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Is MDE/Sam Hyde's current art style cool or embarrassing? Sincere and naive or ironic?
it's BA$ED & GIGAPILL'D 9000
You know how they say beauty is a reflection of one’s soul? Well have you seen what his group of friends look like?
They’re all ugly looking people, so it shouldn’t be so surprising that the art they produce is of the same nature.

I don’t dislike them at all as people it’s just an honest observation.
I mean, it’s not bad, it’s kind of unsettling to look at but not to the point that I just don’t want to look at it. Does it job and reflects Sam’s thing, I guess.
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on the subject of MDE aesthetics, how did the editing team accomplish this analog video effect and have it be in 4K? there's no way its just a filter.
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it looks very web 1.0 of which I approve
i personally love his HWD transitions. im trying to create stuff in that style as a way to learn more about after effects and photoshop
this particular one is not super strong, but the mondo megabits stuff is fantastic as nearly every design to come out of mde is. especially the stuff from @konzept.globe
i'd imagine he ran the final thing through some analog equipment like a vcr or something, remember he said he hates doing stuff the cheap way and that there's no filter that can convincingly do this kind of stuff
there was a pic that was probably on his old instagram of him in a room sitting on an office chair with something on his lap smoking a pipe, i'd imagine that had something to do with it
It could have been rescanned - meaning you use high quality CRT like Sony Wega and then record the CRT screen with 4K camera and put it back to video editor to get this look.

Could have also used Blackmagic Intensity video capture card.
those are literally all subjective, like seriously you cant form your own opinion? do you like it or not? Im not a sam hyde fan but hes been doing graphic design for years so I highly doubt its "naive"
wanting to spark discussion and hear opinions
>can't you not form your own opinion?
It's cool but really nothing that should inspire anyone

It's basically an ironic amalgamation of his entire upbringing on dah computaaz put to mograph
what in the web 1.0 is this shit
can't you see?!
it's le cool!
me too, its his best work.
the average person is ugly
social media destroyed the soul of everybody pretty
its the weird goofy people that make cool shit
no the average person is, by definition, average.
If everyone was ugly then that would then be the average. Most people you'd meet walking down the street aren't models, but you don't wince by seeing their faces either.

His friends are ugly as fuck tho lmao, inside and outside
average people are now much below average (pushing ugly) because of soft foods corn syrup diet messing up our jaws and dna from birth, and our fucked up social media ideals
Thanks doc
Dude his stuff has always been sick and innovative, the problem is he's a fucking child and is physically unable to be forthright. Everything he makes has to be behind 20 gorillion layers of irony or instantly retorted with some stupid blackpill shit. Take this clip video for example https://youtu.be/5sKW_E25qBE?si=lvlMEshrX0Bh8egT interesting monologue about transcendental artwork and the human condition up until five minutes where he realizes he's being too vulnerable and instantly goes into the "women can't do this only men can" shit. Same thing with this tee design. It's a weird, technophilic, flashy in your face design that has so much potential but, it just needs to the word "chike" on it, okay? Would be so much better if he could drop the /pol/ humor and create cool shit apolitically
so much this! I appreciate your honest, human take!
Does anyone know what this design style name is?
ever see the face of a beautiful woman?

its very simple and delecate and when you try to draw it, you find it is much more difficult that youd think, so instead, you decide to draw the most hideous renditon of the human form possible...

yeah thats what this looks like... its just a bunch of crap slapped together
it's trying too hard

He doesn't do the bumpers for HWD, most of those are konzept.globe

This. Over the years I've learned to appreciate less complex design as long as it's creative.phdm
Does Sam even do motion gfx anymore? Seems like he juat pays other people to do it now.
The stock is definitely in a downward trajectory. Only held up by sam being good at avoiding mainstream memes - these always die in cringe within long.
He still slips up, like when he allows his team to dub the massively overrused black man exaggerated laugh audio (the "oh no no no" one) into his videos.

Sam just isn't cutting edge any more, and he only focuses on perfecting what he sees as the peak of his aesthetic, and his advice giving internet dad persona. We don't need more of those. The only funny thing he's done in the last 5 years is the video from the boxing fight where he says he's coming for Hasan Piker "in real life"
World Peace graphics are still some of the best I've ever seen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT8vPNsrACo
I forgot to mention the saddest part, these graphics were what Sam submitted that he made with Pomp&Clout but all the text and WP logos were erased and only the cast names left. Sad stuff.
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Have an updoot!
Have some gold, kindly stranger
The question was about his art style
John stupid

These anons all have it right-

-and once you accept that, the fact that >>453573 doesn't comment exclusively
"about his art style" makes perfect sense; all of that extraneous bullshit is camouflage for having no cohesive "art style" that is independent from monkey dance "edgy" pandering to zoomer poltard fanboy sensibilities.


His "art style" is disjointed sophomoric vapidity.

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