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Vault qt
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awful tattoos,thank god they removed those from the show
>awful tattoos
This chick is frog maxxed as fuck
You…proved his point? On a side note, it’s wild that the aliens are trying to get us to want to fuck them.
Seems to be a zoomer prerequisite. You can probably count on one hand the number of actresses under 30 that don't have ugly-ass tattoos all over. Never thought I'd miss the days of tramp stamps and ankle tats. I'll take them over forearm tattoos any day.
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No spoilers, some zoomers might have not seen MIB
when that old guy thinks its the old folks home and they are surrounded by their peers still
nothing like spending the day talking to some brown teen bois. thats the gold part
Zoomer girls like her only fuck millennial men
oh so thats whats going on. your sad about your lost youth. got it. more gold is coming in kek
they wouldnt understand the subtleties of Linda Fiorentino anyway
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honestly she has always got me weak since she got the fame with that Tim Burton movie
but then she started getting all trashy with those tattoos i don't like it that much
but still even her eyes that many faggots here try to mock with pepe and shit
her look her features in general i find her cute and pretty sexy always have
i think she turned into a hot woman nonetheless
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tldr. get a heat attack. LAWL
burn to death bitch faggot but suck my dick first
NO DUDE he has to suck my dick first!
Im going to want to get in on one of your blowjobs to my dick is hard already
nice toes
woah this dude is coping hard
kek i saw that

my cock your open mouth
let me give you a good ol' <3
KEK no one would read some whine paragraph. WTF LAWL!
*starts strutting around the thread*
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>when you are trying to stay cool to the kids
you go coco
HEY! I want to be well liked by brown teenagers on 4chan.
cool bear
>thinking about them beans
*starts strutting also*
he cute
umh bros, thats gold
he cute
think about THESE beans!
I love bong women but I'm Irish so I must keep it secret in public.
glad to know retards ruined this thread. then again /hr/ has always been shit so what else is new.

inb4 niggerposting
you tell em, dogg! you fight them internet trolls!
dude he is just trying to feel good about being a faggot like just tell him to suck your dick like a normal person
you are right thats a based take and im taking it
oh they're so mad!
im thinking about them beans
Is it so hard
to admire the face of cute ayylmao
without resorting to autism?
Is she half pajeet or something?
Half alien
half qt half okie dokie
looks so cute here
damn how much time past between these pics? he face looks terrible
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Just imagine those pretty lips wrapped around a huge black schlong

Oh wait I don't have to, that's in the upcoming Fallout episode.
Dat jawline.
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what a goofball
fuck you reddit tier faggot personality. hope you lose all the people in your life and cry everyday and write faggy paragraphs hoping for upvotes
>Tattoo extra bonus
fuck you reddit tier faggot personality. hope you lose all the people in your life and cry everyday and write faggy paragraphs hoping for upvotes
its time for you to slice your throat open
Its time for you to go to bed, you have middle school in the morning
buy a shotgun and then shoot yourself in the head
fuck you reddit tier faggot personality. hope you lose all the people in your life and cry everyday and write faggy paragraphs hoping for upvotes
Dont forget to slice your throat open
didn't know she had that
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>tfw she will never give you some okie dokie
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disappointing boobs
post your boobs
is she a cutter?
>crypto millionaire
Even though she was the lead character i Fallout, she looks like Elizabeth Comstock from BioShock Infinite. I'm not optimistic on Video Game-adapted TV shows, yet she'd be the proper fit for the role based on her appearance. Can't say how good the acting would be though.
kek you doomer faggots look like little indoctrinated bitches.
i want her pretty hazel eyes to look up at me,
after i ask her to tuck her chair in so i can get past
i don't mean it as a meme or insult but she is legitimately an alien
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Wow you guys are a bunch of fags I just wanted to look at cute frog pics
Can’t wait to see a big black cock explode in her pussy
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Shut the motherfucking hell up, you absolute clown-nosed twats. Post pics, and keep your intellectual diarrhea to yourselves.
waifufaggots never stfu. they behave like indians on facebook that attempt to flirt with paintings of women.
if you want to know the only tactic that works. you just post images without writing anything to waifuists at all.
I fucking love her
so cute it hurts
looks like shes part Yautja
>awful tattoos
there is no other variant
fuck her
Le creatura de la britannica.
bong women supremacy
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nice madpost
faggy normiepost
I jerked off to her 'Okey Dokey' and slimy foot scene.

yet you yourself bumped with words. curious.
thread has been dead in the water because of the lack of actual images getting post. dead thread. normie users. fucking lawl
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God I love her
>thread has been dead i
it is not
This woman is like a sexually attractive Pepe the frog in human form. And that is not a bad thing.
You have Autism. You cannot comprehend sarcasm. You are Autistic.
slice your throat open tonight, you normie faggot
buy a shotgun and then shoot yourself in the head. FUCKING LAWL!!!!!!
swallow sleeping pills and then go swimming in the ocean. OH TOP KEK!!!!!!!!
eat some glass and then shit it out, bitch!
newfaggot fucks like you need to go back to X
>when a goofball wants to be a 2024 waifufag on 4chan
thats gold
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wow anon did actually did it,
did you get a prize?
she wishes she could look this good! i thought she looked interesting but the more i saw of her the worse she started to look
>eyes bulging out the older she gets
>only 27
>large shitty tattoos all over her body
>tiny saggy pancake tits
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>>tiny saggy pancake tits
Your saying that as a bad thing? I think it makes her better
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She is RIBBIT for our pleasure.

This part is a shame. Tattoos drop her by at least 3 points so that makes her mid, she otherwise would have been quite nice.

>they're ALL OVER
fucking god dammit
every angle all the limbs it's a cruel joke
looks like frog
All praise KEK.
What a queen
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Why 4Chan hates her ?
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less talking, more pics lads please
>why do trannies and faggots hate women
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You're right, fuck trannies
Goon worthy face
Bong faces are erotic.
>You have Autism. You cannot comprehend sarcasm. You are Autistic.
I can comprehend sarcasm because it's a spectrum and not everybody is Chris Chan autistic
>slimy foot scene
This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGxUw8EHrP4
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Milky Goddess
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What a gem,love it!
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She deserves new fans
She has sexy feet
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I'm going to yellow jacket off to her if you know what I mean
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Less gay retard talking more nice pics.
Female George Russell
smol fut
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half a point above Brie tier
I need her so badly
You're wrong.

I've seen plenty. her arches are flat and her toes are crooked, bulging and graceless. only positives are that they aren't too big or unhygienic. low side of average if you dont focus on them and the longer you stare at them the worse they get.
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no cap?
is this show any good?
That's Mila Kunis with a mask on
>actor based reality
Does she have TED?
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Would you?
Tfw no micro qt to wrap her whole body around your dick
First Anya and now this one. Are they preparing us for something?
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finna bust to this bong slut
never got the point of bust on a toy till now
Do you mean like they smell? If so, could you give me some examples of unhygienic celebrity feet? Asking for scientific purposes of course
meaning they look healthy and mostly clean.
>examples of dirty celeb feet
none off the top of my aside from Brie. sometimes I'll be cruising wikifeet and see some really uncared for soles or toes and just be like "damn bitch, you live like this?!". although it seems like most of those were from before foot fetishism was acknowledged publicly by the talent.
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How her feet smell like? I mean, picrel was the first time she washed them after several days of wearing thick boots 24/7. I bet the lake monster enjoyed cleaning up her sweat and stealing her stinky footwear as a souvenir
She's a beauty
what in the hell
I know you want to watch the show now
A thanks bump to the other posters. I almost missed the thread!
>tfw there's a scene in Fallout in which it's stated she smells good while she's covered in sweat
I wish I had a bong gf
She's an hapa tho
prove it
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jus keeping things alive
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We need more content from her :(
Apart from the fact that she's not a 300 pound, chain-smoking, hag, she reminds me a lot of my first fiance. Thank god I had the foresight to knock that relationship on the head by letting her finish things and move to Minehead. I did miss her though. She could suck a cock that one. That was 30 years ago now and I'm married to a lovely lady and we have two kids. Funny how things turn out.
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Really? Well that's interesting.
She's a daywalker. All of their strengths and none of their slitty eyes.
safety bump
I love Ella!
Cool now post some pics.
Women not getting a retarded tattoo in stupid places on their bodies challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]

Every fucking woman I dated, and at this point every celebrity I see have some dumb tattoos in random places like their thighs or wrist. And it never looks good.
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Why are upper class bong women so hot?
Because they're french
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As a Frenchman from good society. The history of notable English or French people was truly noted by this desire for elegance and refinement. The very one that is coming back into fashion with “old money”.

Quite ironic to see how our countries are invaded by the low spirit and lack of culture of these African immigrants.
I'm Irish and exclusively coom to bong women like her
>The history of notable English or French people was truly noted by this desire for elegance and refinement.
I'd say that was the norm for all Europe until WW1 (and even more before the infamous french revolution)
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You are probably right, the European aristocracy is certainly more extensive (Italy, Austria, Spain...) I am speaking from what I know.
didn't know these two met up. do you think they kissed wetly with tongues?
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Oh the fantasies of their meeting are there. I love Anya too, she's a real foot slut, she likes to show off her feet through sublime high heels.
I'm surprised to see Ella shorter than Anya
She's kinda ugly to me
Looks like a toad or something with those big ass green eyes that almost gouge out of her eye sockets LOL
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That's the point you silly little retard, She's a custom character
Her eyes are her hottest feauture. If anything her jaw looks way too wide in some pictures, but it's probably an optical trick since on video it's not that bad. Still would anyway
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>awful tattoos

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