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screenshots, manga pages,Production art, staff drawings, etc. from non-ero shows, manga, and games.
Trying to keep the thread broad, but I also want to keep it from getting over saturated with low hanging fruit, like easy to find/well known stuff from sources like Tsugumomo, To Love Ru, Queen's blade, Yuragi-sou, etc.
Basically, the more rare the NSFW content is, the better.
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pretty well known scene, but since it's a rare instance in the context of the source, I think this fits well.
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same with this one
Alita had surprisingly few uncensored scenes. Only one in vol 4 and two in vol 9
Calling the Satellizer fans
anyone know if there are any HQ scans from DVD booklet for volume 2 of the second season? This is the best I have
This is a design of Asseylum after taking a bath, which was published in the <Aldnoah.Zero Materials 1 /2 Art Book>.
By the way, I found a better image than this one.
>By the way, I found a better image than this one.
I have a question. What kind of book does this image (Sword Art Online character "Administrator") appear in?
Or is it a composite image?
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I guess that should be the only nudity on the book (if there is one)
Tomoko with very slick thighs after masturbating.
The funny thing about this one is I've only seen the one ancient upload that I saved forever ago, I recently waifu2x'd to the least worst degree which I then started seeing in the wild, now this is that exact file with white levels adjusted.

I think the source is long fucking gone.
But I better post the original if anyone wanted to google reverse or saucenao a paper trail.
I bet they weren't expecting Tomoko to get a lesbian harem later on.
You can pretty much pile up the thread with DxD.
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Haruhi's pussy!
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don't know if ps filters count, picrel is Nami from the thriller bark scene
the 1:01 of this video
What is the title and character name?
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is that bush?
I think that is Irisviel von Einzbern from prisma illya
Sorry I forgot to write it, >>2856910
is right.
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By one of the official manga artists on twitter, I believe?
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Pretty sure it was the assistant. There's also this one
When is next Nobeta dropping?
It's usually around the 24-25th. I too am eagerly waiting.
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I think it's not official, it was uploaded 2 or 3 thread ago and it was debunked.
God. I wish we got more official Haruhi stuff. Ones that did even more than just cameltoe. Would've killed to see official art of Haruhi and/or Mikuru's tits out and about.
Wasn't this made by the OG designer? How is it not official?
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni (2006). Posting a link due to naked Satoko.
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Still don't know if this is real, but at least an extremely convincing Otsuka (LN illustrator) illustration of Emilia from re:zero. I got it from a thread a couple weeks ago

This one really does it for me. How cutesy Otsuka's style is, how many lengths Tappei (author) goes to protect Emilia's innocence, and how much this looks like an actual official colored LN illustration, and even the "accidental" theme of the image, all gives this the forbidden fruit feeling.
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Haven't seen this posted.
Akemi is awesome
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Here are this months Nobeta's bros, enjoy! The special is also that comic a while back but as a .psd.

Thank you so much, bro! I was looking forward to this one.
Thanks as usual.
Because this pic is made by Saito Aoba, and the OG designer is Saitou Masatsugu, and his pen-name for NSFW stuffs is Saitom.

Wow very nice, what's from? Too bad the pages are cutted and some drawings are blurred
Thanks anon
My senpai is annoying is ending so I wonder if this means we will finally get the goods in his fanbox.
He updated yesterday but since Kemono is down and the uploader was always lax about it it'll be a while.
Woah nice! Where's this from?
(And of course, is there any more like it?)
Thanks bro
How well is the anime? I have yet to watch it due to real life shit but I heard people bitching the loli mode was censored.
Thanks based anon.
Afaik, there's no nudity whatsoever. Anything that showed nips in the manga was completely censored in the anime.
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You didn't call out Monster Musume, so here's my favorite girl.
If it is not falsely edited to be authentic, it is very nice.
I would love to see a filter for the part showing her breasts!
Nice, thanks.
>If it is not falsely edited to be authentic, it is very nice.

The problem is that it is only found in the first TV broadcast. in BDs (the filter) has been removed and the episodes found online are often BD and not TV aired.

but if you have old episodes as described above maybe I can help you
A nude image of Elf Yamada drawn by anime staff.
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Better quality.
i want to lay my head in it
Many thanks anon.
Is the psd file of pic related really just one finished layer?
shiromanta posted 2 this months, anything worth looking at?
posted what

would impregnate
best quality
oops, didnt check if that was the 5573p version, so I guess same quality, but at least the link might still work if the posted image doesn't get archived
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well, here's the other uncensored one to make up for the repost
Is that Sagiri? No pointed ears so I figure it isn't supposed to be Elf.
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Shame that version wasn't available before someone did this.
It's mainly just the uncensored version of all 5 images.
Not really
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god hes getting so close
No, that's Bleach
It’ll never show more than this
No nipples. No sale.
Which of the 3 from this month is this?
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Anyone got the new Kaedeko post?
Kemono is working again but we missed the latest posts.
I'm waiting as well, I ain't posting each kaedeko's posts! this time you lads go buy it!
>Expecting us to be able to afford it each time
there's several...
Everything but the newest one is on Kemono atm.
we talk about todays one...


one day, perhaps in years we will get more
I don't expect to ever see Kanna getting railed or anything, but seeing her puss at some point would be nice.
If she does get railed, I wouldn't be if he made a doujin of some sort. I know he's been working one with different gals on the side.
Wouldn't be surprised*
We got the mysterious liquid and Kaedeko ranting how (You) while she was napping (implies you sucked her tits/ jizzed on her)
So hope is still strong.
We all know he likes fanarts of her getting porked, and chances are he has his own stash of sketches of her getting her ass cheeks clapped!
here you go
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Senran chicks? I recognize one of 'em.
No one asked but this is Air Gear, Noyamano sisters (Eldest and youngest)

Air Gear has a special place in my heart.
We got Ringo in that ribbon outfit but never got to see her nipples.
anyone got f.w.zholic cousin's fanbox ? https://fwz0716.fanbox.cc/posts/7761025
Getting 502 errors from kemono... is it the end?
False alarm, site is back up.
New Kanna dropped
I wanna squeeze em.
Anime sucked anyways. We saw plenty of nip silhouettes and some pretty heavy lip slips from the manga
Meh, amazing how third party edits are better than the official nudes on his fanbox.
what show is this?
Senran Kagura. Either from the second season or the OVA. The first season kept it in line with the video games and didn't show any nipples. Season 2 they were all on display.
There are many other images.
However, some images may contain mosaics. You won't find one without mosaic.













Is there an Ikaruga uncensored version?
Did the anon that requests that picture of Kaede-chans boobs from the original artists ever get the picture in the end? I just remember when I saw a picture of her.
>No horse pussy

what's the point
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Nice start, I added the sweat drop and colored the nipples better.
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And here's my attempt at a decensored pussy. I think it's pretty decently fappable now.
Fuck, that sucks since she's the embodiment of sex given she could be a tiny loli to a teen to a full grown adult and her tits change accordingly too.
Good job!
No way that's real
I know I can't post them here, but how many times have they done the same thing to male characters?
>but how many times have they done the same thing to male characters?
Show their bare chest?
well they showed Rudy's shota dick uncensored a few times in the Mushoku Tensei Bluray
>well they showed Rudy's shota dick uncensored a few times in the Mushoku Tensei Bluray
Well, this's all I have to say about this subject: https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2012/01/15/highschool-dxd-p-n-s-anime/
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If we are counting that the same artist would go on to work on official work, then technically we've seen all the konsuba girls getting railed.
What about Luna?
Darkness too? havent seen that.
post yunyun and megumin.
Iris T_T She is so cute
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Day late with the Fanbox and Patreon rewards, however here are the mid May ones'. Mainly for the Vanessa enjoyers this time.

Thanks again!
Hope to see Chris one day ...

The board is /e/, not /h/
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........ fine, unzips dick
Thanks, kind anon.
Darkness was the first one to get a doujin
nothing /e/ safe for them, just look up Yuuki Hagure on literally any hentai site and you'll find the 2 doujins. Awua and Darkness get the focus but there's a shot of chris yunyun and megumin
There is no Chris unfortunately... you meant Wiz?
Unzipping fly is /h/.
Unzipping dick is /d/.
Aren't you going to discuss >>2862514?
Nice, thank you. Vanessa's hot.
discuss a clickbait site? No
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does anyone have the most recent pics from JumpAoki's Fanbox? I'm pretty sure he was an animator for Danmachi and other animes, and has done some hentai of characters like Hestia, Ishtar and Fianna/Liliruca, as well as a couple other animes and some of it is on Kemono but seems to not been updated since last year minus some free posts he's done

I've also seen this book that appears to be from one of the animators at Toei who did Digimon Xros Wars, and curious if there is anymore
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There was a big batch of alarmingly on-model AI nude Monogatari fake-screencaps.
Thank you kind sir.
Sir yes sir.
Where would one find this batch?
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Can't remember.
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catbox /c/sha15c
Some of those look like composites. Many of them look really good.
does catbox have a whole collection download?
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Bunch of coms Takatou Rui did for fans. I guess too many commission begged him so he’s off Twitter now. Stopped doing em like 3 years ago
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Posted the pics that mattered
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Wow, this stuff is really great. I had only seen a couple of these but always wondered if he did more. Where did you happen to find these? I've tried looking some, but haven't had much luck
This looks hype as heck, what artist is this I know he's done some other drops too.
Probably Aurum Saki/atg_saki based on the face and eyes.
Oh yea that's the artist, thanks.
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I did not recall seeing Sena unclothed in the art book, but they did just show off her underpants without abandon.
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Bunny girl Panne from Fire Emblem doesn't use underwear, it's all pubes.
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The artist did official NTR of this character, right?
Thank you for sharing, anon. Half of these I've never seen before and I always love seeing Misora's pussy uncensored. It's a shame the law prevents Rui from drawing her like this in the main story. While an uncensored release of Hagure Idol may be pipe dream, this one >>2863698 gives me some hope for more uncensored chapter pinups, maybe even a complete collection at the end of its run.
Anyone have this? Because goddamn, that is cute as hell
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Used to have regular threads about the dude's stuff, but his teasing got tiring after a while and his writing is dogshit.
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His kemono page updated. This is probably one of my favorites, never expected to see an almost official Misaki lewd from an animator of the show.

His Skeb is still open, so I'm wondering what the chances are of getting a Fubuki lewd from him since he worked on OPM Season 2.
Posters spammed this but there was no one for her to NTR so no.
No one except autistic taggers care about your semantic argument.
Especially not the Japs that chased her off of Twitter for it.
He also toned down so much the ecchi that not even the sites that share prints or photos of the volumes to talk about the changes bought them anymore because there was no nipples not even a special chapter worth noting.
new nobeta stuff out on fanbox, we need our hero
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Spoiler: They aren't going to have dinner.

Also no Nobeta sex with this month's reward, it will probably be continued in the next month's one, sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Otherwise below are the usual Patreon and Fanbox Rewards, high tier Fanbox is the PSD of the doujin, enjoy bros.


thanks man!
This is zased, thanks brother.
Many thanks anon. Have a based day
Yeah, thanks for these
So they'll have supper instead?
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Hamada Yoshikazu updated his Pixiv.
Thanks bro
It was the Chinese who harassed her though
About time
Has anyone compiled all this works that he made uncensored before?
I remember there being a couple MEGAs with stream screencaps, but they stopped updating when Hamada just started uploading them himself. Now I don't know where you'd find them. I guess those tiny transparent bars are a good enough tradeoff for not having to screencap, clean up and upload them yourself.
is this from the tv series or the ova that came out years later?
Series, in blu-ray
Sankaku Complex is a clickbait site?
always has been
goddamn this inflation
For years I used chikubiwiki.wiki.fc2.com as a resource for official screencaps and manga scans of nudity, but it seems there's been some sort of error in the past few months where it's either been taken down or needs a VPN?
I remember he had uploaded some uncensored prior on pixiv but some fags reported him for that and he swap them for censored ones.
>past few months
How many people are hosting the site? Whatever the error is, it shouldn't be hard for the webmaster(s) to handle. It's probably just a 401.
I checked with a Japanese VPN and it's still up, they just block firthy gaijin for some reason
Is this a good thing? Firthy Gaijin, you should be able to hack the source code to get into the wiki.
Nice, thanks. Is there any way to find out what series these are all from though, besides downloading random ones and checking them on saucenao?

Or any way to browse the site in general? Seems pretty broken when I try using the wayback machine to actually browse.

Either way, thanks for the link, anon!
It's 15+ years of anime/manga/game screencaps categorised per series with a category update schedule that alternated between monthly and daily. There is no organisation or browsing without the homepage. It's main purpose for me was it was a great resource, like a japanese Coppermine Fanservice or Fapservice that wasn't shit and would go obscure.

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