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/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
Sticky: http://tuxbell.com/index.php/Balding

Holy trinity:
Tabs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finasteride
Lotion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minoxidil
Shampoo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ketoconazole
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Why does all of /fit/ seem to believe that fin is a force-feminizing tranny drug that destroys your dick and your libedo?
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/fit/ also believes oral minoxidil will literally make your heart explode.

Where is this disinfo coming from?
Is selling scam treatments really that much more profitable than shilling generic fin and min and selling it at a steep 40x markup?
my test levels are low as fuck and my doctors are really recommending I do something about it
If I hop on fin+min, will it cancel out any possible balding that the test might cause
I want my test levels to be like a normal man but I still want my hairline
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Why is everyone suddenly so obsessed with balding?
Any long-term fin users here? I'm close to 9 months mark 1-1.25 mg daily, my hair has definitely improved at least on the front and temples with new baby hairs sprouting on my hairline, the crown still leaves much to be desired but still slightly less fucked than when I started.
My question to long-term users is do results get better over time like 2-5 years or do they just plateau and you maintain what you already have?
I'm in my late 30s and this is what my hair look like, my dad have the same hairline so did my grandfather.
Am I safe?
>I'm in my late 30
yes cause you should already have your life's things that you needed based on good looks sorted out. Nobody cares if you're bald when you're 45+
Balding bros, I'm going for the Patrick Swayze in Point Break haircut because fuck it. Is this a good NW2 cope hairstyle?
Finasteride increases test by about 10% in most people, but it usually returns to baseline after a few months. Nothing to worry about at all.
Crab baldies. It is what it is.
Tiktok. I'm thankful people shed light to this issue. Big problem is that they're still shilling rosemary oil 'n shit when there's only one treatment that works.
Dunno. My dad is NW1 at 60 and I started in my teens. It's random.
It depends on the thickness. Wind, sweat and rain will absolutely wreck a cut like that. They probably had stylists fixing it up each take.
i got way too much excess hair growth on my face and ears on oral min and didn't notice any improvement on my scalp vs topical. only worth doing if you don't respond topically imo
Threadly reminder that you can get oral min by taking 5% topical min orally!

Oral min is rarely prescribed by dermatologists because they don't study internal medicine and may hesitate to prescribe black box blood pressure meds for vanity reasons!
The 5% liquid topical form is available OTC everywhere and consists of food safe ethanol, vape juice and water, it's fine to take orally, just note that 0.1ml = 5mg of oral min.
Price doesn't even matter, a single 60ml bottle meant to be a month's supply will last you 2 years when taken this way.
lookism is a real thing, and it becomes even more apparent when zoomers are exposed to talking head tiktoks where everyone is beautiful and everyone has a full head of hair and isn't visibly diseased.

Also it really helps that young people have missed many, if not every life milestone thus far and balding at 30 when they would have already owned a house, had 2.5 kids and had 20 years of wealth accumulated, would really be the least of their worries, but zoomers have none of this, losing the hair too would evaporate all of their value as young men.
*15 years of wealth
Do you guys think a dyed buzzcut would look bad on a diffuse thinner? I have to get a new drivers license photo taken in the next few weeks and was thinking of doing a dyed buzz as a cope cut for the pic. I’m probably going to start fin soon too.
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nobody looks good on their license mug shot, it's not even worth thinking about
Who are you gonna impress with that pic, the cashier selling You liquor?
not gonna lie I only take hairloss drugs because I have autogynephilia and if I went bald, I'd have to present in more masculine way and that would ruin my goon sessions
well why look bad when you can look better?
This one is sad mostly because he's fat. It's a lack of discipline that makes you feel sorry for him.
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I take fin and min to keep away my latent gender dysphoria about aging into a gross balding man
I swear, fin, min and rectal prog will become the goto peter pan syndrome cope cocktail in a few years.
Recommend me good microneedlers
is 2 grams for kitononazole good?
I don't think you're supposed to take it orally, it's a powerful and actually damaging antiandrogen, black box warning and everything.
That's typical of every oral antifungal.
yeah the shampoo im looking at says 2grams
How much percent?
i have to shave every 3-4 months because once the hair is hitting the eyebrows there is too much shedding and it's annoying.
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I kinda wanna get a nasal spray bottle or some other small arts and craft mist sprayer that can spray a set pre-measured amount of fluid, like 0.1ml worth so I don't have to measure out liquid min drops into a shot glass or use a needleless syringe every morning, I could just spray into my mouth without thinking about it.
no you’re not, get on fin asap, head my words before its too late, classic balding.
how are the sides?
There are plenty of 60+ people with that hairline you bitch ass zoomer
I really hate it that I reached the point where a 1mm buzzcut isn't enough to look clean anymore. I now need to either shave 3 times a week but I'm lazy and my skin can't handle it either. Cursed to look dirty
Are you complaining about growing more or less hair than before?
I can't tell
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I like how ppl come in here looking for norwooding haircut advice and baldie cope and instead they're told to chug rogaine.
these threads are about men freaking out that they're losing hair in their 20s (justified)
>/balding/ and /finasteride/ general.
If you're not taking finasteride just shave it bro will save you money.
diffuse thinning is a curse.
DHT is a curse, ages you up hardcore and roughens your skin and gives you prostate cancer and hypertension.
t. haircafe said so
Exactly. Thank God honest people still exist to show the path of light to others. That man is a god amongst mortals. A messiah. Jesus if you will.
Here are thinning patterns ranked from worst to least brutal according to me:
Diffuse (gigaover, direct downward lighting is your worst enemy) < crown thinning (when you notice it it's probably too late bc your hairline hasn't moved an inch) < classic M norwood pattern (you can catch it early on and take action)
Diffuse thinners react better to fin and min actually since they don't actually lose their hairline unlike the horseshoe baldies.
>Diffuse thinners react better to fin and min
Is there an actual comparative study proving this or is it purely anecdotal?
Btw I ranked these based on how bad it looks before treatment. The norwood pattern is the least brutal IMO because yes, your forehead looks bigger but the overall density of your hair hasn't changed much and there is no visible scalp in earlier stages
a schizophrenic moron?
taking 1mg of fin mon/wed/fri
feeling hopeful :)
Post-finasteride syndrome is real.
there is a research about dutasteride working for over 90% of diffuse thinners but only for 50% of men with frontal baldness
Look at what creatine and roids do to men, they accelerate DHT and then make you go bald and inflames and roughens your skin to that disgusting distinctive roider reddish color and makes your prostate balloon to tennis ball size.
Is there heart disease mixed in there?
Oh yes.
>muh creatine
>muh roids
>no source
thanks anon
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it's not wrong anon. roids make you look like shit. that doesn't make testosterone and DHT bad hormones.
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is there any minoxidil foam that isn't made in pissrael or do I have to choose between hair and having morals?
DHT is useless after puberty
Güevedoce naturally have little 5ari type 2 activity and still get every male characteristic pretty much except for facial hair. They're not impaired in any way in terms of muscle or strength. The develop male characteristics. Needless to say, not impaired intellectually just like women also who barely have any DHT. No increased risk of depression either. The only thing they often lose out on is reproduction but that's mostly because they don't have DHT in puberty which is all that matters.
would any of this work?
>laser hair removal
Not all güevedoce lose out on reproduction. There are a few that can still do it. Finasteride's approved for ages 18 and up. Most dermatologists and trichologists will prescribe it to you without hesitation if you ask. That's good enough for me. I'm vaxxed, btw.
On the scalp? Epilator would be extremely painful(4u). Wax could work but it won't remove the shadow and I believe beauticians are advised to not do it in those spots. I think it depends on the laser there are ones that can get hairs that are really deep, but it'll cost a lot and take billions of sessions.
Having leathery red skin and disgusting amount of muscle doesn't not make you attractive or masculine. When will the roiders learn.
anyone take those Nutrafol vitamins
I'm on 3 months of daily scalp workouts. Elasticity is up but no change in growth, and I still get bad headaches.
I refuse to take any sort of pharmaceuticals. I WILL reclaim my hairline naturally
Nothing is gonna grow your hair unless it opens up potassium channels in your hair follicles and blocks dihydrotestosterone from attaching and choking them of nutrients.
Technically that's what the ingredients in Nutrafol claim to do, but it's like 70$/month supply. Scalp massages are to till the soil to make it fertile and growable.
Lol nigga you’re pushing 40 nobody cares about you anymore either way
Explain to me why it's ok to make sweeping changes to your biochemistry is ok when nutritional supplements do it but not when a proven pharmaceutical does it?
hey anons, go to /r9k/
balding is NOT fashionable lol
you're just like the trannies, taking all sorts of drugs and undergoing elective surgeries, because of image, you're all sick in the head, in more way than one kek
Shut the fuck up, ESL
Keeping balding away is fashionable.
(Unless you embrace it and shave your head like a man)
Not an argument. Not buying your $70 snake oil crap. Shove it fool.
Umm, no sweety. I know you lost everything you have, and you want to bring us down but it's not over for me. I will continue taking the same drug Donald Trump uses to keep my NW2 until 80. God bless.
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What are your hair gain goals?
What new and exciting haircuts are you gonna try after the oral min gives you thick and effortlessly fluffy hair and a 3 finger Norwood -2 hairline?

For me it's anime girl bangs.
B-b-but it's worth it ok???
Only if you somehow take it at birth. Irrelevant in our "past puberty" case.
it's not true. infertility is a common side effect, and a common complaint of guevedoce.
>a common complaint of guevedoce.
Because they don't have DHT in their childhood, their balls only drop at 12. Irrelevant in a person who went through normal puberty and starts taking it at 18.
>infertility is a common side effect
Proofs? It can affect mobility, but it does not damage DNA at all. NHS even recently corrected that you can actually conceive on finasteride and the baby will come out just fine with either gender.
Old man Trump impregnated his slav wife with Baron at 59 years old. If that doesn't tell you how safe this drug is I don't know what will.
NHS website says it can cause infertility. play stupid games win stupid prizes.
It also says that it's a really uncommon side effect and it ceases with discontinuing the drug. But keep being obtuse on purpose.
'It is not common'. a specific and well researched statement. stick your head in the sand if you want to.
>While only 27 men were taking finasteride in our cohort, sperm counts improved dramatically (mean 11.6 fold increase) following finasteride discontinuation.
You forgot the ceases with discontinuation part. Whatever helps you cope with that slick bald head of yours. Clearly a reason you're here desperately trying to find any reason why it's bad for you. Just want validation from others over choices because you're too chicken shit to take it.
>'you are too afraid to go bald'
>'i am not afraid to take my pills'
>'i dont care abour fertility'
>becomes intersex tranny
every damn time.
you cannot accept truth. good luck anon.
Nice strawman. No one has said they don't care about fertility what I'm telling you is that you're blowing it out of proportion to feel better. All you have is a quote from somewhere with a sample size of 27. Not one regulatory body agrees with your
>"it's not true. infertility is a common side effect"
It's been 30 years and the drug still gets prescribed. And as i said, NHS has corrected themselves you can safely conceive on it. Not even guevedoce turn intersex, around 12 years old their balls drop. Again, desperately trying to find anything to justify not taking it.
you ignore obvious danger because you fear balding. opioids also got prescribed for years. you can't find good data on infertility with fin. you are a pussy. keep living unable to deal with basic human reality.
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I was kind of on the fence about starting fin, but I was sold once I found out our future president takes it. If it's good enough for the leader of the nation it's good enough for me. Contacting my doctor soon.
Good. Bow out man. I'm not sure why you're even in this thread.
You're the one ignoring everything regulatory bodies have to say and 30 years of 8 million prescriptions in the US alone. You can't find 'good data' because it wouldn't support your narrative.

YOU'RE THE PUSSY. You come here and spout bullshit with nothing to back it for seemingly no reason. Do you even have a dog in this fight? What brings you here exactly. Does finasteride and this thread live rent free in your mind? Desperately pulling strawmans and spouting half-truths.
n-no…. you.. won’t.

anon i don't want people to get hurt. even morons like you need protection. find me a good quality study about finasteride and fertility. dyor. it will be full of holes and the data will be useless. do basic research and google the quote above. i have friends on finasteride. they got fucked up months into taking it. i want anons to live long healthy lives, not fucked up miserable ones because they think their hair is their life.

you are the coward. you cannot accept life as it is. you are desperate for fin to be safe, hence your emotional reaction.
you are bald and mad.

im sorry you didn’t do anything to save your hair.

minoxidil is bad too right?
>anon i don't want people to get hurt. even morons like you need protection.
What philanthropist. Thank you for protecting anons posting about trannies in these threads 24/7. And of course how common infertility and becoming intersex is. Alas no one serious agree with you. The only moron is you, honestly. All you've done is spout half-truths and strawmans.
>find me a good quality study about finasteride and fertility.
YOU DO IT. I'm not sifting through that shit. I'm sure the original Merck trial - probably with the largest sample size - shows that fertility is fine, though. Good enough for me (and for every regulatory body in the world).
>i have friends on finasteride. they got fucked up months into taking it. i want anons to live long healthy lives, not fucked up miserable ones because they think their hair is their life.
Nice data. Tell your friends there's 8 million people currently taking it just fine for decades even. They can discontinue the drug and they'll be just fine.
>you are the coward. you cannot accept life as it is. you are desperate for fin to be safe, hence your emotional reaction.
How I could not have an emotional response when you spread horse shit backed by nothing. It makes me fume. You strawmanned me. Told half-truths. And misrepresented my points. You're DESPERATE.
balding little brother. minoxidil is better.
head in the sand. cope and seethe.
Not an argument.
i don't want to write paragraphs when you won't dyor. stay mad.
Not an argument.
post finasteride syndrome is real anon. Merck lied to you anon. you risk infertility, insanity, nerve damage for vanity anon.
I'm that anon and I agree.
thanks anon i knew you would come around.
Honestly I don't ask for much just want to maintain what I have and stop worrying about further loss
Baron is like 6'7 so I don't think having a crippled baby is too much of a concern
What do /pol/ schizos get out of scaremongering fin all day, I don't understand it.
anyone stop min after taking it for a long time?
I was doing topical fin and minox for almost 2 years and I got tired of minoxidil and didn't want to do oral
decided to drop minoxidil and switched to oral fin
it's been about 2 months now since and I really can't tell if I was responding that well to minox at all (I can't tell that I stopped appearance wise)
If it really worked you would be been seeing massive shredding right now

I think the idea that stopping minoxidil will cause a shed is a lie, if you’re on fin anyway, it just doesn’t make sense logistically, maybe if you started min while on fin, but not if you were using min before fin and then stopped after taking fin
I keep hearing conflicting stories, that min gains require min to maintain and these are different from fin gains, that you can't lock down min gains with fin alone.
But I also heard min gains will shed multiple times as the hair follicle grows and thickens, that if your min gains get thick enough, they'll become permanent and won't fall out even if you stop min.
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honestly, I have a hard time telling when shedding happens because I keep my hair short most of the time and it's hard to tell how much hair loss is normal or not each day
the general consensus I've seen is that you need to stay on min to keep min gains, but I feel like I've seen beards be an exception but people don't normally bald at their beards anyway
Okay bros you've done it -- you made me realize my place and fully submit to the big pharma BBC like the little sissy that I am -- I just drank my first shot of Minoxidil. Started off with 2 drops in addition to the Finasteride I've been taking daily for the last month.
Also unpacked a 0.5mm dermaroller that I'll try out this weekend, that's for my facial pores though. Anyone here using it on the scalp? I'm scared it might damage my hair follicles.
BASED. We're gonna have HAIRLINES FOR DAYSSSSS while Making This Country Great Again, it's gonna be YUUUUUGE.

>Diffuse (gigaover)

Is there any point of in even using treatment if this is the case?
fin and min will undo diffuse
where you're really fucked is retrograde diffuse because that's usually a thyroid issue
4 months before fin
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After 4 months my hair is noticeably thicker
Looks the same, if not slightly worse dick breath.
why you so mad chrome dome? mad no attractive females want you anymore?
I'm not even bald, I'm just saying it doesn't look any different, ironic you call someone chrome dome considering you're headed in that directon.
I didn't seen any effects from fin until 3 months in and that's when the shedding started for me, it's more likely that you're taking care of yourself more and this is why your hair looks better.

For me though, months 3-6 left my hairline worse than before.
I got impatient and started oral min, seeing more growth in 1 month than in 7 months on fin.
This is why I tell people to start fin and min at the same time and get the shedding out of the way, the accelerated hair growth will leave you better than baseline within a few weeks of shedding instead of months.
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This'll do the trick? Right guys?
just drink the topical liquid, it works way better
So buy this and drink it? Or get it from elsewhere?
Don't drink it. You people are too stupid and don't have the tools to measure it properly. This is a heart medication that just so happens to grow hair as a side effect.

Any minox brand is fine as the active ingredient is there. I heard people are selling fake minox online, though. I honestly don't know if that's real or not. Buying from a physical store will always have more guarantees.
Nice results, and you're just 4 months in? Good on you for starting early too, give it a few more months and you won't even need to stack min.
I'm 9 months in on fin so far and the front of my hair is noticeably thicker but the crown is still kinda fucked up, might have to add min. God I wish I started fin earlier and ignored the baldcel creepypastas
Of course, this is just my own personal opinion. The only men who are truly fucked are the ones that start aggressively norwooding in highschool. By the time they're old enough to take fin/dut it's already too late and they will likely need a HT
2 drops is 2.5mg of oral minoxidil, you should measure it yourself but I always got 40 drops from my dropper measuring out 1ml and you can just divide 50mg by 40 drops.
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>diffuse came in like a reaper fucking my shit up in a couple of years.
>9 months in topical minox
>things are kinda a little barely a smudge better, so I can let it grow a bit and cut the sides without it looking terrible
>feel my crown having no volume and see some funny little hairs from that direction on the mirror but attribute it to head shape shenanigans
>decide to check for the hell of it
It's never been more over.
My derm also gave me some hair force ampoules but I feel like they won't do shit.
bro, your fin?
how much is 0.5 mL? if i take half a mL of minox in a dropper, how much systemic minox am i getting
5% of topical min is 0.05g per ml, or 50mg.
0.5 is 25mg which is too much and you're gonna fuck your shit up, especially if this is your first dose
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hows my nw3 combover? ive been using fin for roughly 8 months.
>embrace it like a man
more like accept it like a good little bitch, nothing manly about it
I've heard stamps are far less likely to damage your skin than rollers due to the motion.
Though this is all hearsay. I don't use either.
didn’t you just say to take 1mL though?
I said 2 drops
how much is a fucking drop???
like 0.025ml more or less
>Why is everyone suddenly so obsessed with balding?

zoomers are beginning to reach the ages where the norwood reaper comes calling
Pretty much this. I’m 26 and I have been religiously watching haircafe
finasteride is harmful to incels because it keeps them in their comfort zone
if there were no hair loss drugs, the incel would have to grow some balls, shave his head, leave house to hit the gym and improve his personality as a result, which would naturally lead to a gf
thankfully, fin will make sure the incel stays home hoping for a miracle
Lifting does not improve your personality at all, incels are still incels after lifting.
I think I got lucky bros, I thought I was going bald when I was like 25 but it just thinned out a bit and hasn't really gone further than that.
t. mid 30s now
Are you sure your hairline hasn't decimated and you haven't noticed yet?
youre stuck in the denial stage
It's simple when you are born, you are either predetermined to be an incel or not.

What you do or take does not matter.
yeah, he’ll wake up bald in like two years lol

>WhAt HapPeNed!!???
I'll go with this for my diffuse thinning:
>keto shampoo 2 or 3 times a week
>1 mm dermarolling once a week
>2.5 mg of oral min daily

I'll go 5 if I don't have side effects and see slow or no results. If no improvement will be seen, I'll reluctantly hop on fin too. Hopefully I am a strong respondent to min, I have seen people have great results with just topical, and oral is clearly the superior treatment. I'm fine taking it for life, cheap enough and I like my hair.
are you braindead? you’re willing to take oral minoxidil which has a risk of death and which long term usage side effects on the heart are unknown although more than likely also lead to heart problems, but you won’t take finasteride?
Just take finasteride you fool. You only have a 2% chance to develop side effects and even if you do you can just stop taking the pill. It's the only thing that's proven to work long-term. I've got diffuse thinning and I've been taking finasteride for about 5 months now. No side effects whatsoever. I can't tell for sure if it's working yet but I notice about 50% less hair in the shower.
>oral minoxidil has a risk of death
source: your ass.
>Serious side effects include puffiness or swelling of your face, eyes, ankles, hands or feet; weight gain; increase in heart rate; dizziness or light headedness (particularly when standing up from a sitting position); tiredness; muscle aches; constipation, diarrhoea, nausea or vomiting; stomach pain or signs of indigestion; rash; breast tenderness; frequent infections such as fever, severe chills, sore throat or mouth ulcers as a result of a decrease in white blood cell levels; bleeding or bruising more easily. Tell your doctor or go to the hospital immediately if you notice onset or worsening of angina (chest pain, or a feeling of tightness or pressure in the chest); pain behind the breast bone, sometimes spreading to the neck and shoulders and sometimes accompanied by fever; shortness of breath; difficulty breathing; peeling skin or skin redness; severe blisters and bleeding in lips, mouth, nose and genitals.

this is incredibly better than the sides of aspirin lmao, and this is for a drug that goes from 40 to 100 mg a day, we are talking about 2.5 to 5 mg a day here. I will take slightly altering my blood pressure which most likely will still lie between the ideal range than systematically blocking DHT if I can. Also a lot cheaper. And we do know long term effects, oral min has been out since 1979, now being phased out because we have better drugs to treat hypotension, not because its unsafety.
I know fin works. But I also know sometimes you can have great results just by using min, blood flow might be the main cause of diffuse thinning, DHT levels might not be the main cause. I saw good results just by using essential oils before, and their main effect is enhanced blood flow.
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dipshit. oral minoxidil is not the same as topical you fucking idiot. but go ahead, i don’t give a shit. topical has less systemic absorption than oral.

>essential oils

>blud flow might be the cause of thinning!

>oral minoxidil doesn’t have serious health risks!!

>fin stinks ill stick with 5mg of oral minoxidil!

i am 22, just came out from a heavy stress related job and a city with hard water that made me lose a bitt of my hair. my hair is thinning but MPB runs genetically in my family. should i get my blood and shit checked in case or start minoxidil asap? i have been living a rather unhealthy life for the past 3 years. i have bought a spray version of minoxidil but the thought of losing what i have during the shed phase and generally just going out for events or dates during the shed phase worries me the fuck out. my hair line is basically the same just that I have hair thinning going on which is very noticeable under very harsh lighting.
Fin has given me ED, which I'm on a viagra prescription for now, and also given me permanently puffy nipples. Bad enough that I am selective with my clothing now out of embarassment. Stop talking like nothing bad can ever come from these drugs because when something goes wrong, you, the random person on the internet, cannot do anything to help the person going through the issues.
another thing is i noticed baby hairs growing on my hairline in the last few weeks, should i wait it out and see if my hair becomes better since i am out of the stressful environment or just hop on minoxidil?
>Most of the adverse events were related to the use of topical minoxidil. Thus, to focus on reports of patients under LDOM, we further restricted the search adding the term Loniten (minoxidil tablet; Pfizer). We found a total of 8 Loniten-related adverse events in the use for alopecia. All of them were classified as serious. The female/male proportion was reversed to 1:3. Half of the patients were older than 70 years, and only 3 required hospitalization. None of the patients died.
Oh wow, shiver me timbers! I'll never drive a car or take the stairs either. I'm young and healthy, have no history of heart issues in my family. Stop misleading people. https://doi.org/10.1159/000531890
>topical has less systemic absorption than oral
which is why it works better, you absorb as much min from taking 1.25 mg of oral min than 5% topical. Simply smarter, cheaper and more convenient than topical applications, and studies show better results going higher than 1.25 or 5% topical applications.
repeating well known facts is now a counter argument?
maybe you should have stayed fit, are you still on it? people say saw palmetto fucks them up too and ive been megadosing it for years with zero issues
you’re a moron, cool essay though yeah, it has less systemic absorption, which is a good thing lol you’re too stupid to have a conversation with
it literally is from the same response paper you cited retard, next time at least open the links you cite and read the abstract. It is a safe drug at low dosages if you don't have heart complications or hypertension. Topical min has less absorption overall, simply because the scalp has thick epidermis and is not the best at absorbing drugs. Let me put it in terms even an uncultured retard like you can understand: topical application of min will result in less min being present in the hair follicles than by oral assumption of min. X ml of 5 mg of topical min applied on your scalp results in less absorbed min than X ml of 5 mg of oral fin. And since min effects are proven to be positively correlated to its dosage, you are simply using a subpar method which entails greasy hair, time and money wasted. You do you faggot.
Stayed on fin or stayed fit? Who said I'm not fit? I've always been naturally lean and had been going to the gym for 2 years when I started fin. I've actually had issues with oral min as well, which I haven't mentioned yet, and I'm modifying the dose to half a tablet and considering just stopping for good.

All I'm saying is you shouldn't talk recklessly like issues cannot come from these drugs, because when something bad happens to the person, there isn't shit that you, the random anon, can do to help them.
bro those are your hairs shrinking and dying, get on fin and min now before they regrow as almost invisible colorless strands and finally die off.
how much should one take anon
>I'm in my late 30s

Why the fuck do you lie anonymously lmao
I look almost exactly like the left one, legit looks like a picture of me aside from the earring and ear shape. Good to know if I took TRT I'd look like a fucking Space Marine.
so you’re unable to masturbate now too, right?
Is Hims better than Keeps?
I'm 6'2", 235 gymmaxxed, justshaveit (head and face, no basedbeard around here); last weekend at the club I literally walked up to a girl that was talking to a 6'3"-6'4" diffuse thinner lanklet with the most ridiculous combover I've EVER seen - even worse than my own when I was in peak cope mode - and snatched her away from him mid sentence lol. She had her tongue down my throat 10 minutes later and I fucked her shortly after.

I can only imagine how many hundreds of dollars a month that guy spends to get substandard results vs. my investment in a $50 pair of clippers lol
fat and bald cope larp

But enough about yourself kek
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is it over bros? what do?
if you're white, you have this hairline. it's just apart of the whole being white thing
prreeetty sure it’s balding

anything from 1 to 5 mg per day is the recommended dosage. You should start with 1 or 1.25 and work your way up increasing the dosage after a couple of months to see if you don't develop any side effects (which will disappear as soon as you stop taking min by the way). That's what some dermatologists suggest. Most people I have heard start from 2.5 mg. You should split whatever dosage you take in two, and take one half in the morning and the other before bed. This way you have min circulating for 8 hours per day instead of 4.
i also do have a lot of white hairs. can i hope on min for 3-4 months then start fin? i know minoxidil has a shedding phase so i thought i will get it out of the way first. also fin isn't available in my country and i am moving to a different country in a few months where fin is available. is that fine?
>You should split whatever dosage you take in two, and take one half in the morning and the other before bed.
like break the tablet in half?
Does it make sense to take 0.5 mg of Dutasteride every 5 days to get an effect comparable to 0.1 mg (which would be comparable to 5 mg fin)?
im talking about liquid
yes or in 4, depending on the tablets mg. They sell tablet splitters at pharmacies
the 5% topical solution has 50 mg/mL. If you want to drink it, do the math to obtain from 1 to 5 mg. You should get some sort of precise volume measuring tool otherwise you may fuck up the dosage
no, you don't accumulate drugs usually, so you can't compensate x amount of drug daily by taking it all at once weekly. It's important for drugs to be bioavailable for a period of time.
try oral fin + topical min + roller for a year, brought my hairline back but no more than that

i still have the thin hair and big forehead that i was born with though
>try oral fin + topical min
can this fix diffuse thinning? my hairline has receded a bit but hair thinning is the most prominent issue. i have been leading an unhealthy lifestyle for the past 3 years. my vit D and hemoglobin is fine should i just hop on min and fin or get other shit tested first?
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This makes me want to buy more foam
looking at your pic in >>18124076
you look young and i don't think its diffuse thinning, but if noticing a recession in your corners i would consider finasteride.

go get blood work done first with a doctor first and ask bro about medication, you might not even need it to fix your hair.
I can still masturbate. My erections are drastically weaker and I can observe it literally deflating within 10 seconds. I only actually accepted I had ED when I was actually trying to have sex and couldn't. However, my usual fap position of sitting in a chair seems to help it stay up a bit better.

Even though it hasn't happened with previous sex partners, I'm praying this is mostly psychological and my dick gets back to 100%. I was also shocked to find out that apparently oral min can affect your dick since I only ever saw it brought up in fin conversations. I still take a low dose of min tho, kek.

The min problems I had
-took a drastic hit to my cardio and became breathless a lot easier

-palpitations, which has actually stopped thinking about it now

-got diagnosed with asthma a couple months after starting oral min. I don't want to jump to saying min caused this, but this was the only change to my lifestyle around this period and with the decreased cardio ability, I'd struggle to not attribute the asthma to this. my lung capacity/measurement or whatever it's called is over 110%, which the doctor was saying was very good.
>can this fix diffuse thinning?
Medical therapy is ideal for this, fixing diffuse thinning with a transplant would consume a lot of grafts which would be better spent around the hairline.
What are some things that I should ask my doctor to test for if I have diffuse thinning and a bald spot on my crown? I'm 26 btw, starting oral fin + topical min + rolling.
18 for me... NW2 already
>have a balding scare last year
>hop on fin
>discover it was just seb derm
>hair is a stable nw2
>none of my relatives ever went bald
>still obsessed with my hair now
>constantly check for regression like it's gonna randomly appear one day
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bros can anyone reccomend a good catlogue / site for haircut ideas to show the barber?

I want to get a crewcut with faded sides (to work with my flat hair on top thanks to early stage thinning but thick ass sides and back)

thanks in advance
so you don’t have ED then
only thing worth getting from either is fin tablets dont bother with the sprays, get whatever is cheaper

>topical application of min will result in less min being present in the hair follicles than by oral assumption of min.

Why would that be the case? Yes you scalp has thick epidermis. But oral minoxidil has to go through your stomach acid, go into your bloodstream, then a fraction of it may end up reach your scalp.
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You apply 50mg (1ml) of topical minoxidil on your scalp twice a day to accomplish what 5mg of oral minoxidil once daily does, and that's assuming you're a topical responder at all.
nta MPB runs in my family but they all started balding well into their late 30s. i am just 21 and my hair has thinned a lot after some stressfull work shit and unhealthy lifestyle during my college years. should i get my blood test done first just to check if its Telogen effluvium because i dont want to jump the gun and invest my lifetime into hair medications. i heard shit is really toxic for cats and dogs and i really want to get a cat when i get a place of my own.
It's a cope from people who didn't take fin when it was time.
I've read that rosemary oil can have the same effects as minoxidil, true or not?
Can confirm. My hair is nice and thick again on fin + minox, but my hairline is firmly frozen at nw 1.5.
This is an improvement though.
>Erectile dysfunction is a common problem where a man finds it hard to get or keep an erection. The main symptom of erectile dysfunction is not being able to get or keep an erection.

Bitch, I just told you I can't fuck. My erections are super weak and I can barely keep it up. It is slightly better when sitting in a chair masturbating but I'm still struggling.

I've been assessed and prescribed medication by a doctor to combat this. It's my hope/cope this is psychological, but you are not in the position to say. Stop talking reckless.
true it has the same effects but it isnt as good as minoxidil in actually regrowing hair. it is also compared to the 2% variant of minoxidil which isnt the ones doctors prescribe.
He went from looking 20yo to looking like a golem, his lifespan was probably cut 20yo as well.
>seb derm
this was what started me on being obsessed with hair and taking all these hair loss drugs. I dont even know if I'd truly be balding but i'm too scared to fully stop now

did you overcome/ successfully manage your seb derm?
stay away from minoxodil if you want a cat. finasteride will be fine inside a pill bottle.
I think I have seborrheic dermatitis, but it's not severe, I just get some flakes in the back of my head and some in my mustache if I don't moisturize. I finished my keto shampoo recently, I don't think that's what's causing my diffuse thinning. How long should I be taking keto shampoo before I see sings of regrowth? I only seem to lose more
min will be fine inside a pill bottle too, stop taking topical.
baldbros what do we think about piercings? i've been thinking of getting a simple loop earring for a very, very long time, nearly a decade. i just think it looks cool and now that i'm buzzing my head i think it would be a pretty dope accessory. might buy a clip-on and wear it out on a couple of occasions just to see how it goes over before i commit to the bit. only steel/silver though because it has to match my watch
Just grow hair, it'll look better.
Have a full head of hair (22) and noticed some strands coming out. Just got a prescription from derma for fin, what am I in for?
I also got shampoo for seborrheic derma
If minoxodil is just a phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor then can I just take oral Cialis instead and get boners and hair?
I'm trying saw palmetto hopefully it's not a waste of my time, I don't have a prescription for finasteride, and am too lazy to jump through hoops to get it.
How did you find out you had serb derm? I had some red pimples, greasy white buildup on my crown and a my ends were damaged to hell and back, I bought a shampoo called dermarest and it went away for now I think. But initially it itched like crazy and only the shampoo would help, I ended up shedding a shit ton of hair from November to December of last year, that was up until I got a short haircut and soon thereafter the shedding stopped, not sure what the hell's going.
>4 months of 0.25mg oral fin and 1 x topical min daily
>hair feels significantly thicker but hairline has crept back at the temples a bit
is this normal? hope this is just the shedding phase and not permanent
nw2 is kino, i wouldn’t worry about it
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as someone using saw palmetto, you have to find one that says at least 80% standardized fatty acids (or something along those lines) and also a strong one, i recommend this one, coupled with nizoral, 10 000mcg biotin, and k2+d3 and minox if you’re not going to use fin
Anyone esle lost a fuckton of hair after an year of minoxishit even after being on finasteride for much longer?
You don't metabolize topical min properly when taking it orally, that is retarded and you're putting your heart and kidney to risk
meh, let them die at 35
there is pretty much no way to stop frontal baldness, all the "balding is voluntary" people are diffuse thinners
complete bullshit
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Right side seems okay but left side looks like it's starting to go. Guess I'll get back on fin. I hate this
Get rid of that almost mono brow first
It's not a unibrow it's just the angle of the photo
Also damn, when I have even lighting it doesn't look so bad. But it looks kinda shitty so I'll get on fin anyway
let me guess, you sleep on the bottom side
Ever since I've started browsing this site I've noticed a lot of people are prematurely balding and don't even know it, last night on the bus I saw a young woman's (18-21 at best) middle part looking very sparse and I could even see that it was starting to spread to her side, but she seemed blissfully unaware of the fact, and it's not like you can just go up to some random person and say "bro you're balding hop on fin stat!".
yeah it really sucks, you notice the signs and then you see them on yourself and while you can save yourself, you can't save others.
Men get very defensive and angry when you try to finpill them.
dont shave it off
this is who you are
dont embrace
if you're not shedding your diseased hair for healthy thick hair, you're doing it wrong!
Insecure zoomers who think they're gonna live forever. You're going bald in your 20s, so what? If it had started 10 or 15 years later what would you have gained? Certainly nothing by your own merits. Stop focusing on external circumstances and turn your gaze inward. Fashion is fun but it's all just a game. Retards take the game too seriously and lose sight of what's actually important in life. A balding man is like a wabi-sabi ceramic pot.
I legit blame anime for the hair obsession among younger generation, it's very popular with teenagers and every anime character has perfect hair
Idk man, I saw a study that showed that finasteride was the least likely to stop working over time for Type M balding (hairline receders), was most likely to lose efficacy for diffuse thinners, and Vertex (crown) type thinners were somewhere in the middle.
I advice anyone considering taking meds for purely cosmetic/aesthetic reasons to think twice because side effects are often much worse than the thing you were initially fighting.
>weight loss drugs
>corticosteroids and other hormonal treatments
99% chance you were psyop'd by big pharma agents to be insecure about the most mundane things.
100% you're not remotely as knowledgeable about human biology as you think.
Also you probably look fine and just need to take your hygiene/fitness/style more seriously.
>just take your hygiene/fitness/style more seriously and your baldness will go away bro trust me im hella knowledgeable about human biology ive watched over 50 utube vids about it
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Anyone here had heart palpitations right before falling asleep? I started taking oral minox a little over a week ago and it has happened to me twice so far, noticed my whole body shaking right as I was dozing off.
Maybe I should lower the minox dosage? Been taking 3-4 drops.
stop taking oral minox dipshit, it doesn’t metabolize the same as topical, isn’t your sex drive worth risking more than you’re fucking life?
I've only ever had increased heart rate after taking like 10mg (8 drops) at night and it kept me up and made me really horny, you're supposed to start with 1 and work up to 2.5 or 5 after making sure you can tolerate it.

will you fuck off already?
I bet you're one of those hyperchondriacs who gets ED just from being in the same room as a fin tablet
I started at 2 drops and didn't notice any trouble whatsoever, was a little impatient and quickly worked my way up to 3, and now 4 where I planned to stay.
Just took another 4 drops but if the palpitation shit keeps happening I guess I'll go back to 3 drops or try taking it in the morning instead of the evening.

I'd rather not take it at all than apply it to my head every day.
Are you taking it twice a day?
I wouldn't, 5mg stays in your blood for an exponentially longer period of time than if you took 2.5mg.
Nah I've been taking it just once a day.
I was taking it in the morning at first but I had some fluid retention one day and decided to try taking it around 8PM instead. Don't know if minox was even causing it, maybe I had too much bread that day or something.
What time of day do you like taking it?
In the morning usually, I never had fluid retention or face bloating though.
you fell for the psyop, now pay a life time subscription to companies to sooth your feelings.
fin is dirt cheap tho, like $35 a year if you buy 5mg tablets, if you take quarters like 3 times a week then thats like $15 a year, literally nothing to have hair and keep away the negative effects of DHT on the male body
he’s bald and seething
yeah but I wanna look like a zoomer twink scene kid, hairline/forehead was fucked since birth too
>5mg stays in your blood for an exponentially longer period of time than if you took 2.5mg.

Thats for oral minoxidil which is designed to slowly release in your body, topical oral minoxidil just spikes in your blood shortly after you take it jfl
>had long hair my whole life
>turn 25 and start losing hair rapidly
>can't grow any sort of real facial hair
unironically how do i fucking cope, it's been part of my identity for as long as i remember and it's making me want to off myself
NTA but the bitch whore doctor I spoke to refused to prescribe me the 5mg so here I am paying 8 times the price for 1mg. I cut them in half though so it's not that bad.
How long does minox shed last if I'm a slow responder?
Mine lasted a month but it wasn't that bad because I had just come out of a fin shed.
then your only option is a HT which could end up looking worse, or dutasteride minox and dermarolling, that’s the only way you’re getting back to nw1, there are plenty of “cute” boys with receded hairlines though, just look at young jude law or harry styles
i'm not less of a person for being bald, and neither are you.
Your hair follicles are diseased and you are not whole.
neither of these statements are true, but they are likely coping mechanisms for your own anxieties and so i hope that you are able to find peace within yourself and can allow yourself to be happy with your body image.
You're gonna be in here in a few years begging for nonpharmaceutical ways to undo your butt ugly horseshoe.
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>went on fin+min for nearly 2 years long time ago
>5mg fin and 5% min
>did nothing (but no sides)

>tried again, 4 months in
>1.25mg fin (know better now), 5% min
>also doing the beard simultaneously
>absolutely nothing again, even the beard despite 0 DHT being there

then I came to the realization that the min is just not effective for me because my scalp is not absorbing it correctly due to poor sulfotransferase enzyme activity, not because my DHT is aggressively counteracting it (my hair loss was never aggressive) since the beard is not getting any growth either

gonna order the Derminator 2 and try to find tretinoin online without a prescription and apply both for maximum boost to this, hopefully it makes a difference
If I do oral minoxidil will I still require finasteride?
I took fin for 5 years and it shrunk my dick. Don't do it bros
yes, eventually your hair loss accelerates and overtakes min's ability to stimulate and prolong anagen hair growth
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How long is just min enough?
I can't fathom the thought process behind someone willing to take oral minoxidil which can literally kill you over fin which only gives ED to people who psyche themselves out and has numerous health -benefits- that come with taking it

so long as I can get back to pre-hairloss thickness I'm fine because I'm gonna have a fringe anyway
>tfw seb derm and genetic hairloss
This shit has ruined my life. I barely leave the house anymore
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i just turned 35 and i'm basically between NW1-NW2, it's been this way, maybe a little worse over the last couple of years. nobody on my mother's side of the family is bald, my dad has a full head of hair at 65 and my grandpa died last year with a full head of hair at 93.

should i get on fin/min to preemptively prevent any hair loss? i keep seeing people talk about it, online, at work, on billboards at work (i drive a train for a living and see billboards all day long). i might just be getting brainworms from overexposure, but i'm scared bros
Fin haters = "muh dick", pretty much.
Either forget about it and shave it off with the tradeoff of becoming completely invisible to 99% of women, or do something about it and hop on fin.
Do guys with post finasteride syndome notice slowed down / halted hair loss after stopping the drug?

I quit fin 1 year ago and I expected my hair to fall out but it hasn't.
It takes a while for the chemical assault and resulting inflammation to kill the follicles. It took 20~ years the first time around? I'd expect the longer you were on fin the longer it'll take for the hair to fall out again
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Keeps is so slimy, I have to keep disabling auto renew and then threaten to move my prescription to Costco so they can give me this decent price.
Does anyone have a good norwood 2 short hair pic? I'm going to cut it all down tomorrow, I can't stand this shit. Every time it takes me 20 minutes minimum to style them properly to hide the receding temples, and there's always a bunch of hair falling down every time (20+ easily)
Tempted to go for something like pic rel, would it look good on someone at norwood 2-2.5?
just disabled auto-renew cus it reverted back to $80, my fake chatbot keeps doctor wants to renew my prescription for another year, I answered like 3 questions asking if fin was making me depressed (lmao), it didn't even require me to submit progress pics, i clicked submit and it autobilled me for $5.

Just sent them another email asking to move my prescription to costco so they'll keep giving me the discounted price for the next few months.
This shit is so annoying, I'm really tempted to buy years worth of 5mg fin from indian pharma sites so I won't have to play this shitty prescription gatekeeping game for years to come.
>Kevin Mann got depression because of finasteride
>pls dont go we'll give you 50% discount for the next year (that'll be $40 every 3 months)

friendly reminder to avoid keeps or any other telemedicine site that sells the same fin they're prescribing to you
gonna keep insisting they move my prescription to costco until they budge
>fin is dirt cheap tho
it's a BILLION dollar profit industry for the people trying to tap into the market of getting men to pay for the rest of their life for shit they don't need.
They are transparent, comfortable, and can be worn throughout the day. Simply place the tape on your eyelid where you want the lift, and it will create the appearance of a more open and defined eye. https://glaminati.com/
What's the optimal derma roller length?
>hi we're hearing what ur saying we're just gonna canceled ur subscription bye

I hate these people
Drop in the bucket for Merck. Generics cannibalize their profits. Only 8 mil prescriptions in the US. There really are no people trying to tap into the market since it's generic and you can't jack the prices. Keeps & Hims are the only ones and they're relying on naivete of people who saw an ad on TV not knowing how cheap the drug proper is. I doubt they make billions.

They might not need it, but it's good to have an alternative to being a baldie crab on /fa/ seething over it.
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started balding 4-5 years ago, it stopped two years ago and just now i'm starting treatment with fin and min. What can I expect going forward? Will I be able to grow my hair long and hide the vegeta temples?
what are you talking about
justin theroux it
You can expect to bounce back but it will take several years of fin and min, also it's probably not going to give you your teenage hairline back at this stage but at least you won't horseshoe.

I'm also curious, men who have hair that looks this short and thinned out, does it just naturally grow slowly and then shed at this length or are they regularly getting haircuts to keep it that short length?
Does picrel have receded temples?
Tempted to get that haircut (I'm norwood 2)
Yes, temples are gone but I don't see balding, this dude is NW0 with a widows peak.
What do you think looks best for a NW2-3 (no vortex) guy with a beard?
It can grow indefinetly in my experience, it's just way slower
minoxidil will solve both of your problems
just take oral minoxidil, dummy
I already showed you the data and you keep ignoring it and being a fucking retard misleading people. Kys
1 mm once a week
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Decided fuck all and shaved it
I feel like I have an alien skull, thoughts?
He's literally canceling himself because someone dug up some posts he made 10 years ago, literally nobody on reddit cares about that, what a fucking histronic retard, if he didn't steer me toward saving my hair I would be pressing S to spit, this whole thing is disappointing to see.
Nah, you look good, bro. Your skull shape is almost perfect, don't worry about it. Time to grow your beard a bit longer and maybe hit the gym if you haven't yet, and believe me, all chicks will be yours. Your neck looks masculine af.
How do I lose hair faster? I like the horseshoe look but I don't like these middle stages.
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TRT accelerates the process.
looks good desu, but beard is pube-tier. also, keep in mind the 5 oclock shadow of your hair right now is making it 20x more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, it wont look as good when it’s shiny and hairless
that is obviously balding and you also don’t know what a fucking widows peak is
My doctor was so fucking useless when it came to balding, was losing my hair for a short while, head was full of red pimples, had some kind of greasy build up on my crown which when I scratched it with my nail revealed this greasy white shit that smelled awful, told my GP about it and the she said "uhh just use conditioner I dunno lol". Word of advice, if your doctor is an African female who speaks with an accent, switch docs asap, don't deal with diversity hires. I wonder now if my hair loss was telogen effluvium.
Ty anons
>but beard is pube-tier
True but that's how mine grows, tried oil/brushing it but it stays like that, maybe in few years it'll get better
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>NW 1.5
I don't care what you take, just want you to realize how good you have it and want you to be grateful you lived your youthful years without worrying about hair loss. While the Norwood Reaper was busy destroying the lives of millions of teenagers, you were spared in your 20s and left to frolic carefree in the sunshine with your beautiful follicles left intact. Unfortunately, the Reaper spares none and he is beginning to knock at your door, but you were spared for most of your developmental years, and with finasteride you can keep him at bay. I wish your hair follicles a long and healthy life in your scalp and wish you the best on your journey, soldier.
I've heard good things about blasting creatine, the hair loss is immediate.

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