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>What is Honey Come?
It's produced by illgames which is illusion in disguise. It's pretty much the anime version of Honey Select 2.

Buy it here:https://www.dlsite.com/pro/work/=/product_id/VJ01000786.html
Official Site:https://www.illgames.jp/product/honeycome/

>What is Honey Come Dolce?
It is Honey Come's new upcoming expansion which released on Dec 22. It includes new personalities, clothing, maps, animations, items, and studio. (Yes, studio is not free anymore)

Preorder here: https://www.dlsite.com/pro/work/=/product_id/VJ01001173.html
Official Site:https://www.illgames.jp/product/honeycome_dolce/

English support + available on Steam.

Pirate the game here.

**Latest repack is R1.4.1

Get the latest game update here.

HF Patch is here.

>I want high quality character cards

>Will HC have the same amount of mods as Koikatsu?
This game uses IL2CPP which converts IL into C++ code and compiles that to machine code, which removes the ability to mess with IL and do many cool things. The tooling for modding IL2CPP games is there, there's already plugins for it after all, but it's just fundamentally harder and more annoying to work with.

>Where can I find mods?
Join the Koikatsu server and check out the Honey Come Mod section. There's also the Honey Come discord server where you could find mods that isn't uploaded elsewhere. Like, the VR mod as example.
Honey Come Discord: https://discord.gg/gmND3wD2zn
Koikatsu Discord: https://discord.gg/wWTceYrs
Hey sorry for making you wait for so long.
Been a busy week for me, I don't have time to spend on HoneyCome anymore, hopefully I can in the coming weeks.

Here's Galko. It's not finished, I had to stop working on her due to work but I'm sure you'd want to change her outfits anyway. I think I also forgot to change her voice where I left off. Sorry about that.

Please share any DigitalCraft works of her, and if you'd like you can continue where I left off when more hair accessories get released. You have my blessing, just don't paywall the card.

You'll need the new repack which is R1.4.1 for the new accessories.
>only 2 guys
>When has "Illusion" stopped adding proper gangbangs?

Ever since HaremMate and PlayHome they just stopped trying and they've been copy pasting stuff from Koikatsu and Honey Select 2.
Nice anon. I wish I had the attention span to sit down and finish my card.
call me when they add proper gangbangs
How do I update an existing install? Do I just replace all files except saves with the files or a more recent repack?
>Hey sorry for making you wait for so long.
Been a busy week for me, I don't have time to spend on HoneyCome anymore, hopefully I can in the coming weeks.
All good bro! Appreciate the fact you even gave it a shot. Seems work's been piling up for you, about to reach the same next month.

>Please share any DigitalCraft works of her, and if you'd like you can continue where I left off when more hair accessories get released. You have my blessing, just don't paywall the card. You'll need the new repack which is R1.4.1 for the new accessories.
I don't do jackshit except "Free Sex" option but for this I'll definitely do some edits/studio after learning it. Will try to post something when I have some free time.

GODSPEED GALKO ANON! You are now the 1st person to make a public Galko card for HoneyCome.
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>Free additional data “Digikura Item Set” will be distributed on March 22nd!
it's literally 2 hair extensions
Anon11 will save Honey Come!

They're really drip feeding content they thought they could churn out after switching to IL2CPP.
So....nothing then?
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New update is out 280mb or 100mb depending on what version you're running. contains some bugfixes
>new item!
>moldy ground
for me it's timeline
totally not honey select when?
is there any new penis mod out there? or rather, can I go back to the censored penis over whatever was included in the repacks? it's horrible looking penis and balls
Question is, why don't you have it turned off?
Gangbangs are lame
why is the redhead in the OP not a fuckable option in the game? Am I being memed?
Pal is, you just need to unlock the ability to do so in the main game. If you mean for free-h or studio, best idea is to go to edit Pal's appearance and save it as a separate character (or something along those lines, can't recall how I did it 100%)
>Originally just used studio to have more control/additional people in h scenes
>"Hm, might be fun to create context for the scenes while I'm at it."
>It IS fun
>Too much
>Now spending a disproportionate amount of time setting up scenes and having characters screw around by not screwing

This is how it starts bros, I can feel the cringey oc comic coming, send help
Hey so I know this isn't a koikatsu thread but there aren't any active koikatsu threads right now and this is the closest thing so I figured someone here could help. So how do I fix this? I tried redownloading pokemon_gurls but it doesn't seem to recognize that I did that.
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forgot image, here it is
It hurts me to see that the game has sold so little on dlsite
Does this game have studio like koikatsu? do we have mods equivalent to timeline and node constrains if so
Post results
It clarifies the mods are outdated, 16 of them at that, go into the koikatsu folder and run KKManager, update them that way, if it doesn't work you'll have to look up the artist behind the card and get the latest mod that way
Yea, but you have to get the DLC for it
Unfortunately not and it's not likely we will. I'm not great with tech so I don't quite get the details, but basically the architecture of the game makes it harder to mod (like you have to be really precise with how their implemented, compared to Koi where there was a lot more wiggle-room). Combine that with the some-what more luke-warm reception and a lot of modders aren't exactly jumping ship to HC, so it's not likely we'll see the same degree of mods as Koi. At this point Passion-Eye is likely the best bet for the future
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In the interest of not spamming the thread up too much, here's a link with the current folder of stuff I put together. I'll post one or two just to give you an idea of the kind of silly crap I put together.


Fair warning, I'm definitely a quantity > quality kind of guy so they as whole are little 'unrefined' so some clipping sneaks past. I hope it's still a little neat to look at at least!

(Also first time making a Mega link, so just saw if there's problems etc)
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Was meant to say, they follow on from each other in order, so just click next picture from the first
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Alright I'll stop there, lol
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Nta but that is really unfortunate. I much prefer the softer artstyle here than in KK. Guess I can use the character creator to do character designing and go back to my drawing tablet to keep grinding. I want to give life to some of my creations but the tools available so far are really restrictive.
And its sadly understandable, the customisation options for clothing and accessories are dogshit.
That plus mod support being so minimal
How do you turn off the dumb looking uncensored penis
>At this point Passion-Eye is likely the best bet for the future

Passion eye? What's that?
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3 hours meticulously placing spheres and going to studio to check if they work with various poses
>At this point Passion-Eye is likely the best bet for the future

I highly doubt that.
You seriously trying to shill your project here STN?
Sounds like hell but commendable. Post more mecha waifu
Before I look through all these sites one page at a time out of pure cope, does anyone know if a Neptune card exists? I fucking suck at making characters in these and i want to fuck my wife.
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you're a saint thank you
Basically, a bunch of modders for Illusions games (including ManlyMarco, who makes the big repacks) are trying to make their own Illusion-like game, with a detective theme. While they have only a shoe-string budget, the hope is that since they are much more mod-friendly, the games will be a lot more open to adjustment, and might even have Steam-Workshop aid if they can get it to work. It's a vague hope, but at the very least with present another option that just waiting for Illusion/IllGames to put out stuff. They have a Discord, you can get to it from the Koikatsu one if you want
Is the game good yet?
Some modders from HongFire also tried that like 12 years ago and failed

It will never be good because its way harder to mod and modders already gave up
nice work mech anon. very cute and handsome
>Some modders from HongFire also tried that like 12 years ago and failed
I didn't say it was a particularly high/likely hope, but considering what Illgames are like, it's also the only one we got until someone else comes along with a half decent studio mode
am I dumb? why can I not find the scene folders
ill ask here since it's illusion related
does anyone have the sound files of the moans of the gyaru gal from secrossphere when she goes ahegao? would appreciate, its for an animation im working on
userdata > craft > scene
Does this imply that Pal has had sex with many guys?
I had high hopes this will kill koi, but it failed so hard.
It's because they didn't build it to be mod/community friendly. They underestimated how important the community was for Koikatsu.

All games moving forward should be designed to be as community friendly as possible.
Pal > Chika
Pal is underrated. She's amazing.
So much doomposting. This game's community is large enough that it's not in danger of dying any time soon.
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How do I make the guy penis into mosaic? please I need to know. The dick looks very bad and looks awkward when penetrating girls. I appreciate it if you guys can help.
I would be careful with any Better Repack/Screw The Noise releases as I've checked them personally (funnily enough just for research if its the case) and it seems the exes are basically Trojans, your computers are in a botnet for some random actor who gets paid to hack your computers for some reason? I think the FBI could get involved in this case because if the releases contain malware, its no longer just piracy but its also a criminal act of stealing information.
Of course. She's a sex demon based off of Ars Goetia. I forgot which one.
Her scarf shows her demon sign.
Sitri and Fur (Furfur) are also the same. I like Fur's design the most.

Pal is very cute.
Does VR work well?
Is HoneyCome hidden lore still daemonic?
>She's a sex demon based off of Ars Goetia
I look at her differently now after reading this. Her eyes do look demonic now that I think about it. I wonder if the protagonist is in hell and she's rewarding him for doing something evil.
"Once a fallen angel and now one of the great dukes of hell, he looks like a ambiguous soldier wearing red armor and clothing. Zepar's most important infernal duties are related to love, lust, and sodomy. He has no love for humans."

excerpt from quirky demon wiki
incase anyone is still wondering about the height scaling in hc, 21 x [current slider value of cylinder height] = irl cm

Pal is around 148cm
She's child sized.
should also add that 100 height is only around 160cm (give or take depending on head size)

Max height without hardmods seems to be a good bit shorter than previous titles under illusion
Yet you still can't make valid lolis despite their smol size
Ah there it is. The name eluded me. Thanks.
thank you anon.

The default card has height at 50, head size at 30.

21 x 50 = 1050mm

Is this correct?
tl;dr of this game? Isn't this just Koikatsu?
How is that game, anons? Do we have a gameplay? Something to do or it's just another soulless game like Honey Select and AiShoujo?
Yes and no. It's a bit better out of the box but it still doesn't top KK because mods are lacking. Game is not modder friendly and only hard mods exist. It definitely doesn't get the same love and attention KK gets from the community.

The art style is cute and performance is a bit better too. Of course it's still Illusion under a different name so a ton of animations get reused,
and ported over from HS2/KK. There's a few new ones but a shame nothing gets ported from PlayHome/HaremMate or even their weird demo Secrossphere.
It's a nukige aka fap game. Not much else to it. Studio last time I used was pretty barebones.

It's decent but not great like Miconisomi.
The Illusion cycle continues...
Isn't it censored by default?
Thats basically how we got VAM, though they were modders more for goblina games like TK17
Was a slider unlocker ever added to this game?
Botafogo é maior que Vasco
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Post your Katsu's! I named this one Ochichi!
The betterrepack has it uncensored.
It probably comes as a mod, see if you can remove it from the bepinex folder
It's 21 multiplied by cylinder height (in studio) for the conversion, not 21 multiplied by character height.
hmm I can't seem to find what the file is called in the bepinex folder? Do you know which file I should look for? I do know in Koikatsu it has a uncensor mod though that mod is actually good. Either way I appreciate you are helping me.
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How is the male creation in this game? is it just limited to picking basic hairs and changing eye color?
Yes. It's similar to the female character creation but with far less options.
which one is better for a nice fap, this or koikatsu?
HoneyCome is more simple, looks better, and runs faster.
Koikatsu has more stuff and is superior in pretty much every way. It has a community as well unlike HoneyCome.
With that said, if you want a quick fap go with HoneyCome since it's easier to get started with.
For fuck's sake why doesn't F snap to FK/IK nodes anymore. And where did the axis rotation ball go?
I hate Illusion.
>normal asian height
>it's le child!
dumb westoid
It very much isn't. It's a full 10cm below average. Japan's height averages are only 3cm below America's anyways.

It's not child-sized though, just very short.
>over 18
How dead is this game? Will people ever care about HC or everyone's just staying at Koikatsu? I don't really care about all the mods, I just want more outfits / characters / maps to this game.
>How dead is this game?
Check days between posts, every time it was on page 10 almost like it's pity bumped by single anon
Sad, because I'd surely go with this instead of Koikatsu, or Koikatsu with this graphics engine. Honey Select 2 is too 3DPD for me, so this game would be the best.
For me i want to port HC poses into KKS, but i don't know where to start(for both of games)
I checked HC discord, and while it hosts mods, there is no guides how to start making ones. Koikatsu modding discord link is dead, so i just gave up for now.
>Koikatsu with this graphics engine
I think Koikatsu is held back by old version of Unity, but there was privately hosted decomp so in theory it should be possible to update Koikatsu on higher version to port higher polygon meshes and maybe even port shaders
So Passion Eye is out on early access on Steam. So far it looks like there's just a character creator and scene maker. Has anyone bought it yet? How is it?
>shitty skirts like in KK
>no gameplay
>no promises it wouldn't be abandoned or split into infinite paid DLC packs
>“We plan to gradually raise the price as we ship new content and features.”
>same guys are hosting every nip H game for free
I see no reason to pay for this, when they are providing better product for free
>So far it looks like there's just a character creator and scene maker
That's literally all it needs to have.
Not touching it until it's out of EA at the very least.
>Funded by piracy.
>Developed by nepotism and not skill.
>Headed by a person who hates a subset of the community.
>Copies illusion's rigging and posing system.
>Already planning different games before release.
I'd rather just play FlashBangz's game. At the very least, he hired competent people despite being incompetent himself.
FlashBangz made a game?
I had the unfortunate experience of downloading one of his Illusion game repacks. Shit was packed with all his nasty fetish mods burned into the game along with some type of malware. Never again.
So whatever game FlashBangz made legitimately has got to be some godawful shit.
t.betterrepack with his shit game and patreon begging scam
Pretty dead.
I made this thread knowing it won't really survive...but I wanted to get people to try out the game. I sort of had high hopes for the game. The character is a huge improvement but at the same time still very limited, like it's being held back to sell DLC and restrict modding. Illgames aka Illusion isn't doing the DLC part very good, there's just so little.

A shame too, I think it's very easy to make cute/sexy characters because the artstyle is good and it runs better.
downloaded the repack and this is extremely barebones. theres absolutely no reason to play this over custom maid, honey select, or koikatsu. is it fair to compare a brand new game to games that have years and years worth of mods? no but thats what your up against so if i cant make a chubby short stack goblin, a pregnant milf, a doll girl/robot girl, furry girl, or some other niche specific thing your game is useless.
Thats Illusions fault. It feels like it is less and less stuff with every new game. Like this one ha snot even tile sets for walls and floors so you can barely build rooms. And the sex scenes are not ground braking enough.
>is it fair to compare a brand new game to games that have years and years worth of mods?
It's fair. AA2 had a lot of mods, but Koikatsu was enough to make (most) people switch games
Likewise, even Sunshine split userbase because it had upgrades over default KK
So it's totally on Illusion and it's greed
Do we have any clue about the next game or if IllGames is stil alive?
That would be some shit if IllGames went kaput so quickly. They have tweets promoting job openings and HoneyCome topped the charts on DLsite. They should be fine.
Who cares?
>Not like they have done anything worth a damn
>If the parent company is alive and kicking they can make 100 more Ills to handle any future image issues or whatever killed Illusion, or whatever may end up killing Ill.
How do I unlock all sex scenes? I don't want to grind this shit!
>page 10
>retarded question
Figures, it's artificially pity bumped
am i the only one who wants more life sim gameplay in illusion/ill games? seems like other people only use studio. honeycome barely has conversations and you cant do any activities besides sex.
I'm with you
How's the designing of your perfect waifu bros?

Haven't actually turned this game on in a while. Maybe this weekend.

I'm not opposed to it but it's not on my agenda. I just want to see girls getting railed in a gazillion positions and combinations and scenarios. No time for courting unless you're gonna make it interesting in how to achieve this.
>Get the Sims 3 or 4 anyway you can.
>Find a modball online of all the sex mods you need.

Modded Sims is the best open world hentai, bar none. There's a mod for any kind or kink you can think of. And you can create any kind of Sim-waifu you want with normal clothing & cosmetic mods. And then there's the post-nut fun of just making houses and stores. If you really like playing out sexy scenarios, there's really nothing else like a modded version of the Sims.
If this shit still uses Ilcpp I still won't see reason enough to move away from Koi.
Looks like AA2 in HC style, but I bet its gonna have IL2CPP
And I am inside the grief circle again. It will never reach the heights of AA2 anyway...
Any good foot content in this
is there abmx for this shit yet?
I don't think my frail old man heart can take an AA3 announcement and inevitable letdown
Tardlet question but what's the optimal levelling method for the girls?
Is the xp gained from having sex or just orgasming? Is there a cap to the amount of xp earned?
Just think about it anon. Everything you can see in the video is BLATANTLY familiar. For me, the most damning proof of it being what we all want it to be is the roaming of male students. Something that was very notably lacking in Koikatsu.

All the evidence is here, there's no way for this to go wrong. At the bare minimum, it won't be named AA3 most likely if I had to guess, but otherwise? It's got to be.
Are HS2, RoomGirl and Koikatu abandonware?
Nope, this has already been both claimed and disproven. All Illusion (and Ill) IP is held by their parent company, which ofc did not shut down. The whole situation was a roundabout attempt at distancing now Ill from Illusion's older more edgy work and the stigma associated. This is mainly because they're focusing on generic and tame rehashes of the same old formula, but sold primarily through Steam this time. Plus you can go buy the titles you listed right now, go look at dlsite or something, sales don't continue like nothing happened when IP gets abandoned. Which btw is a very rare occurrence, it's far more likely for a company that's shutting down to sell its assets for less than they're worth than just abandon them and not get a penny.
Not yet. But closest thing to it is the game's own Quick Control. Still very limited compared to ABMX.
Damn. Pretty much abandoning HoneyCome to start a new project with more shallow gameplay loop? That's Illusion alright.
It doesn't get much more shallow than HoneyCome
Hell, HoneyCome is literally Honey Select, but Anime/Koikatsu(with upgraded models) style. So basically it doesn't get any more shallow than Honey Select/HoneyCome. Koikatsu had the resemblance of a "main game", but fuck that too.
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wtf are they doing
so this is what will kill Koikatsu?
My nihongo is rusty, but more information forthcoming on 6/14?
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>HC was just a quick cash injection + 'free' (for them) beta testing of the new engine while they made the actual product they wanted to sell
God damn pricks
Imagine being mad about getting a new AA after nearly a decade.
I think IllGames is just gonna focus on anime style games, no more "realistic 3D" like HS and the Play games

Never if it has il2cp
>Never if it has il2cp
If this isn't enough to make modders stand the fuck up against IL2CPP because it's definitely not fucking impossible, then nothing is going to motivate them.
Considering this is literally AA3, I'm pretty sure there would at least be some motivation by modders to work on IL2CPP.
Can you blame anyone for being skeptical given "Illgames track" record? They'll have to really swing to make it as fun as AA, and modding is gonna be a lot slower regardless if not dead in the water with il2cp
VJ01002420 Sumabake

Is this the Artificial Academy people are excited about?

You can create residents of a town and let them interact without your explicit interference. Also the character generator is going to be expanded.
Longer trailer came out

If you cant add more males and there is no futa option its a downgrade
You can, but we're stuck with two personalities and they aren't voiced whatsoever, not even outside of H-Scenes like AA/AA2, so we're just ever so mildly a step up from Koikatsu. More males, but they don't make a peep, even though that's what the "mute male voices" option in these fucking games are for to begin with for those who'd even take an issue with that.

And considering for the last, I don't know how many ILLUSION/ILLGAMES now they've included Futa's by default, including Honey Come, I'm willing to bet it's the same thing here.
>H scenes once again take place in the dimensionless sex void
We're back baby
I'm gonna miss their realistic games.
You get a certain degree of freedom creating pretty women. Modding makes them even better.
I wish they came close to RealPlay Kanojo faces, they looked realistic. I liked the interactivity in that game too.
*Real Kanojo
No gangbangs? I'm out
The charas look fugly WEG for westoid trannoids
Everytime I search for sims anime mod it returns nothing but shounen manga mods (jjk) and bishounen/chink nu-male add ons. I don't quite understand why nu-shounen are aimed at fujoshits.
Where the fuck are anime girls?
Any chance this game will have studio-like functionality added? At least you can convert the Honey Come charas if this game gets more mod support.
You can set a girl as your player character. No reason why they won't allow you to set the other NPCs as guys. Plus Honeycome already has MMF combinations. It's quite likely gangbangs are available.
Are there any mods for decent womb tattoos yet?
Vanilla options are dog ass at best.
Are there any mods for femboys and gay shit? This is the first Koikatsu-like I've ever played in my life and I'm very lost
No. Go be a diseased piece of shit somewhere else.
If you're lucky, it'll happen. It happened galore to Koikatsu, so disregarding Honey Come cause it definitely won't happen here, but if this Summer Vacation game takes off, expect it there, which is basically the same character models/assets as Honey Come.
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I can't read moon-rune; does the website say the new game comes with Studio/digital craft?
Booo, I was hoping for more of marriage between the old systems and actual rooms for things to ta ke place in
It says they'll have news about Digital Craft related to the game after it releases.

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