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Anal, anus, butts
Straight only
Previous: >>7411224
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Admiral: "Kuuu...! It's just as tight as your pussy..."

Admiral: "Your guts are...squeezing my whole dick!"

Admiral: "To think I'd get the chance to use both holes at this age. I even get to mess up your ass."

Inazuma: "E-even so, Admiral..."

Admiral: "See, the depths of your guts are swallowing it up..."

Inazuma: "No...that's...embarrassing!"

I spent way too long trying to understand the third line and I just don't get it. It could mean "this year," but I think they would use 今年 to say that instead. So "this age" or "this old age" makes more sense. So I read the first part of the line as "(at this age)(two holes)(to think that)" followed by "(ass)(even)(tear up/turn inside out)." The line seems to be extremely dependent on how you fill in the gaps. Disclaimer: I might also be incredibly stupid and missing something obvious/important.

"Eh? You want a reward, huh...?"

"Well then...how about I make you into a servant that's chained to my butthole?"

"Ahh! More, more deeply!"

Why do you keep posting this trap
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because it's a really cute pic
and it's a reverse trap, not a trap
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My favorite anal doujin of all time
Is it really a doujin if it's only one page though?
It's a page from one of my favorite doujins
Thanks for clarifying!
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yes, please
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(SC49) [Ajisaidenden (Kawakami Rokkaku, Takanashi Rei)] Oshiri de Yin-chan Hon (Darker than Black: The Black Contractor) [English] [biribiri]
Why are we having this thread in duplicate?
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cuz its cool or sth
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I haven't seen this anywhere yet 1/8
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so what's the sauce?
isimiso fanbox
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I have to do a double take each time this bitch gets posted because I don't know if it's Patchouli or her at first glance.
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Woman: "Nnnuuu..."
Woman: "Ohh!"
Woman: "Ooohh!"
Woman: "My deepest parts!!"
Woman: "Are being hit...!!"
Woman: "Yah, aaahh, ahh!"
Woman: "Hah, aaaahh!"

Woman: "Amazing...I can feel it in my stomach..."
Woman: "More...!"
Woman: "Please, thrust as hard as you can!!"
Man: "I quit."
Woman: "What the hell!?"
Man: "I'll keep fucking you if you join our organization."

Man: "Of course, I won't force you to say it."
Woman: "Their...organization..."
Man: "As it stands, you're also free to live as our test subject."
Woman: ".....I'll..."
Man: "What will you do?"
Woman: "Ah!"
Woman: "Ah!"
Woman: "beg..."
Woman: "I beg you!"

Woman: "I'll join!!"
Woman: "I'll become part of your organization!!"
Woman: "So move!!"
Woman: "Please...!"

Woman: "Cum..."
Woman: "mmingg...Oh!!"
Man: "I didn't even move and you're still cumming anyway."
Woman: "Aahhh..."
Man: "Well then, as promised, I'm going to fuck you senseless."
Woman: "Mm...haaaa."

*getting fucked noises*

Man: "I'm going to cum soon..."
Woman: "Nuu!?"
Man: "I'm definitely going to knock you up."
Woman: "Mmgoh..."
Woman: "Uguu!"
Woman: "Oh!"
Woman: "Cum! Cum! Cum!"
Woman: "Muoh!!"

Woman: "Oh...!"
Woman: "Muuu...!
Man: "Whoops"
Man: "Don't try to get away."
Woman: "Muguu!?"
Woman: "Muooh!!"
Man: "Ah~ I came..."
Woman: "Uoohh..."
Woman: "Nnoh!!"
God i wanna cum on phat asses of 2hus so badly.

Woman: "Mm!"
Woman: "Mm!"
Woman: "Higuu!!" (not sure if this is her shouting a slurred "iku" or just a sound like "Hnngh!!")
Woman: "Ahnn..."
Woman: "No..."
Woman: "Haa..."
Woman: "Haa..."
Man: "Wow! It sure got wet and messy, huh!"
Man: "Here, clean it off like you always do."
Woman: "Okay...it's so smelly and tasty..."
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I always loved this artist for their depiction of copious amounts of ass juices.
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Wise Ass
[Tomoe Tenbu]
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Is anal good for you?
I read once about someone who pushed a dildo so thick in their ass it pushed against their spine and fixed a back pain problem they had for a while, so I'd say yes.
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Sir, that's a m*ale.
anal thread is the only place that literally doesn't matter
no gay shit means no gay shit dude
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Thank you so much for dumping!
I'm seeing anal pics and backless panty pics itt, but where are the maebari pics?
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"What...this...is completely different from having regular sex..."
"Anal sex...is seriously crazy..."
"Why...does something like this...feel so good..."
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>has never drawn anal
What a hack
sauce? no hits with reverse image search
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The artist is joedongsook. They're my absolute favorite anal artist, by far.
One of my faves too. Love the drawing style.
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this is the highest quality hentai manga I have read in years in terms of the art. He makes other artists look either lazy or untalented.

where did you get the pics you're posting? I can't find them online
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never mind I found it.
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they are so fucking good at drawing buttfucking it's nuts. too many artists show the dick go like 1/4 of the way in, but with this guy, you can see how these girls are getting wrecked
Artist: Norihito
Was gonna post this shit to kemono but it's dead and importing doesn't work

He drew a series of 5 girls with 5/6 images each, and it's loosely based on "virgins doing anal". Hot shit.

According to google translate this one has a fondness for making out with a cock deep up her ass
This is the only one i'm posting out of respect for the artist. Love the curves he gives to characters. I think this is the first time he did anal-focused content.
Good shit anon, thanks.
I remember now that anal focus series with Sekirei.
Do these anus exposing and pussy covering panties have a special name? Asking for research purposes
Maebari or backless panties.
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backless panties
maebari is just a sticker
Fucking great artist. Here's a quick translation of the last page, if you like to fap to numbers or something.
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These numbers don't add up.
they're not orthogonal
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Backless panties, some tag them as V-back in pixiv
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Post x-ray/internal view of anal
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Great stuff.
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Bless you anon
I'm trying to find more poses kinda like this anyone know what the position is called
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You're a man of culture, what an amazing doujin!
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Kemono is up again btw, they fixed the importer.
But sadly that artist's page hasn't been updated in a while so it doesn't have the posts from that series.
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I wish someone would update Namidame's fanbox.
I like stealth/casual anal
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My absolute favorite is Missionary anal with leglock, but its so niche i only have a small amount of images for it.
( sauce is : Berochuu Daisuki Mei-chan)
This is Mei-chan right? Excellent taste
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Do you have a source for that translation? Can't find it on sadpanda
Anyone got that Hu Tao picture where she takes it in the ass then is squatting and pushing out cum after?
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Anyone have the full fantia set of this? https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116288689
This isn't request
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You can use saucenao to reverse image search
This is /aco/ stuff, not /h/ at all
It didn't work
then you did it wrong, try to stop being retarded first
The only retard is u
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The design is very human
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Harmonist11 has some nice stuff if you like rape.
Speaking of which, he started hosting his stuff again on Gumroad, and he has a code for 45% off. I wonder if I could amass a group to purchase his stuff and host it on kemono.party so it's not lost to time or extra paywalls. Unfortunately, my 3rd world money won't cover everything.
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Cry harder
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maebari is better than anal
It's hotter, yes.
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??? A girl who indicates she wants anal by eliminating pussy from the menu isn't hotter than just plain anal? Please explain.
Ask ur mom
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Legs look like she got armament haki
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Based af
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Shinzui Vol. 5
Anyone know why Ppolar don't have a dedicated tag for him ?. I check hitomi exhentai and even kemono but can't find any trace of him there most of his uploard are untag when it come to artist
After the animal abuse case in court no one likes him
> the animal abuse case in court
please elaborate
It's a matter of public record
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I love internal shots like these, great stuff
the way this artist draws assholes makes pussy obsolete
can you explain more ? Try to find more about that animal abuse thing but nothing show up with his name
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I want her anal autograph
Ywn have it
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>the best Asagi's anal ended up being a fan animation
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