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File: 1709650375457072.jpg (481 KB, 1912x2427)
481 KB
481 KB JPG
Previous Thread: >>7865663

- Respect /h/ and global rules.
- You must supply a reference for the characters or at least directions for coloring in every part of their body or related objects.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- Keep your requests to one at a time.
- Be patient, some images can take a great deal of time.
- Be kind to the artists, they're giving their time to do this for you.
- Constructive criticism is fine.
- No trolling/derailing the thread
- Remember to thank whomever fulfilled your request.
Requesters, Feel free to ask for revisions of the works, it isn't an insult.
Artists, don't hold back! if you like a request someone else already fulfilled, feel free to do your own take.
>Remember that 4chan now has image compression when when downloading, follow the guide below to avoid it

Drawt/h/read: >>7980936

NTR Drawt/h/read: >>7770501

OC Drawt/h/read: >>7566588
File: 4chan compression.png (258 KB, 1887x745)
258 KB
258 KB PNG
Guide to save pictures
File: 1709602073610835.jpg (1.09 MB, 2162x3743)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB JPG
Request Anchor
File: 1709602315515991.jpg (659 KB, 3725x2634)
659 KB
659 KB JPG
Deliveries Anchor
File: Caulifla and Frost.png (300 KB, 1726x1807)
300 KB
300 KB PNG
requesting coloring with reference link
File: 103959574_p1.jpg (2.5 MB, 1228x1736)
2.5 MB
2.5 MB JPG
Requesting removal of womb tattoo, and decensoring. Optional: make her pubes match her hair.
File: nagatoro fj1.jpg (869 KB, 1000x1250)
869 KB
869 KB JPG
Requesting nude edit (or at least topless/visible breasts) please.

Some variants here, it's only another expression and cum variant, the pose doesn't change:
File: 274237853785.png (3.34 MB, 1746x1624)
3.34 MB
3.34 MB PNG
Requesting a dark skin edit for just Pitou only with the complexion like the example pic in the link posted. https://files.catbox.moe/n7p38u.jpg

full res version since it's too big to post here: https://files.catbox.moe/nn1olt.png
File: 1710141680708596.png (3.36 MB, 2674x2716)
3.36 MB
3.36 MB PNG
Please color this pic.
File: IMG_20240507_153401.jpg (226 KB, 1275x1800)
226 KB
226 KB JPG
Request tanned version pls
File: F2xkZhGbsAAcFkN.png (298 KB, 595x842)
298 KB
298 KB PNG
requesting uncovering her pussy
File: Onmyouji Youen Emaki.png (2.24 MB, 2304x1728)
2.24 MB
2.24 MB PNG
Requesting uncensored edit.
File: dfjvbhf.png (187 KB, 931x1000)
187 KB
187 KB PNG
Requesting a color edit of this bunny suit Kasane Teto paizuri image.

Color reference (the suit itself can be any color I don't really care):
File: 1712817055074763jpg.jpg (840 KB, 3508x1972)
840 KB
840 KB JPG
Requesting her to be given a set of headphones and an eyemask similar to below, please:
Colouring would just be black straps and a dark purple colour similar to here:
Headphones could probably just be generic, but i'll let you decide.
File: IMG_8799.png (2.99 MB, 3000x2334)
2.99 MB
2.99 MB PNG
Please make his skin tone white (including his dick)
If possible, remove the gold arm bands, if not that’s okay
File: Hilda X May.png (3.44 MB, 2700x3234)
3.44 MB
3.44 MB PNG
Requesting nude edit of Hilda and May (Pokemon).
File: kimono-yoRn0yamai_(req).jpg (2.36 MB, 2880x1620)
2.36 MB
2.36 MB JPG
Re-request to add facials, turn some (or all) of the saliva into cum, cum droplets/drips over their breasts and add cum drips coming from the breast that are symetrically docking like the bit of drool that's there already or make said drool drip into a more prominent cum drip.

Much better version at:
File: 115260783_p8.png (1.65 MB, 1024x2048)
1.65 MB
1.65 MB PNG
please uncensor
File: 110863216_p0.jpg (823 KB, 1600x2552)
823 KB
823 KB JPG
Requesting removal of her red panties and add cum dripping from her pussy and down her inner thighs and ass cheeks.
Re-requesting a decensor, and a prominent pregnant belly and larger breasts.
Please colour. It's kurumi tokisaki in her flight attendant uniform
And here's the sauce and it doesn't exist anymore great
File: 118541019_p0.png (793 KB, 1200x811)
793 KB
793 KB PNG
request to change hair and eye color to that of Miku Zatsune
File: 1657185716884.png (581 KB, 811x1200)
581 KB
581 KB PNG
Requesting bigger tits, where they're pressed together as opposed to there being a gap between the two. Uncensored pussy would be a great bonus too
What tools are best for decensoring mosaics? I've got some images I want to uncensor myself.
File: 69584109_p3.png (694 KB, 1297x1437)
694 KB
694 KB PNG
Requesting color please.
Color reference:https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9526149&tags=super_robot_wars_x-omega
File: 1671502583559744.png (1.53 MB, 1817x1360)
1.53 MB
1.53 MB PNG
Hoping for these edits:
- Reduced breast size to make her on-model.
- Clean lines.
- Colors.
Does anyone feel like ever since AI appeared this and any other editing thread feel dead?
File: HALP.jpg (580 KB, 1599x1131)
580 KB
580 KB JPG
Request to change the vagina type to a closed-slit one and, if not too much of a bither, to change some (all?) of the juice to cum drip.
Could someone please do a Caucasian skin edit on the dick?
File: 1466372774498.jpg (824 KB, 1158x1637)
824 KB
824 KB JPG
Requesting this pic of Akira Hiiragi from Valkyrie Drive Mermaid colored.

File: GNDwBGIboAAytqJ.jpg (184 KB, 1677x1672)
184 KB
184 KB JPG
Requesting uncensor (you can kinda make out her nips through the funni censor)
Additionally it would be nice if someone could color it, though i'm okay with just the uncensor. SFW version for reference: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10022043
requesting that she gets a pussy (I mean decensor)
Requesting the guy to be made smaller to about Boruto age/size, please.
Size references below:
File: afake350F.jpg (620 KB, 2848x2885)
620 KB
620 KB JPG

requesting nude edit. to simplify things I already edited the areas of the clothing I want removed in the picture on the right. If this can be accomplished using AI then feel free to do so.
File: 113833162_p0.jpg (2.94 MB, 2480x3508)
2.94 MB
2.94 MB JPG
Remove the old guy please
File: 1714106242471138.jpg (2.27 MB, 3184x4528)
2.27 MB
2.27 MB JPG
Please move the position of the clothes so that the nipples can be exposed, and then change the stockings to skin color
Requesting her posing to be similar to the linked image below instead, please.
Mainly just the guy holding her arms back and for them to be placed back instead.
Bonus if you could have her thighs smushed together too, please.
File: mami.png (2.02 MB, 2113x2500)
2.02 MB
2.02 MB PNG
Can I get cleanup and colors?
File: szidj0.png (2.86 MB, 2073x2899)
2.86 MB
2.86 MB PNG
Please uncensor. If only for the Bear Girl. That or cover the censor of her vagina in a cum sploosh.
File: 1710500057119289.jpg (191 KB, 811x1000)
191 KB
191 KB JPG
Request to remove two small pieces of blonde hair above the shoulders and remove see-through nipples.
Make sure to fix the right breast circumference after removing the nipple visible through the bra.
File: 1714932607013421m.jpg (88 KB, 1024x891)
88 KB
Requesting sketch clean up if possible.
Could someone please remove the man with his dick between the girls? Either with background or another girl, whatever works best. Thanks!
Can someone cover her nipples with the swimsuit but let them like that https://cdn.donmai.us/original/35/3c/__boudica_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_kunabishi__353c60143516b358278abe22289bb206.jpg
File: NewCanvas2z.png (2.9 MB, 1639x3419)
2.9 MB
2.9 MB PNG
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581 KB
581 KB PNG
File: 107854436_p0.jpg (1.27 MB, 2856x4002)
1.27 MB
1.27 MB JPG
Requesting colours for these two drawings which both are the "Lovely Labrynth" Yu-Gi-Oh monstercard girl. Feel free to remove the guy she's jerking off.
File: 103954912_p0.jpg (746 KB, 2035x2899)
746 KB
746 KB JPG
De-censor as well, cheers.
requesting removal of the condom. hope it's not too difficult.
Thank you very much!
Requesting removal of the shadow and the text
Honestly this artist draws well but the content he chooses to draw is just cursed
File: 1714863128012723.png (1.29 MB, 1565x1262)
1.29 MB
1.29 MB PNG
Clean lines and colors for ALTTP Zelda getting butt-fucked, please.
req text removal
Requesting decensor (and make her pussy more or less "closed"), also if possible, can you extend this image to the right by finishing bg and the hand, so that the image is 16:9
Requesting the guy to look more like a generic, darker-skinned bandit, please.
Bonus if you could make the background and foreground to look like a makeshift cabin in the woods, please, but just the guy edit is fine.
File: 76061527_p5.jpg (542 KB, 1650x2000)
542 KB
542 KB JPG
Requesting the addition of a pussy slit

Requesting all clothes and tattoos to be removed, please.
File: e7c19c7a2-d86a6c9b5266.jpg (1.75 MB, 4450x1750)
1.75 MB
1.75 MB JPG
requesting coloring ref and img in high resolution https://gofile.io/d/AsCLVV
Request to remove the pubic hair.
Can someone decensor this, make the guy white, and give her silver pubic hair. It would be much appreciated, thanks
Requesting an uncensored version of this scene.

This scene is from Triangle Heart Episode 3
File: 1701121269347972.png (538 KB, 1081x1092)
538 KB
538 KB PNG
Not sure if possible but requesting lineart for this sketch.

Character reference: https://files.catbox.moe/7o72fh.jpg
File: henria.jpg (1.16 MB, 1191x1684)
1.16 MB
1.16 MB JPG
req uncensor or the censoring covered in cum
File: IMG_3730.png (184 KB, 1666x2355)
184 KB
184 KB PNG
Requesting a cum edit, with large amounts of cum on her cheeks, panties, shorts, and the bottom of her hair.
Requesting pube removal and decensor for https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=7607164
File: IMG_1875.jpg (1.89 MB, 4000x2809)
1.89 MB
1.89 MB JPG
Now you see him, now you don’t!
File: 1715685410664321.png (1.61 MB, 1191x1684)
1.61 MB
1.61 MB PNG
File: 1715110582666819.png (1.53 MB, 1275x1800)
1.53 MB
1.53 MB PNG
File: IMG_1877.jpg (942 KB, 1468x2048)
942 KB
942 KB JPG
That can’t be a comfortable pillow!
File: IMG_1878.png (385 KB, 1081x1092)
385 KB
385 KB PNG
How does this look?
It looks great! Thank you very much for the lineart!
Impeccable work m8. Kudos! That's much better than I expected.
requesting coloring (blonde hair + tanned skin)
File: IMG_1880.png (242 KB, 1024x891)
242 KB
242 KB PNG
How’s this?
Perfect! Thank you so much!
Woooow more than tanned, she looks dark-skinned. Even the nipples are dark

Would it be possible for it to be a little lighter and not affect the nipples?
Did not notice she is resting her head in a rock till now for some reason. T-Thanks...
Could you please make the male/penis white in the following images?


Thank you so much in advance.
File: 1715110582666819.png (1.52 MB, 1275x1800)
1.52 MB
1.52 MB PNG
That's perfect for me, thank you
Requesting the removal of this helmet looking thing I don't know the name from the art
Thanks for that.
File: 22.png (2.66 MB, 1158x1637)
2.66 MB
2.66 MB PNG
File: 23.png (2.65 MB, 1158x1637)
2.65 MB
2.65 MB PNG
File: konosuba chris color.png (107 KB, 1400x941)
107 KB
107 KB PNG
Requesting colors, here the references https://imgur.com/a/R7sjsbo
File: IA(popopon26494249).jpg (1.38 MB, 4093x2894)
1.38 MB
1.38 MB JPG
Requesting the removal of the X-Ray vision and the addition of a creampie to cover the remaining censoring. Make the semen spill a bit if necessary. Bonus points for a version that also removes as much text/text-bubbles/hairclips/thigh-highs/leg-ring as possible.

Better version at:
File: color0519B.png (456 KB, 1400x941)
456 KB
456 KB PNG
Thanks dude!
requesting coloring gyaru style
File: 73090338_p0.jpg (947 KB, 800x1280)
947 KB
947 KB JPG
Requesting for her to be stripped nude
File: 1694045524558415.png (208 KB, 816x1187)
208 KB
208 KB PNG
Coloring Request:
File: miouvt fanart.png (1.77 MB, 3000x3000)
1.77 MB
1.77 MB PNG
Coloring Request:
(Plain White T Shirt)
requesting uncovering her pussy
File: IMG_1925.png (1.63 MB, 2151x3036)
1.63 MB
1.63 MB PNG
No panties!
File: IMG_1924.png (1.68 MB, 2151x3036)
1.68 MB
1.68 MB PNG
And panties being moved!
man thats awesome
that you made a version where her panties are pulled by her tail is really inventive
thanks a lot!
File: 64841156_p1.jpg (1.14 MB, 2150x1518)
1.14 MB
1.14 MB JPG
requesting decensor and massive tits added please
File: 22_1.png (3.4 MB, 2400x1845)
3.4 MB
3.4 MB PNG
requesting decensor
please remove the hands covering her pussy and nipple
File: 1711304178531.png (2.14 MB, 1338x2000)
2.14 MB
2.14 MB PNG
Make her feet the same shade as the rest of her skin.

I know that's how it is irl, but it just feels off on an anime girl.
File: ayaka_shibari_E.png (2.7 MB, 2009x2334)
2.7 MB
2.7 MB PNG
I'd like to request a vaginal penetration edit for this one too, but looking like as if the anal penetration already happened.

Then doing vaginal penetration variants without and with cum and finishing things off with a no penetration edit like the cock hanging down so we see her gaping holes full of cum, please.
File: ayaka_shibari_D.png (2.72 MB, 2009x2334)
2.72 MB
2.72 MB PNG
Second pic
File: 1715551172827972.png (1.67 MB, 1536x1536)
1.67 MB
1.67 MB PNG
pls remove the pubic hair. if you can doe a creampie version go for it please.
It's been a week and these threads can last up to a month or longer but is there anyone that can give it colors?
File: IMG_1939.png (997 KB, 1081x1092)
997 KB
997 KB PNG
Oh nice I didn't think it would get colored this fast, thank you very much friend!
To tell the truth, I’d halfway colored it at the same time I’d done the lineart. But then I re-read the request and realized you hadn’t asked for that.
At the time I thought it would be asking too much for colors as well.
OR here and that looks almost perfect anon I love it! Thank you so much for the awesome work I really appreciate it! I just noticed though that there's still a little bit of green left over between Ben and Gwens arms, would it be possible to change that? Once its done it will be perfect! As for why I wanted the edits I have an omnitrix oc and wanted the edits to imagine this was an image of him, hence why I also got the Gwen and Julie raceswaps in another thread!
Was it something I said?
File: 3.1.png (3.44 MB, 2160x3840)
3.44 MB
3.44 MB PNG
Requesting the body be made the same skin tone as the dick. I also have a version without steam if that makes the edit easier, but I'd prefer the edit done with the steam there.
Now that I think of it a decensor wouldn't be bad either, but I mainly want the skin tone changed.
Hope you like it!
Thanks anon, you're a real one
File: 119018450_p0.png (1.04 MB, 810x1440)
1.04 MB
1.04 MB PNG
Request to give Blanc large breasts (it's her dream and mine xd)
File: 1713116846772580.png (2.25 MB, 1744x1360)
2.25 MB
2.25 MB PNG
pls remove pubic hair
requesting ripped clothing on her crotch and breasts
File: 1716636086650.jpg (1.4 MB, 1223x2087)
1.4 MB
1.4 MB JPG
Requesting Color
Reference is Lakshmibai From Fate/Grand Order
What the actual fuck I just noticed I clicked the wrong picture when I made this request
File: 1701675876748101.jpg (1.41 MB, 2480x3508)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB JPG
Requesting color
Reference for Solange: https://files.catbox.moe/008twz.jpg
Chains are gonna be metal, the guy can be any color you deem apt.
requesting nude edit
Requesting decensor
File: 57avz3nj.png (2.34 MB, 2848x2885)
2.34 MB
2.34 MB PNG
ai allowed you say
well don't mind if I do
wasn't sure about the thighhigh situation, have both.
requesting decensor please
File: 48458200_p0.jpg (593 KB, 917x1250)
593 KB
593 KB JPG
requesting uncensoring
File: Samus_May_Poll_1.png (2.36 MB, 1620x2150)
2.36 MB
2.36 MB PNG
requesting a nude edit or at least ripped clothes on her crotch and bust
This is pretty good, thanks!
now all she needs is a vagina or pubic hair. (for vagina a simple slit would suffice)
File: 1711731851818087.png (1.09 MB, 1024x1024)
1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
Requesting erect nipples
File: 1716584385910641.png (2.4 MB, 1744x1360)
2.4 MB
2.4 MB PNG
File: 1716907641355436.png (966 KB, 1200x1400)
966 KB
966 KB PNG
Requesting coloring.Refs are here: >>8037269
File: 1681932570882431.png (1.35 MB, 4535x6308)
1.35 MB
1.35 MB PNG
Requesting color
Reference: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10031975&tags=artoria_pendragon_%28lancer%29_%28fate%29+
Make the males dark skinned
File: IMG_20240528_191910.png (1.44 MB, 2432x1567)
1.44 MB
1.44 MB PNG
request to turn her into a white blonde with blue eyes
File: 119148554_p0.jpg (1.24 MB, 4865x3326)
1.24 MB
1.24 MB JPG
I was wrong. This is in HD

thanks for the hard work
Requesting someone to remove all the used condoms
Surprisingly great. Thank you so much
File: 117456860_p0 (1).png (2.46 MB, 2835x2953)
2.46 MB
2.46 MB PNG
Request to make the nipples smaller
File: 32 (1).jpg (448 KB, 1280x1811)
448 KB
448 KB JPG
requesting a couple of things, first make nipples erect and her boobs less saggy, and then remove the cum drip
requesting a pantyless edit (bonus points for removing all of the bikini)
Request for text removal, removing the girl's head-accessories and to uncensor, if only for the girl. That or cover the censoring on the man with creampie.
File: F84wiSLXgAA9zC7.jpg (255 KB, 811x1000)
255 KB
255 KB JPG
Request to remove two small pieces of blonde hair above the shoulders.
requesting she get nipples the same color as her pussy
File: request.png (1.03 MB, 1600x1200)
1.03 MB
1.03 MB PNG
Requesting Naruto's right arm to be covered in the usual bandages.
Requesting 3 different edits for this drawing:
1) milk edit
2) piercings edit
3) milk + piercings edit
Thanks in advance, linked because the filesize is too large.
Requesting a decensoring of https://files.catbox.moe/yl0mni.png https://files.catbox.moe/x8hurr.png
File: 1677163271469165.png (331 KB, 1536x1812)
331 KB
331 KB PNG
Requesting colors https://files.catbox.moe/3v229k.jpg
File: 16 (3).jpg (532 KB, 1280x1866)
532 KB
532 KB JPG
requesting colors at least for the top panel
File: 5302042.jpg (1.12 MB, 1280x1866)
1.12 MB
1.12 MB JPG
File: 119203897_p1.png (2.51 MB, 2275x1487)
2.51 MB
2.51 MB PNG
request to enlarge breasts until they are the size of her head
File: 1717058650266662.jpg (856 KB, 4000x3000)
856 KB
856 KB JPG
Technical question: How did you did the dotted background?
File: 119224288_p0.jpg (695 KB, 1200x1600)
695 KB
695 KB JPG
Request remove the pubic hair
thank you very much
Set the Blend Mode to color, choose what color you want and go over it
request sailor Mercury's tits and ass to be 3x bigger then they are
File: Ed7i63kUMAAoKSR.png (551 KB, 1500x2000)
551 KB
551 KB PNG
requesting removing her panties
File: 74743791_p0.jpg (97 KB, 849x1200)
97 KB
Requesting pubic hair removal and decensor
requesting decensor and breast expansion, if possible also remove the stains of semen
File: 03.png (161 KB, 2000x2000)
161 KB
161 KB PNG
requesting clean lines for this image
AI used



mistakes were made
8002246 here. Looks good! Thanks!
AI used



AI used


OK that does not look bad. Thanks.
Requesting decensor.
Requesting someone to uncensor the penis, no AI please
I'm the one from Blanc's edit. Thanks for the increase, but they are medium in size, please make them bigger. If I were to measure in comparison, from all the size of her face to the hat
It… actually looks decent!? Thanks!
Requesting decensor and for the guy's penis to be the same color as the rest of his skin.
File: IMG_2032.png (686 KB, 1500x2000)
686 KB
686 KB PNG
File: IMG_2031.png (698 KB, 1500x2000)
698 KB
698 KB PNG
And topless!
Obviously her collar and cuffs are separarate.

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