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Preferably nudes or vids just have fun.

This is my buddies wife. Her ass was kinda loose but she put in lots of effort
Before and after pics
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I dont have any post of my her but here is another chick i had for awhile we will call her Winter
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Kinda girl to get spit roasted
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Got a fat ass too
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God damn, do you have more?
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Here's my GF and I
god dayum anon
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I convinced her to ditch her abusive fiance for someone better. Between those two guys, she fucked and sucked me for a year and a half every Friday after hours in the office. She gave me her ass (my first time ever) for my 50th. She was 26.
I know that pussy. That's kaykayiscute, and OP is more than likely a liar. Big surprise.
My accomplishment is winning an arguement on 4chan
yup, see her stuff all over reddit.
More? Full story?
I had this chick Carol eating pussy for the first time while I was raw dogging her from behind.
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First time anal for both of us. Her tight little ass hole squeezed over my fat cock like a champ.
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guess i could add a few
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Friend's wife, he still doesn't know
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Tag-team friend's gf
beautiful body !
Gross. Girl on girl is good. But BMWF is gross as fuck. Also, you're lying. You just wanted to post this degenerate, bestiality bullshit.
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The ex wife
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story ?
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I miss her, big ass
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fucked her in the woods in a park near where i live. did it a few more times and almost got caught...which lead her to the idea of being watched and others joining

I could see how you'd be mad if you've never had two young whores happily obeying your commands before.
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Posted the greentext before but whatever
>ilegally migrate to Mexico
>roam and sleep on the streets for two days
>notice this hag watching me weird every time she goes to the nearby store
>fuck it, I offer to help her carrying the bags
>she accepts and we start talking
>Married, has a son a bit older than me (20s at the time)
>I leave the bags at her door and tell her I'll be on my way
>"Want some coffee before you go, anon?"
>end up fucking her brains out in the shower also creampie
>we cum so hard we both almost pass out at the shower's floor, she's shaking
>we rest but she wants to fuck again, now at her room
[spoiler] months later she told me I was the first guy to fuck her in years [/spoiler]
>when we are done gives me money and asks where I'm staying
>tell her the truth
>she gives me extra money for a hotel room
>get text later that evening, her husband is not coming home tonight and son is staying at gfs house
>we spend the night at the hotel
>ffs today
>She's been paying my rent and everything for the last 2 years (internet bill, food, a fucking Xbox in christmas)
>she's been sneaking money from her husband and son to give it to me on top of what she pays for me
>unemployed for months but with a good income and all I have to do is fuck her every few days and listen to her bs problems and complains
>she just text me a "thumbs up" and I know I can go to her house or a cheese emoji" if she wants to come to my place

I really want to make her ditch the vanilla shit and we go more kinky but she's a prude, well we've done some light kinky stuff altho rarely
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Our most "out there" stuff
>anal is "out of the discussion" but loves fingering and toys
>we watch each other masturbate
>made her walk around downtown on a short blouse and thong, she was really nervous and 75% of the walk she was covering herself with her trenchcoat but some people "saw enough" and we both loved it
>fuck in the gardens or isolated places of her apartment complex when her husband and/or son are at home
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my asian milf
this entire thread is proof of how low the bar is for "accomplishments"
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Nice ass! More
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>date] [Auto] No new posts
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My wife 5 years ago after I got her pregnant. Am I now her cuckold sissy and she fucks other men as I can't please her
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We worked together for a couple years. Her bf became her fiance and was an asshole. He started by verbally abusing her, then started putting his hands on her. I told her it was time to go. Eventually she decided I was right.
Later we started talking. Eventually, it turned to sex, and we started having Friday night sessions. I continued to encourage her to find someone, which to my disappointment, she eventually did. But man, what a ride! DDD tits on a little body. Good times.
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AI generated bs. get out fucking larper.
girl i fucked at comic con last year
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Living the dream lol
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OC.My girl is addicted to eating cock and I can keep her like this for hours.
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8 out of 10 times that a woman is hit she deserved it.
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some slut from louisville mojo
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ginger i wrecked
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slut that i used for a couple of years
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my ex
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more of this ass please
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Mellisa OC
Sharing one's wife with a group of 6 strangers is a huge accomplishment but not every men can afford it, including emotionnaly speaking.
>OP is a faggot
every time
That's a man
such a super cute nipple - moar?
Post more. So sexy. Why didn’t you go official with her?
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Made her pose for 4chan. She's kinky and turned on easyly...
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Then GF, now wife - impregnated her with our first child.
She looks cute anon. Congrats.
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Thanks. Yes she is !
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Met this girl on bumble a few months after she turned 18. Been her owner for a couple years now.
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She loves public play so much lmao
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X(blonde) and one of the side pieces (Asian) meet and end up in multiple 3sums with one another.
You are legally required to post more
Sauce on this, what’s the story. Tell mour
Older indian woman I use to sleep with.
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lol gotchu. She’s starting pole classes this month, should have her stripping and doing porn more frequently starting in summer.

She has a couple solo vids on Pornhub (I edit em for her - @cumdumbp) - not trying to promo, I just like her being shown off. Will convert the parking lot light post one to webm and post later.
Nice, love the public stuff
Prayers for that pole.
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If it's first time lesbian for her, have you got any good images of her reacting to being eaten by a girl for the first time?
some guys gf i blew a load in at comic con last year
humongous perky tits I had for myself
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Its kind of sad how nowadays threesome are something super common. Like, I have a friend that is older than me and often he says something like "I wish I was young today, people were not that sexually open in the 80's"

And I agree... Now is like:
- go out.
- make out.
- ask if 3 ways is something that shes curious
- says yes
- get the third girl.

I feel kind of blessed, and when looking for Wifey material, is always going to be there... Religious beauties or introverted cute nerds.
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perfect tits
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You're a moron. Shrivel up and make the world a better place.
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I'm married. Opportunity presented itself with this girl so we took advantage of it. But it was never going to be a lasting thing. Just two people scratching the other ones itch.
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Was this your first time cheating? And what else did you do with this chick? Raw sex and cream pies? Rough sex? I love that she gave you your first anal fuck—and that there was such a huge age gap.

She looks cute. Tell us more about this nerdy slut.
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Yes, first time cheating. Always bareback, and usually creampies. She swallowed sometimes but preferred creampies. I don't do rough sex so, none of that. But yeah, insane age gap. Made me REALLY appreciate and enjoy each time.
How long you been married. How big is the age gap?
Great shot, hard to get good vids sometimes
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This is my accomplishment.Fucking love her body
Reject reality and cry about it, you pathetic little bitch.
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Ah shit forgot to post more. Having a hell of a time getting the vid small enough. I made all her content on frontfanz (OF clone) free since we haven't been updating it for the last while. There's a fair bit of content there including the public clips under @lilcumdumbp.

Hosting a gangbang of her in a few weeks if anyone is in the PNW (will be recorded, balaclavas provided, all faces blurred). So far her most is 13 guys in one go.
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lmao look at this slut who is eager to please.

Hoping to get her down a couple sizes to make shopping in the kids section easier since she's at the top of that range for most stores rn.
This is so hot anon. She is such a good little fuckdoll. You mentioned finding her soon after she turned 18. How old are you?
Where in the PNW? I’m in Portland
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PDX, hit me up qwerty69anon@gmail -

I'm 35, so 14 year difference. Lol I made her stop calling her bio father "Dad" so now that title is just for me. Extra fun since she still lives at home and I've met the parents.
When this going through? My kik zaazeezoo818
>I'm 35, so 14 year difference.

Fucking lol. And so fucking hot. Have you corrupted young sluts like this before? And are you going to film the gangbang? I’m sadly in Tennessee otherwise I’d throw my hat into the ring to join.
I've had other young subs, but not for as long or as devoted - she's definitely special. It's hard to find the right level of "devoted but able to function independently" as codependent subs can get overwhelming fast. Femboys & sissies are especially bad in that way.

Yeah the gangbang will be recorded, my role is mostly cameraman + "referee/director" if you will, lmao. Hoping to get her triple penetrated for the first time.
Nice. How did you find this girl? And where will the gangbang vid be posted? I checked out her pornhub vids and she is such a delightful whore.
Nice one
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Bumble lmao, she was looking for someone to buy her a vape cart.

Idk where but I’ll share it here. Prob on frontfanz, maybe Pornhub too.
Fuck yes, I can’t wait. I’ll check out the frontfranz too. Is this the only girl you’re using as your fresh little fuckdoll right now, or are there other sluts?
>Post your accomplishments
I managed to eat an entire bag of peanuts by tossing each one into the air and into my mouth without missing one,

donde en mexico,cabron?
This a midwest soccer mom? GR?
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Helped a lesbian friend get pregnant. I love the idea of someone's body and live changing to continue my genes and I don't have to help at all. Matter in fact they thanked me!

Just the one rn, I'm married too so my time is already somewhat limited. Have had a couple others on the hook this year but 18-21 year olds are inherently flighty and moving from the RP stage to the physical contact stage is kind of a crapshoot.

Feel free to email me if you wanna talk corruption strategy more and stuff lmao. It's addicting, but definitely a long game with tons of catch and release.
In Vitro?
That wouldn't be an achievement, only if you had sex with the girl, making her gf a Cuckqueen and on top of that she would have to support your child for ever.
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just the one?
More ?
Buddy you know she's a "her". The word "they" is reserved for the cases where you don't know the gender of the person in question.

Also fucking top tier achievement!
You're pathetic and mentally ill. Kys
Can you pretty please post all the photos of her?
I think it's "they" as in she and her girlfriend
More of her?
More of that sweet ass please!
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Dylan Klebold is kinkier than I though
You have brainworms
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24 years - She was 26 and I was 50
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rate my wife pussy please
Im allowed only to watch the 8" show, love it
She deserves a good dp goddamn
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where she from
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Finally saw my best friends girls pussy
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My ex
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My ex
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She was a virgin before she met me
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Beautiful girl loved to be cummed on, but she moved away em fur iykyk
That's so fucking hot
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Mature yumm
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I couldn't possibly post all her pics, but I put a few collages together so you can get an overview.
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She gave me her ass for my birthday. My first time ever.
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I would sometimes shove toys or whatever I had on my desk in her twat. Scotty and Kirk both explored her black hole :)
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Most of the pics / vids I have are of BJs cuz she was really good at them.
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bad photoshop is bad
do you happen to have a pic of you creampieing her? if she let you do that?
I used to fuck a Winter also... state?
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Nice pussy
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Sorry - That's a picture I regret never taking.
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From FTM to Bred.

Breeding is the ultimate accomplishment.
Damn that is some pink pussy
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Girl I knew from university. Had my way with her a few times all the while she had her boyfriend. Fucked her from behind in their shared room/bed.
post more of her?
got any vids of her swallowing?
got more of her throating?
FTM to bred? Lemme hear that story
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Ex gf
Since you're not shy about posting her face, any of her looking directly into the camera with your dick in her mouth?
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Best one night stand I've ever had
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My penis inside Dani Valentina's anus
Looks tight. How was it
More? Story and age
That's hot. Age? What African country is she from (or parents)? Does she let you Fuck that big ass?
Hot. More??
lol, mel?
My wife, closet freak and I love it
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hot. more of her?
recorded my barely 18 stepsister showering few times, tight body big tits, I jerk to those everyday since then..
pm me @drfm26 on telegram to trade
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One Night Stand.
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mixed race gf [flip + indian] loves creampies and has a creampie fetish

she literally takes my dick every other day and demands i creampie her

will post more on request
please save this image and spread it around, she's a literal degen whore who loves this shit
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will post video if you guys want
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Got more?
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She's also open for FFM
Roll for original content degenerates and maybe I'll upload some high-res stuff
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Don't have much sadly anymore. She sent stuff that wasn't that explicit, only a few pics were good, for those usually she was like "oops, I wanted to send that to my bf, haha. Btw do you like it? ;)"

I guess she put her conscience at ease with bullshit like this haha.
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Looks somewhat like my ex. She was half arab half white. Story?
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Ex wife
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She was 19, I was 33. Randomly chatted at a bar, she was pretty drunk and open so shot my shot, few hours later I had her spread on my bed raw dogging my dick, blew 2 loads on and inside her, felt great.

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