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Post men in this pose
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This is good
Plz post pics with face showing
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Mmmmm. Wanted to sniff his hole and toes for years.
I should have said don't know so don't ask.
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all that shaving and then the armpit afro
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james exposed
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I love armpits
I'm so in love with him
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Been obsessed with this guy for years. I want to grip his cock while I sniff his asshole
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Imagine the smell
its astounding how many older men/grandpas are bottoms. what happen to daddies that are tops only?
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What a slut fag
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sauce on this guy? ive been trying to find more of him for months
For months? What did you find in the first place? :o
Perfect goon bud
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It is weird knowing that a lot of these men were kids once
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>It is weird knowing that a lot of these men were kids once

"A lot"? Which ones weren't?

(But yeah, it's always weird to think of most adults you know--even the biggest asswipes--ever being kids & loving Sesame Street 7 crying if they couldn't find their favorite stuffed animal.
I honestly never understood this, same with the "she was somebody's daughter" thing. To me, kids growing into adults is the most natural thing you can imagine. I mean, happens around us all the time. Some turn into assholes, some don't, and some become the big guys™ that make us their bitch. Those are my favs
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I see this guy on twitter all the time, very hot slut
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there is apparently a Google drive of him floating around somewhere
his name is Aidan or something like that and he had an of in 2020/21
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loose worn out cunt
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filled hole
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That doesn't even look loose
They're too busy fucking to be taking pictures
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Honestly it's hard to stay hard (haha) after a certain age, like 50. Viagra etc can help, but it doesn't feel quite natural, & lots of former Tops are fine w just sucking, rimming, J/O etc.
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do we like it hairy or smooth?
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his hole looks tighter and smaller when its shaved and looks like a slit when hairy hmmm did he get plowed more when his puss was hairy?
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what do you call this type of hole? where the lips are kinda plump?
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Hemorrhoids stupid.
Who’s this sexy slut? Moar

SLUT, that's what

Not really--a hemorrhoid is a small wart-like protrusion on part of the anus, not a fully puffy hole. Trust me, I had to have a 'rroid removed
We're all just children with adult responsibilities, sex is a break from that
Virgin detected
Name NOW
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I'm 52 and not only have one form of sex or another several times a week but wank to completion at least once a day. I'd say 65 or 70 maybe.
I would sniff and suck the fuck out of that.
I need pics like these for more ROTG Jack Frost lewd edits.
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@urdadsfleshlite on twitter
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A sock? That loser should be chewing on somebody piss-stained undies
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Can someone post indian men in this position? Any you can find as many as possible
Very nervous thinking I'm going to end up being posted here
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sauce? holy shit that cock
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Damn, great pic but why didn't it pan down to get that slut's hole?
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>>2599013 I NEED his name
Passing the torch. The old studs have spent their younger years spreading their seed in other men, now they eagerly await young studs to penetrate their manhood deep into them and succeed them as top studs.
God I need a name.
Pos Indians in this position
Fuckkkkk they're so hot I want to be inside them
Actually it's 90% the other way around.
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Closest i got.
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even more beautiful because he is understands. I imagine walking into a room and seeing this. and imagine his face under a pillow. A lovely bitch.
Anything goes desu
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Anything goes, go too far..
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Ruin me
looks tight, I'd wreck
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Take a look in my stomach

Ruin me mf’s ;)
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Proudly spread for you
That's revolting
I need u Pootin!
Fuck this guy is hot.

Is your nickname "Garage"?
Here comes the fart of your life!!
That slut is just asking to be rapped and bred
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