well-worn. Baby boomers that kept a garden that kept going back to the book.
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I'm bonding with my dad by gardening with him. I tried to sprout a couple of coconuts but they didn't take. I did manage to get lucky with a mango and have this cute baby growing. My dad has a green thumb and this year is growing cucumbers, roma tomato, habanero, chile piquin, serrano, rosemary, and cayenne. If the past 5 years have been any indication, the grapes in our yard might be kind enough to provide us with more fruit. Additionally, the potted lime tree is finally giving limes! They're harder than rocks but they're limes, haha. His skill fascinates me as he managed all this, and peach trees in the past, in the midwest where we have winter for like 5 months at a time. The one plant he can't get to fruit is the fig tree. But at least they give us TONS of leaves for tea.
Hey garden lads, Got a question that doesn't explicitly fit here but I don't think there's a better thread for it.
I'm moving to the front range of Colorado in the late fall and I'm planning to find a place with a yard (inb4 fuck off we're full, I used to live there for years and I'm moving back). it'll be too late in the year to lay sod, but I can prep for a spring planting. My idea is to get biochar going, about 10% of the total soil volume for six inches deep. Get the biochar in some drums and put them out in the shed, feeding compostable material over the winter and early spring while stirring every once in a while. While this is going, I plan to remove soil in the yard down to about eight inches below where I want it to be when finished and level the yard. maybe a month before the time for putting down sod, get enough good soil to layer six inches deep across the yard and mix with the biochar and add some fertilizer. Then layer, top to bottom:
- Kentucky bluegrass sod
- Soil/biochar/fertilizer mix (6 inches)
- Hay (1-2 inches)
- Gopher wire
Is there anything I'm missing or getting wrong here? I was thinking about getting a bunch of earthworms and letting them loose right before putting the sod down, but I don't know if that's the best way to go about it.
If this works, I'd like to do the same with some raised beds for vegetable growing. That is going to depend on total yard space, though.
Any input or criticism is appreciated.
pic unrelated
Nothing. Its not worth taking care of some plants for months just to get a very shitty salad once.
Anybody experience with tobacco?

In 2022 I planted a virgiania strain. Harvested them green, let them dry under the roof of my terrace, they were more or less dark brown. Afterwards I remoistened them, layed the leaves over another, rolled them up and put this tobaco-sausage in a Jar. Afterwards I used a "canning automat" like pic related and fermented at 140°F for a couple of weeks.

Afterwars I was greeted with aromatic smelling, fermented tobacco leaves and rolled up a couple cigars.

2023 I planted a strain that was more suited to the use in cigars. I harvested green, like it is supposed to be for cigars. Due to the weather I had to dry them inside my house and they, for the most part, stayed green. AFAIK they should turn brown after fermentation.

But I am fermenting them for months now and they are still for the most part green and in no way "finished".

Anybody ideas what I should do?
I planted some Virginia for the first time. Wish me luck anons.
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Pic related so far. I like to keep everything sparse and neat because I hate weeding and I'm just doing this as a hobby, it's a pleasant bonus if I actually eat any of it. My overall goal is the same as every year: maybe make some peach salsa.
nta but wtf is happening here?
Beautiful. I'm jealous
retard corn
I really can't imagine why someone would grow one corn plant. Might as well do something better like a tomato.
Two beds about 50x100. First time going this big. Also have a smaller 30x30 plot closer to the house that my wife tends to
Forgot pic
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Phone posting pleb
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the corn in that picture was not properly pollinated. When corn grows, it needs pollen from different corn plants to fall onto each one of the hairs, called silks. The silks that get pollinated turn into kernels and the silks detach, and the ones that don't get pollinated will not develop at all

Like anon said, diatomaceous earth.
My grandma used coffee grounds in the leaf composter and then spread it around plants, slugs hated it and were never a problem (as I remember it).
One friend also used kitty litter to good effect, apparently powdered silica gel is a lot more effective in killing all sorts of carapaced insects vs. the more expensive diatomaceous earth.

Remember to wear protection when dealing with either, you don't want that stuff anywhere near your lungs.
I love neat gardens like that.
>what are you going to be planting
Beans. That's it.

I already planted cabbages, tomatoes, pumpkins, zuchini, melons, strawberries and cucumbers, though.
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Im finishing up my garden setup. Just spent the weekend digging out bush root clusters and shit then throwing compost on top and tilling it in. I need a garden planner where I can figure out what to plant with the space available. Is there a free online or software version or should I just break out the pen and paper?

What should I mulch my blueberry pots with. Will just plain wood chips fuck them up PH wise? I got the right ph soil and used rain water to water them.
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Why aren't "food insecure" people who have backyards growing potatoes? This is a legitimate question, I'm genuinely curious.

>they're dumb niggers who can't do anything right

ok so there aren't ANY social programs out there trying to teach people? these fucking food banks put so much effort into feeding the hungry but they aren't even trying to help people learn to grow their own food? Am I missing something?
>"food insecure"
In america you hear a lot of unbelievable stats about hunger. I once heard on NPR that 1 of 4 people in my state were not getting enough to eat, which would be hundreds of thousands of starving people. Fuck, go to walmart and count the hippos, then find me ONE starving person in america who is not mentally ill or whatever.

NPR has some smart people and some decent shows, but it is also chock full of people with an agenda who live in an alternate reality.
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No one is actually food insecure. We give out so many benefits it's unbelievable, everyone here is fat, you can't have "1 in 4 children skipping meals" and also be 80% obese. The reality of the world is that a LOT of people who frequent food banks and get SNAP are chronic system users. They won't grow anything in a garden because that's work. If they do work, they come home and smoke pot and vegetate while leeching the system. Plenty of people do really need SNAP and they help plenty of people, but a solid 40% of people on benefits are there by choice and coast through life in a chemical stupor whether that's alcohol or pot. They will shit out 3 kids, and basically live on a fixed income of benefits supplemented by selling drugs or leeching off family members, while living and buying food, using food banks, and never having to pay for a thing. Another huge group of users are boomers who are retired but never "made it" Living on 50k worth of pension and social security but still qualifying for food stamps and using them. There are so many programs specifically to funnel tax money to boomers so they can live for cheap and get food for free it's insane.

t. volunteer at a food bank for the last 10 years. This isn't a hidden fact, if you talk to these people they will just tell you how they do it, why they do it.
Hey, I have around 20 plants in the ground on my balcony. Not much but it's still fun.
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>Why aren't "food insecure" people who have backyards growing potatoes?
poor people are poor for a reason.

you think they are going to make a garden in the ghetto?

people are poor because they are:
buy shit they don't need
and also
>find me ONE starving person in america
the only people in America that would possibly be starving are the children of irresponsible people. never once have I seen an actual skinny starving person who was starving because they had no money or food.

I have seen a chick in high school who looked like a skeleton and had anorexia, but she chose to starve.

every single poor person I have ever seen in my whole life has either been of normal build or ridiculously fat.
you won't get any corn if you don't have second plant to pollinate the first one.
can confirm, except for the pot thing my mother was a master of getting free shit from the government. one year the state sponsored her house to get repaired. you had to meet certain criteria, and so she lied about her family members and told me I could not come over because she said she had no adult children.

fucking governor painted her bathroom. they fixed the roof, and painted the outside of the house and other things.

they painted the outside of the house with indoor paint.
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>you think they are going to make a garden in the ghetto?
whenever they can get permission to use space there's usually a community garden

sometimes there are even guerilla gardens in private but otherwise abandoned lots
Damn. That looks really good and well organized.
Gardening is a simple and relaxing thing to do so I'm not surprised that the community ghetto gardens get so popular.
Cardboard and mulch, tarpaulins, cover crops.

do you even farm my breh
poor people don't want to get a job but they'll linger around anything happening in the area as if they were paid security
My wife claims she wants to plant things in our yard, I have a bag of old potatoes that started sprouting so I'm starting with those, but we have a bad rabbit problem. Where can I find cheap growing pots/raised bed materials because I don't want to be out a bunch of money when she eventually loses interest.
>I don't want to be out a bunch of money when she eventually loses interest.
Don't build raised beds then, just turn over the grass and put a few bags of compost on top and go.
>Where can I find cheap growing pots/raised bed materials because I don't want to be out a bunch of money when she eventually loses interest.
If you decide to disregard >>2803216's advice, consider finding a thrift store and thinking outside the box. A table with some plastic tubs or totes would be entirely suitable. Also consider asking someone with tires in their yard if you can take some. She can even paint them.
Sounds like a lot of fucking work I don't have the energy for.
Here’s the layout excuse the chicken scratch child spelling.
Are rooting hormones a scam? I tried propagating my monstera deliciosa a few months ago by making a few cuttings and dipping the ends into rooting powder then placing the cuttings into water, but instead of seeing new roots form, the cuttings just slowly rotted away.
I've read somewhere that rubbing along the nodes is preferable to powdering the ends. should I give this method a try?
Grow bags off of Amazon and the cheapest potting soil you can find. >>2803252 This is too much work. >>2803216 This wont stop rabbits.
What combination of vegetables would be the most efficient for providing vitamins and minerals, while having enough space to grow enough of each type to make it worthwhile?
>A table with some plastic tubs or totes would be entirely suitable.
>This is too much work.
Not trying to be hostile, but can you explain why? It's just buying something at a store for maybe 20 bucks and filling it with dirt.
I just have 2 stock tanks and some.pots this year. Currently have 3 types of tomatoes, radishes, red and russet potatoes, Thai and Calabrian peppers, and sweet peppers.
>is it easy to grow currants/gooseberries?
Yes. Very easy. They grow themselves. The only problem is birds.
Is it really worth learning to grow? Because it seems like it takes multiple seasons and lots of care to grow, whereas I could invest that time into working overtime at a job and then buy more than I could grow at better quality for less time
get some mulch in there
you don't need to lower PH for corn, who told you that? unless you're trying to grow it in lye or something
I use this on my lingonberries. It works but it takes months to take full effect, you're supposed to acidify the soil before you plant
You can save money if you know what you're doing but most people don't. Main thing is knowing what you actually need to buy and not buying all the unnecessary stuff. It's certainly not hard to break even if you go barebones.
For most people it is a hobby but it's a productive hobby that gives you food and exercise and enjoyment, not like funko pop collecting. Consider: if you work all that overtime would you actually make it to the farmers market to buy equivalent quality food, or would you be too tired and just sit in front of the TV eating burger king?
Depends. Some people grow things like carrots and potatoes because they want to, but those things are so cheap in the grocery stores. I personally grow high-value crops that would be expensive to purchase like tomato, kale, currants, cherries, etc. Herbs are easily worth the money, garlic is easily worth it because everything the grocer is from china, hot peppers are easily worth it.

Also, you're coming at this from a false premise. Growing shit is easy; If you'd believe it, there's nothing plants want to do more than grow! The biggest tasks are weeding, and that's only a problem if you're a dope and don't mulch. If you really want to spend as little time as possible, you can probably get away with less than 2 hours a week for more vegetables than you can eat in a small garden. No one just gardens for economics though, it's a hobby. It gets you outside. Touch grass.
>growing shit is easy
I always thought of it as extremely complicated as you need to time the seasons or have a greenhouse and take special care of them. I also don't know how to preserve food when it's out of season either
My country has such a massive snail problem it’s not funny anymore. They chewed through about a kilogram of strawberries while I was away

What do you need so much oregano for? Also I’m curious how this translates to your garden, do you really have a 9x5 grid of garden beds or?

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