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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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That time of year again. Here to share the titillating pics of guys going from slimmer or more athletic if not downright skinny twinkish to packing on several pounds of muscle and/or fluff.....and maybe growing a layer of fur along the way. Always sexy to me to see a guy grow in strength and size over time and wish I could experience that with a partner.
let it go bro, and go back to twitter youll find more over there than here
Aging anon….the word is aging
the thing about this kind of collage is that they usually look their best around the midway point, but then they take it way too far.
True enough, but the attractive aspect isnt *just* aging but also aging and growing into a more "masculine" form imo
there's a reason why these type of fags are only into similars, they all want to be and look exactly the same, insane narcissistic behavior desu

Bottom guy should have stayed at red hat stage
not a single nude in this shitty thread, let it die already, bump other threads
Just like the gainer thread, they look fine halfway but then they pig out and turn into balloons
It's funny how they all acquire Bear Face in their selfies halfway thru the transformation
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whos this beefcake?
Sadly idk. Wish I knew.
fuck you you censored the best part

wheres the dick in this thread holy fuck
Let's not ruin Kirby, thanks =).
not one handle, username, soc? if no nudes, it'd be nice to have some takeaway
Last pic is HANDSOME af
I think I'm starting to understand why there are degenerates in this board fetishizing MAGAtards instead of Clinton/Biden branded culture warriors... Faggots are deranged, self-hating masochists that pursue the very things that will obliterate them and love to contribute to further disorder and enthropy; Like a death drive.

Everything about faggots' taste is dysgenic. This so-called twink death is technically the analogue of 'the wall' for males. It's looking at the physical deterioration of a man and thinking: this is ideal.
Faggots are the only group of people saying "this is good and turns me on" when a person turns destroys themselves by turning increasingly diabetogenic, balder, wrinkly and limp-dicked.

This sickness seems to be happening to me because the more I learn about how subhuman and backwards faggots are, the more I start to sympathise with fascists wanting to destroy us, hence my subconscious death wish. I hope everyone reading this hate themselves more and hasten this process of self-destruction.

this is more than aging. many just got fat and doughy
let this thread die pls, absolutely nobody is posting porn not even retarded OP
Exactly. Self-neglect and insanely toxic lifestyles of smoking, alcohol and bullshit. Not attractive. At all. They look like they smell like an ashtray and armpit. They grew fucking BREASTS for fuck's sake from the obesity-induced hormone imbalances....
I agree anons, most of these guys in their earlier days were really hot guys. I mean how can they look back at their earlier pics and not feel some regret for becoming fat doughy bloated whales. So sad
>everyone else is a faggot
>t. shrill faggot
>NOOOOOOO you can’t actually like masculinity as a gay man. You have to only wanna fuck men who are few steps away from basically being a woman
kys faggots
“The wall” has never been something that exists for men. Aging literally masculinizes people. Bi-lite “homos” who only wanna bang femme twinks and femboys should stay out of /hm/ and go to /cm/ or /s/ where they belong.
He’s hottest in 3rd from left, love the hairy chest
This guys is hottest 3rd from left
Love his hairy chest & peeking bush
>Bi-lite “homos” who only wanna bang femme twinks and femboys should stay out of /hm/ and go to /cm/ or /s/ where they belong.

Based. So much this. I want them out of all gay spaces as well.
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Imagine coming home to that at the end of the day. You walk in the door, chuckle at his bear face, then reach up to grab both of his nipples and begin rubbing them as you gently pull him in to stuff you tongue down his throat.

Fuck I'm so fucking single.
seek help

tldr: "i'm not into bears"
>chuckle at his bear face
i would shoot him in the face
Competition is hard, but this one is qtest ITT so far

To quote a great Italian singer - "que voglio ridere è per te"
kill yourself corny ass nigga
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>tldr: "i'm not into bears"
and for the rest of the thread the tldr is "Im not into femme or twinks".

not everyone has the same tastes. both sides should quit hating on each other. we all like who we like, be they bears, femmes, traps, grandpas, whatevers. its no skin off anyone elses ass.

cant we all just get along. ;)
no you're just stupid. my bf is a bear and the sexiest man i know. my point stands
Ooh seen this guy before. Very hot and the package remained just as prominent despite the gainz.
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Love muscle bears too
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wrong thread
let this thread die jfc no one else but op is bumping it with random ass photos no nudes at alllllllllllllll
This is definetly a glow up.
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From boy to man, nice glow up. Funny how even though his face shape didn't change much the beard makes a huge difference.
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he's so hot it hurts to look at him
i've only ever had that thought once before, about henry cavill
>veteran, gay, taken
Always loved the offseason size. Not so sure about the tats tho. Also this guy makes me sad because he was pushed into porn so young.
Is that meatyqueen?
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Not sure who that is.
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