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The MCU may be dead, but its hunks will live on forever
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>ywn dry Thor's sweat post-battle
Feels bad, man
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Do you ever think about how funny it is that he posted his own cock pics
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Imagine the smell
Needs hardcore anal
>The MCU may be dead
They should've pandered to fujos and reap the benfits of autistic loyalty, but they decided to pander to feminists instead
I'm amazed at how quickly it got memoryholed. Evans must have some real good people doing internet PR for him.
His dick was very nice. 10/10 would ride
Underrated one
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I mean, the pic is still out there and readily accessible to anyone who wants to see it. His PR definitely played a role, but I think social attitudes around leaked nudes (even if they weren't really "leaked" in this instance) have shifted enough that everyone just sort of quietly let it slide.
I'm never going to be over of how fucking pretty he is. He's unironically one of those kinds of people that should be having kids on masse purely to perpetuate his genes
No wonder his wife is always pregnant
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Twitter hates him for some reason but I think he's hot
Simu Liu? He's cute. Not my type, but cute
For some reason?
Nah he's hot, but that may be because I have a thing for no thoughts head empty Azn jock guys.
Too bad that Disney decided to shit on him by making him play second fiddle on all the movies. He's so beautiful
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he drew a totally reasonable comparison between gay people and pedophiles (basically saying both groups have involuntary attractions considered outside the norm), in the context of making a larger point. but people see "gay" and "pedophile" in the same sentence and just lose their minds assuming he's saying something bigoted, when he wasn't

he also just has kind of a cringey try-hard personality that rubs people the wrong way
But straight people also can't control their attraction, no? Why didn't he compare his own sexuality to pedophiles? Think about it.
How naive, or is it just because you want to fuck hi? kek
Even if you don't think comparing homosexuality to pedophilia is a bad thing he's still saying your sexuality is a paraphilia
>Why didn't he compare his own sexuality to pedophiles?
because straight people are not persecuted for being straight. please use your brain at least a little bit. he wasn't saying being gay is wrong or bad, he was pointing out the obviously true fact that some people see it that way

i'm the naive one? it is a paraphilia, just a harmless one
Yeah, it is now clear to me that you have some issues that need to be sorted out before you can have this conversation.
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>Yeah, it is now clear to me that you have some issues that need to be sorted out before you can have this conversation.
>I think social attitudes around leaked nudes (even if they weren't really "leaked" in this instance) have shifted enough that everyone just sort of quietly let it slide.
Definitely this. I feel post-Cloudgate really did a number on people because Matt Smith of Doctor Who/The Crown (then) had his cock out and his girlfriend in full shibari and it's never mentioned despite his fame.
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Yep. The % of the population that's ever sent nudes has reached a point where we've all collectively agreed it's normal sexual behaviour and not worth making a big deal about

Back on topic, the kid from Iron Man 3 grew up to be super fucking hot
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OK that's enough discourse, post more hunks
that's a cop out. i do not have the "issues" you allude to. i love being gay, and i wouldn't change it. i just don't see the need to defend it as anything other than a harmless oddity, which humanity and the rest of nature have in abundance. it makes us interesting

pedophilia is also an oddity, but a harmful one. some people think think acting on being gay is morally bad the way acting on pedophilia is, and they are incorrect. what exactly have i written here that you have a problem with?
Made for bottoming
Cute, but too twinkish
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That's not what paraphilia means. That isn't how this works, that isn't how any of this works.
>Guard that pussy
Very nice cock. I wish I was one of the lucky ones who got to ride it
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I miss when he used to play angsty reppresed gay men, but he indeed looks better in capeshit
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Not enough appreciation for him in this thread, for shame
it triggers the one autist
I want to taste that armpit
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Lewis Pullman

Thunderbolts is going to give him to us for five minutes as Sentry, but then kill him off. Wasting another actor they could have done hot things with. Calling it now.
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He cute, but I just can't see him as Sentry.
But then again I guess Hemsworth already fills the role of blond, long haired beefcake.
Neither can I. I'm super into him, but he doesn't fit the role. But... eh. Maybe they'll find him naked in a lab or something.
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God I need to cum inside him so fucking badly
Forever grateful that he showed his cock on that Monday movie. It was beautiful
In a lewder timeline we got this on screen
A shame we didn't saw him shirtless on those movies
If you're gonna post celebrity fakes at least post a good one
idk what looks more painful, tom's neck position or his missing fingers on his left hand. keeping your hand floating while you're getting fucked is probably not comfortable either
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I think it's just a natural limitation of the medium that for every one fake that looks passably okay there's a thousand eldritch abominations

I'd tap that.
>Matt Smith of Doctor Who/The Crown (then) had his cock out and his girlfriend in full shibari and it's never mentioned despite his fame.
Because he's hideous.

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