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Women and before/after of women getting wrinkles and sagging bodies.
Lol and be awed at hot women losing their looks. Women IRL, anime or celebrities.

Bonus points if including their age at time of pic and as high res as possible
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Oldie but goodie
Gal gadot already getting crows feet at 28
Getting wrinkly-er at 32
I'd bet a year's salary that OP's hard drive would get him incarcerated.
The Wall Anonymous 04/19/24(Fri)21:05:54
Women aging/hitting wall thread Anonymous 04/19/24(Fri)21:20:54
Seriously? 15 minutes later, my thread but worse?
Getting even older at 36
DIdnt notice that one honestly, my bad
This bar none the cringiest thread notion here. Wow you're an awful excuse for a man.
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Watson got old
he'll die alone, go easy on him
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No, it's your thread but better
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haha shit. this guy exclusively jerks to nickelodeon
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Emilia clarke in her prime was so gorgeous
Then the wrinkles attacked
(twenty-nine years old or something I think)
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And Emilia looking sweet as she hits 32
Wonder what Hermoine is going to look like at 35
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Here are some good links I found for stuff like this

OP’s girlfriend, undoubtedly
I dont feel its about perfection. Its just nice to watch really beautiful girls gradually age and develop things like crows feet, sagging breasts . Its beautiful in a way, really.

Just think of what had to happen for this woman to go from being a hot chick in her prime to looking like this
Except that one is under 30 kek.
Funny how the asian is hotter older. Not even into them but just sayin'.
what's funny about that?
This woman didn't hit a wall, she fit the all you can eat buffet. She fit it right into her diet.
Mega oof

My favourite is seeing women under 30 getting wrinkles. A pretty girl on top of the world losing her looks so fast, succumbing to age and fading forever
People used to think women became un-marriageable after 25. I wonder if women aged faster before the 20th century? Or maybe women are just walking around with wrinkles covered by much better make-up than pre-history, and aging before 30 is normal?

Picrel is Kate Winslet's face aging at just 26. Poor Titanic girl got wrinkles so fast
Poor white women, for you time is an enemy
Non-white women talking about how white women age is funny

"White women are SO weird when it comes to their aging insecurity. I remember being 25 (26 now) and I was telling my latino coworker about what I’ve been using on my skin as a new regime. This weird azz white woman who I BARELY had ever exchanged 10 words with and who claimed to be 36 (looked a good 12 years older) butted into our convo talking about “ I remember when I was y’all’s age, I had a simple skin care routine using only dove soap and Argan oil. Just wait till you hit 30, you’re going to have to add about 6 more products to that regime daily when wrinkles start coming in.” Like girl Wtf? I told her that my mother was a beautiful 60 yr old woman who had been using black soap and shea butter for years, and she didn’t need anything else extra so my confidence was in seeing how well my mother had aged. She responds “As women, only time will tell for us, “hun”. I thought my skin would be flawless forever”. I was like “none of the women in my family had wrinkles at 30, that seems a little early“. She was so bitter talking about “if you say so” and then left the break room. Like what kind of weirdo mess was that?? They are very jealous and envious of women who look better than them because they are told from a young age that they are the most beautiful and desirable. Their beauty begins to diminish prematurely and from there, they make it their mission to try and project their insecurities onto others, hence the Karen image they have infamously made for themselves."
This woman's skin texture at 34
incel thread
Faggot post.
Think shes mid 30s here
I see an improvement here
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Then you'll be disappointed to know she lost the weight & looks like this now
Op is bald
Why is 4chan obsessed with women aging?
Kind of related, pic of mom and daughter
Moms gone deflated and sagging compared to daughter who is still full and perky
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>Why is 4chan obsessed with women aging?
i became interested in it a few months ago. i kept seeing a gif of this woman posted so i decided to look her up
So, to be clear..
Michelle Trachtenberg has jaundice and might be dying?
That's Erika Eleniak and I think part of me just died.
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>hitting the wall
>posts pics 15 years apart
shes aged better than most
Making fun of the wall is for roasties who act like they're still hot and don't want to get married.

Anne Hathaway got married at 29, no need to be mean.
left looks like shit too
go and watch Wild Things and tell me this is surprising. unironically Carmen Electra looks better.
>go and watch Wild Things
i have watched it back in the day but not for her. never been a fan. but she looks so worn out and old now its comical that she expects people to pay for pics of her like this now
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>hitting the wall
>posts pics 15 years apart
do you not understand the point of this thread?

>Asian girl is the only girl whose 'after' is an edited promo headshot

funny how people look younger when you deliberately edit the photo to make them look younger
>I have never seen a woman up close without makeup in my life.
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>I have never seen a woman up close without makeup in my life.
its not makeup making these women look like this
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Tiffani Thiessen
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jessica simpson
kek, good thread op. 3dpd a shit
aged like fine wine
Men just had standards. Also, now there are many men with a mommy complex, which is the most pathetic thing that can happen to a man.
>I have never had a woman that wasn't past her expiration date.
>oi 'arry!
not bad, goof for her
hitting the wall means a quick change retard
you dont slowly fuckin approach the wall over a decade
>Women aging/hitting wall thread
>hot women losing their looks
>hitting the wall means a quick change retard
>you dont slowly fuckin approach the wall over a decade
what difference does it make? this thread is for posting pics of ugly women that were once hot
As if Winslet isn't the all time giga-MILF

Cathy who?
She's still hot
Yeah, absolutely, but she is in her 70s now & has visibly aged
>soccer mom that shoots someone over a convenience store parking space phenotype
I think thats just a timeline of how the average woman ages, kind of like this
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>I have never seen a woman up close without makeup in my life.
What poster thinks hot young women without makeup look like
I agree with you fully about Emilia at that age. She was so perfect. So soft, round and ripe. Her body was perfectly curvy, the perfect balance of being full figured without being heavy.
Now I admit she has aged a fair amount, but she still looks amazing. Especially compared to some of the broads here. My only complaint would be shes made herself to skinny.
Hillary 1994
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Hillary circa 96-97
this is all because of you faggots obsessing about
>muh wall she hit hurr durr the wall she hit the wall
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>Getting even older at 36
>Eben older
Nigga, 36 is old. Most athletes and models retire by 30's.
OMG, all these women are hideous.
Only way to fuck those is to pull the blinds and lights off. Maybe snort some coke too.
Yeah she was truly a princess, so soft and delicate
She looks good compared to women in their 40s or 60s, but shes super wrinkly. Her skin is a million miles from young.

Its just sad how fast it happened. She started aging and losing her looks before she hit 30. She had like 5 years in GoT till she got old.
>picrel her last year
Not all women have wrinkles or greys by 36 even without makeup. Usually asian or black women, but still.
The body is decaying by that point, but some women can stay fairly well preserved
Yeaaaaaah....I see what you mean. Cant really deny it.Time comes for us all as they say. It's tragic how soon it happened. But I still insist she look very good for the most part.
How old are you? Most people start getting grey strands in their late 20s/early 30s
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zooey deschanel
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grandma dunst
granny trachtenberg
h christ
another granny keri russell
Emma has aged beautifully. You faggots keep posting the one two pics of hers from the same event. Her recent US Open pics, her recent Prada Fashion Week pics and her photoshoots promoting her booze only a few months back prove you haters wrong.
Happy Birthday to her, 42 years young yesterday, I hope Fatt Damon took her out someplace really nice for dinner.
I no longer believe in a just god.
Id ignored this thread all week but opening it now holy fuck it's virginial in here, somehow worse than I expected. I thought this wall shit was a meme but you guys actually get off on this
what the FUCK
lol this thread is mild as fuck, is this your first time on the internet how is it worse than you expected?
>Emma has aged
her looks are fading fast
>but you guys actually get off on this
yes, i think its funny
JK is hotter than Emma now.
I'd make out with her if she was my sister without the Absinthe shenanigans.
Go to bed Scotty.
i used to think she was so fine. now... just lol
yeah, i know she has health problems but thats no excuse
what body type is this?
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How does 4chan posters deal or cope with getting older?
Mostly talking shit about those fuckin kids...
She's a middle-aged mom. What do you expect?
Eastern European Grandmother.
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Don't lookup what happened to her.
She looks so sad
how many feet are you allowed to be within a school?
>visible mustache ...
Patti was never a beauty, but ... ewwww
CamCam is the result of a single mother in Hollywood
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she just got fat. shes still young its reversable. she didnt do this. lol
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look at this goblin
Who? And what? She's still young
How old is she?
right > left
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daughter on family ties
the klingon ellen page... one of her many looks
Such a fucking shame, she was so cute
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The lighting in that photo really isn't helping, but she was also always a little unusual looking anyway
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another walled baywatch babe
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yet another baywatch bade

nicole eggert
Looks like a Russian POW from WWI. She looks like she does radiation therapy for fun
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bridget fonda
Amanda Seyfried 2024, not shopped. Photo is from Berlinale 2024, you can see a lot more online. Even with makeup, cannot hide the wrinkles
Her brother isn't in bad shape though.
If she still has a vag...WOULD.
Requiem for a hottie on a red bathsuit
( holds memoirs from Charles in charge & Baywatch dearly)
This case is beyond science, we need Dr. Strange and Dr. Fate to go deep into the mystical realm to find an answer
Someone at Howgard Make a spell to her or maybe was Rowlings who put a gypsy spell on her for giving her shit about the fucking shemales Trans
Sad to see the lady(ies) sag. They had a really nice shape
Uma Thurman at like forty
This kid is the reason why. Drained the pretty things and gravity did the rest
my saggy tits fetish is in eternal debt with you
Willie Nelson looking rough
Christ on a bike
Fivehead detected
Have you seen this stuff? Do you like this?

I wonder if it's truly not worth it to keep looks like hers after a while, after being in the public eye for so long... I mean, you got all the attention you needed, you know you had it when you did, have the spouse you were looking for, have more money than you can spend in a lifetime, so it's time to move on in life and stop worrying...

Avril Lavigne was spared... I'm happy for her
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more milf bush pls, that's my fetish :3
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>Avril Lavigne was spared
she looks like shit. get your eyes checked.
>acne all over her face covered by heavy makeup
yuck! plus her jaw/cheeks are so big now she looks like quagmire
just like this bitch
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Just lol at this woman being 28

Reminder that white women start aging by their late twenties and >90% are wrinkly by 30 (under their makeup)
Also does anybody have the video?
Nostalgia fap. That's it.
Young Hilary was smokin
Still would
Always has been
What the fuck, I thought you were joking. I'm older than her and I don't have any wrinkles. I swear make-up must be poison for skin.
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oh man this is really upsetting!
Still fucking hot!
imagine having the genes to make your skin so weak it looks like this at 28
How old is she here?

big girl

If you like that what about these? She's just 30 and childless, so I guess the sun must be melting her like a candle
penny looking elderly
Granny Penelope
peaked in 2003
the fuck am i supposed to be looking at here?

retarded ass thread full of loser anons you just know are hideous
sorry mate, I'm fucking beautiful
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marriage must be going really well

Do you think she looks old here? Her skin is still smooth, her face is a bit weird, but it might just be the ugly haircut and bad shot
You can see her skin texture so if she had wrinkles they would probably show. She has neck-lines but they arent bad.
I think shes okay
she is getting worse and worse, which is unfortunate, but looks almost self-inflicted. Hence the reference to the marriage.
>Happy Birthday to her, 42 years young
looks more like 62. damn does she look elderly!!!
for 42 she looks pretty normal I think. She could be aging worse
Precossal wrinkles are not abnormal for expressive people. Especially Emilia Clarke, who uses every muscle in her face in every interview. And she has to do the same in her everyday life.
No, she didnt have those when she was young, they're not what you'd see on a young woman in her prime

Shes only 29 but she looks old, clearly past being youthful. I bet she wouldnt get carded anymore, nobody would think she's 21 or something.

God I hope its not normal for white women to be wrinkly before 30
I really think her aging is from her health issues, if I remember it started happening around that time.
also she's 37 there
Didn't she have brain cancer or something? Give her a pass. If anything it's the indian genes coming out as she ages.
>Didn't she have brain cancer or something? Give her a pass.
maria menounos has cancer and is almost 50 and still looks great
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heather locklear
>if the marriage is going poorly they will age

aging is a result of having fun you sheltered faggot lmao
aging is cruel
Stress is one of the greatest risk factor for advanced aging.
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>Stress is one of the greatest risk factor for advanced aging.
most are ugly to begin with
>cherry pick best photo of asian woman and worst of whites
>totally not a seething browncel
Fuck the wall. We used to call that MILFs
Stop being gay and love all ages of women you incels
>Stop being gay and love all ages of women
delusional old hag enjoyer
she was never good to begin with
How old was she here?
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Damn that's rough.
I remember a time when I could have just rubbed my dick on her leg once and I'd have blown a fat load.
>Before marxism
>After marxism
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No fucking way. How in the fuck is this even the same human being as picrel? I don't believe it. It must have been a thermal nuclear wall then.
This thread is brutal and depressing. Fuck you OP.

You cant deny it, its natural and it'll happen to all women
Walk down the street and take a look at the lines that form around women's eyes, the lines on their forehead. Not alot of women today dont have it
Its a special treat when women dont dye their hair, and you can see the greys growing in

Its just about appreciating a woman's youth when she does have it, and appreciating it while it slips away

Some women last till 40, even 50, some women begin it earlier, like picrel, but all women go on the beautiful transition at some point in their lives. Just enjoy the show
>said 10,000 generations of homo sapiens who aged and died
I like it when they hit the wall
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>>4862278 Oh my god this woman

Something highly applicable to all these women

All women hit the wall eventually but white women hit it early and hard

How do nazis cope with their wives getting wrinkly at 30? Smooth-faced asian and black ladies must get tempting
"I thank god everyday I'm black" is just hilarious
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dont know if shes walled or just plain ugly

maya shrunken head hawke
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looks a 40-year-old dressing like a little kid
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these are current year pics
Seethe more brownie.
Uh, no shes not.

Didn't read, asians are not on par with white women, ever, at any point in their lives. From day one they have slightly greyed pussies and buttholes and it only gets worse. I can't take the sight of a 20 year old asian pussy, with their nasty fucking black labia.
It was that women above 30 had an insanely high risk of them or the baby dying in childbirth (or both).
>Smooth-faced asian and black ladies must get tempting
Black ladies? You mean animals with wool for hair? With disgusting curled ingrown pubes and black pussies looking like wesley snipes smiling? No thanks.
its not that much higher, its only at 35-40 the risk gets much higher

Also, is she supposed to be getting wrinkles at 26? Is it normal for women to look this old without makeup in their mid-twenties? Thats what concerns me
lol you're a fat incel idiot
>aging is cruel

as is her plastic surgeon- what a hack job.
For fuck’s sake, anon
>looks like Wesley Snipes smiling
or the back of Forest Whittaker's neck, AH!!!
would not (pull out)
if you consider that a wall you need to touch grass (i know that pic is like 20 year old but the point still stands)
Jeez shawn michaels looks rough
Yasmeen was my favorite. I found this out a few years ago. What a disappointment.
I could perhaps understand if you'd posted a much more recent photo, but calling that walled is absurd
Whatever. Of the thousands of pictures of Emma Watson on the internet, it’s remarkable that there’s only a small handful of her that are unappealing. The truth is that she’s a beautiful woman. In any case, as someone who has aged with her, I can safely say there is no age at which I would not fuck the actress who played Hermione.
yeah emma has a pretty face but the fact is she is aging. why take it personal? many of us liked these old hags when they were young and pretty but look at them now... yikes.
>I can safely say there is no age at which I would not fuck the actress who played Hermione
give it a few more years
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You're shallow as fuck

You're either brown, a women, or just really fucking retarded

There are plenty of women who are above 40 that you'd have to be either a fag or just really low in testosterone to not wanna fuck
Guys prefer women who are about 16 the most. we only want youth, but emma watson is literally one of the most famous celeb women ever. She one of the most jerked to women ever. in 10 years guy will be jerking to her still and she'll probably get desperate once she reaches near 40 and do more lewd stuff. her face already looks about there and will probably stay the same now for the next several years
I don’t think many people would prefer her looks now to hers 10+ years ago. My point, though, is that she has an X factor that makes her irresistible in a way other celebs aren’t. For me it’s some very specific and unique facial and body features (prominent nasal bridge, freckles, lips not too thick/thin, effortlessly sly smile, angle of her jaw, etc) mixed with her personality, intelligence, and voice/accent. It doesn’t matter to me that another celeb may be 10-15 years younger and checks all the boxes for what is considered objectively/conventionally hot…I’ve yet to find another celeb who makes me cum the way Emma does at any age. I’ll keep notes and report back in another 10 years, but my prediction is that she’ll be just fine. Yes, she will be older, but “hitting a wall”? No.
Look at that fucking manjaw she could break diamonds with it. Is this what counts as attractive in the west? Fucking hell.
Nobody can give me a good reason not to travel to Thailand and fuck 19 year olds well into my 60s
too much work for a used up hag
It's cheaper to get aids locally.
What do you mean? She has wrinkles on her forehead, around her eyes, around her mouth. She's not 40 yet sure, but is this a woman in the prime of her youth? The lines are just so noticeable

Is it normal for a woman under 30 to get such deep crows feet coming from her eyes? Is it mostly a white woman thing?
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>There are plenty of women who are above 40 that you'd have to be either a fag or just really low in testosterone to not wanna fuck
RIP Meatloaf
amanda please
she get that turban from Miss Cleo's estate sale?
Normal for british smokers.
This genuinely depresses me
Yikes. She somehow simultaneously looks 25 and 65 here.
holy fucking shit, what a decline
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How's dana holding up?
>age starts with 2
at least 4 years past expiration.
Thats not what this thread is for weirdo
I love this thread. Gives me a weird wistful feeling like the work of Henry Darger.

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