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Never sure what to call this, but ngl I find it hot. Non-BBC obviously welcome too!
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not a porn star, but still fits the innocent vs BBC thing
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Who's this?

Honestly, is that why you racists get off on this, because Black is the opposite of innocent to you?
Lmfao what kind “man” do you have to be to marry one of these whores? Don’t get me wrong, I would gladly pump and dump, but marry? You either have a humiliation fetish and get off on it or are in simple terms a pathetic cuck desperate for any crumb of pussy from a pretty girl.
innocent because there is no sex, vs when there is sex, which is not innocent. the skin color is irrelevant.
How are you this retarded? lmao
This dude has never seen a pussy
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Look how proud the dude on the right is of his giant dick. And for all his pride in it, she looks... bored?... contemptuous? In contrast, look how... joyful?... she looks in the picture on the left.

Thank you, anon: I have never been into this fetish, but this picture is sobering.
This is some faggot shit.
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oh man this one is fucking hot
A huge sign of autism is not being able to recognize that she's giving the same expression in both pics, because these were intended to be stitched together by her and her husband, because this is a common hotwife trope.

I think a more sobering fact would be that you had to come up with that nonsense to cope with how angry the picture makes you. normal people just don't care.
cope harder
I want a BBC hotwife, it's my kink.
But I wouldn't publicize it like this.
We would just appear to be a normal couple.
You think those expressions are the same? And you sensed anger masked by cope in my post?

Either that was a weak troll, or you need luck navigating the real world; either way, I hope things get better for you, anon.
>oh man this one is fucking hot
Elaine is a legend.
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Cope-a-Cabana. Facts aren't racists and the fact is blacks are, have been, and always will be violent subhumans while Whites are what they will also seethe over not being, which is why they try so hard to appropriate our culture and history, because they have none of their own.
>This dude has never seen a pussy

Says the cuck.
Actually normal men see it and react with disgust and revulsion and rightly so. We are biologically programmed as men to view whores as exactly that, good for temporary fun and sexual relief, but repulsive as actual long term mates to commit to. If any one isn’t normal here it’s you and the people who get off on another man fucking your woman.
Guy on the left has the cuck haircut. Next step would be if he was bald
He encouraged his wife to fuck niggers lol. She says he's a better lover than the niggers but who knows what is going on with mentally ill people.
jews look like dinosaurs
communists who just happened to be totally jewish foreigners invented interracial because they like to destroy civilizations for their own benefit.
You mean the one who married a prostitute?
A mother at my kids school. I don't think anyone else knows, she's not famous or anything, but I came across her account on instagram. I've seen her drop her kid off to school then return hair all messed up, make up a mess, messy clothing etc. looking exhausted. Her porn is especially degenrate as it caters for cuck, bbc, humiliation etc.
Her boyfriend/husband isn't in the videos, he just films it I suppose
Hot as goddamned HELL! I would bet my soul to Satan that these girls haven't had their last Black cock either.

You just fucking know those little pinkdicks will never be enough, no matter how much money they have. There is no substitute for real dick and Black come flooding their hungry cunts, burning them from inside out.

Some of these married whores are destined to birth Black kids while their cuck husbands watch in drooling horror with their puny dicks throbbing. BBC is the fucking center of their universe.
You're obsession seems unhealthy, anon.
I wish you well
Lucky husband.
hot as fuuuck
i think that pretty much sums it up. Its always this subconscious belief, the amalistic brute with the big penis will fuck your girl better than you can. And the girl being so deprived, caring only about her sexual desire, that she enjoys it.
But yeah, most of it is the Orcs vs elves asthetic.
Marcy D'arcy?
I prefer elaine form cumonherface
whats her name man? I dont think anyone can d0xx you, you could be any father at that school. But I really would love to see that porn
Wow cassie bender married a whiteboi? She basically only fucked niggers when she did porn. Very jealous of the hubby.
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Alana is so hot, she's got a white boyfriend too

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