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What is Teaching Feeling (Dorei to no Seikatsu)? An eroge where you take in a young "broken bird" slave who was abused by her former master, and heal her heart and soul. Fall in love with the endearing Sylvie as she learns to feel again, trust others, and fall in love (and lust).

Previous Thread >>7434534

v4.0 is out, but no translation or mod porting work has started.

>Ray-Kbys (creator)

>Buy 4.0.x
>PayPal can be used; just buy enough points and exchange them for the game

>Changelog / FAQ for oldfags

>TransFix Anon's MEGA
>3.0.22 English TL / Modpack
>Linux Ports
>Tyrano Player for Android (try JoiPlay if you encounter problems)

>3.0.22 Mods List
>Check \Teaching Feeling 3.0.22\modpack info.txt in link above

>Updating TF / Installing TL & Mods

----- Older versions -----
>Download 3.0.0:
>Download 2.5.2:
>2.5.2 English TL / Mods
>Buy 1.9.2
>1.9.2 English TL + Mods

>Story about the "official" 1.7.9 English release (download link at the end):

>Butterfly Affection English (another Ray game)

>Archive of Ray / Sylvie stuff
>v4.0 is out, but no translation or mod porting work has started.
Correction - work on the v4.0.6 translation patch started in early 2023, but I had to take a break, so not much has been done since then. I'm back, so you can expect at the very least a trickle of updates every so often.
You can get it here:

Latest changes:
>More lines translated
>Made some progress on cleaning up & translating the "bgimage" images
>Found some uncensored images for the Doggy-style sex scenes (Hx_back) in the old 4.0 betas, so I included them
>Fixed the long-standing Tyrano bug that made it impossible to start the game if you had a corrupted config save file (the one that stores sound volume, text scroll speed and etc. - not the other one with game data). If the game now happens upon such a corrupted file, it will just overwrite it with a new one. This fix has also been ported to the v3.0.22 and v2.5.2 translation patches.
>A yet-untested x64 Linux executable for the v4.0.6, so you can play it natively on Linux (it's the same thing as in the 3.0.22 folder, just ported to 4.0.6)
Her expression is perfect, it's all I ever wanted. Thank you, anon.
Who is Sylvie? For the blind, she is vision. For the hungry, she is sustenance. For the thirsty, she is water. If Sylvie thinks, I agree. If Sylvie speaks, I'm listening. If Sylvie has a million fans, I am one of them. If Sylvie has ten fans, I am one of them. If Sylvie has only one fan, that is me. If Sylvie has no fans, I no longer exist. If the whole world is against Sylvie, I am against the whole world. I will love Sylvie until my very last breath.
Been out of it for over a year and by God the h-scene UI got overhauled big. Font also makes it impossible for me to make out which option is what, so I'll await your updates. Keep up the good work and thank you.
Those last AI posts were actually really good
I think she would be scared of pop rock candy. Among other commodities we have today.
How the fuck does this threat still active despite the game never had an update ?
Im very autistic and i love sylvie
still no competition or spiritual successor
The remakes don't compare either.
time will tell.
I'm a lonely schizo.
This is my home now.
Im curious on why her former master didn't sexually abused her despite the other horrible shit happened to her.Because if you read the text,its stated that Sylvie is virgin when she first having sex with the doctor.
Something weird about these threads is that captures from the game are rarely posted.
Don't you all niggas feel cucked by the fact that your waifu is literally from h game.
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>any character
No? The Sylvie that lives on my PC is special and unique
>How much it would be? I mean seriously
Aotume's 135cm height dolls start at 1,350 USD. They've also got 145cm and 155cm but I don't think you'll care about those.
Customizing them increases the price, but it's possible to keep under 2k as long as you don't opt for silicone, that'll add a good 1,000 or so to the price tag.
Sitting Sylvie in lap, skewered on dick, while headpatting her and feeding her one of the take-home tea snacks, ecstasy from physical pleasure and emotional fulfillment written on her face.

Sylvie is loved, Sylvie is life.
How about a POV shot of the viewer eating her out. Legs around head, her cunny really up close, dripping from her juices and spit. All while she is drunk in pleasure.
I was about to ask if she just sits down on the floor doing nothing all day, but I remembered it's implied she is helping around the house and cooking for you. She really is the best.
not gonna lie dude, not a fan of the pissing
Reverse would be perfect
I have mixed feelings about it, I would drink her piss if it come directly from the source. But a cup? No way. Weird how that works.
I suddenly remember teaching feeling starting 2024 and I have been searching for hours about news of the original artirst, a way of buying the game in english or any sorts of links or news for releases. Finally I know that there is still people who care about this old tale, so thank you a lot. Tomorrow I will see how to install the patch, one question, do I need to buy the 4.0.6 version from DLsite first right?
I see, I'll try it in a couple of hours
What a time to be alive, when Sylvie can be recreated via AI art. Ideally we can get a model that can reliably recreate Ray's style.
If I can set aside some time, I can try to go through every conceivable scene (sex or otherwise) with every possible configuration of clothing, accessories, and hair styles, but that will take quite some time.
My favorite scene by far has to be the second blowjob. The image and descriptions of her struggling to take it all on her little mouth and when she looks back at you with her face and hair covered in cum, that's great stuff.
I miss Sylvie so much.
Aw man, I hadn't noticed that at all. But it's very similar to the "forced" scene style isn't it?
They are both old scenes that weren't reworked. Also the nurse scene.
Hi guys I'm back, got banned for 4 days so that's why I couldn't he able to post

A very nice person bought me a great online AI sub and I just cannot stop generating images, I got your requests ready I didn't forget
Both are absolutely amazing! love how fat her pussy is. And her expression is exactly what I wanted. Thank you man.
So, it's the same method as the patch for installing the modpack and custom clothes? Because I'm trying to do it and it just gives me a very quick screen with stuff in japanese (like when you install the patch) but no restart notification or anything, and of course, neither the modpack or the custom clothes seem to work.
I need mating press creampie now
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I have made some drawings of her getting tummy rubs but I don't think I can post them here. I'm just glad to see getting some love like that.
Its very scuffed and I don't think if the style fits so here's a link:
Very nice. But could be sloppier and messier.
These are all amazing.

I'm torn between asking for something cute or something lewd.
I think seeing her get covered in cum like you can do in the game is pretty hot.
But I also like dressing her up and stuff in cute outfits.
Thanks man! I just love how that dress looks on her, so many bows, I needed to draw her getting some rubs. You are making fantasies come true with that AI, so it's great as well.
that's cute
I love her flat chest. The sweetest little cumslut...
Very hot.
AI stuff is becoming very helpful for abandoned / nearly abandoned stuff.

Thank you
Yeah, I noticed her scars look too bright in the nurse scene. Ray needs to get his shit together.
A little TOO loli for me, but the product looks good.
She looks bored...
Nice job!

I'd say "satisfied"
I just got infected with Sylvie-Rot after stumbling on it in the wild

The translation was rather loose though, lots of the UI and some of the dialogue was still in Japanese.

There seems to be a lot of options as to how to go about things
What version is the best to start with for a English only fag?
3.0.22 has been out for a while. Personally I'd go for that one. There are some useful details about it on the OP.
"Looking again, this town has it's rich and poor as well, doesn't it?"

Only if there was a way to make everyone more equal, Comrade.
I would fuck that loli fuhrer into a coma
Same. Making love to a hurt girl struggling to understand why someone is treating her like a human, that's pretty good.
Dominating a girl drunk with power and knowing her ass will still have my cum in it next time she orders the execution of someone she deems a traitor, that's making me feel new things.
And here I thought I was being a sick fuck for getting off on the fact that Japan doesn't tell its death row prisoners the time of their execution until their final day arrives, on which they get woken up at 4 AM, informed of the death warrant, and led to the gallows.

But then I read your post.
Well, you are getting off on the suffering uncertainty causes the prisoner. I'm more about the power she has as executioner over them.
Oh yeah, because that's soooooooo much better.
Do we know her favorite color? Or has she ever said anything that hints towards that?
You have to choose whether you're American or not, Anon. You can't play for both teams.
Just checked 4.0. I'm amazed at the clothing options but disappointed at the "doggy style" option in bed. It's almost a re-skin of the morning scene. At least it's something new.
it was navy/dark blue.I remember a line when using her clothes with that colour.
Sylvie with Hat Kid face hits different
Hat Kid Sylvie is no more. :(
She gave her last breath after a single image...
Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm not buying it.
No, I mean, I'm not buying the badassery. It feels fake on top of me knowing it's fake.
Yeah now that I look at it again, it feels real weird. I think imma delete that one
Kek, punk Sylvie.
It would actually be kind of funny to see canon Sylvie trying to be punk but failing because of how innocent she is.
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My daughter-wife shouldn't be allowed to be this cute.
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Good stuff. The Mizumizuni style is spot on too.
Holy shit, this is really close to Ray's style, almst indistinguishable. Is this AI-generated?
Sure it is.
Both are fucking amazing, love how embarrassed she looks on the armpit one.
Finally, cute.
Bro got banned again.
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Sylvie had a fever
>Ray-K is working AGAIN on a new color system for clothing.
Nobody asked for this, I can't think of a single instance where I thought "My experience is being limited by the fact I can't have hear wear a HEX#5663b0 dress instead of a HEX#45509a one". Hopefully infinite possible combinations are enough and he can get to work on something actually relevant.
Didn't he...just change that system a version or two ago?
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But new outfits are fun.
This is the third time he will change it, I think.
They are, and there are many cute things (the dotted beret for example) but this menu to pick colors seems excessive.
The UI of this game is still rancid. I don't know if that's because Ray is ass at making an optimized game with reasonable menus or if it's because the translators are fucking with the code in some way to make the game's UI piss.
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Returned from My 3-day vacation, I'm gonna post catbox from now on, it seems some kind of troll likes to report posts of Sylvie ON A SYLVIE thread... Sometimes I just fucking hate how this site works

Anyways guys just look at that, he's adding a clothes system that works with RGB gradient colors and I've seen some kind of post that said he needed to talk with the creator of tyranoscript to be able to add this feature on the code successfully cuz it seems it wasn't supported so the bug delayed the development of the game for two months. Also it seems we're getting a new version somewhere in october-december of this year
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>16 million RGB options
> The same one for everything
Actually painful to look at. But could be cute, hopefully we get seasons one day, it's perfect for a walk in the forest during winter.
Been a few years since I last looked at this game. Is it possible to impregnate her yet?
Keep this thread alive for at least a hundred more days!
That way, I can see this image every time and be reminded that everyday is Christmas and the holiday spirit is still alive all year.
Cuntry girl
My favorite scene? When she rapes you on your sleep. And then you rape her back.
Raping eachother is very based.
How can you rape her when she's desperate for it?
She is barely conscious after getting overstimulated beyond her limit. She tries to get off you to escape it, fails, collapses on top of you, and you continue to fuck her while she foams at the mouth. For me it sounds like payback for what she did earlier in the scene.
im glad we cucked the mentally ill freak that made this shit.
And then the next morning she admits she loved it.
What the fuck happened to all of the posts with Sylvie images in this thread?
Deleted for being "too loli"
Yeah, only thick Sylvie is allowed apparently.
God forbid a girl has no tits on this board. If I can't break my nose against her chest, what's the point?
Some of them literally had Sylvie's proportions, though, even if not all of them. This was more like a purge of all AI generated images.
I am deeply disturbed.
She doesn't have heart pupils.
I honestly think that some kind of troll or Sylvie hater just reported every single pic. And I hate the fact that it worked, despite this thread being Sylvie only. It's just the stupidest thing that I can't post Sylvie in a Sylvie thread. This is nonsense.
Well... And Indeed that pic got deleted.
I encourage you guys to post catboxes only from now on. I'll do the same
Well if he finishes this one, surely he won't need any color system changes after this, right?
Doing god's work
Up until the next version where he decides to re-do it from scratch.
Is catbox not working for anyone else?
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Works on my machine
Sylvie indirectly tells you why if you talk to her. Her old master already had other sex slaves, slaves he probably considered more attractive than her. As she explains, she was there just to suffer for his amusement.
He probably was a disgusting fat-titcow lover. I'm so glad, because otherwise Sylvie wouldn't be stayed as a virgin when she comes to us the first time.
Imagine if the previous owner was a buff black man who raped her every night though.
Then when you try to have sex with Sylvie she tries to tell you to be serious but your low testosterone makes it physically impossible to be man enough to satisfy her.
Eventually she understands your role is to work and provide for her and her old master's role was to satisfy her.
>Slave owner
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I think that's why she enjoys sex so much, it's not something that she ever associated with pain or being forced to do. The first time comes from her own decision and probably meant a lot for her.
File deleted.
I was busy, again.

I love her so much
Whoops I forgor, I won't risk and post catbox instead, as promised.
Relax, I erased it myself, just to be sure. The pic is on the catbox
This new style gives me mixed feelings, she is as beautiful as ever of course. But the detail on her fingers, I don't know. Still, great stuff man, the sweater is amazing.
I'm Bad at inpainting that's the problem, I should've upscaler that one
Sylvie for world peace
>"This is my slave, Sylvie"
>"And this is my slave's slave, Wewuzers"

I said that like if she already isn't kek
The fact I can't dump a gallon of my DNA inside her holes hurts more than it should. Her smug smile shows she takes pleasure this fact.
I mean she definitely can handle that amount and more (if u ever used pink flowers before "going to bed", You already know damn well) but it's likely you'll start to look like a stick and die of exhausting first
In game is alright, I meant for real. Plus, if you always cum inside her there's not much to show aside from it spilling out of her (A little bit of cumflation would be nice)
>For real
Well, we're two now.
>(A little bit of cumflation would be nice)
You clearly didn't paid attention. If you disable x-rays, use pink flowers before going to bed and cum always inside her, there's a subtle cum inflation. There's also stomach bulge too, and not only in "go to bed" scene. Stomach bulge is also present in almost every other non-interactive scene.
I had noticed the belly bulge but that's more because of size than anything else. But had no idea X-ray was limiting my experience this way, time to revisit every scene.
Yeah. Again, do not expect it to be really noticeable, it's subtle, something that I personally like, since it's like the Game has it's own touch at everything. And Indeed I sometimes like to turn off X-ray, it enhances the experience of some scenes.
God when are we getting another update?
Somehow I'm not surprised that this fucker cannot bring himself to add any actual content.
Footsie tootsies

Krita + AI is fun lads
Footjob one is really cute, I like how happy she looks while going at it.
Need more Sylvie cunnilingus
needs more sylvie ANYTHING
I'd post my Sylvie doodles here but range ban and catbox suddenly not working for me (some DNS thing apparently)
Maybe try pixeldrain, very similar to catbox and lets you upload bigger archives
It works but I can't post it without it telling me the system thinks it's spam. I'll figure something out, but thanks!
Sylvie under the desk blowjob "comic" I made. Keep in mind I'm not that good at drawing. Just change the 3 in pixel for a E.
Kinda cute, I like it
U could try to do hands tho, don't be afraid, I know it's difficult but better start to learn
Coming right up sar
I'm slowly making my own way to train the best model of Sylvie, I think so
Scars precision got better, but I'm not done
Hopefully on the next weeks I'll get a model that satisfies me
Getting revenge on Sylvie for not being able to wait, part two of the previous drawing.
Just replace the 3 for an E in pixel.

Thanks, I'll try giving it a go next time, they just take so much time and "mittens" are just so easy to go with.
I'm actually surprised how good the scars have gotten.
Mainly AI but I fixed genitals and draw the urethra.
Hadn't jacked off in 3 weeks, this made me loose my streak on the spot.
I hope it was good :) I drew the urethra from zero and didn't knew if it looked good.
A welcomed surprise
could you try making a full nelson on Sylvie?
Deep in the troet
It's very tricky but I could try yeah
Imminent correction pt. 1
I always like how happy she looks in your images. Like "yup, this is happening, that's going in"
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>Ray still chimping out about gaijins or something so his top 10 sales winning game will never get another update much less an ending just because some mexican made a post about piracy 5 years go.

I will never not seethe about this. What a fucking asshole he's already set for life why can't he deliver my fucking sylvie ffs
You should tell him you proudly pirated his game, even if it's not true. Keep his fire burning.
It's over anon, either we get an mega autist that gives us sylvie 7.0 or we're forever stuck praying on Ray's goodwill.
I want to cum on her scars, not in a mean way. Just so she can see I love and am sexually attracted to every part of her.
Unfathomably BASED. I had a pic like that, lemme check
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Cute, this is exactly what I had in mind. Good for her mental health, good for her skin.
I wish we had more Sylvie game content, bros...
I wish we had more mods, I guess it'd be easier than making Ray add new scenes
What model are you using for this?
Sucky sucky
I could train a model to learn Ray's style, but desu getting the images is a pain in the ass, they need to fulfill a series of requirements in order to the model to be good
NTA but it surely is SD 1.5, cuz I can see the artifacts from here, but that architecture is kinda outdated now
Meant the lora actually, can't find any good Sylvie loras since one got taken down from civitai
I just wish the current versions were more optimized. And that the eng versions had a halfway to dogshit UI since that would be 10x better than what we have now
This one is for pony, not mine but seems good overall
Still, if u needed the one that was on civ for SD1.5 then I can upload it to a mega or smthn, not mine either but I saved it and I'm pretty sure it's in one of my folders, tell me if u want it and I'll upload it
Yeah, could you upload it? Would be pretty awesome!
The one in civ was this one:
trigger word: "tf_silver_" or "tf_silver_pet", check metadata of lora
But another anon some time ago did this one, which I preferred back in the day:
trigger word: "burn scar"
Use both at 0.8 since the first one was made by a pajeet and the second one sometimes is too strong but u can play with weights
Thank you so much!
Not mine, that pic is from pixiv.
reverse image search pull up nothing :-(
The account probably got taken down, pixiv has been baning AI art accounts lately
Just had to use Google reverse image and uncrop by default. I'm just retarded, sadly can't get the png info, so I guess I'll have to trial and error my way through. Thanks tho
U can try to use this lora along with the Sylvie loras, be careful this style lora is heavily overbaked so use it carefully at low weights and try to reach a good spot
Yeah, setting it at 0.2-0.3 with the tf_silver model at 0.8-1 gives good results
Show pics lad
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Yeah post gens m8, I wanna see what u been doing
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Cute, and it does seems like ray's style
Try Adetailer to fix eyes on every gen, overall this pic is good. Do not expect 1.5 to be good with hands, a lot of inpaint is required for that.
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She's perfect
I've been messing around now with the AI stuff for about a week. I've gotten a consistent style, but fuck are the eyes just not working right.

If I do something like heart pupils and stuff like that I can get past it. I've been able to make some cute things, and decent lewd things.

I VERY much want to know how to create this in stable diffusion though.
Use Adetailer for the eyes, it's an extension that will automatically detect and fix eyes (if you're using the model for eyes detection, for example) on every generation. Google it up ir check sum video, not difficult to install.

For the cute pics of chibi, you just literally prompt "chibi" man, and if it's not doing chibis really, do (chibi:1.2), use a Lora for it or train your own Lora.
For me, it's the boots that does the trick.
So what version am i supposed to get?
3.0.22 is default. 4.0+ if you know Japanese.
I prefer 1.9.2, the art has more charm.
Cheers, there's a partial 4.0.6 patch on atf but it doesnt translate all moonrunes, so i guess 3.0.22 it is
Is there any modpack for 4.0.6?
Or any other mod for 3.0.22?

I heard there was a modded wedding event, but can't find it anywhere.
That might have been in TF26 which is a hard-to-parse Viet / Chinese (?) mod that hasn't been fully pulled apart by Voicemod Anon or TransFix Anon yet.

Are they even still lurking these threads?
After further searching, I found a korean 4.0.6 files that is pre-patched with korean fan translation, exhibitionism, and wedding mod.
Guess i'll start digging this way to see if i can find more mod packs.
If you find substantially well-implemented mods, list them and their sources and maybe the development anons will be able to port / extract them to implement on latest versions.
That model is incredibly good.
I've been messing around with so many different styles trying to create something that I like, each thing is just slightly off for some reason or another.

That fucker does still draw Sylvie, once in a blue moon.
The obsessive faggot brands an obnoxious watermark saying "DO NOT REPOST" over all of his art now, ruining it, and probably doesn't even have the unblemished original anywhere going by his history.
Old art (~28.05.2013) and not Sylvie (it's ゴースト「幼白鬼」)
Nah, they exist without those watermarks, but not on pixiv
Holy shit. I knew it wasn't Sylvie because of her huge tits, but 11 years ago, fucking time...
Finally played TF, and honestly I was expecting more. It's a good game, but it's super short. You can see pretty much every scene pretty quickly, and after that it's just repetitive. Great concept though
It's more like a virtual pet or desktop gf than a full visual novel.
>people are able to generate new assets with AI
>still no new mods
Lemme guess ... nocoders?
Good morning and yes nocoders here
I mean just look at tyranoscript, who tf is going to learn to write code in that shit? Have you ever saw tyranoscript documentation page??? It's all japanese
>who tf is going to learn to write code in that shit?
Wasn't difficult. Revamping the bar rendering code for the modpack to make it less branch-y was actually pretty easy.

I would like to mod in some stuff if I had any ability to code or time. Even simple stuff like more food options, or date locations.

The biggest issue is that Ray's use of Tyrano is a complete and utter mess. There's no apparent rhyme or reason to where he chose to place features in early versions, and it didn't improve very much between 2.5.2 and 3.0.8. I haven't had the time to even begin to look at 4.0.
You're alive?!?! Good to know that!
And yeah I could somehow sense that Ray is just real garbage when it comes to writing code
tried my hand at making a mod for this game back in 2.5.2 and threw my hands up after about 4 hours. it was a trainwreck, hope it's only gotten better in 4.0
How am I supposed to increase the lust stat? online it just says to have sex with her but that either barely raises it or just lowers it, am I doing something wrong?
Don't exhaust her, doing so lowers it a little so the growth is slowed or halted. Kissing a lot or groping during the day will add a little growth.
Of course doing it almost every ingame day for a while will help get big boosts.
Also pink flowers, anything and everything you can make with them will boost the stat.
Grope her and molest her, but never take her to bed. Make her crave your dick until she can barely contain herself, then jump her bones. Rinse and repeat.
what are the best mods / modpacks out currently for 3.0.22?
I'm sure these kinds of lazy questions get asked a lot, but I haven't gotten a Sylvie fix since like 2019 and I'd like it to be as feature-rich as possible.
Check the OP, there's a list of mods and what they do in the links.
what are the differences between 3.0.22 and 4.06? anything notable?
I did my due diligence right after posting this, thank you anon. It was a lot less roundabout than I was expecting. Excellent... Excellent...
Did anyone ever pick apart that one Vietnamese mod and the other shit that was in it? It had a marriage ending, didn't it?
I was going to be sour and say "barely fucking anything", but actually being able to fuck her while her clothes are on is really nice.
if only
Still no pregnancy?
That's just skill issue in my book
How do I get this game to work? Everything I try to get it started I get a Java script error and it just ends.
Please could someone tell me in detail what things Ray-K did to be hated by everyone?
File deleted.
Thought I'd give it a go.

Make sure you have the actual game files, the downloads only contain the translation.
If you follow the read-me it will also show you how to run the patch.

He got mad that people were pirating his game (despite it having sold over a million copies). His tism made him think that anyone that wasn't Japanese had stolen his game, even though a lot of people wouldn't have known about his game without it getting passed around.

There is the other side of things of him saying he won't work on it past version 2. We now have had 3.0 and 4.0 each with different fixes/art style. No real additional changes, now he is working on more clothing options apparently. But I don't know of anyone who has really been able to keep track of what he is doing since he has his twitter and stuff on lockdown.

I can only imagine what he thinks of AI stuff.
Going off just the stats on the store link in the OP, based on how many copies have sold, the Japanigger literally made 2,354,708.01 US Dollars gross (no clue what the cut of the distribution sites is) off of this game, due in part to the fact that it was pirated early on.

As we all know, piracy is good for exposure, and ~90% of people who can try something before they buy will throw money at a creator. As stated by >>8010866 there are 10s of thousands of people who never would have heard of this game without it.

Despite this, dude is xenophobic as fuck, goes to autistic lengths to "protect" his work (like branding ugly watermarks across the entire picture saying "DO NOT REPOST", and given his history, he likely does NOT have the original unblemished version ANYWHERE, even on his own PC because he's a retard who can't into Photoshop), and he actively despises his fans and customers.

tl;dr he's a stupid anti-social retard nigger who makes art, shows it to the public, then goes "REEEEEEE NO DONT LOOK DONT SHARE DONT BUY REEEEEEEE"
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He actually abandoned his Twitter too, since everyone unfollowed his dumbass when he went full nuclear.
To be fair, he's just a weird hikki who wasn't prepared for the success.
Imagine he wasn't retarded and made official English version. He'd made twice as much money easily and we would have a nice officially supported translation. And if he put in some actual work instead of redrawing everything again and again, or redesigning UI we would probably have several times as much content, wedding, etc. It's actually painful to think what could have been if he wasn't such a massive sperg.
>given his history, he likely does NOT have the original unblemished version ANYWHERE, even on his own PC because he's a retard who can't into Photoshop)

Anon, he's posted his uncensored work before (namely the piercing girl and painwheel animations from long before this game even existed as a concept)
This thread is literally the first time I've heard of the idea that he doesn't have the unblemished original anywhere, and the first time it's claimed was proved wrong by the very next post.

This entire thread reeks of ESL butthurt, begging, and not understanding the basic rules of the website it's written on.
You've got fuckers actually surprised that loli got removed on a board that doesn't allow loli and creating a conspiracy theory in their head of a fucking "Slyvie hater" like having a Slyvie thread makes you immune to board and site rules.
Adorable as she is, Slyvie's built like a loli. The design notes for her even say as much.
> 体格のイメージとしては14~16歳の小柄体系
The mods ban anything that looks like loli. Lore and story details don't matter. There isn't a secret cabal plotting against you. She looks like a loli, she gets counted as a loli. It's why 300 year old vampire girls also get the banhammer.

You've got fuckers who can't even write in English complaining that the game doesn't have a version in English

The only entertaining thing about this thread is that you fags have moved on from denial into anger- I'm looking forward to seeing the bargaining and depression stages before you hit acceptance period or just fucking kill yourselves.
NTA but
>You've got fuckers actually surprised that loli got removed on a board that doesn't allow loli and creating a conspiracy theory in their head of a fucking "Slyvie hater" like having a Slyvie thread makes you immune to board and site rules.
Dude, we're not used to get Sylvie pics banned here, because it wasn't a thing that often happened in the 90 past threads. It's the first time that I see so much Sylvie pics erased, like half the thread was nuked down this time.
>You've got fuckers who can't even write in English
Your case seems worse, can't even spell "Sylvie" correctly.
>The only entertaining thing about this thread is that you fags have moved on from denial into anger
Not me, that's for sure. I was already not hoping for that weird hikki to do anything to the game, it already feels like he's adding things to the game reluctantly tbdesu.
>or just fucking kill yourselves.
I see how it is. Return to the pit where you came from.
t. someone who didn't bother to read the official English translation story

It's okay to be a Japanigger cocksucker for some chink who fucking hates you, but at least try not to make it so obvious. Ray has proven in the past that he doesn't hold onto his art assets, so don't act like it's a leap in logic to assume he wouldn't have original copies of his work, retard.

Your oshi will never love you no matter how much you try to defend him, nigger.
>Anon, he's posted his uncensored work before (namely the piercing girl and painwheel animations from long before this game even existed as a concept)

He started doing this shit when he caught the tism about people's responses to Sylvie, so this is irrelevant. Nice try, though.

>This thread is literally the first time I've heard of the idea that he doesn't have the unblemished original anywhere, and the first time it's claimed was proved wrong by the very next post.

Which post? Where do you see this imaginary myth-buster evidence proving anything wrong or right?

>This entire thread reeks of ESL butthurt
>You've got fuckers who can't even write in English
>the first time it's claimed was proved wrong

You're making an excellent case for yourself, dumbshit.
>Imagine he wasn't retarded and made official English version.
There once was an attempt. Alas, the autism is strong.
Sylvie cute!
Nothing has beaten Teaching Feeling up to this day.
There's been similar releases like One Room but teaching feeling's setting has not been upped, not to mention the art is too distinctive and the negative of the creator towards it gives the entire thing an interesting atmosphere when context is included.
A masterpiece hated by its creator for reasons beyond the work's intended effect.
It's also kinda funny how a game about making someone understand what is like feeling human was made by someone who in another life would have definitely been the guy that mistreated Sylvie into a life-shattered afraid husk like she is at the beginning of the game.
Ray might not like it, but this will probably be his legacy. Sylvie is his legacy, an antithesis to his creator's ideals.
>Lengthy text
Anyways, wasn't this board about porn?, been a while since I checked Sylvie lewds. The game kinda suffices for me already.
I can't wait for Ray to die a violent death, just like Sylvie's master did.
2nd guy, I did all that. I remember making it work on an android phone, is that impossible now or something?
Hmm, I don't know.
I'd say try the version off F95zone and see if that might work for you, that is for the 4.0 version.
I don't know if you are trying to make 3.0 to work.

There's honestly no other h-games that hit it the right away like TF does. While there's some other h-games that sort of do TF's thing, there isn't any that really get it close.
The main idea of TF is you're mainly just comforting a girl that had an extremely horrible life and never experienced actual love or affection. The change from her being wary to trusting, to actual love and lust is really nice.
The h-scenes are also great since they can get pretty intense but they actually don't go into weird fetish tier either, most of it is pretty vanilla.
In a alternative timeline, Ray-K would have been happy the game has a decent sized foreign fanbase, tossed out some more updates, and we've all would have been happy.

Eh, he's just severely misinformed or has some kind of undiagnosed mental illness maybe. There are a lot of worse creators out there, the most he done is go "I hate the gaijin, I'm not gonna update this game anymore, goodbye". As far as I'm aware, it's not like he made any actual legal threats or whatever or really tried to prohibit the sales to foreigners. The most is he talked some shit, got called a retard, then mostly went dark online.
I honestly hope he ends up better mentally at some point.
>no clue what the cut of the distribution sites
I believe dlsite takes 30% cut for the price range TF is in. Ref: https://www.dlsite.com/modpub/lp/overseas/creator/index_en_us.html?locale=en_US
I really wish we had some more cannon info about her. Favorite food, favorite color... I feel like despite it all, I barely know her.
Canon is overrated. Things being up to interpretation is a strength for TF.
>Favorite food
Probably shortcake. Her first sweets.
>favorite color
Probably deep blue. The color of her first real clothes.
There's also a lot of emphasis on Sylvie feeling good instead of just the cumbshot like a lot of other h-games
What I wouldn't give to see pregnant Sylvie in Ray's style
Could Sylvie ever cheat on her master?
she is too pure for cheating i want to mindbreak her by sleeíng with aurelia
Better start to get ready some AI for it, pal. Ray won't do it.
Seeing how she really behaves after you literally get her out of the biggest hell of a life, realistically speaking, the only way for her to be with another man is if both of these are true: The new master died, and she doesn't wants to keep being a celibate widow until death (a thing that is very likely to happen due to obvious reasons of respect and enormous attachment towards her new master, she doesn't have a healthy mind by herself).
Retard. gtfo
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Ray is NOT curing his autsim
We're stuck forever on this drought
it's over
es ist vorbei
owari da

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