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Anyone have guys that just got massive? Photo collages?
well yes!
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Imagine being proud you destroyed your body and your health. Enjoy diabetes and heart disease fat ass. What a straight up retarded fetish. Why not go out and catch AIDS for fun while your at it stupid?
hell yeah, seethe niggers
Fat bastard - gone from a hot guy to a revolting slob - well done
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Not (yet) massive. But working on it… :-)
There's a reason why the fat fucks are alone in every picture they post.
Most people aren't turned on by layers and layers of blubber, and the idea that you destroyed your body willingly and got off on it speaks to how broken and damaged you are on the inside.
And then they wonder why they're alone or confused why men with fit bodies won't give them a second glance. It takes effort to have a nice body and utter disregard to be a lard ass
There's a lot of projection and unwarranted hostility going on here. I just like feeling and being heavy. I like how soft I'm getting and how warm it all feels. Frankly other people just don't enter the equation. Is something wrong with me? Well my bill of health has always been quite clean. I'm not a virgin. I've dated. Is gaining unhealthy? Maybe at my goal size, yeah. After 350 I plan on a detailed meal plan since moving jobs has made making time to cook less feasible. Believe it or not I've hovered around the average weight range most of my life, and eating this much has been difficult.
When you've lived in the snow from your car while choosing between gas for warming and food for staving off hunger, a part of you doesn't want to be cold and starved anymore. Sure I fap about bellies once in a while but it's not like all I think about is body ruination. I do it for comfort.
Having said this, I do think it's kinda stupid of OP to post this thread on /hm/ considering the gay sphere is notoriously catty and hyper-critical of others' figures. Like the 80/20 rule is even worse on sites like Grindr.
Gainers are cringe because while I love chubby men, they never stop until they become sphere shaped which is fucking disgusting
>>2612775 he looked better before
the sphere ones look like ass but the ones that get the flabby body are so fucking hott
Seconded. That much visceral fat is 1) too inflationy, 2) really bad for your internal organs, and 3) generally kinda uggy. A soft belly that develops into little rolls and handles and a body covered with lovely subcutaneous fat is where it's at.
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Can you guys share photos of what you’re talking about? What’s your take on this?
I mean, the guy in your pic isn't that big yet so it could just be a case of stuffing or rapid gain. But if it looked that taut 50-100 pound later I'd be concerned.
I'm not living with my alcoholic father anymore. But you've seen fatty liver cases, haven't you? Human fois gras. I see a hard ball gut and it makes me want to take a cold shower.
>being attracted to someone who works out vs someone who does not and instead eats themselves to an early grave is considered catty
>this is what the fatty believes
I was saying that the gay scene is full of douchebags who date entirely based on looks and define attraction in an extremely narrow range of acceptable shapes. My statement was that if being ten pounds overweight but otherwise attractive and fit caused a group to suffer conniptions, they probably wouldn't tolerate someone actually obese.
But sure be a faggot about it.
OK, I get it. Good point.
I wish I looked good fat. When I gained 110lbs went from a 7 to a 2. Goes straight to my fucking face.
Damn, that's unfortunate. I actually enjoy my softening face, although I'm not that big and I can still quite easily see the jawline and only a partial doublechin while looking down. I think it all depends on how you care for your face and groom the hair. Some people might look better with a proper beard as well.
oh brothers, you have yet to see their twitters and insta, nice projecting tho
nobody asked queen
chubby faces are cute, just grow a beard and shower
the thing with chubby guys is that there's a sweet spot of rotundness that if maintained, makes them so hot like >>2612775 because he lifts and works out in adddition to gaining.

it's when someone just complete porks out, slobs over themselves and gets a flat ass that it just becomes incredibly unattractive.
to be fair, a lot of guys are just genetically predisposed to get the chicken legs and small ass, of course it's added to the factor or visceral fat but a lot of guys just don't naturally gain in those areas easily
Feederism might be the most disgusting and immoral fetish in the gay community, second only to pozzing. You're literally killing someone for your sexual pleasure. Feeder/gainer relationships are abusive by their very nature. The feeder's fetish makes the gainer feel worthless and unlovable unless they keep gaining weight. Then when the gainer reaches their limit, they get dumped because it's only about gaining to the feeder. And suddenly the gainer realizes he's permanently fucked up his body and shortened their lifespan and no one wants to date him. Meanwhile the feeder has already happily moved on and found another victim. Because it was never about loving all aspects of him as a person, but rather just as a sexual object to be used and discarded.
these are just fat guys who decided to work out, and someone reversed their progress pics. nobody willingly chooses to be a tub of lard
I know someone who did this on purpose. He worked at a Ben & Jerry's and was able to eat a lot of free ice cream to gain over a hundred pounds. He even put it on his Grindr profile.
There's so many assumptions here that going point by point would take ten paragraphs. Who the hell have you met? Noodlesandbeef? I haven't seen anyone except him who fits that image, and he's got 3 bodies at his feet, all caused by invasive ball injection surgeries.
I don't plan on gaining forever. And definitely not for any other person. It's my own body.
Hundred pound gain and counting. 304.5 this morning. Gee, I must be a unicorn!

If any of you people actually gave a shit about the reasoning that leads us to gain, you wouldn't be saying what you've been saying. People can see the health risks of obesity, accept them as true, and still prefer it to being slim. People can be fine with living a shorter life for a multitude of reasons. People can gain for its own sake as opposed to being victims of grooming or abuse. People can be loved at larger sizes without being devalued for not being immobile. People can extend their lives based on their intake and exercise, even if sumo wrestlers might not lead the longest lives either.
wrong + seethe and cry
The mental gymnastics fatties do is wild
Ok, cool.
I think it's hot when men get fatter. It makes my penis hard.
Yes. And when I get fatter and/or a man helps me get fatter, it makes me hard.
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hot. tell us moar
God I wanna watch him wiggling his way through that doorway. And then rub his belly and hips with oil to help him get out. And then...continue rubbing his belly and hips for fun afterward.
they are indeed trash but you make it seem as if they are contractually forced to do it. if anything this is a way for them to get attention. they often lack the qualities that you mentioned and want people who are attracted to numbers.
Banter aside, chubby men are kinda nice. Everyone but of gainer, jesus what a bunch of circlejerkers
i get you anon, but, isn't the whole gay community a bunch of circle jerks of different subcultures and types?
do you have advice for gaining subcutaneous fat all over? 23 year old
Moving the goalpost, but yeah
no joke i've had much of a difficult time trying to get a bear/chub/gainer bf than any other type of gay, i've even done findom and had sugar daddies and such, it's kinda crazy t b h
Honestly filled out pretty well.
You sound fat.
Really hot, I hate that most gainers just want to get fat and that's it, now getting fat and also gaining muscle is a whole different story. Nothing hotter and more masculine than seeing a guy like that eat to get massive
Anyone who engages in this mentally deranged nigger bullshit should be locked in a sanitarium and treated for an eating disorder. I'm being serious, anyone who does this to themselves willingly is sick and needs help. Same goes for anyone who enjoys it, except you should just have a brick thrown at your head until you stop moving.
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I hate the extreme weight gain stuff but I love it when the guy just gains a little weight and hopefully is still a little muscular. Idk something about it is like the dudes body is signaling ‘BREEDABLE NOW’. I just find it so hot.
musclebear is peak male body
are you a little bi?
some straight men are into the "slampigs"
hear the piggy squeal
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so true besties
As someone who was in the "gainer community" I'd say more than 70% of those who'd call themselves gainers are putting it on. Most of them are just fat, and recognise that this is the place where they can get attention or be lusted after, find people who are actually attracted to them. Most of them themselves aren't attracted to fat guys. Most of them will chicken out of any real fat gain, that's why so many notable gainers pop in and out, drop off the face of the earth, deactivate and reactivate their accounts. They don't actually want to be fat but they get sucked into the vortex of fetishism that centres them. And then they die lol
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That’s crazy how you just *know* the motivation of other persons completely out of your ass like that wow
He looks so much hotter omfg

What a sexy hunk
Sexy drunk chef
Its weird how even when he's fit you can see the fat guy inside
he was at his best in the second clip
Links to channel???
literally your chemistry reacting to his hips as "fertile presenting"
i NEED to know who this guy is. So hot before and after but especially after.
his face is very agreeable
grrth/ porkins/ thatonebigchub/ kansasgainer fucked up getting those ugly tatoos
Very undesirable now
Interesting. It's odd though that I find some of these guys attractive when the used to be fit/slim or even in the early stages of bulking up.

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