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love this bitch so much
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she's just so cute
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too bad about the HIV thing from her husbandwife that killed her career
no fucking way
Is that why she only does latex fetish photo shoots now?
That's what she gets for using dirty needles and marrying a tranny fucking poof
it's all about valerica steele now
retards, she just hopped on the onlyfans thing because it's a million times easier for more or the same money. She still works with industry people all the time on her 'amateur' stuff which she wouldn't be allowed to do if she had aids.
pretty sure that's all prerecorded content released over time which is standard practice with most porn
she was so cute before she went overboard with the tats, nose job, and fake tits (and HIV)
wish I was her toy
Ask 4 nudes (647) 545-6294
too bad she stopped doing real hardcore shit
who would wanna fuck an aids cunt
I would (no condom)
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Nah, she got a boobjob for no reason and got in a car crash and hasn't filmed pro scenes for nearly two years now

Any hot goth girl worth their salt nowadays are all on OnlyFans nowadays sadly
>and got in a car crash
didn't know that, probably had a near death experience that snapped her out of wanting to only live and die a pornstar. Her OF scenes are barely any different than what she used to do anyways but fuck she's still hot
>she was so cute before she went overboard with the tats, nose job, and fake tits
shes hot af now tho
now this is bimbomaxxing
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Poor Suzi
its crazy that they even dated. i knew of suzi through her gaming side so imagine my shock when the picture of them together popped up on my feed lol
It was because of Charlotte dating Suzi that I found out that Suzi did porn. I was just an innocent Resident Evil fan.
would have loved to have seen them do a shoot together
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Surprised Charlotte's partner was cool with this. Mustve been awkward at times.
why does she fetishize bbc so much? She needs to stop
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Stay mad
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I think Charlotte and her trans wife were on the rocks or about to get divorced by that time
>marries known queer fucker
>makes him transition into a woman
>forces open relationship with him
>dates trans pornstar-turned-youtuber and then dumps her
>divorces wife-husband anyway
>gets HIV and career permanently hobbled

justice is sweet
charlotte and suzi started dating in the summer of 2021 and broke up at the end of the year, which i suspect was charlottes call due to her marital issues. charlotte got divorced in the summer of 2022. her husband decided to transition like around fall of 2021 in hopes of saving his marriage(thats actually what he said) which happened after charlotte and suzi started dating so i dont think that was a coincidence. but no one wouldve guessed they had problems considering they tweeted out normal/regular things about each other even in the weeks leading to their split.
>gets HIV and career permanently hobbled
pretty sure this is just made up, anon
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i still think sheena shaw is the better whore
goth kitty
not comparable, they are from different eras. sheena shaw is still one of the anal goats to this day but physically she's washed and difficult to look at
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big schnoz
>imagine the sex
I doubt Suzie's little worm even works anymore
I wish I was her bitchboy
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She'd be cute if she wasn't covered in hideous tattoos.
i remember when charlotte made a post about having sex with someone special and then later on fisting her then husband.
thought she didnt have any during this shoot but they did a great job at hiding them for the plot
Any juicy/crazy stories about Charlotte? Want to know more about her.
who cares about this man hating lesbo retired cunt anymore ? just staph it fags
she was on heron
she likes playing some pc game. forgot the name. not really an interesting story but just some lore for ya.
she loved watching hannibal (show) and is a whore for mads
Not that crazy but she has a twin brother named Sean. I wonder how he felt about his sister doing some crazy shit in porn
twin brother?
fraternal twin
based show
sad it got cancelled
>twin brother named Sean
im pretty sure its a twin sister
She used to include him in her IG posts way way back in the day. He was kind of cute, basically a male non-goth version of her.
I'd let her rape me
id let her give me AIDS
why'd she give up the goth style?
for a while i thought she was wearing a wig but no thats actually her hair. i do miss the goth look.
she's a goth milf now
Has she ever had bush in her scenes?
not that i can recall but she for sure didnt wax back then
probably lasered it off because it was her natural hair color
I like how she would say "thank you" after getting slapped or whatever in early scenes. Good actress as far as porn goes.
oh no... I didn't know that. I should've lived in ignorance, not a fan of how she looks now

Nothing i want more than to cum all over those gorgeous feet
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les be honest
any OF video content?
This chick looks like a poor man's Sydney Sweeney.
why does she make me feel so fuzzy?
so quirky! XD
luv goth bitches
simple as
Tbf he was just a dude when they married, then for some reason in his 40s he decided he could be a woman. As far as I know she never said anything anti-trans, they just consciously uncoupled very shortly thereafter as I predicted.

I miss when she was a Legalporno regular. And I preferred her old nose. But the "Happy International Women's Day" photo is the greatest thing any porn star has ever done.

Yah she got trafficked in by Natalie Mars, I thought everyone knew this.

Everyone keeps perpetuating the HIV story, but I've also heard she was attacked by a fan? Maybe in her house? I could never substantiate the story but it kind of made sense to me in that she seemed to roll back the shoots and step away from the limelight a bit for no apparent reason.

She mentioned him in a Woodrocket interview. Apparently re: doing porn he said okay, just don't do anything weird lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB12rDsKvPs
>just don't do anything weird
i wonder what particular thing they found weird cause you know, theres no way her family/relatives that know about her career havent checked it out before.
I love just listening to her speak
then you should watch her cam streams from years ago when she was younger and she was high as fuck off heroin
oh I've heard those could be wild and/or boring. were they properly archived?
I thought she was quasi-blacklisted because she was abusive to other girls behind the scenes
Her brother's story sounds so weird. "Yo dude since you like apex legends here's a pic of my sister doing the porn parody!" Must be a twins thing
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look up devildaughter cam streams and you should find some of them
she looks good with the brown hair and no bangs. makes her look more mature but i am a sucker for the goth look.
That's another rumor I've heard: there are girls who basically got into porn bc they liked Charlotte, they get to work with her and she's super jaded/competitive.
competitive how? like not sharing dick?
I would assume pressuring producers to hire her for scenes instead of her competition
>pressuring producers
lol in what way?
Threatening to say they raped her
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pre boob job
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post boob job
I'm falling in love
Did she get her implants the same time as her ex husbandwife?
id prefer if she wore lingerie
Man why the hell did I never discover her until now? She's hot as hell!!!
She really gonna destroy any chance I have of me escaping porn addiction.
>Man why the hell did I never discover her until now?
i found out about her in late 2019. its been a great time. shes my favorite. the only one im willing to subscribe to.
Man I am falling in love with this chick.
Can't focus on her when there's such blatant workplace safety code violations
she like 99% of white women love BIG BLACK DICK
anyone remember the video where she keeps hitting on the Italian cameraman and finally he breaksdown and thraotfucks her after the scene is over?
This goth chick makes me want to devote my life to worshipping her.
was it a pov?
>pic related is what milf means now
What has caused this mass retardation in the past few years? Zoomers?
This one? https://www.xvideos.com/video.kthimvk3922/charlotte_sartre_fucks_director_after_scene_-_she_needs_more_dick

She lasered it off. She tweeted that the tech was surprised by her tolerance for pain.

tell us you're too stupid to be near a computer without saying it
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Look back at it
nice ass
is lasering actually permanent?
she's a cougar mommy now
Look back at it x2
If she was taller she'd be a 12/10
I want her to abuse me. She's a real pornmommy fuck
She looks like she could be Chloe Sevigny's little sister or something.
goth sexo
she's so ugly
no u
charlotte in a dress
Have y'all met her in person? She's so smol
whered ya meet her?
5'2 isnt that smol
r u serious m8
I like when they carry/fuck her
that face surgery made her look like an ape
nah she looks better now
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big schnoz
fucking faceporn slut. I want to pump her face
Source on this photo?
If you love her, why are you calling her a bitch?
literally says it on the bottom right
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casual wear
any gossip?
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she got the nose job because the lunatic incel stalker who broke into her house punched her in the face and broke her nose and orbital socket.
she was attacked in her home. it wasn't by a fan. it was some incel who saw her videos and thought they turned him gay. he broke into her house attempting to "arrest" her. she fired her gun at him point blank range and somehow missed (lol). he was convicted in 2023 and is doing like 8 years in prison.
she takes valacyclovir daily
sounds made up imo
it's legit. go to Vegas district court website and search "Georgio Ser" case C-23-372934-1
>she fired her gun at him point blank range and somehow missed
wow her ex husbandwife is an even bigger failed male than I realized
How do we know it's not one of those "fuck a fan" things or private session gone really wrong?
That's probably what happens with these whores. Bury a guy with fake accusations bullshit
couldnt find anything you liar

I've always been amused on Twitter or the like when someone posts some turd like this and the star gushes, "Wow, so cool!" to not be rude.
You gotta search the case number here: https://www.clarkcountycourts.us/Portal/Home/Dashboard/29

Her name in there is Charlotte Campbell, which was Lance/Lucy Hart's IRL surname which she took when they got married
fake and gay
looks like a Klasky Csupo character
well ill be, this shit is legit wow. i remember her posting the pics of her nose but do you remember when that was. does anyone have the pics?
I didn't even know it was because of the attack, I just thought she decided to get a nose job along with new boobs
maybe she got hit in the nose and just decided to get a nosejob also. might as well. her face looked more like it would from getting a nosejob than from getting punched.
It does not say when this happened unless I missed it. She got her nose job in 2020. The date 2020 doesnt appear in the document. I think she actually got a nose job and then the home break-in happened some other year after.
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Goth Queen
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Did she break Suzie's heart bros...
lets be real here. it was just a phase for charlotte. at the end of the day, she loves men. suzi should be grateful that she got to fuck charlotte for like 5 months.
She was probably pissed that Suzi's little pp no longer worked
>she loves men
i would say this is why she got divorced but from what lance/lucy said, they were having problems before he transitioned so. i think she will gladly fuck whoever but actually being married is a different story and she probably wants a man for that.
nice shirt
kek wtf
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you should see the way Charlotte looks when she's taking huge porndick from a man, of course she prefers men.
True, she was absolutely perfect when she started
the funny thing is that her content was always better with other guys than with lance
Dem eyes
she needs it
Does anyone have the old one where the guy piss inside her ass while she is riding him wearing red shoes ? It's lost, i can't find it anywhere anymore
does miss Sartre support gooning?
I'll get back to ya on that
Of course. Shes a freak.
Any more pics from this set?
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Her latest work.
I knew about the implants, but did she get surgery on her face too?
fuuck she needs to get back into the VR game now that she looks like a proper goth mistress
Yes. Nose and eyebags at least.

I also remember a tweet from her about the frequency of Botox, but that's something almost anyone in an image business does.
not really a fan of vr. doesnt seem like the performers can go all out.
HEALTH fan, let's fucking go
gets all doctored up to do boring porn for the rest of her days
shes been into femdom for the longest time but yea its not my thing
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*bites your nipple off*
wat do?
thanks to the HIV
She was getting gangbanged by half a dozen guys, doing the typical degrading stuff and then had a mini-freakout when someone called her a bitch (sex talk). Guess everyone's got a line.
theres no way you can call someone a bitch in a positive way. slut? yes.
she continued making videos after your so called headcanon happened.
those were clearly shot previously and released much later
always heard rumors she was a massive cunt to people behind the scenes
Hyperion's bitch
I met her around AVN in Vegas a few years ago and I'm baffled that anyone could find her threatening
those rumors came from people that were jelly of her hot gothic body
she munchin
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she looks like a wax figure
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I mistook her for a JAV star from the thumbnail
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she fucks dogs
anyone know of any other pornstars that have a similar face to Charlotte?
shes 1 of a kind
looks comfy
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What do you think hes getting in return?
if she's leaning into the cuck thing more I'm about to break my dick
Who's in the middle?
why does she say these things? Doesn't she know what will happen if she keeps promoting cucking?
>Doesn't she know what will happen if she keeps promoting cucking?
whats going to happen?
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2D Char
lel thanks for the laugh, 10/10
managed to make her look more dead inside than she already does
I'll send her money to watch her play with bbc
>Tbf he was just a dude when they married, then for some reason in his 40s he decided he could be a woman.

these things just don't happen in a vacuum, but I'll be fucked if I know why, there's the attention marketplace, pornography, and the emptiness of modern life, but it's not an equation, I feel like people can do whatever they want, but the industry around it is disgusting
it's because he fell in love with a woman that had a kink for feminization. Charlotte is the way she is and she'll never change, prob will get even worse the older she gets
>Charlotte is the way she is and she'll never change, prob will get even worse the older she gets
dont know about that. she seems more mature now then when she started.
she's quieter now it seems but she still comes off as sadistic.
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the home invasion humbled her ass
horrible fucking take
I want her to piss in my mouth
yo, post sliders please!


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