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>manga, anime, video games, and other media IP etc. have beautiful strong and powerful female characters
>Said female characters have fans, fan art and of course; porn and doujins made of them
>Some artists choose to make the most depraved, fucked up, sadistic and generally out of character hentai, porn and doujins where the canonically and literally strong and powerful females get absolutely mogged, sexually assaulted and raped into submission
>Majority of the times it's always the "strong and powerful female character gets easily raped and enslaved by cartoonishly weak, fat out of shape ugly man who somehow through sheer contrivances, bastardization of canon and dumbass "blackmail"

Why oh why do artists and fan artists who engage in porn feel the need to do this? At least if the strong females who're be subjugated into sex slavery are either OCs or literal random Who's in a one-off or oneshot scenario or original setting. I can understand and not have that much issues with it. But how come Japanese made doujins manage get away with making beloved strong female characters into becoming easily defeated victims in this most vapid ways possible without being criticized or scrutinized for being OOC and badly written!?

Whereas if it were Western made it would face all the criticism and scrutiny for being badly written fanfics. Again, why do artists do this and how come Nippon-made doujins get a free pass without being scrutinized and criticized as badly written and OOC fanfics?
nigger it's fucking porn
who cares if it's out of character or badly written i'm reading it to whack off
you'd have to be some tumblerina to give a shit about out of character fanfiction or whatever
I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make exactly.

But I feel like Gege himself would have the same low opinion of Nobara. Remember, her just having DYED HAIR even is a sign that she's a whore made to be raped, according to Japanese
Nobara sexo
>if it were Western made it would face all the criticism and scrutiny for being badly written
every western porn comic written in the last 30 years wants a word with you
stop pretending to be retarded, anon.
Western artists do the same thing in their porn and most people still don't give a fuck. Non-porn fanfiction gets criticized for it because it's actually trying to entertain with you its narrative instead of being fetish fuel and even then some popular fanfiction are OOC as fuck and most don't care.

Just treat them as "What If' stories. Oh, this character is super strong and this would never happen to them in the original story but what if it did anyway? I want to see that. That's the point.
Is this satire or is the OP 16?
Thank you!
It's fiction; I don't have to explain anything.
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WTF are you saying OP
Aiue Oka is a legend. Check out his Secret Engage Precure doujin
Strong women are made for being dominated in bed
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I've seen fate doujins where the perp used a hypnosis app of all things to have sex with the servants when he just could've used his CS instead, so to answer your question, it's either the artist's fetish/niche or bandwagoning faggots who knew jack shit about the source material.
Strong women are attractive but scary. Finding a way to push them into a more generic role means you can catch a more general audience and the fans of the character who will settle for anything that looks good. There's also a small group who will feel like they're getting one over on the character.
This is not /a/ related
>who cares if it's out of character or badly written i'm reading it to whack off
Porn that fits canon and character is much hotter. It can still be rape and disgusting despite that, BTW. That actually makes it even better.
I can't fap to corn if it isn't canon
Are Miwa and Riko the only girls in JJK that can be considered cute? Why is Gege Gaygay?
It's hot and easy.
Because it makes our dicks hard
I would say Gege probably considers a lot more characters than that to be "cute". And it's not a good thing because Riko got her brains blown out for it.
You've been moved to a rough joint, OP. Sorry.
Welcome to /h, pretty pink princess.
Nobara sexo
Based Aiue Oka

Based Type-G

Their art styles are very similar
Seems to me you're just yet another vanilla anon or just have not bothered searching up tags and other genres that actually suit your fancy and which you can coom and goon over.

Protip: don't rely on modern/current day hentai and doujins for your pornographical entertainment especially if you're truly expecting top tier erotic writing with foreplay. if you want something more fancys tart reading either erotic novella or try to find other erotic comics, usually those from the '80s or '90s like Druuna
Its these types of threads again... Oh well.

>Some artists choose to make the most depraved, fucked up, sadistic and generally out of character hentai, porn and doujins where the canonically and literally strong and powerful females get absolutely mogged, sexually assaulted and raped into submission

Sometimes it seems when porn and hentai artists and authors make the usual grotesque and visceral rape and NTR, etc. they seem to never make anything remotely erotic or sexy and just want to be edgy and or out-edgelord one another. Seems that IS what the porn and hentai industry has sometimes become; quirky edgelords who try to one up each other on is able to make the most disturbing and the most disgusting material imaginable that so happens to involve dicks, ass, titties and pussy. But never or fail to make it erotic, while normal porn and hentai that is far more tame and vanilla and romantic AND erotic is ignored, underrated, poorly rated and even outright obscure.
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Maybe its also true, hentai artists are only decent or good at drawing sex and sex scenes, but alot of them are not good writers or are just below average mediocre writers. And they get their writing and references from other porn and hentai written by other quirky edgelords... And maybe SOME of these porn and hentai writers are indeed single kissless virgins who have never had a significant other and have never dated anyone or romantically loved anyone. And are not married and do not have children; especially daughters, thus these types of individuals never yet to experience or feel the sanctity of their female loved ones being violated and brutalized. Therefore, these porn and hentai artists or writers can afford the luxury of drawing and writing weak defenseless women being violently gangraped nonstop by disgustingly hideous men or monsters. It's the fact they don't have wives or girlfriends or daughters/children of their own to find the material they perpetuate to be disgusting or just simply gross.

And of course society (the consumers) are also at fault and equally guilty for paying for such disgusting material. Thus enabling and incentivizing the industry to make more of that schlock.
>Why are you liking fiction that don't like?
>Wouldn't it better be better for everybody if the world was doing exactly what i want?
OP found himself some self centered friends. Careful, brainrot is contagious.

Btw OP, Nobara isn't a strong female character. Kusakabe is the real deal. Then again, i get the feeling that you're not really about girl power, just in waifu protection mode.
Ishigaki is truly making the best Nobara, but he's so goddamn slow.
>"nah, I'd lose"
gaygay is a hack
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>OP pic not related btw

Based Japs
>y dont get cancel!?!?
Nobody gives a flying fuck, everybody is too busy jacking off.
Strong women being overpowered by unlikely underdogs makes pp hard.
It's not rocket science.
>Nobara is a strong female ch-ACK!
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>Vanilla keks mad yet again

Sorry bro, but NTR and Blacked will always be more based than vanilla shit. I mean looking at IRL, monogamy, traditional dating and marriage is getting less popular and less appealing and everyone is now reveling hook ups and one night stands. Can't beat em? Join em!!! And everyone here agrees with me that will be the new way and new normal forward.

Get with the times /traditionalist/ OP, romance is dead anyways and women of all walls of life will now sleep around now that its normalized. Besides, cheating and infidelity is already a cultural norm to be expected in Japan. Why else is NTR popular?

>Muh stronk female characters!!!

Women are dumbass creatures anyways
>Sorry bro, but NTR and Blacked will always be more based than vanilla shit. I mean looking at IRL, monogamy, traditional dating and marriage is getting less popular and less appealing and everyone is now reveling hook ups and one night stands. Can't beat em? Join em!!! And everyone here agrees with me that will be the new way and new normal forward.
Those aren't the same thing.
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How about something different for a change. How about some more vanilla and or more tame and romantic porn and lewds? Assuming we're really just making this a JJK thread or just glorifying Nobura.
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They ain't wrong. A little more tame shit wouldn't hurt here and there.
The work your thumbnail references by Aiue Oka is actually a departure from what you’re criticizing, at least. In that one, the premise is she’s been hypnotized into believing that sex with our unsavory antagonist is the ‘proper’ way to engage in combat, so he doesn’t have to overpower her physically, just psychologically. Which is actually why I have a liking for mind control, as it provides plausible pretext for this otherwise unrealistic scenario. In many of these universes magic already exists so it’s not too far of a leap for mind control to exist either.

But to answer your question, I feel like the lack of realism is excused for the most part because people like the art, even if the story is lackluster (as opposed to western fanfics being text-only, not to mention the place vs. place, japan phenomenon).

But I actually agree that with the exception of mind control, timestop, and common sense alteration as the mechanism, these types of plots are dumb and contrived to the point where they’re unfappable
Or maybe he’s like me and really wants to get off to the domination but just can’t if it seems absurd that the girl in question would ever lose?

Also if their appeal is in being a powerful female character, they might lose this if they’re defeated by any random guy without any special powers.

But then, if the guy dominating her does have special powers, you run into the opposite problem of not being able to project yourself onto him.
There's no problem with him smelling like a vanilla fag, or disliking strong girls being fucked into the ground by the weak ugly bastard of the day. Everybody has his own preferences, from the purest maiden to the trashiest edgelord, and that's okay, because we don't have to all fap to the same shit.
But there's always a guy like OP, who to tries to undermine fetishes that he doesn't like with the hope that, somehow, it will result in the entire hentai industry changing to cater to his taste.
Nothing grave of course, he's just a harmless hentai bigot, but make no mistake, he didn't came here asking for an explanation about how the system works, he came to denigrate others.
No wonder he's getting pushback instead of constructive answers.

tdlr, OP is a self-entitled prick.
He’s mad that people are depicting his headcanon domme in a humiliating way
>Or maybe he’s like me and really wants to get off to the domination but just can’t if it seems absurd that the girl in question would ever lose?
It means you're a vanilla fag. Kill yourself or fuck off.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true. Two previous breakups and one lying cheating bitch who cheated with a person I once considered a good friend since highschool has taught me women really are deplorable monsters and dating and marriage is dead. This I have found more joy with NTR and all of you should considering how more realistic it is all while having superior art.
What the fuck does your supervillain origin story have to do with me saying hook-ups and NTR aren't the same thing? You should be embarrassed to act like this as a grown man.

I’m not sure if you’d count this as vanilla, but like I mentioned here >>7881680 there are plenty of ways to get around it like hypnosis in OP’s pic related. I consider being a vanilla purist to mean you can only get off to consensual happy sex, but I find that boring
>coom brains missing the OP's point and hyper focusing and hyper fixating on the Nobora OP pic and the doujin it came from
I guess I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate here, but OP's pointing out the OOC porn and doujins where a character's established abilities and even their established relationships are thrown out of the window just for the sake of cheap porn. Also I believe the OP did not bring this consideration up: more and more people end up forgetting or not realizing the actual canon of the characters and female characters subjected to the ugly bastard fucking. Seeing just how brain rotted people have become from the internet I am already loosing alot of faith with people stumbling across anime and manga because their first exposure is the doujins and hentai making that all the OOC rape NTR hentai canon.

And it really REALLY has to be annoying and sad that characters who're canonically in relationships, have established relationships or are outright married is also thrown out of the window, discarded and completely ignored and are far more susceptible to godawful NTR rape porn. Which brings me to these guys >>7878668
>Sometimes it seems when porn and hentai artists and authors make the usual grotesque and visceral rape and NTR, etc. they seem to never make anything remotely erotic or sexy and just want to be edgy and or out-edgelord one another
Maybe its just an overexaggerating regarding mangakas, but where is the lie? WHERE IS THE LIE!? Just looking at alot of doujins and other hentai the dialogue from the rapists and "bulls" in NTR always seem to sound like the most tryhard supervillain shit of how much they're going to fuck the heroine so hard and destroy the relationship because they so happen to have a bigger dick. I guess this is my bias showing but I HATE IT when artists feel the need to take established relationships and canon ships and marriages and ruin, destroy and bastardize it for their cuck fetishes which is everywhere!
Yeah I guess this is also me being a sucker for RomComs and simpler Slice of Life slop that does feature cute young guys and gals in their coming of age stories or them confessing their love to each other. But nooooo, some people are just too meanspirited and brain rotted have to nice lovey dovey vanilla. Case in point >>7883394
What the fuck is wrong with you dude? Whats with the trauma dumping!? Vanilla fags get shit on for the "normie safe" fetishes yet NTR fags like you feel the need to rub your emasculating cuck fantasies onto other people and everyone else!? Literal Furries have learned to stay in their place and own lanes and not yiff at everyone at how "superior" and "cultured" their fetishes are.

I guess I'm going schizo and afraid that all of you will sooner and willingly justify and defend NTR brainrot and cuck faggotry just to dunk on OP and other vanilla fags. But I digress.

Everytime I wanna look up porn and doujins for my vanilla RomComs and SoLs it is either nonexistent or its only NTR-blacked-rape shit and only NTR-blacked-rape shit. Another one for the NTR fags; your fetish always has to weirdly veer into even weirder stuff like BLACKE'D. Because nothing says NTR like weirdly casual racism, in which both Asian and Western artist seem to always include in their fucking hentai portfolios. You NTR fags and everyone else gets to have your freakshit NTR BLACK'D gangbang cakes and eat them but us vanilla fags have to suck it up because apparently normal consensual relationships are boring.

>I consider being a vanilla purist to mean you can only get off to consensual happy sex, but I find that boring
God I fucking hope this is just social media rhetoric and you people don't think like this IRL.
When did he say that?
>God I fucking hope this is just social media rhetoric
You're naive, newfag. Half of the existing rape is too tame to fap to for half of /h.
Need convincing? Ever heard of, ryona, moral degeneration, sexual slavery, brainwashing and drugging?
Do you know why they exist? Because plain rape isn't enough.
And don't get me started with forbidden shit like snuff, torture, piss, scat and guro.
Anon isn't bragging, he's just sharing his inclination.

Never. It's obvious that anon is talking out of his ass.
Nah I mean it makes sense, female char with dyed hair is a walking rape-bait.
Gege still never said that. That would kill his career. Get it?
So.... You are all for supporting snuff, torture, piss, scat and guro to be completely normalized things to do to women in real life? All because what, vanilla and consensual is too boring for you people? Please explain and spoonfeed all the details and context you are trying to say. Like you're not saying-

>snuff, torture, piss, scat and guro are a thing but it's all fictional and shouldn't be replicated IRL

No you're not saying that, you just proudly admit your porn brainrot and are proud of it just to- Again; dunk on OP and vanilla anons.
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Of course i support all of it.
Soon the streets will be covered in women's blood while elite squads of obese anon will gangrape your mother and piss on your favorite waifu. Reading hentai has made us an unstoppable force, and nobody will be able to stop us. I must admit that i'm impressed by your keen perception. You were the only one able to see the menace we represent. As reward we'll kill you last.

Now anons, let the carnage begin! To the rapemobile!
Hold up, I didn’t mean that I can’t get off to vanilla sex. What I meant is that I find the idea of only being into the idea of that boring
typo but what I meant was I’m not just exclusively into vanilla
Is this what they've been teaching you in Top G Academy, son?
Ok, i admit you got a laugh out of me. Tate is a piece of shit and i can see him try the rapemobile shit if he could get away with it.

Do you mind if i ask you a question you won't like?
Go on, might be far better than whatever spewed sewage might come out from the real unironic NTR enthusiasts. Rape fags at least are leagues above NTR fags since Rape hentai is quite literally just sadist hardcore BDSM slop with extra steps most of the time. What the hell does NTR have to offer other than self deprecation, emasculation and just the most brain dead takes imaginable just to justify their cuck fetish.

NTR fags are the Vegans of hentai and doujin communities. And I stand by that and hope more people would say it too.
What is your opinion on women that get off on rape?

Actually let's make it three for the sake of clarity.
What is your opinion women that get off on hentai rape?
What is your opinion women who ask their partner to fake rape them?
And finally what is your opinion women that get off raping somebody? As in real rape, let's say rape by proxy, if you believe that a woman can never rape anyone.
I was the one disputing the exact doujin, but like I said before I actually agree with you on this. It seems to reflect an ongoing downward trend toward mindless gooning without any concern for the quality of what’s being consumed. I’m actually convinced that people have gotten so detached from their own senses that by now they’re not even getting off to the thing itself, but the idea of the thing. That’s why these over-the-top, downright unsexy hentais are so common these days, it caters to gooners who seek out stuff that tastelessly exaggerates whatever their last dim brain cell has identified as good (sex, female body parts, a few basic tropes) with no understanding of how it should all work together.
Spot on diagnostic, but wrong conclusion. Impressive.
What part do you disagree with?
or to rephrase the last part, without an understanding of why each element originally worked
Nothing, apart from the conclusion, like i said.

>It seems to reflect an ongoing downward trend toward mindless gooning without any concern for the quality of what’s being consumed.
True. Of course, no new, but true nonetheless.

>I’m actually convinced that people have gotten so detached from their own senses that by now they’re not even getting off to the thing itself, but the idea of the thing.
True too, well, in my case at least. That would be arrogant of me to assume that an enormous amount of coomers are at this stage. But we exist for sure.

>That’s why these over-the-top, downright unsexy hentais are so common these days, it caters to gooners who seek out stuff that tastelessly exaggerates whatever their last dim brain cell has identified as good (sex, female body parts, a few basic tropes) with no understanding of how it should all work together.
True as well, with a caveat that you might fight me on. Said caveat being: the non-gooners don't get how it works either. They perceive it, of course, but their understanding is like everybody else, limited and mindless.

See? You pretty much nailed it at each point, analytically speaking. You just coated it all with a good dose of prejudice and intolerance.
Finally, I am glad there some people who finally getting me and what OP is trying to convey. Granted our bitching and whining ain't going to change the industry, I did actually witness this thread originally posted in /a/, which I assume was the OP trying to get answers and thoughts from people outside of /h/; AKA, other people who aren't brain rotted coomers or NTR fags. But alas, it was likely the OP image he used that made a janny move it here.

I mean I have seen similar threads like this complaining about hentai and tropes they don't like, so I guess it's not too bad to have a thread complain about shit you don't like as a form of venting. I mean ultimately this thread is that; just venting and letting it out, man I just wished more people just did more wholesome or just tame vanilla and lovey dovey romance. And yeah, I just have rather low amounts faith these days because seeing the amount of dim witted people thanks to the internet is now making me believe people are too stupid they'd believe trashy doujins is canon because that is their first exposure to the IP. It'd be thanks to the many low effort trashy doujins and hentai that shit over canon and make the characters OOC and uncharacteristically dumb you will end up having undescribable "fans" who think they engage in the IP, Manga, anime or whatever but they only get their info and exposure from doujins and not the source material. I swear one day that will become more common place the dumber and more porn-brain rotted people become.

Also again with these two;

This is probably the first time I ever thought of that. So much hentai and doujins about existing IPs are shitty quality OOC slop because the authors and mangakas who write them are either mediocre writers who can't write sex scenes or erotic. Or they just are mean spirited and are "quirky edgelords" who just want to one up one another at who makes the most disturbing and deplorable /d/ shit imaginable.
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I guess call me a "no principles hypocrite" but funnily enough it seems women and horny female artists at the very least know how to make certain "unlikable" traits and tropes in hentai and porn and just know how to make it erotic and sexy. Basically horny kinky women who're into rape play at the very least know how to make it erotic and sexy, I've already said rape hentai shit is just hardcore sadist sex with extra steps and tropes. But shit like that is written by maidenless incels who've never been in a date or relationship and get vague ideas about relationships and dating from the other moid-focused porn and hentai that're made by other incel virgins.

So yeah, I funnily enough despite my venting towards hentai and doujins these days. Based female mangakas and yumejo gals do exist and they make josei or Femporn that is far better than most male/moid made hentai because women just have a natural ability to write decent erotica. Plus, most male and female characters made by these based gals are attractive, beautiful and handsome and not ugly fucking trolls. Making the flapping better even if josei and yumejo gals are absolutely guilty beeg yaoi hands on their male characters.

So yeah, I am willing to tolerate and be okay with women into rape play because they at least know how to write sex scenes. Men/moids on the other hand CANNOT write sex or erotica to save themselves.
What's wrong with girls dyeing their hair?
> Jacking off
> "Oh yeah, character development! Mm, those narrative themes really get me off. Holy shit, story parallels!"
Sounds to me like this troon is just upset that mangakas don’t pander to *its* own (less popular) tastes,
Sure, non gooner hentai consumers aren’t advanced intellectuals either, but I don’t think you have to actually understand why every element works to intuitively pick up on a quality hentai experience. All you need is to absorb a work properly, as a whole, instead of the narrow tunnel vision of maximizing a few basic elements. Doing so does require slightly more intellectual effort, as opposed to the gooner mindset’s benefit of instant gratification, but if you take the time to fully digest what you’re reading, you’ll find it reacquaints you with your own senses. This applies to both the art and the stories.

And yes, I am prejudiced against gooners but it’s for their own sake. I’m sure there are even better ways to implement less savory fetishes like NTR, rape, scat, etc. that fans of them would enjoy more than what they’re getting now.

Good storytelling can infinitely enhance the quality of a sex scene if you ask me. It’s not just about the sex itself but every factor goes into why you want to see it so badly. Like if the appeal is conquering a strong established female character, you should probably depict her accurately, otherwise she won’t seem like that same character fans wanted to conquer all along.
Thanks for answering.

I'll include my own takes, to give you an idea of where i'm at.
>What is your opinion women that get off on hentai rape?
Not a problem at all. It's their own pussy. They can do what they want with it.
You don't seem to have any problem with them either.

>What is your opinion women who ask their partner to fake rape them?
Not a problem at all. It's their own business what they do in the bedroom. It could level up to become immoral if she started to force him, but it's none other business than theirs.
Ditto, i assume you don't mind them either, based on what you said.

>And finally what is your opinion women that get off raping somebody? As in real rape, let's say rape by proxy, if you believe that a woman can never rape anyone.
Very bad. She broke the law. She should get arrested.
You didn't reply to this one, but i take it for granted that you would be ok with criminals ending up in jail.

Did i get it right or missed/misinterpreted something you said?

Nothing. For a JK in Japan tho? She would would stand out, and that might make her a target for bullying, depending on how shitty the local culture is.
This is why the domination_loss tag exists.
>Good storytelling can infinitely enhance the quality of a sex scene if you ask me. It’s not just about the sex itself but every factor goes into why you want to see it so badly. Like if the appeal is conquering a strong established female character, you should probably depict her accurately, otherwise she won’t seem like that same character fans wanted to conquer all along.
This and agreed. What also would make what you said even better if the supposed self insert is at least good or decent looking and not be fat ugly bastards.

>But anon the fat chubby ugly guys fucking the pretty girls are supposed to be (You). You're supposed to self insert as them

I don't need to be insulted by being forced to "insert" as the fat man. And I do not need to be reminded I'm already 4/10 in terms of looks and looksmaxxing. Im already aware I ain't a handsome Ken doll, I do not want more ugly bastards to "insert" as because of it.
Thanks for the insight on how you enjoy hentai, i find it interesting because it's not how i do it. It's well explained and i imagine how it would work and how it would be satisfying. You're clearly capable of nuanced analysis, and you seem level headed enough, so i don't need to go the roundabout way. I feel like that would be insulting your intelligence, so i'll give you straight. Based on what i read from your posts, i think you're holding on a core belief that would fall apart if examined closely. And that belief would be: intelligent people know better what is good for others, therefore, they should tell them. That idea is all kinds of wrong and, granted that you indeed believe it to be for the better, we can fight on it if you feel like it.
"gooner proceed to make ridiculous shadowboxing moves in front of his pc"
Weeeell… Let’s just say I’m glad we listened to Einstein when he invented relativity

And I might like it even more considering I’m the opposite of fat, have a head full of hair, and am not old. Another common theme of ugly bastards is them all being the most evil, remorseless beings imaginable that basically no one can relate to. And that does have its own place in hentai but I also like the archetype of an MC who either feels some sense of guilt or is out for revenge toward the girl in question after being wronged, because it’s more realistic and relatable
Weeeell… he didn't invent it, he discovered it, but i'm being pedantic.
Point is, just because he got recognized, celebrated for it and became a scientific authority doesn't mean he led or was fit to led his fellow man (he probably didn't want to anyway).
Also, "we" didn't listen to Einstein, the scientific community did, then relayed to the press that something good happened and then papers and radio let "us" know.
The common "we" is quite detached from the scientific community, and by their own volition. They're just not really interested unless they get something out of it, or if there's a big and urgent problem that technology is promising to solve.

Think of it that way, as a rule of thumb, the most intelligent men don't lead. They serve.
Most people won't follow them, simply because they don't understand what scientists are talking about. Instead they rely on their more approachable representatives to make the important choices. Of course, said representatives, in turn, often seek counsel from the science elite or others, but the point is, they have the final word, and they weld the leadership, not the scientists. As far as i know, the world has never saw a true technocracy yet.
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Incest bros stand up
>it were Western made
dumb stupid cunt
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I understand your desire for accurate depiction of characters in fanfiction.
But also, this is a porn board, where sexual kinks take priority... over canon and certainly over your gender role progressive hang-ups.
The very fact that the beautiful female character is written that way is what generates the desire to sexualize her that way in the first place.

Think of a dog chasing a ball while its moving, but ignoring it if its just laying on the ground.

That same way is how its fun and hot to dominate a strong fesity woman, but its not as interesting and alluring for the general audience to dominate a woman who was weak and submissibe in the first place. There is not as much room for domination and humiliation if the girl has no pride and is not cocky in the first place.

Also, this way of unfolding the hentai is much more appealing for the broad male audience than something more niche such a femdom. And for that same reason there is not as much focus on how the strong female gets dominated/loses her powers or whatever, its just not why people are browing an h-site in the first place. People want to see the lewd stuff, not a lore/fanfic info dump. Its not the place for that type of content, and it would get less views if an h doujin tried too seriously on that front and thus took longer to get to the fun part.
You can like the idea of dominating strong women in ways that don't require suspending all disbelief. OP's gripes sound less progressive and more like a fan of the female domination genre disillusioned with the lazy writing quality judging from how they talk about it.
doesn't matter, he's just kinkshaming on a porn board, might as well be ranting about loli or someshit
maybe he should machine translate his complaints and hound Japanese artists on twitter, lol

to be fair, I like mind control or something where there is a good reason for the girls to act out character and to feel disgusted or shamed afterwards when it wears off etc, raping the mind is way more kino than just her body
Yep, his complaints are why I like mind control despite sentiments I've seen on this board. There is some merit to the criticism— like any plot device, it's lazily implemented 80% of the time. And yes I love seeing them temporarily snap back to their normal selves reacting to the stuff they did earlier

Ever read Inkou Kyoushi No Saimin by Deep Valley? It would've been the perfect mind control series if after they're thoroughly knocked up there'd been a part like that where it wears off
>Inkou Kyoushi No Saimin by Deep Valley
art is kinda scuffed but pretty good
I get what you mean, but I find the artstyle somewhat charming, I like the blend of realism and mild exaggeration
image sauce?
see >>7878390
>Do you know why they exist? Because plain rape isn't enough.

I'd argue it's because they want what is basically vanilla sex, but want to seem "edgy" or some shit. Besides ryona, every single one of those tags is overwhelmingly just "Ohhh! I love your dick now!!! Please fuck me I love it <3333" for a dozen pages or so. Basic boring shit. Rape is only hot if the women is suffering throughout the entire ordeal. It shouldn't end with her happy with her new life or some stupid shit like a vanilla story, but with her a depressed mess contemplating killing herself.
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top fucking kek. Genius post.
You make a good point. The hentai version of rape is actually milder than than real rape. The reader don't want to feel like a psycho after all. He's there to fap and have good time, not having his stomach churned up.

Interestingly, the hardcore version of rape, where the girl gets obliterated, doesn't map that well with reality either. Women are tough, and often carry on with their life despite horrible shit happening to them. We are used to the helpless traumatized victim trope because it makes for good drama.
Not trying to be edgy here, but women were literally made for dick, rape is bad because of the violence involved, but the goal isn't to harm, but reproduction every women was meant for.
The horror is having an undeserved male penetrate her and reproduce with her and saddle her with lower quality child and lower quality life than she'd have with a male of her choice: a literal life and death situation before modern tech and medicine in traditional societies.
cuck hands drew this image
>Not trying to be edgy here
Yeah, no problem. I stopped myself from throwing the "world is built on rape" line in my last post, so i wouldn't call you on it.

I don't agree on the undeserved male thing, tough. Mothers love they child, scuffed up or not, rape or not. The real horror scenario we would be for her to be cast away by her tribe, and it's difficult to imagine that a pre-agricultural society would resort to that extreme just because she got raped. Fertile wombs were a precious resource back then.
I think this is the first jjk thread I see here
maybe cause it's mostly a manga for fags and fujos
Aside from the jjk fans having a ridiculous boner for Gojo, i don't get what you mean. To me, it doesn't feel that much more homo than bleach, for example.
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Then how come villains get off basically scott-fucking free from this rule?

That's something that's been bugging me as of late. I get wanting to make edgy porn of heroines losing. I don't like it, but I get it. So why exactly is there like, infinitely less porn of evil women getting raped and mind broken? They are usually dominant. They are usually fiesty. They are usually strong willed. Yet in general, if a woman has a evil alignment, she will get less art overall, good end or bad.

Where's my doujins of villains being defeated by the Cock of Justice? Being paraded in the streets naked to atone for their crime? Being raped by shotas because they got a hold of her magical girl transformation device or something? Being abused and passed around by crooked cops who think they're scum? Being raped by a group of angry civilians and turned into a public toilet as community service?

All the edgy fetish stuff would literally double it's audience if it were inflicted on bad people, thus removing the empathetic element.
Another thought I have when it comes to women experiencing bad ends or something similar (moral degradation, mindbreak, NTR) in h-doujins is that we can never truly know the artist's intent. Sometimes they'll literally tell us, but it could be
>"Well, I don't know anything or really care about the series or character, but they're popular, so I drew them getting raped to get some easy likes."
>"I actually DO like this character, and I also just really like this fetish. I'm just having fun doing my job and endulging in my fetish, but I wouldn't want this to canonically happen."
>"I find this character annoying/they pissed me off, so I drew them getting raped by homeless people and their pet dog Scabs."
>"I draw this fetish because it's popular. I don't really like it, or care about the character, but personality excression is all the rage."
>"Did I draw something like that? Lmao, I don't even remember. That's craaazy."
>"It's just a drawing. None of these people are real. None of this happened. I agree, it'd be fucked up if it did. But it didn't. So I'm gonna make it worse."

As a amateur creative myself, I've come up with some bad end plots on a whim, and it's actually much easier to essentially "disassociate" with the dark nature of what you're writing since you KNOW what's gonna happen and you made the character for the sole purpose of getting fucked over. There's probably a small couple of artist who don't really like the genre they write, but it's just a afterthought to them, and they go on to enjoy far more vanilla persuits.

Ironically, someone like Takeda Hiromatsu probably wrote Maken-Ki! As a warm up for their career and make a name for themselves so they could on to do what they love, writing cuckshit forever.
I think many guys inherently view powerful women as evil (evil for being unlikely to want the guy in question).

But I agree, which is why I like revenge hypnosis by aiue oka

Sometimes seeing a female character you like in that position is an effective way of keeping your darker urges toward them in check
>To the rapemobile!

ah yes, the ''mystery van''
I am definitely for it. I fapped to some images that came out of the Gaza conflict.
Hey there edgelord easy with the /pol/ posting. Look, I know shitting on OP and vanilla keks is good and all but I really wish and advice you not bring up that Gaza conflict shit in here of all places. Unless your plan is to attract the raging antisemite leftists and jihadists who live in London who'll tell us actual IRL rape is good because muh social justice, cutt that shit out please.
The villains woudn't show as much taboo and struggle at the idea of enjoying sex as the heroine.

I agree that some comics do target the villain, from a humiliation/domination perspective and its really good, and there's few of it. But its usually more hardcore as it focuses heavily on bdsm.

With a heroine you don't have to go that far, just normal rape seems much more humiliating because its assumed the heroine is a virgin, doesn't "want" to enjoy sex, just the very fact of her getting pleasure is a "win" for the mc/rapist.

In our society its still "taboo" for woman to enjoy sex. Much less than in japan or decades ago, but its still there. Slut shaming and all that. The trope of breaking a heroine feed on that.

With a villain she would just be like "big deal, fuck me harder" and thats no good. And mainstream audience doesn't want to go that deep in the domination/humiation rabbit hole. Just the very fact of getting off to a "rape" doujin is a lot.
For some reason I always find it downright improbably that any heroine would admit to enjoying it, even if they did. That’s why the trope has never done it for me.

As for how villainous characters would react, I’m pretty sure villains are still very much concerned with their own well-being. It’s other people they want to harm, not themselves after all (usually?)
Im very VERY sure you'd all draw the line and be upset at rape doujins and shitty OOC hentai fanfics that feature YOUR favorite characters and YOUR favorite couples and ships/pairings. To which I theorize /rape/ H-manga fans are not 100% consistent in their genre. You may cheer and rejoice at one rape hentai story because the girls are sexy and big boobies, but the moment there's rape doujins or fanfics that's all about your favorite characters, your favorite waifus being raped, your favorite husbandos being cucked. Suddenly that's off-limits and is degenerate trash that should go in the fire, but hey favoritism and bias is a normal human feature.

I mean a notorious/known NTR BLACK'D Queen-of-Spades artist, "Ratata" or "Skullz" something something. Is one of those edgy shock value hentai artists who constantly draws cute or sexy white girls being raped or brutally fucked by big gigia-nigga black dudes or poor clueless boys being cheated on and cucked as their senpai girlfriends get stolen from them. Basically the typical disturbing or edgy meanspirited shit that is very common place in hentai and porn these days. But funny enough, Ratata or Skullz is a fan of SpyxFamily and likes SpyxFamily and seemingly draws the line and likely would never draw NTR BLACK'D slop involving Yor and Loid or even Anya and Damian. Hell even that "NTR" doujin featuring Yuri being "cucked by Loid" is more of humourous fun and not the braindead dime a dozen cooming. Hell he might even end being one of the SpyxFamily fans who'd ship Yuri with Fiona too.

So yes, many of you would end up being against rape hentai as a whole the moment it involves YOUR favorite characters, favorite waifus, favorite husbandos and favorite couples/ships. Or any character(s) you have attachment for.
I can tell you from firsthand experience this isn’t true, for characters I like getting abused at least. For NTR itself I only enjoy the genre in a few specific forms, but I don’t mind if other people enjoy them getting NTR’d
(But to amend this statement, like I said before I won’t excuse lazily writing/inaccurate depictions of established characters, NTR or not)
that's fine, I'll allow it ;)
>Im very VERY sure you'd all draw the line and be upset at rape doujins and shitty OOC hentai fanfics that feature YOUR favorite characters and YOUR favorite couples and ships/pairings.
No lol. I just don't care. My favorites charas are not so important to my life that i feel the need to protect their "purity", somehow. I don't ship and pair them either. You know that most people don't, right?

>Ratata, edgy shock value
Dude ... Ratata is weak sauce. I don't even know the other. I hate to be that guy, but the difference in our power level is so great that ... urgh. I can't even do it. Not worth. You sound so young ... what i have to say wouldn't even register anyway. Let's just go with simple dismissiveness. You're wrong, you know jack shit, and it sounds like you're surrounded by so much hypocrites in your life that they exist everywhere else.

Also ... favorite husbandos ... really? Do you really think that a rape aficionado would have a favorite husbando? Maybe i'm too washed up, and everyone in this thread has one, and crowds of anons plead in unison "nooo, don't cuck my husbando, pleeease" as they hug their cherished husbando against their heart ... Yeah no, somehow i don't see that happening.
>people want their dicks sucked
>but people don't want to suck dicks
i fucking love this pic now
Ooh, look at the little faggot trying to pull a reverse psychology. How cute. I still fapped.
Based, femdomcucks deserve to be shitted on.
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>>Sometimes it seems when porn and hentai artists and authors make the usual grotesque and visceral rape and NTR, etc. they seem to never make anything remotely erotic or sexy and just want to be edgy and or out-edgelord one another

>Maybe its also true, hentai artists are only decent or good at drawing sex and sex scenes, but alot of them are not good writers or are just below average mediocre writers. And they get their writing and references from other porn and hentai written by other quirky edgelords... And maybe SOME of these porn and hentai writers are indeed single kissless virgins who have never had a significant other and have never dated anyone or romantically loved anyone. And are not married and do not have children; especially daughters, thus these types of individuals never yet to experience or feel the sanctity of their female loved ones being violated and brutalized. Therefore, these porn and hentai artists or writers can afford the luxury of drawing and writing weak defenseless women being violently gangraped nonstop by disgustingly hideous men or monsters. It's the fact they don't have wives or girlfriends or daughters/children of their own to find the material they perpetuate to be disgusting or just simply gross.

Okay surely this has to be overexaggerated or just not 100% true. I mean I get that some anime artists and mangakas themselves can be edgy because of the rather repressive society they live in. Thus they entertain repulsive and repugnant fantasy due to face-saving societal cultural norms they have but c'mon not all Japanese artists or any otaku who engage in the anime art space can be such "mean spirited virgins." Japanese artists and weeaboos already get enough flak and hate from mainstream Western industry "professionals."
Nah I get what OP means.

It takes me out of the goon immersion when I'm reading a doujin about a bitch that can decimate a city block by flicking her finger and she gets dominated by some out of shape landlord purely because he... uh.... threatens to show a picture he took of her to her husband. Like nigga come on now she can wave her hand and you - AND YOUR PHONE - will cease to exist.

I'll still tug the ol' worm but I'm not enjoying it as much as I could.
Stop using goon and use coom like civilized people

Goons are the bad guy's disposable thugs
This thread has no much obvious samefagging, it’s not even funny.
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>>"Well, I don't know anything or really care about the series or character, but they're popular, so I drew them getting raped to get some easy likes."
>>"I find this character annoying/they pissed me off, so I drew them getting raped by homeless people and their pet dog Scabs."
>>"I draw this fetish because it's popular. I don't really like it, or care about the character, but personality excression is all the rage."

Well I guess this is also pretty much more reasons as to why OP's point exists and why some doujins these days are indeed shitty low quality. The artists themselves enable the dog shit quality, they don't care about the IP or source material of the characters they're making porn of, and wether it's East or West artists- both of them can be exploitative grifters who're just cashing in or milking a trendy popular fetish in the hentai genre, quality and writing be damned. Now I know there has to be a more proper word or term for any of these sleazy Western or Eastern artists like Terasu MC, who constantly make copious amounts NTR cuck art because so many people are pessimistic dateless virgins who'll pay and fap to what they're perpetuating.

But there's one thing that is for sure, or that willing to bet is that the moment sleazy hentai artists become professionals or enter the industry. They will purge their online, delete l their social and media and attempt to delete all the trashy rape and moral degradation porn they've ever drawn online and might even go so far as to request all the hentai hosting sites to delete their work. All to save face and appear squeaky clean, and fearing HR might doing some background checks on their real lives and online presence, fearing the shit they've drawn might make them look bad.
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I won't claim this actually happens in the industry as a whole, but I am gonna use a friend of mine as reference. He was horny and perverted artist who consumed hentai like everyone else when we were all younger, even drew the usual nasty stuff involving tentacles in his free time but he never did post it online. One day when he got a job as an illustrator or graphic designer for a small local business, he practically quit drawing hentai in his personal life as he feared it will affect his performance and because he was already starting to date a girl we've known since grade school and was eager to start a family. Again, don't take my word for it, might even be a good example of what I'm talking about or what this thread and OP is talking about. But I suppose is what you can take from this is that the trashiest and sleaziest of porn artists from either the East or West can end up quitting in drawing hentai and go as far as to purge their online presence and the work and art they've done in fear of HR not liking what they've seen in the background checking. Or worse, the fear of being cancelled in the professional industry because some jealous and vindictive losers and rivals of theirs dug up their social media and previous posts from the past and revealing they've drawn rape hentai of ugly bald men impregnating pink haired anime girls.
>the fear of being cancelled in the professional industry
Don't a lot of companies (I'm talking both Eastern/Western) have no issues with it as long as it doesn't interfere with their mainstream work and vice versa? Hughes and Frank Cho do cheesecake, but it's never super weird hardcore stuff. Jouji Manabe's a veteran who mostly does hentai and still the occasional LN illustrations. Himura Kiseki dodged a bullet when UN feminists came after him for an inoffensive Tawawa manga ad and his mock paizuri Comiket chapters still sell like hotcakes. Gisele Lagace, whose style spoofs the Archie comics, lead to an actual spot in said company. Otto "Innocent Dickgirls" Schmidt, or Stjepan "Bondage Lesbians Sunstone" Šejić work at DC. On the other hand, if you only wanna reach Fred Perry levels, no one will give a fuck what kind of freak you are.

However, I'd say it matters to a certain degree depending on how big of a name you're aiming for. The people who think the world is so much more different than 10 or 15 years ago are actual underages who weren't old enough to pay attention to cancel culture back when it was on MySpace and LiveJournal, though like you, I'm not saying it happens every time.

>and might even go so far as to request all the hentai hosting sites to delete their work
That's FAKKU's fault with their DMCAs.
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The people who draw this hate women due to bad experiences irl, and drawing is their way of venting. Whenever they see a "strong and powerful woman" they just get angry and feel like they need to degrade them.
If someone draws a one off thing it's probably just an idea they had, but when an artist constantly draws fucked up shit, they're probably fucked up in the head.
Where does an artist that does mind control that involves exploiting a strong woman but not necessarily abusing them factor into this?
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Armchair psychologists are always the most retarded people.
>The people who draw this hate women due to bad experiences irl
Let me guess, you also think Spacejin (the artist who drew the pic you posted) hates his nuts, so he draws testicle destruction images?
are you telling me the artist who drew this is a perfectly well adjusted person that just happens to like drawings of women getting beaten for no particular reason? would you let your daughter date him?
I haven't thought much about sadomasochism but it's a different thing since you're the one feeling something. but legend says he got cured from his fetish
You dunk on the armchair psychologists yet you posted a pic related that would prove their point, including the OP's and other pro-vanilla anons here. What kind of a fucking unhinged weirdo one must be that vanilla or happy loving relationships, marriages and consensual sex is so lame, boring and bluepilled. But your pic related is somehow based and redpilled and a peak culture? Also I assume pics like that have also been posted in rape threads here in /h/ before? Which brings the question how and why is rape and shit like the pic you used is not /d/ and relegated to /d/ board and /d/ threads?
take your meds newfag
Japanese anime is literally porn.

It's fetish fuel

Nothing else
Youre decisional. Aiue Oka is plain dogshit. Only one emotion and same face.

Blacked and other types of cuckoldry sells the most
Rape sells well

Not saying I agree with it.

In the Zionist state, it was illegal to sell porn until not so long ago. But there was one cartoon porn comic that was allowed to be sold. It features American and British soldiers getting imprisoned and raped by blue eyed blonde haired women. The comic depicts the imprisonment as horrific but it takes a turn in glorifying imprisonment and rape when the prisoners escape and rape those women for revenge. Jews in the Zionist state bought over a million copies of this comic, lol.
Yumejos keep winning.
>Porn they backed were innocent American good ol boys getting raped by Aryan women
Uhhh based?
Aryan doesn mean blue eyes or blonde hair or European.

Also, you can't fucking read.

Take your meds, /pol/tard
>Hey there edgelord
Literally you Zios gloat on social media after you've raped or massacred a Palestinian baby, that anon is your friend, you've zero proof for your bullshit claims, you got caught faking evidence and you scream "antisemitism" when investigators show up

>/pol/ posting
Why do you think people can't click on that board and see that it's full of White supremacists? Oh right you've got a victim complex because you saw one out of a million posts not unconditionally suck you off

Why do you want this word to mean "someone who doesn't want to kill Palestinian babies or doesn't want to expel Jews from Europe"

It's fascism.

Hate literature is impermissible only if its targets are men. Fascism is highly fashionable if women are its targets, as is obvious from the largely-unmolested presence of several dozen businesses in this city that sell books, magazines and films advocating the brutalization and enslavement of women. It’s no longer O.K. to say Jews should be tortured and exterminated, but it’s perfectly all right, apparently, to advocate such treatment for women.

Unlike open Nazi sentiment, which is now repugnant to most of society, the insidious linking of violence against women with libidinal release for men is so much a part of the fabric of our culture that it is accepted as “normal”. In fact, the only visible protesters against pornography are reactionaries and Puritans who seize upon its excesses to justify their crusade against any sexual enjoyment. The fear of being linked with such missionaries of “purity” has long prevented those of us concerned with real human liberation from acting against the misogyny rampant in most “pornography”.

Women on display as objects for passive enjoyment, sexual humiliation, or outright degradation; articles promoting standard male myths about sexuality, e.g., that women like to be raped and physically abused or that women “get off” by catering to every male desire; and “advice columns” and advertisements promoting the latest variations in expert sexual technique.

The striking thing about the “turn-on” photos is that the women are posed in impossibly distorted and unrealistic ways. Of course, the “pets” or “playmates” the “honeys” or “girls” are unusually big-breasted, voluptuous and unhairy, but that is to be expected. More surprising is that most of the photos look like they belong in a gynecology textbook. This is the first way in which pornography noticeably parts paths with genuine eroticism. Sex, even if “purely physical”, is totally human, involving bodies; pornography, on the other hand, is obsessed with body parts. Only in a society of severe sexual repression could men become so fascinated with gazing deep into the genitalia of women whose faces may not even be pictured. It is because such “private parts” are supposed to be sinful and “dirty” that they are focused upon in heterosexual pornography.

The anonymity of the sex objects is an important feature of such pornography. Real names of the women are seldom used. Every trace of human relationships is eliminated. Quantitative aspects of sexuality completely overshadow qualitative features. Porno movies present a sexual Olympics where the goal is to set new records of size, frequency and endurance. The magnifying of the bare essentials of sexual activity cuts away everything else about the people involved: kissing and hugging, real exchanges of affection, are almost verboten. What remains is hardly sex but merely mechanical manipulation, technical achievement, and impersonal performance.

With real women posed as lifeless commodities, the message for the male consumer which is interspersed between the images is almost redundant. Like prepackaged food and entertainment, women, according to the magazine copy or film dialogue, are to be consumed and thrown away. Women are nothing but tits and ass to be fucked and flogged. What life they have is consumed in pleasing men: in providing palpitating vaginas for men to masturbate in, breasts for men to suck on, mouths for men to come into, and assholes for men to penetrate. Since, like all commodities, their purpose is to be used, women enjoy being treated by men any way men desire. Women’s liberation is portrayed as the “freeing” of women from those puritanical inhibitions which made them less interesting and less willing victims in bed. Women, we are told, want not only to be fucked, but beaten, tortured and enslaved: this is what their “real” liberation consists of. Their punishment for wanting freedom is to be enslaved anew in the name of sexual liberation. The message for men is simple: reassert your mastery over women by means of sexual violence. Even if the consumer grows tired of the “wide-open beavers,” the leering at the “pink”, the public exposure of what was once forbidden, almost magical territory, he may still keep consuming porn for the message that men should be on top.

The most enduring justification for violence against women is that women like it. According to the neo-Freudian psychology of Helene Deutsch, women’s sexuality is essentially passive and masochistic, and intercourse is hardly distinguishable from rape.* (Unfortunately, for many generations of women, the latter has been too close to the truth.) Our culture is saturated with the male myth that women like to be raped, but nowhere is this idea so baldly expressed in so many different forms as in pornography. Most pornography directed at heterosexual men amounts to nothing less than an invitation to rape. Every magazine, every book, every film urges: take your pleasure as you will, its your right, and women are your willing, even begging, victims.

Yet, a cherished liberal rationalization for pornography is that it is an antidote to rape. Based on the classical liberal hypothesis that, beneath their veneer of civilized pretension, men are ravenous beasts intent only on immediate gratification, the argument runs that pornography is a harmless way for men to release their sexual frustrations which would otherwise explode into acts of sexual violence. Much of this kind of reasoning is based on the familiar conception of male libidinal energy as a barely-corked bottle demanding safety valves of release. The threat posed by pent-up semen looms large in a culture which imagines that sex is a matter of releasing the frustrations of civilized males, with women as the tools for this prophylaxis. But there does not seem to be much biological basis for believing only men, but not women, to be in frequent, periodic need of release.

Even were the notion that men require frequent release true, does it follow that pornography provides that release? Looking at provocative photographs of unattainable women may heighten the male’s frustrations. Those men without lovers may feel their lack all the more, and even men who have regular sexual partners may come to feel she is inadequate because she doesn’t measure up to the Playboy or Penthouse standards. Pornography may build up more frustrations than it releases.

It is not such a large leap from imagining women as victims of suppressed desire to casting them as victims of suppressed rage. Rape is primarily an act of aggression, rather than a sexual encounter. How have rapists learned that women are beautiful as victims? In hundreds of ways, pornography one of them. It’s hard to imagine a would-be rapist being dissuaded from his act by a look at the women-objects arranged in various victim poses.

Liberals, however, hoping to preserve the status quo,, refuse to see it that way. For them, pornography is at worst a necessary evil. What can be more harmless, they ask, than looking at a few admittedly ridiculous pictures in some magazines? It doesn’t hurt anyone—why not let those men jack off in peace? What business is it of anyone’s what someone does in private? Ironic questions coming from the same liberals who so readily accept the harmful effects of television violence on children or the danger posed by dissemination of Nazi pamphlets. The truth is that pornography does not defuse potential male sexual violence, but encourages it; does not diffuse fantasies harmlessly, but actually creates destructive ones (how many men, left to their own devices, would conjure up sexual fantasies involving women beaten and in chains?); does not deter rape, but promotes it.

What does pornography actually do to its male consumer? For one, it completely divorces feelings of affection (or any emotion, for that matter) from sexuality. Sex, as portrayed in porn, is a field of combat and conquest that demands a technically polished performance from the male gladiator, and emotions get in the way of performance. How can anyone generate any feeling except contempt for the empty-headed, toy-like dolls that pornography substitutes for real women? Men become convinced that they don’t need affection from another human being, but a blow job from a Playboy bunny.

The argument that the use of women in pornography as objects of sexual violence is a private matter and that any kind of opposition to it is as repugnant as laws regulating what goes on in the bedroom is perhaps the most insidious liberal rationalization of all. Pornography, for one thing, is not private but public. If whole blocks of a city were given over to the sale of material directly advocating the enslavement of blacks or Jews, such merchants would be run out of town with little thought given by liberals to those merchants’ legal rights—exactly what is happening to that Nazi on West Vernor. The Nazi’s insistence that anyone should be able to read whatever material he wants in private would be ignored or dismissed as irrelevant. Constitutional rights are only enforced when convenient.
Your issue with rape is that you can't get away with it

Why do you hate Tate when you and him got so much in common
Hello. I have found a video essay on Youtube that addresses OP's questions and concerns. It is very long and I apologize for that.
Tell your neighborhood that you find rape is fun and they should let you do it instead of being "antis" and let us know how it went
>Your issue with rape is that you can't get away with it
Challenge accepted!

>Why do you hate Tate when you and him got so much in common?
Motherfucker, i'm not as bald as that guy ... yet.
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i think that this is in fact really true and a representation of the dangers of pornography on the collective psyche, in general porn by his functioning as the normalization of the destructions of relationships and the justification of hurting others is in general a litigation of the romantic endearment that naturally humans make to generally reduce the sexual attire of humans on both sexes, it considers one part to be the passive as the unwilling curfew-er to a dominant part when real relationships by his need of vulnerability need the willingness and personal touch to generate their ideas, doing otherwise generates the idea on non mentally ill individuals as the female being the non assertive female as the normalization by feeling that sex is always something meant to destroy a part of the person specially in women while the men believe to be lesser by not following things which don't strive the abusive destructive ideas of porn thus feeling that his inherent need of care which is needed on healthy relationships is unnatural and wrong.
on the case of the mentally ill porn is in both sexes the tool to hurt others by social coertion, normalize abusive behaviors and to justify rape tactics to encourage their mental illness and that they have the capacity to hurt others.
in general we live on a society which deters affection to upheld the physical only, naturally both sexes need the physical to develop sexual attraction but other things like social symbiosis and general care to the other part are needed and these things are revoked by a society which removes the social variations of humans to hurt them and atomize them.
this has made anyone feel lonelier and in general has just hurt society by unironically reducing the initial ways of contact/relationships in general with real eroticism, thus sex, just being a tool to normalize abuse.
sexual things aren't really the issue but how has a society
how has a society we have let these conveyors on all manners of areas to change the social perception by these fake psychologists and behaviorists which just lie to hurt others.
female sexuality doesn't make sense as a passive one, humans are in general very monogamous and have selection biases on both sexes by reproduction being hard for both so an assertive female makes more sense than a passive one which happens on very high death ratio species by them not being able to maintain anything on other way than killing each other off, the male has limited reproductive capacity and hi offpsring with him as well needs an ambient where he is safe and in which can take off his offspring by the high risk reproduction means, in general the idea of these false monsters is an inherent contradiction to reality and it's done to normalize people who follow the dynamics abusive relationships do to cause issues and total damage to the way men and women bond like i explained on the other post
this aspect of issues mixed with the justification from false grandeur s trying to justify it by false interests like the normalization of hurting others which doesn't happen naturally has just gotten people on an endless spiral of hatred and withering any way of real development of people while encouraging sexual abusers.
in general it doesn't matter the body proportion more aside from the person being removed from their personality like you said on your posts, the stereotypical female form is more aided to generate the normalization of an archetype to hurt others and to sell trash to destroys real things which aid attraction or are inherent parts of being an human like hair, certain physical proportions and general development on relationships, hurting people on all manners, no balanced human beings, no assertive attitudes on females and no caringness from men to destroy natural sexual dynamics.
as a conclusion i can say that on all manners that release isn't really the issue, not a single not mentally ill person not matter their sex needs a release to things they hate on all manners but the lack of social contact which porn through his social destruction and general destruction of will (a destruction which works together with other destructions of will like immoral and abusive socialization on all manners) to have romantic relationships and with this sex on a real way with his emotional backing have made men and women more insecure, hateful, sad and more lonely, no one desires to feel used and is a part which cannot be removed if a society which accepts abuse from bad people through authority and general coertion of social trends to all means exists, if people where free there wouldn't be need of these abusive media which the liberal which as a fake conveyor of liberty which follows what authority tells him because he wants to control others and be authoritarian even by proxy follows by his lack of perspective and/or real malice.
part 3:>>7911459
in general fascism is too a way to generate control of others lifehood, men are affected by this too by deriding their natural person and with this removing the action of being loved by media which encourages the opposite, fascism is both ways with the objective to control both parts and to hurt anyone by his inherent working mechanisms which deride natural behaviors to only prospect the bad ideas of abusive and hurtful people on all ways and manners, thus saying that his inherent caring nature is bad and thus derided and hurt for it, something that reduces the development of more caring relationships from more caring men on average.
part 4:>>7911460
Men are superior to women, simple as.
>Im very VERY sure you'd all draw the line and be upset at rape doujins and shitty OOC hentai fanfics that feature YOUR favorite characters
Fuck no I enjoy seeing my favorite character raped as they're crying and begging for it to stop
>and YOUR favorite couples and ships/pairings
I am not a shipper because I am not a mentally ill genshin fan or tumblr user
they hated him because he told them the truth
Still porn.
Why do you argue that you can separate porn from reality when you're literally masturbating to it and wasting time defending it?
Accurate. I don't identify with the ugly bastard or the fuccboi naïve childhood friend. I just want to shake some feelings loose.
>implying I'd read all this shit
You must have your fucking brains fried.
Literally me
Too much text.
>Why oh why do artists and fan artists who engage in porn feel the need to do this?
Because that's the reason we invented strong women in the first place millennia ago.
you have shit taste cuck... ooc will always be trash
>Strong women are attractive but scary. Finding a way to push them into a more generic role means you can catch a more general audience and the fans of the character who will settle for anything that looks good.
So sexism and misogyny?
The troon bumped his thread at least four days in a row.
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Here some OOC! Rika having an extramarital sexual affair with a literal who and not her actual boyfriend.
I'm ordinarily a vanillafag but Nobara is so bland looking and mediocre that I love her getting brainwashed by bald fat old men into being their adoring sex slave makes you that upset.
based, wtf is this retarded thread
>Nobara is so bland looking and mediocre that I love her getting brainwashed by bald fat old men into being their adoring sex slave makes you that upset.
How about her being brainwashed into being the personal sex slave/concubine/fuck buddy of one oji-san/DILF? I find that better.
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Her character is indeed mediocre, but I find her pretty rapeable. Bless MAPPA for deciding to give her massive tits.
How many of you are absolutely and undeniably guilty of fapping, cooming and gooning over porn and hentai of various characters and IPs you've never ever played, watched or read? Yes, never ever watched or read JJK and only have less-than-bare-bones knowledge of it because of social media and my co-workers not shutting the fuck up about it. But if I ever want a fap I look up practically pic related where she gets fucked in fertilized.
I refuse to play gacha but that won't stop me from fapping to all the hot girls.
domination_loss if the best tag there is, and it's your fault for not reading the tags.
Got to be honest with you chief, I know next to nothing about lobotomy kaisen but I love it when it comes to this girl and anal.
My man hotness is just as much in the mind as the dick. The difference between watching a fantastic sex scene and watching some naked bodies make wet slapping sounds against each other is usually how invested and interested we are in the bodies doing the slapping. And canon characters with established and well liked personalities come with that kind of investment prepackaged.

Presumably someone is reading porn about the character because they like that character, so they'll like the porn even more if it feels in character for them, because that makes it feel more real. Fantasies and fiction obviously don't have to be realistic, but you want to be able to believe its real even if you know its not.

Verisimilitude man. It isn't a requirement for porn, but it can make it hot as fuck.
Holy shit dude I didn't realize your power level was so low. It all makes sense now, you just haven't realized how many different tastes are out there and how wide the gap can be between what you like and what other people like,

I don't give a shit if my waifu is raped or my favorite ship gets cucked or whatever. Depending on why I find that character or relationship hot I might not be into those stories because they lack the things that drew me to the character to begin with, assuming those things weren't just my love of big titties and redheads. But I'm not going to shit on another dude because he wants to enjoy his porn in a different way than I do.

Also NTR and Queen of Spades? That is weak shit man. If that's your example of degeneracy I don't think you fully grasp the kinds of crazy weird shit that's out there.
I dunno. Maybe its called having respect for your own characters and own work? Isn't any artist entitled to not or never lewding their own characters simply because they're sfw and they simply don't want to? Maybe they also know just how much degenerate freaks people are these days.

>Nah, I don't care and not bothered too much, I just like the porn and want to fap!

Then you do not respect the IP, media, shows, games and books your favorite characters come from! You are then not real fans who knows when to control your cooming and keeping it in your pants. You likely don't respect the author's or original artist's intent and original premise, you do not respect canon. And this attitude is how and why leftists and wokeoids manage to sneak into all the hobbies, games and media all of like and love! You take their lusty coom material for granted and as "good faith" sauce without realizing they're bastardizing the very media you enjoy.

If that is the attitude you maintain because you value self gratifying fapping that much. You deserve to have your media and hobbies ruined by the wokeoids.
holy autism lmao
reading where, I was not aware this exists.
But is this not just general "switch" ?
>Then you do not respect the IP, media, shows, games and books your favorite characters come from!
Of course i don't respect these. I keep my respect for people that i deem worthy, not things.

>You are then not real fans
Duh. Yeah. Exactly. I'm not a fan, especially not like you.
When there's a show, an IP or something else i like, i don't worship it nor do i make it all my identity. Like, actual self-respect, you know? Ah right, you don't. My bad.

You can act pissy and claim moral superiority all you want, but as long as you make such retarded arguments you're not going to win over anybody.
Not like it would change anything, mind you. I can piss all over Nobara whenever i want to, and there's nothing you can do about it.
>Be ugly, fat, awkward Jap loser without a job. My own family hates me, my society hates me. I spend the entire day alone in my room
>Have never touched a woman because they feel visceral disgust at me and I'm scared of them
>Feel hatred at women because they are fucking hot and I'm supposed to be stronger than them and desirable to them (by virtue of being male) but I am a fucking loser who can't even leave his room and I know no one will ever love me (not even I love myself)
>Do nothing but consoom escapist media: vidya, anime, porn
>Discover a community of like-minded people
>Mind break fat bastard doujin
It's not rocket science, OP.
Pretty much these since I was also thinking of posting jokes like these ones
because weakass menhera need to cope that they'll never get laid
>who cares if it's out of character
Because you're reading it for that character, not someone who just looks like her.
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>watch an episode of cromartie
But what you posted isn't NTR. It's not exactly traditional, but it does equate to "A fat man wants a loving lewd relationship with a girl"
>Sorry bro, but NTR and Blacked will always be more based than vanilla shit.
What do you think the word based means...?
it baffles me that people don't understand this
I can get off if the plot of a hentai is someone cosplaying that character though
checkmate aethists
So may of you are hating on OP because he speaks the truth and points out an uncomfortable truth.

So many porn and doujin artists truly are simply just shitty bad writers who can't write sex scenes or any decently appealing and attractive erotica. Thus, such porn and doujin artists constantly rely on shock value to gain and audience and following. (Rape, NTR, guro, ryona, scat, etc.)

That is why so many hentai and porn in general is shit and just plain unsexy, a majority of porn artists/authors are bad or below average writers who rely on shock value.
>So many of you are hating on OP because he speaks the truth and points out an uncomfortable truth.
Hoho, here comes the uncomfortable truth guy. You know it's gonna be good because, not only he has everything figured out, but he also isn't a pussy like everybody else.
Let's see.

>So many porn and doujin artists truly are simply just shitty bad writers who can't write sex scenes or any decently appealing and attractive erotica.
Yeah, duh. Where do you want to go with this?

>Thus, such porn and doujin artists constantly rely on shock value to gain and audience and following. (Rape, NTR, guro, ryona, scat, etc.)
Ok, yeah, i can see that. Drawing niche fetishes will give access to niche audiences. So? Where's the uncomfortable truth? Is it coming soon?

>That is why so many hentai and porn in general is shit and just plain unsexy, a majority of porn artists/authors are bad or below average writers who rely on shock value.
OH SHIT! That's what OP wanted to unveil? SO TRUE! Fucking incredible man. Incredibly stupid.
Everybody with eyes can see that most hentai works are garbage, so why are trying to sell it like complicated idea?
Is there anyone here telling OP that all hentai is gold and perfect? There isn't.
Why do you feel the need to defend OP by bringing up obvious things that nobody is disagreeing with?
Is that because you want to give OP a little victory, since he got bodied so hard? Are you gonna give him a handjob next, vanilla boy? Wait, no forget i said that. Maybe that's too hardcore for your kind, forgive me. Go for a kiss on the cheek.
I’m not the anon, but it sounds like you’re getting defensive as an enjoyer of NTR and similar genres and I’d argue you can have nothing fundamentally against them also recognizing that they attract lazy writers/artists as a cheap way of getting attention without really understanding how to do them well
>sounds like you’re getting defensive as an enjoyer of NTR
Nice try. I don't care about NTR.

>I’d argue you can have nothing fundamentally against them also recognizing that they attract lazy writers/artists as a cheap way of getting attention without really understanding how to do them well
Yep, you absolutely can, >>7984390 could also have nothing against hardcore tags and just pointing the obvious, but spouting out platitudes isn't why OP is getting shit on, you get that, right?
For the coombrained people really in to that trope it's simply the fact that they can't see themselves getting a girl any legitimate way, they view women as too stuck up and in need of some kind of correction. It's about the strong character being brought down to their level, the pristine clean thing being made filthy. They put women on a pedestal in their minds and they enjoy seeing the pedestal broken. It's just a kink. It's not my thing but I at least see the logic in it. But you're on a porn board asking porn addicts to be mindful of non-porn stuff.
Yeaaah, no offense, but you're reaching quite a bit. Using a person's kinks to derive a his stance on women is dubious at best. The theory may look nice on paper, but it doesn't match up with reality. The data simply doesn't back it up. This is the same level of peddling as the old unproven "video games makes young people violent."
I’m telling you if that’s the case you don’t have to get defensive, not that there’s something wrong with reacting that way if your fetish is being attacked
What do you want, exactly? To me it feels like you're tiptoeing, tho i might be wrong. If you've something to say, just send it straight. On the other hand, if you're just a peace lover in "anon, calm down" mode, then all you're gonna get from me is a "nah". Mocking OP and friend's stupidity is too much fun.
Pure Flamengo
This isn’t me spouting platitudes, I’m telling you that I think it’s wrong to attack NTR as an entire genre, and so fans of it are justified for getting upset if someone does that, but that some of it sucks and fans shouldn’t get upset if I tell them to hold some authors in the genre to a higher standard
Thanks for clarifying. If OP gave his opinion the way you did, i wouldn't shit on him.
Now i can argue against it properly. I think don't think that holding authors to higher standards is bad per se, but i think it's inapplicable in practice. As you know, doujins are made in Japan for a japanese audience. Authors listen to their countrymen, not foreigners. The current state of quality is a product of decisions that were made by Japan, and like it or not, they've no interest of letting foreigners tell them what to do.
Good on them.
I've made this post in a different thread but figured it'd be relevant.

The problem with rape porn or rape fetishes, even fantastical fantasy rape for the sake of role play and shits 'n giggles is the very taboo, abhorrent and absolutely aberrant nature of it. Rape is unanimously vilified regardless of the reasons and circumstances for it always evokes images of defenseless helpless women young girls having cruel acts of violence done to them. No amount of "it's just fiction" argumentation or justification is going to make it any better solely because there are people out there who might know a female or two close to them who was violently assaulted and raped. Can you say to them with a straight face and confidence that you or your friends, female friends and partners enjoy rape scenes for kink and roleplay without offending them and or triggering traumatic flashbacks and episodes?

The uncomfortable truth or hard pill to swallow is, vanilla fags and moral fags are the majority and will forever be the majority who will dictate and consider what is and is not normal or accepted. While any "men of culture" and "like minded porn enjoyers" will forever be the minority who has hide their fetishes and kinks due to its aberrant nature and how not-normal it is.

People regardless will inevitably gravitate to what is normal and socially acceptable. And no one, NOT EVEN ANYONE in this thread or in the porn boards will EVER publicly or openly defend or justify the existence of your rape fetish and kinks in fear of public scrutiny and saving your public image. You will have to say yes to and agree with everyone else that anyone who enjoys rape play or rape scenes for porn and fetish reasons are "horrible people" instead of saying otherwise just to save face.

Defending and justifying rape scenarios for fetish and roleplay will forever be an uphill battle regardless of whether it is the leftwing or rightwing who're the dominant force in society.
>The problem with rape porn is the very taboo, abhorrent and absolutely aberrant nature of it.
Disagree. It's real rape that is abhorrent by nature due to the hurt that the violation of consent causes to the victim. Rape porn, and rape play are seen as distasteful only because they mimic the real thing, but crucially, their nature is playfulness.

>Rape is unanimously vilified regardless of the reasons and circumstances for it always evokes images of defenseless helpless women young girls having cruel acts of violence done to them. No amount of "it's just fiction" argumentation or justification is going to make it any better solely because there are people out there who might know a female or two close to them who was violently assaulted and raped.
Yep, 100% true.

>Can you say to them with a straight face and confidence that you or your friends, female friends and partners enjoy rape scenes for kink and roleplay without offending them and or triggering traumatic flashbacks and episodes?
I can, but i don't do it 'cause i'm not a dick.

>The uncomfortable truth or hard pill to swallow is, vanilla fags and moral fags are the majority and will forever be the majority who will dictate and consider what is and is not normal or accepted.
Nope. It's a popular type of lazy statement to make, but the actual truth is that culture is always in flux. It can and will go in unexpected directions, given enough time. Also, keep in mind that real rape is the default option for reproduction, like it is right now in the animal kingdom. We're one society collapse away from it at all time.
>While any "men of culture" and "like minded porn enjoyers" will forever be the minority who has hide their fetishes and kinks due to its aberrant nature and how not-normal it is.
Wrong. They don't hide it because they're a minority, but because it's taboo to talk about sex outside of designed spaces. Normal people don't talk casually about how much they really like the missionary position, while an oppressed rape fetishist is keeping his mouth shut out of shame or fear. Sex is taboo, rape play is just more taboo.

>People regardless will inevitably gravitate to what is normal and socially acceptable.
Very true.

>And no one, NOT EVEN ANYONE in this thread or in the porn boards will EVER publicly or openly defend or justify the existence of your rape fetish and kinks in fear of public scrutiny and saving your public image. You will have to say yes to and agree with everyone else that anyone who enjoys rape play or rape scenes for porn and fetish reasons are "horrible people" instead of saying otherwise just to save face.
Wasn't there a guy that tried to form a pro-rape movement a few years back? Pre-covid. An american guy was the leader, i think, he tried to organize a pro-rape rally in Canada but it aborted. They didn't have the number, so they were afraid to get their shit pushed in. I wish they had gone through with it. It would have been especially funny to see pro-rape advocate being raped.
But yeah, putting aside the crazies, you're right, nobody is promoting rape directly. Directly. Direc-tly. Di-rec-t-ly.That word is making all the heavy lifting. Don't believe me? India legalized marital rape a few days ago. Yep, real horrendous shit.
>Defending and justifying rape scenarios for fetish and roleplay will forever be an uphill battle regardless of whether it is the leftwing or rightwing who're the dominant force in society.
Uphill battle? What are you talking about? We won already.
Who's going to stop me and my wife to enjoy some rape play in the privacy of out bedroom? Is the gov monitoring your porn or your hentai?
Anon, we live in a world were dudes go outside wearing ahegao t-shirts, and the worse thing they get is weird looks, or mockery. A century ago, that guy would have been jailed for pulling off a stunt like that.

Porn itself is rape tho
>Uphill battle? What are you talking about? We won already.
In your dreams. No, regardless of how many wokeoids are out there and regardless of how many like minded men-of-culture allies are also out there willing to help you out. Almost all the non-conventional porn (hentai and other gnarly shite in /d/ and the rest of the internet) FOREVER will be an uphill battle to defend and justify to normal people regardless of the "its-just-fiction" or "its only a silly fetish between me and some tightknit community/partner" justification. The left-leaning sjw wokeoids can disappear the following day and you (and the rest of us including myself) will still get scorn, disdain or outright hate and ostracization for the hardcore rape, guro and scat fetish some of us may or may not enjoy and fap to. Its just not normal, its aberrant and sometimes can come off as simply outright evil and malicious and hateful towards women. As mentioned, you think a rape victim or anyone who had a significant female figure in their lives who was sexually assaulted would look at you as normal good people!? They would hate your guts and wish you to be thrown in jail and even doxxed in hopes of being punished severely.

Though I guess to lessen the "moralfaggotry". I do believe or am willing to believe the reason for the current shitty state of porn or hentai as a whole is sometimes there are just way too many people in the industry and or "hobby" participating in it. In the older days, porn was occupied and run by a select number of people and professionals or dedicated people that was not too few or too many, while also porn not being to widespread. But ever since the internet and more modern technologies, there are far more people now than ever who actively and openly engage and participate in porn or making of porn art/hentai. That may be a good thing because more content and material to fap to. But at the same time it is also a bad thing because now there's too many and too much content, and some of that excessive content that has flooded the market is made by plenty of people who're just shitty and bad artists and bad writers. And some probably are plain bad people with evil malicious thoughts (rape, ntr, guro porn artists), at best they're probably just meanspirited and hate-filled assholes who're envious virgin incels and hate people who have happy successful and loving relationships. Thus, they create NTR and Rape to project their malice with very little to no thought for actual sexiness and eroticism.
There's no "wokeness" in my country, dipshit. Spare me your buzz word salad, you didn't invent any of it. Fight me on what i said, coward. Or do you like parroting the rotten garbage you found on the news that much? And before you start, try to make it original, smart, precise and concise.
>There's no "wokeness" in my country, dipshit
NTA, on one hand good for you and your country... In the other hand I have witnessed and seen way too many people proudly claim their country and homeland is proud MASCULINE MANLY non-woke and don't let the gays tell them what to do. Only to be revealed the proud manly masculine anti-woke country they come from is a 3rd World shithole, a Muslim country and or an authoritarian dictatorship where human rights doesn't exists. Protesting, criticizing or having certain opinions of the government is not allowed. And gays and lesbians are genuinely oppressed and thrown off of building rooftops. Perhaps you as an individual are a proudly decent person who believes in human rights and you don't believe in woke nonsense.

But I myself who's family did come from a 3rd world backwater, wouldn't consider a 3rd World shithole with little to no human rights and freedom of speech a good thing simply because no woke and is masculine, etc. -Or at least I hope that isn't what you mean... Is your country of origin a 3rd World hellhole or you from Eastern Europe or something?
If that's all you got from me then you completely missed my point. It isn't about whoever has the best country is always right, that's stupid. It's about pussy anon seeing blue hair where there's none.
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It's a degenerate market by and for degenerates, so obviously most product is degenerate. Just be happy anyone who produces or consumes that type of trash will die virgin and move on to find something good.
What a bunch of faggotry lmao
Incel issues, man. Simply that.
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I've seen some NTR stuff, not proud of it. Some of it was well-drawn, some of it felt outright evil, but a lot of it is just really tacky slop. I guess all genres have slop, but NTR is especially trashy.
>bandwagoning faggots who knew jack shit about the source material
yup, happens a lot
You know any good Taiga ones?
I guess these can also be examples to moral fag about to:

It definitely has plenty of things OP is pointing and complaining about. Especially the really evil and vile malicious aspects, thought of course this may also just the author being a relatively immature edgelord. But just simply edgy none the less.

And as >>7903015 said;
>one thing that is for sure, or that willing to bet is that the moment sleazy hentai artists become professionals or enter the industry. They will purge their online, delete their social media. And attempt to delete all the trashy rape and moral degradation porn they've ever drawn online and might even go so far as to request all the hentai hosting sites to delete their work. All to save face and appear squeaky clean, and fearing HR might doing some background checks on their real lives and online presence, fearing the shit they've drawn might make them look bad.

Which is also why I assume sometimes Japanese artists just seemingly out of nowhere delete their social media, Pixiv and other online art accounts that contain their raunchy non-vanilla rape, NTR, ryona, scat, etc. porn. Basically its them deleting their previous not safe for work material as a form of rebranding and not have their previous work and other nsfw be associated with their new professional careers.

So chances are, if the artist of the hentaifox links related ever makes it big or becomes an industry professional. They might end up deleting and purging whatever socials they have and attempt to purge the very rape doujins they made to not have it be associated with him which may also jeopardize their new professional careers.
>It definitely has plenty of things OP is pointing and complaining about. Especially the really evil and vile malicious aspects, thought of course this may also just the author being a relatively immature edgelord. But just simply edgy none the less.

Maybe less of a "secret hidden woman hating misogynist rapist", and more of a; Nerd who was bullied and constantly rejected in highschool.

Maybe the seemingly evil woman hating rape is just a mix of simple long festered nerd rage mixed with the frustrations and expectations of Asian Society. Which in itself makes dating, marrying and starting a family near impossible or extremely difficult at best.

In other words: venting frustration... Don't show this tourists or the vast majority of normies who wouldn't be able to comprehend what goes on the mind of a weird horny frustrated but ultimately harmless Japanese male nerd.
Trying too hard. Stop embarrassing this site.
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You're probably a newfag but that image was made back before domination loss was an actual tag that spread around.
>femdom seethe thread
Maybe, /maybe/, 10% of domination loss is correctly tagged. At the absolute maximum.
it's a relatively new tag so most of the old stuff will still be missing it
Porn is the opposite of reality
If someone ever said this to me, I'd probably flip the bed over.
Anyone brought up these yet?


Basically it appears to have a basic plot of innocent defenseless girls being kidnapped and gangraped by groups of ugly bastard homeless men. Or is this too much for some of you and is just downright meanspirited and poor in taste? Sometimes its doujins like these that makes you question whether or not some hentai and doujin artists and authors are even well adjusted sane and good people or if they truly are secretly evil and horrific human being who wish they can actually commit rape and sexual assaults to women and get away with it... Or its just edgy Japanese artists and authors being edgy and horny geeks nerds being edgy and horny in the internet.

Either way whenever I see rather meanspirited and "evil" doujins and porn like this. One thing is for sure, the moment sleazy hentai artists like hissatsukun become professionals or enter the big boy industry. They will purge their online, delete their social media and attempt to delete all the trashy rape and other unwholesome porn they've ever drawn online and might even go so far as to request all the hentai hosting sites to delete their work too. All to save face and appear squeaky clean, and fearing HR might doing some background checks on their real lives and online presence, fearing the shit they've drawn might make them look bad.

I mean, I assume this why Japanese artists sometimes just seemingly out of nowhere delete and purge their social media, Pixiv and other online art accounts that contain their raunchy non-vanilla rape, NTR, ryona, scat, etc. porn. Basically as a form of rebranding and to not have their previous work and other nsfw be associated with their new professional careers in fear of it jeopardizing their new found professional careers. Which then also makes them look bad and awful in society.
Granted there're probably worse out there, but sometimes vanilla-fags and antis complaining about hentai and doujins being so mean and evil aren't completely wrong. Hopefully hentai doujin authors like hissatsuku are just being an edgelord in the internet, a horny edgelord at that. Maybe it's of less of a "secret hidden woman hating misogynist rapist", and more of a; Nerd who was bullied and constantly rejected in highschool and couldn't get laid. Maybe the seemingly evil woman hating rape elements in so many 90% of trashy hentai and doujins is just a product of simple long festered nerd rage mixed with the frustrations and expectations of Asian Society. Which in itself makes dating, marrying and starting a family- let alone getting laid. Almost near impossible or extremely difficult at best.

In other words: venting frustration... Don't show this tourists or the vast majority of normies who wouldn't be able to comprehend what goes on the mind of a weird horny frustrated but ultimately harmless Japanese male nerd.
And I'mma repeat this; it probably also doesn't help that a vast majority hentai and or doujin artists are objectively just shitty bad writers who're unable and incapable of writing sex scenes. Hentai and or doujin artists are decent artists who can draw decent sex scenes and may or may not get bodily anatomy and sex positions right. But the vast majority of them unfortunately cannot write sex scenes, let alone actual sexy dialogue and hot erotica. Which is why so many of them often rely on shock value and edge to make up for their shitty (and just downright meanspirited) dialogue and writing. Which also leads me to another conspiracy theory that the hentai and doujin scene/industry in the modern day is filled with so many horny edgelords who cannot write erotica. And seemingly more busy with writing edgy shock value to out-edge and out-shock value each other on who gets to write the most vile rape scenes of innocent high school girls being violently gangraped.

But I digress and I maybe wrong for it is just a theory and assumption. Still, I think the reason shit like ugly bastards is common and mainstream these days. Is because so many of the artists and authors who occupy the hentai and doujin scene are just edgy but horny males who haven't gotten laid, be in a relationship with another woman. And cannot write sex scenes and erotica to save themselves.
Is it safe to assume NTR is sometimes just the author/mangaka themselves trauma-dumping their failed relationships in doujin form? I can't help but feel that sometimes, just sometimes, alot of these NTR plots and doujins is the authors/mangakas summarizing their failed IRL relationships which may or may not had nasty breakups with their exes. I get that sometimes NTR is some sick demented "power fantasy" for cuckold faggots self-inserting as the darker skinned or more masculine NTR Bull-Chad and the "Beta Male MC" who gets cucked is their perceived "rival" or blank slate representation of some person or character they hate and do not like.

But maybe just maybe some NTR is just the author's/mangaka's trauma dumping therapy session explaining their failed relationship and vilifying their hated Ex through manga-doujin form.
You know you can engage in prejudice in a more succinct manner, right?
That pic predates the tag.
Faggot, it's porn. It's not that deep.
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What's the reason again why Japs love sexualizing or even brutalizing highschool students and minors. Take a drink whenever any doujin or hentai comes out and the female characters being sexualized and fucked are 14-16 year old minora and highschool girls assaulted by 40-50+ yr old men.
this lmao
Because porn is for teenage boys. You're supposed to have sex at some point.

I think in the manga is already busty but idk.

Pretty much like more Maki but they both have great bodies.
I love how everyone sucked Gege's dick for not sexualizing his female characters or using gratuitous fanservice, only to have most of the women die or be benchwarmers anyway. Nobara got a couple moments before being killed, Shoko's still doing her frankenstein shit, and then there's Maki who looks like a whole ass dude. But that's it. Every other relevant character has been a man.

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