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I really love porn images/videos in videogame / gamer situations...for example using a controller while being suck or playing naked. I'd love to expand my collection. So please share some pics/videos <3
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I can't stand that down syndrome looking fuck
The left one, yeah? Where have I seen him before?
If you can't beat me in Puyo Puyo or Twinkle Star Sprites I'm not bottoming for you
Mr beast thumbnails getting wild fr
Because that's what's on low supply out there, bottoms. Nerd bottoms at that.
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Cant stand either of them since they jumped on the ftm pussy fucking bandwagon. Ex gay pieces of shit
Ew. I don't get why the younger guy is so popular either, he's mid at best
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why are the memes about asians being sluts for BWC all 100% true?
Damn, sauce? I need to see this guy have his load pumped out of him.

Also, what you is that?
jfc these fukcing tits
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Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs. Confirmation bias is insuperable for most people, but they can manage it, for example, by education and training in critical thinking skills
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¿Gaming chair counts?
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ace anon
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this is my fantasy...casually gaming with a bro, but somehow both get horny and slowly make moves on each other

also kik mh3121 with whatever you feel like ;)
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tits and nips
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crazy b/c that guy aint even azn
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source? Can't find shit on this guy besides thus photo being from at least May of last year and that there appears to be other photos of him based on Pimeyes facial recognition
This is the hottest scene ever.
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>ywn live in the universe where MrBeast went into gay porn instead of autismo children's entertainment
I know he's a dopey look dude but that's my type. A shame he started working out though; I liked him when he was stocky
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What the fuck happened to Jerma?
>retard face
To be fair, anything with Aspen is at least an 8/10
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Pc Master Race
what kind of faggot ass bottom games
the Oxford Study applies to both women and fags
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Great thread! Fuck, i love this pic!
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This guy is absolute perfection
See now why can't something like this be posted on /v/ instead of that fat disgusting fuck?
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this guy is so fucking hot
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Oh this guy instantly kills any boner
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i want a bf I can rim and suck off while he plays games
Why so?
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Kinda like it when guys look almost scared of their cocks; means they're gooning hard

Nice joystick
I would if he would cut his scraggly toenails. Jesus fucking Christ, imagine trying to walk around with him in the house - you'd have to wear armored boots just to keep his raggedy talons from gouging your ankles.
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Holy shit name?

Much appreciated broski
Perfect fuzzy ass. Also love it when guys have hair on their lower backs like that.
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Sauce? I watched this clip for 3 minutes before realizing it's only 44 seconds long.
Yeah lightskins usually are. Or were you talking about James Charles?
Damn. Finally something worthwhile in this thread.
How come nintendo gaymers are hideous fat neckbeards? Holy shit, I've been trying to find a gaymer boyfriend and all of the good looking ones are playing PS5/PC

Why's it so hard to find a guy that will let me come over and blow him while he does other stuff? It shouldn't be this hard.
The unfortunate demand vs supply situation. A 10 dicks needing to be sucked for a 100 mouths wanting to suck them. And that's before adding the thousands of nitpicky variables fags engage in to ensure a match is as difficult to find as possible.
Wales dude fucked a troon?
That's Joey Mills so I guess just look up his videos until you find it
There should be a scientific name for this phenomenon cause it's true.
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>How come nintendo gaymers are hideous fat neckbeards?
Infantilization there's a reason they're called tendies and nintoddlers.
Thanks anon
>tfw am totally into a guy at work like this
He's not fat and he's not like super cute from any objective metrics but I totally like him but unfortunately he hasn't responded to any of my advances

I'm just too nervous to be forward about it. I bet it would do him a lot of personal good to hear from someone that they found him attractive; maybe he'd grow up a bit
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Sweet jesus
Need a stinky gamer bf asap
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kek true
more please
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Love a ginger bush, great cock too
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That's a Kate Bush song.
wtf I love the switch now?
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im from sea and can confirm that im a huge slut for bwc, like i lose all sense of self
...so this is what she meant by "sat in your lap" i see.
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this is OC.

How hot is this …..tight whities
That's Nick Bosa
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now rub your cock on it mm
very nice, poor deck or... lucky deck, I dunno
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Who is this?
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this vid is so fucking hot
Trade my 'ss for a nswitch <3 (help)
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everytime i remember that webm of a guy playing on his pc and his boifren approaching from behind, i break down knowing i will never have that in my homophobic third world shithole and i will die alone
i am already in my twink death phase and starting to see some hair falling off my head
it's over V_V
Post the webm
It seems like you're too damn old to be acting like a child
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I do this all the time. Wish I had a real cock sucker

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