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Since we are the coolest board on 4chan by a large margin, what kind of homesteading projects integrate the need for some of our brothers to get out to the countryside and work the land?

You've got people stupidly paying the rentjew who want to raise chickens and a vegetable garden instead, in a recent thread. Hell, get yourself a camper and park it out away on one of the hills.

I'll go first: central Calhoun County, WV. About 10 acres cleared. I'm the farmhand here. Friend owns the property but wasn't doing anything with it. He lives somewhat nearby. We have room for about 3 more families.
>Friend owns the property but wasn't doing anything with it
In other words you're the exact sort of freeloading bum that I suspected all along.
I miss ol' Wayne Lambright. Well, not actually, but he does come to mind for some reason.
My brother just moved out of a cuckshed on my parents' property. I'm moving in in a couple weeks. It's in bad shape now but should be nice after emptying the trash, replacing the walls and floor, and putting in a bathroom and kitchen. That will be project enough for a while, but some quail would be nice to add. Already has power to it and there's well and blackwater pipes right under waiting to be tied into. Good size too, about 12x20. Gambrel type roof so a bed can go in the half loft.
Yandex says ventilation is a problem with cucksheds but is it really that hard? It's a small space so seems like the obvious solution is a small bath fan that vents outside. Just turn it on when cooking or showering. Less efficient than erv, dehumidifier, and minisplit but we're looking at $150 vs $3,000. We're rednecks not hippies so why do people go so overboard like that?
Suburbfag here. I’ve decided that since I’m stuck here for many reasons, not least of all the price of land nowadays, I’m doing what I can to turn my little quarter acre into a homestead light. Last year I started a garden by building raised beds, but the critters got into it. This year I fenced it all in and doubled the space with pots. Now that it’s a success the wife is asking for chickens. I feel like I could easily build a coop after this fenced garden with the fence dug into a trench in the ground.
we moved out of the city last year. now we are on 10 acres. it has been a relentless slog taming the land & building infrastructure. we already had a wild urban homestead, complete with pigs, chickens, turkeys and rabbits. so when we moved, we had an instant farm, which meant livestock management from day one. we also bought sheep 3 months before we moved, housed at in-laws until moving day.

we've been building avian pens and livestock enclosures, sheds, barns, planting an orchard, now a garden... it's non-stop.

we are installing our solar system, and then it's on to water catchment system. we use electric netting fence now, but plan for barbed wire when we have time/cash.

it was bare land when we bought it. wife designed the house plans, we got it built in 12 months. we'll and septic done during construction.

we're aiming for self-sufficiency. once we get fully settled in it should ease up, but getting there is grueling.

it already pays off, just in peace and happiness. wife sells some eggs and livestock, add to that the fact we have been providing our own meat for years, eggs, now milk... we just have to hope our garden delivers.

if it kills us, we will die happy.
By 'freeloading bum', do you mean I don't have at least 20 hrs of chores a week? That kind? Or are you just jealous, in your cagie wagie, working 40+ and having no farm? I can tell when it's the latter. Not responsible for your parents doing the funky chicken and making you. Take it up with them, Bitter Karen. No one likes you, except other equally empty soulless zombies, of no significance.

Sounds good. Quail are easy and quick.

Chickens are easy, but slower than quail. You'll need a tub and a heat lamp, waterer and feeder. E.G. Kalmbach is the most local high quality mill in the Ohio Valley area, and they have a #1044 20% all natural that I use. If you're lucky, your local Tractor Supply may have some chicks left for $1. I generally do not use the TSC feed tho. Find a regional mill that can do you better or a farmer's feed coop.

Golden. All of it. That is an amazing and wholesome procession. Now, add building a boat. The floods a comin'.

I'm not keen on smell-your-own-farts homesteading, where it just terminates there.. It is something Justin Rhodes turns me off with, whereas at least Curtis Stone is more shrewd. The 'end' is not the homestead, but getting out there and doing all the process you are, and adding to it, is centerpoint.
Honestly, I've been calling mine a "hobby farm" instead of a homestead.
I built 2 12x3ft raised beds and they bowed out when I put soil in and got worse when it rained. I think they'll hold up but sadly look like shit. Should have used 2 inch thick boards.
Hobby farms are a boomer era thing, where you dump money into them, and they have no productive quality, other than you can say you live on a farm. Maybe with some psychological benefits, on the surface.

A homestead is the center of your life, and from there your food grows, lives, and is sustainable/increasing. A hobby farm will not share the latter part, instead being a sinkhole. A homestead has a family on it. A hobby farm some single or childless boomer can run. I admit the distinctions can blur as it seems like you're dumping money into your homestead, and maybe you're single and don't have a woman around yet.
Stake with rebar at regular intervals. Use a 5-lb hammer to drive them in.
Like around the outside edges?
Yes it’ll help keep them in line.
Are you doing AMP with those sheep? I don't remember what the acronym spells out to, but all it is, is you move them every day. That's it. They are eager to move to new ground with fresh growth, and it takes your worming and other bills down to zero.

Whatever land you have, you paddock it out. I was thinking about doing a wireless fence with a PetSafe base station. YMMV. If I had a single dairy cow, I was just going to stake her and move her daily. The last time this property was grazed was 20 years ago, and it shows. Fertility drops. The regular perimeter fence is either gone, or in poor shape; what's left of it.
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currently our 10 acre perimeter is not fenced in. we do however have several fences, with different functions for different livestock and guardian.

we have chicken, rabbit, quail, turkey, guinea, and duck pens all together.

we have 3 premier1 electric net fence sections. each one is 160' long. they can be connected or set independently. we have two solar power battery/charger units, so we can currently make 2 fences. we have one set up around their permanent nighttime shelter & barn. the other two fences we connect together and move weekly for rotational grazing. let's us use our natural growth as feed and keeps the land healthy.

we also have some 50" tall × 16' long livestock 6ga steel panel fence sections. we have that set up around another livestock shelter on another area. we keep our black and white sheep segregated this way. this gives us 4 pens to toggle everyone around the acreage.

we also have about 7 acres fenced in for our guardian dog. buried sportsdog electronic barrier fence around all livestock enclosures for patrol access. he also wears a GPS tracking and perimeter collar from HALO.

We want, and plan to fence the whole 10 acre parcel, but we live debt free, so it has to be saved up and paid in cash. we're about 1/3 of t-posts and fence wire now.
steal them from the tsc. it works
damn client. '....it works for the target scientists.' (this is a poorly worded joke that got partly submitted due to the lame way that Read Chan handles that function)

I have 2*100' Premier1. The 160' are a better value. I have the Gallagher S12 I think. It's a lithium battery solar unit. I think it's only 0.12 joules.

I stopped using it to keep chickens in, because junior chickens would leave the coop and run straight into the 3*3 openings, tangling themselves in it. That, plus it is unbelievably difficult to move. If you want an exercise in tangled frustration over a piss poor design, move the 'portable' Premier1 chinesium fence. Nope.

I'll do a buried E wire before I fuck with that. The thing I may use it for, is a long 100' row that's a narrow single trenched run growing greens. Because the two sections are so close, deer can't jump in and neither can chickens. And I don't have to move it but once a season.

For noobs reading this: grazing livestock not only produces meat and milk off otherwise unusable land, but improves fertility of the land. As I may have mentioned, this sat for 20 years, and before then was grazed in the 'just let them out to the cleared area' instead of daily rotation method of grazing. As a result, of that plus the long gap in grazing, the land is piss-poor for fertility. Needs terracing and grazing.

You can tell, when, everytime it rains, the river runs muddy, that the locals have not been optimizing the land. You run into that, and the worse type that don't graze, don't terrace, and just grow grass for show and keep it mowed. By that, I don't mean a reasonable yard for the kids to play, or for mom and dad to sit, but acres. That's another low-fertility, short-sighted approach to land management.

I realized that when missouri, the ozarks, opened up, why people went there. No fertility left here. Although they have rocks, too, in the ground. That's why I order my tools from there.
>Family has owned a farm in western Germany for ~500 years
>Two world wars, 15 ears of all the men being POWs and the women having to sell land to make ends meet later, we're down to 1500m2 of land around the house
>grandpa started buying back land, but only made it to 5000m2
The house is pretty big, with a solid workshop, and there's plenty of old fruit trees. I've taken over the outlying plots (3000m2) since I was a teenager, and moved into the main farm with my grandmother this spring. Started keeping nine chickens and a rooster (and annoying the neighbours), increased the number of my beehives (currently 9, will be ~20 by winter and ~40 next summer) and am in negotiations to buy another two plots. I work as an engineer in automotive, so I've got plenty of money. Only problem is finding people willing to sell at reasonable prices. There's way to many "investors" from east asia and arabia around who'll pay ridiculous prices for land, tell their investors back home that value will rise, then let the land become overgrown to the point where you can no longer use it for farming before ever even considering selling. All on the small chance that the state will buy the plots for state-organized housing zones.
>Hobby farms are a boomer era thing, where you dump money into them, and they have no productive quality, other than you can say you live on a farm. Maybe with some psychological benefits, on the surface.
In some states being a farm means you pay no property tax. Bruce Springsteen's "horse farm" in New Jersey does this, for example. And I know a guy in Tennessee who lets someone else grow and harvest hay on part of his 6 acre property and therefore pays no property tax.
Declaring it a 'place of worship' can also do that. It's what the yids on new york state do with their homes.

If you homeschool, have prayers at home, what's not to say it's not a place of worship? Mennonites houses i'm told are all built the same way: with a place for the woman/females on one half, and a place for the males/men on the other. The preacher can stand in the doorway, and face both audiences, with a wall separating them down the middle.

The same design is so they can rotate which house has service. Therefore every home is a place of worship.
I bought a boomers hobby farm.
And to be fair to the boomer, they probably paid a bushel of carrots for the land.
Last 20 years of their life it was completely barren, besides one of the neighbors harvesting the random weeds for shitty hay.

My plan is to progressively ramp up production. For this year I'm setting up a good pasture with good fences. Sheep and goats are minmaxed at the moment so I'm getting into that, made a deal with the neighbor to buy his current stock once they wean.
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today was:
33% veterinarian
33% farmer
33% Butcher

we have had a ewe that has been having overly swollen bag on one side. worked with it and worked with it, but finally saw blood yesterday. so, we gave her Baytril and put "Today" cephapirin in the affected teat. had to seperate her brat, Cosmo. stuck him in with his future sister-wives in the grow out pen, overnight. put him back in with mum this morning... she completly rejected him. won't let him nurse or even be near her. she chases and head butts him, then stands and cries towards the frow out pen, looking for her "missing" baby.

sheep are fucking dumb.

he is 3 weeks today, so I guess he's a sudden bottle baby. he's gonna have to grow up fast. I'll bottle him for 7 days, then he's on his own. I'm not wasting my time, or making friends with back-up ram. he's gonna be eating solid food exclusive, or starve after next Sunday. I'm quite sure he'll be fine.

holy crap. this weekend was a SLOG.

it took us 3 hours to process the ram. on top of that, we're still dealing with unexpected 3-week bottle ram, medicated mum, and milking.

by butchering our back-up ram, we have freed up another Premier1 fence. this will let us set a flock up on over/around our septic install. we need to do this because the trench machine brought in a horde of bine weeds. pasture management and free feed.

got baby brat cosmo to take 4 oz this morning. not much, but I was in a hurry, he has access to solid foods and will be led by example from his two future sister-wives. if he figures out that he is hungry for bottle milk, he will have his chance when I get home from work. if he's a pain in the ass aboot it, he will have to adjust or be a bit hungry. as stated earlier, he's just the new back-up ram. he's a great looking animal, but I'm not going to invest heavily in him. he does well, or he doesn't...
disgusting pictures. I love eating meat but I'll never participate in gore culture, you people need Jesus.
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>>disgusting pictures. I love eating meat but I'll never [understand or appreciate where my food comes from], you people need [to put on the blinders and goggles of willful ignorance, and also protect others from the reality of facts].

Yeah, Mate!!
>I love eating meat but I'll never participate in gore culture, you people need Jesus.

I love eating meat too, but at least I realize that's participating in gore culture as much as that woman is. (Assuming of course that she cut his throat humanely, with Jesus on her side. No wait, is that A GUN? Well, I hope she blew his brains out humanely, etc.)
I was impressed with this $50 chainsaw mill and could see great utility for homesteading, especially if it was built on a trailer using metal parts.

oh here's the PETA activist with daddy issues.

Awesome. Please continue.

To restate, I am looking to get more of our boys out of the city. Focus on homesteading. Stop paying rent and suffering with an anti-natal anti-independence environment. I can't offer housing yet (see helpx.net for other resources, and similar sites) at my location, but hopefully soon.
I've killed tons of animals I just don't take pictures of it and put them on the internet because I'm not mentally ill
but keep arguing against whatever strawman you want, idk
>I'm not mentally ill

How are those pictures any worse than what you see in a supermarket, where blood and bones are visible?
And I admit I'm not crazy about what Billy Doe sells in Illinois, but this is reality.
A) This thread isn't about your mental illness and narcissism. I'm sure there's another board already wrecked by such types that you can attend-to. Or reddit.
B) See A

I've cooked one in a pot for hours. The gelatin is good for your brain. What about just cooking them, taking the gelatin, and preserving that?
Let's talk basic infrastructure, sewage, wager, utilities, power, backup power, solar and combustion generators.

what is your approach?

we are 20 miles from nearest town. we are on well & septic. we do have municipal electrical grid power, but we also have a solar system, details on it later. we have a 250gal propane tank, and it only supplies our GE range/oven. it should last us 3 to 4 years between fill, if we had to run it out.

solar system:
300AH 48v storage
2500w PV
Dual MPPT controller
500VOC inverter
inverter/controller can handle up to 12k PV.

well pump is a grundfos 10. it is extremely efficient. this was a custom request, as it needs to run on solar power, if the grid is down.

HVAC is 2x EG4 12,000btu mini-split units. specifically chosen for their AC/DC dual input options. you can run them DC direct from panels, no batteries or inverter, or standard 120V AC, or several combinations of the two. again, chosen for solar efficiency, in case. they have heat pumps in them, but we almost exclusively heat with wood.

3x wood stoves. one in Great Room, one in Master Bed, and a wood burning kitchen oven/range. we have no intention to freeze to death.

water heater is a heat pump hybrid. we run it exclusively in heat pump mode. it has two resistance elements in it, but they are never used. again, solar effecient reasoning. I don't want to cold shower in the 'pocalypse.

we built this house to fit our ProActive lifestyle, rather than strand us trying to React to disaster.
if I could I would love to live like the mfs in Wrong Turn and hunt people that trespass our woods
wtf? is this a /pol/ thing?
unbelievable. the other day we were chilling by the lake and some dude was fishing right next to us and he caught and released a poor little fishy, tore its mouth with fucking scissors and my wife was so shocked and disgusted she grabbed her chair and moved like 100 feet away. i felt kind of awkward for a second then followed her. i admit that her reaction was too much but this is the exact opposite. that's too much gore. people are so different it is insane. but i have to admit at least you gonna eat the meat while catch and release fishing is just torturing fish for no reason at all.
yes that's how exactly how i feel. keep the gore private. it is like taking pictures of yourself having sex. some people do it but most keep it private.

that looks like literal holocaust.
bring the average suburban kid to a place like that and he will be scared for life. not cool.
>you people need Jesus.

That's not gore culture, that's food being obtained quite as it was in Jesus time you ignorant piece of sheltered retarded garbage.

People should be completely comfortable seeing and doing everything in this thread and generally were until about sixty years ago in the US and later elsewhere. YOU are the problem. Your choice to be ridiculous for no useful reason is absurd. Kill yourself.
>bring the average suburban kid to a place like that and he will be scared for life

Nonsense. The average kid sees gore all the time on the internet including cartel flayings and pit bulls devouring chomo crotches on /gif/
> i was shocked, then i followed my wife..

I laughed. This is an ingenious troll post. No one alive is that cucked.

Someone needs to check that pedo's phone.
>catch and release fishing is just torturing fish for no reason at all.
>for no reason at all.
It's required by law in many areas.
people are required to catch and release fish by law? What if they don't have a fishing pole? Does the state provide one or do you get fined for not having it?
>admit at least you gonna eat the meat
Sorry, but that's a crime.
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well... here is the result of my first brain tanning attempt.

it did not go as planned. my intention was to preserve it with the wool on. after soaking it in an acid/salt bath 2 days I set to fleshing it. immediately upon beginning to flesh it, the wool began to slip from the other side.

I went ahead and just scraped the wool off.

after a God bit of fleshing, I mixed up 4oz of sheep brain, 1qt warm water & 1 Tbsp olive oil. I then worked the skin around, the. weighted it under to soak overnight.

came back 18 hours later, removed and stretched... it was obviously going rank. I figured it would, using raw brains at 80° soaking, but that's what I read to do...

before stretching, I HAD to rinse it off. it was just too rank. used only warm water. wife and I stretched, then I tacked and hung it. after tacking, I flesh side down with olive oil & peppermint oil mixture for... reasons? I hope to help curb the stank.

we shall see.
When I was young, like 13 or so, I went down the brain tanning rabbit hole. Its not a good way to preserve animal hides and requires smoking to prevent going bad. It was the absolute best way Native Americans had to do it, but it created hides that do not last as long as modern methods. The leather quality is very high though.
That said, fleshing should be done immediately, regardless of method. I still see meat on that hide, which means rot. Soaking promotes loss of hair. It is the best method for causing shed.

Time works against you in the tanning process. This was a full time job that required high levels of attentiveness. If you want to try to save your hide I would flesh it again, trim the outside off where you fleshed poorly to start, boil in water for 10 minutes, and follow this guide https://braintan.com/articles/furs/george1.html

thank you for the insight.

I do plan to smoke it after this. aside from reading a few blog posts, I have no idea what I'm really doing.

we have two more sheep that will be butchered in the next 2 - 3 weeks, so I will have another chance at better execution.

wife has ordered tanning solution. I think it already arrived a few weeks ago. I think I will use that for the next one.

can you elaborate on the process that would preserve the wool on the skin? I have not clicked you link yet, if it is in there, I will see it... but any other suggestions are appreciated.
Best advice I can give is that you should skin, flesh, wash, and dry on first day, and brain, soften and smoke on day 2. Follow the guide I linked exactly. It may be difficult to fit in with butchering but that is why the work was traditionally divided amongst a tribe.
>today was:
>33% veterinarian
>33% farmer
>33% Butcher
Was the last 1% sucking off your wife (male)?
We get useless dysgenic rejects like you, from time
We at /diy, get useless dysgenic rejects like you, from time to time. You are probably the same one, in all these threads, throwing in single-line snide comments. Showing us how you are completely 'out of ammo', out of ideas. Not contributing, attempting to be a social parasite whose mummy or daddy didn't love them enough. Who gave you away to the intern to have your dick clipped. Never challenging yourself, like your parents never did, to grow up. Permanently infantile, by choice.

All we may feel, and I'm sure everyone has the same emotion, who is mature, is nothing at all. We move on. We drive on, knowing that not only is your opinion not a real opinion, not even worth pity or cringe, but also dying-out, as are the rest of those in your self-selected category of victimization.
boomers and their tiresome sermons
Lol. I'm not a boomer. You are a resentful nobody that wants attention, and to take over a thread with negativity. It's narcissism, mental illness.

Meanwhile, broski here is feeding himself and his family, with stuff from his own farm. While you eat the bugs.

Based broski here is making leather, preserving hides. He screwed up something but had humility, got advice, and he did it. He took over responsibility for himself and his actions. He is empowered. And next time he'll be a pro. What did you do? Just post some negativity to try to draw attention to yourself. Wow contribution much.

Ayyy and this guy's got it laid out. Solar, etc.

And this guy. Sorry if I missed you.

None of these dudes are sulking in a basement, resentful and not doing nothing but shitting on a thread like a streetshitter from the third world shits on your diverse and inclusive sidewalks, roads, bridges... whatever. Whereever they feel the need to defecate. Take your retarded need for attention and turn it into something useful for yourself. No one helps someone who won't help themselves first.
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Because of some stupid laws farmers had to split their land to inherit to their sons.
A couple centuries later all the farmland was split up in tiny fields

Feels bad that your ancestors lost their land but at least you have something.
Holy shit that's a lot of words I'm not reading! Bro, you don't need to be so butthurt and defensive! It's 2024, no shame in gay homo faggot marriage where you suck your "wife's" feminine penis, swallow cum, and take it up the ass
It's a lot of words you don't read, because you can't comprehend them. Your illiteracy is not our problem.

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